International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 25 Number 3- July 2015 Fuzzy Based Inter Cell Interference Cancellation in LTE System Priyanka # Student in Electronics and communication, VTU Belgaum Karnataka, India Abstract— LTE System is emerging wireless technology which offers reallocation and reutilization of the unused subcarriers. Not all the network runs with highest load at all the time. Therefore part of subcarrier always remains unused. In a multi radio environment LTE System allows the user to request for subcarrier while roaming from another service provider. In case the service provider has free subcarriers, it can reallocate the subcarrier to the demanding user. Also power allocation is a major concern in such a network. The allocated power depends upon inter cell interference among user transmission. In this work we provide a Fuzzy based mechanism for coordinating inter cell interference and reduction using appropriate channel, modulation and subcarrier selection. Keywords —LTE, Fuzzy system, Channel allocation, Power allocation I. INTRODUCTION LTE is Long Term evolution network. Generally it is referred in conjunction of 4G network. A LTE system is used to provide seamless internet connectivity to the mobile devices (4G) by increasing the data rate with the collaboration of other underneath radio networks. LTE basically, a mechanism of combining various networks seamlessly. Other technologies are also presented [1-10] in order to improve the capacity of system. The main problem with LTE system is how to manage different technologies and how to increase channel capacity because the objective of it is to increase the available channel capacity by multifold. In this work we design a MAC/Phy standard of LTE system based on OFDM. The cellular cell is divided into micro cells. A micro cell is part of the large cellular cell which supports data communication through any of the wireless techniques. As LTE supports multiple technologies to do exist, multiple channels and data rates are to be managed efficiently. Currently the access points or the base stations manage the data rate through appropriate sub carrier allocation. Such allocations are based on user demand as well as available resources. However inter cell interference is a major concern in such networks. Before any resource allocation, coordination between the access points is desired. Current state of art techniques mainly focus on Carrier to Interference ratio (CIR) based measurement for resource ISSN: 2231-5381 allocations. But such interferences affect data in different ways. For instance, for voice transmission the quality of received voice should be considered where as image reception quality is measured by PSNR. Hence single parameter based technique does not offer efficient solution for resource allocation. In this work we develop a novel technique for resource allocation with the help of multiple parameters such as BER, PSNR and Edge Similarity percentage for images and resource allocation is based on a fuzzy based system that can convert various quantitative values into qualitative value set of {VERY LOW, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH , VERY HIGH} interference. Based on the interference the resources are allocated and it is shown that interference is reduced significantly by proposed approach. II. PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem statement of the work can be summarized as to design and simulate a LTE system and demonstrate efficient resource allocation based on observed transmission quality among the access point and coordination based exchange of the observed quality. The transmission quality set defined by multiple parameters must be resolved using a fuzzy based system in order to provide better transmission quality to the nodes. The system must justify the design with the help of appropriate graphs and should improve the transmission quality achieved in present system. III. FUZZY BASED SYSTEM Fuzzy logic based system is designed Fuzzy logic, [2] distributes the decision on a number of fuzzy sets . The decision is made based on combination of fuzzy sets and which depends on degree of closeness to required performance. For the performance to be better a feedback loop is connected in within the system in order to monitor the penalties action taken by the fuzzy system. The resource is nothing but the frequency bandwidth and power which can be compensated using antenna adjustment by down tilt or by allocating required power. This can be achieved using fuzzy logic. For self healing purpose it needs to Page 126 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 25 Number 3- July 2015 be work with cell outage detection (COD) and cell outage compensation (COC) under the project of SOCRATES [2]. The near far effect is also addressed by controlling the SINR. From the above discussion we can deduce the concept of fuzzy reinforcement. IV. LTE SYSTEM In simple terminology a LTE system allows multiple technologies and channels to co exist and user can select the most appropriate channel and band based on the demand. The heart of the system is Evolved Node Base Stations which are commonly referred to as eNB. Such nodes can switch between different technologies and channels. The core objective is to increase the data speed with the assistance of various core radio First data is converted from serial to parallel and then each stream is processed as independent data block. They are added with parity codes using convolution encoder and an interleaved sequence is added between the frames. Orthogonal modulator modulates the sequence with carrier signal that are phase shifted by each other with multiples of fraction of pi. For example a six sub carrier sequence carrier signals will have phase 0, 60,120,180,240,300, and 360 degrees. Rake receiver is adopted which can sum up the signals coming from different directions and then decode the signa . networks. AWGN channel adds random noise with message sequence s{t}. The noise is bi-polar in nature with the distribution as shown in figure Fig. 1: LTE System Architecture Different data rates at (1.4, 3 , 5 , 10 , 15, 20) MHz are supported. LTE system divides the region into micro cells ( 100 km range), followed by Pico cells and Femoto cells [4] which ranges within meters. 200 active nodes can transmit simultaneously in 5Mhz transmission cell. The network is mainly monitored by eNBs. The eNBs also supports legacy systems like 3G and 2G cellular network systems. V. RELATED WORK Fig.2 Noise distribution for +1 and -1 Signal In this work we mainly focus on OFDM based System for data transmission. We simulate the network with image transmission from eNBs to mobile nodes in the context of downlink transmission and measure the transmission quality at UEs. Further the measurement in transmitted back to the eNBs. Each eNB collaborates to change the modulation index, signal power and data rate for the nodes. ISSN: 2231-5381 It can be seen that Gaussian distribution has two series: +1 and -1. Thus several sequences of the message signal will become negative. This affects the performance of the system greatly. Therefore in order to overcome this problem, we use NRZ( non return to zero) coding . Rather than transmitting logical 1 and 0, CDMA system transmits -1 for logic zero. Page 127 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 25 Number 3- July 2015 VI. SYSTEM DESIGN Each Femoto cell is an independent subnetwork monitored by a access point. Each Femoto cell operates at different sub carriers and have different allocated power. A mobile device instead of directly accessing the services through base station access the service through Femoto cells. Based on the user’s demand user can be allocated to different sub carriers. Based on quality of transmission, user may be serviced by appropriate cells. Each of the cell will divide the allocated spectrum through subcarriers. When base station finds out that in SNR is low in a mobile’s transmission specific to a particular cell, it assigns the mobile to another cell. It means that when one particular type of LAN has more congestion/delay/packet loss/BER, a node can be made to access the base station through other network. Finally the objective is to show that by adopting Femoto cell structure, effective throughput of the system can be significantly improved. -10--0.0021867 -8--0.0019464 -6--0.0013216 -4--0.00076894 -2--0.00076894 0--0.00050461 2--0.00031238 4--4.8058e-05 6--4.8058e-05 8--4.8058e-05 10--0 12--0 14--0 16--0 18--0 20--0 M=16 Channels=4 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -10--0.0031959 -8--0.0025231 -6--0.0017541 -4--0.0014898 -2--0.0013216 0--0.00088908 2--0.00045656 4--0.00026432 6--0.00033641 8--0.00014418 10--9.6117e-05 12--0 14--0 16--0 18--0 20--0 System Requirement 1. Hardware Requirement: * Intel i3 Core and Above Processor * Minimum 4 GB RAM * Accelerated Graphics adapter for better simulation display 2. Software Requirement * Matlab 2012 and Above * Windows 7 or 8.1 * Microsoft Excell M=16 Channels=8 -2 10 RESULTS -3 10 1. Transmission Modulation Index of PNG Icon with varying -4 10 -5 10 ISSN: 2231-5381 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Page 128 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 25 Number 3- July 2015 -2 10 M=4 M=8 M=16 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 It is clear from the above graph that as the modulation index increases, BER also increases. This is because higher constellation more level of noise creeps into the transmission. Therefore by controlling the modulation index depending upon the error helps in reducing BER. VII. CONCLUSION We have proposed a unique system here that overcomes this limitation of the LTE system by leveraging Fuzzy based resource allocation. We have also shown that Fuzzy logic can efficiently resolve network quality assessment by quantitative to qualitative transform. Simulation results show significant improvement over non fuzzy based systems. 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