International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 25 Number 1- July 2015 Real Time Scheduler System on Android Mobile App for Academic Institutions Surekha Lanka 1 , Sidra Ehsan 2 Aisha Ehsan 3 Abstract Android has reached the top level of the market by these days. Android provides a renowned platform For the developers to create and deploy innovative apps that can be easily fit the smart devices. This paper will provide guidelines to ease the understanding of development for entry level programmers specifically in terms of android application consisting Android software components and resource files to be integrated. In order to develop such application requires certain hierarchical development tool which in our case the JAVA programming language is involved. Firstly, we will set up the development environment. Secondly Institution schedule application is designed using the Android SDK. Thirdly the application will be built and run on the Android device emulator. deviations it should be controlled before hand. And if we require to have stronger app strong user base is required. So few things we need to manage before ready to launch Android App. Testing of an Android App controlled by two things. We test it on real android powered device or Eclipse. This paper shows about Android Application for the academic institution. Figure-1 Keywords Java, Android SDK, Android Application, Schdule System, Emulator, XML files, Android Manifest. I. Introduction In the current Era, Mobile technologies have an advanced to the greatest extent of providing user friendly and innovative devices with the variety of features. Android is more preferable and has major market covered among the customers all over the world. Android is an open to developer's to come up with the extended version as most of the smart device manufacturers in the local market has done in terms of providing a different user interface. The Android operating system is getting trendy these days and Android SDK application is attracting the developers attentions [2]. Android provides a flexible platform for its developers to design their own applications [3]. In addition to that, Android has varied features as Multitasking, Multi touch, Resizable widgets, Google Cloud Messaging, Intuitive User Interface, connectivity, Android BEam, WiFi Direct are the astonishing features of the android operating system. II. 111. Development Environment Android based applications can be developed either on Microsoft Xp, Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later version with Intel chip or on Linux, including GNU C Library 2.7 or later operating systems. [4] Java JDK5 or JDK6, Android SDK, Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (optional) and Android Development Tools (ADT) Eclipse Plugin (optional) are needed to start programming your Android Application. [4]. The tools which are included in the SDK makes quick install and run Android Application. Once you install we need to update and download the required tools. Android App overview To build an Android application will be an exciting and challenging too. So before we ready to hit our target of design app, it is most important to check whether it is reaching as per our expectations if not found any ISSN: 2231-5381 Figure-2 Page 59 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 25 Number 1- July 2015 Once we have made through this step we are going to start the work on the emulator. Android emulator is environment of virtual machine which emulating an entire system HAXM driver favors to runs both on the machine and inside the emulator. HAXM was invited to release the Android development tools. In this paper our design has been fully tested to work on Intel x86. supervisor will guide the students to which course they have to enroll according to the level determined by the department. Depends on the number of students of each course. The department is going to maintain this APP add /modify /alter/delete the modifications depend on the number of batches. Here is the use case diagram for the Android App. Figure -3 Figure- 4 Existence with an Android App development services, once we ready to run the Scheduler System App, we gathered some knowledge of few directories and files which are most important and helpful to the whole Scheduler System. V Android manifest.xml Provides the information about the key features and characteristics and components of the app. Which includes a very important element <uses-SDK>. Helps to the Scheduler System compatibility with different versions with the help of android:minSdk Version and android:targetSdkVersion. For the API Level 10 and Level 14. The HAXM driver and Intel X 86 Atom systems images are provided for more detail view. IV Android scheduler system architecture The problem is to design and implement an Android App for creating Scheduler System by assigning the time slots to a particular course. Instead of accessing the schedule in the PC’s, the user can download the Android App to the mobiles and convenient to utilize it. Although we know most of the apps comes with google stores, but still designed for our own constraints and using in the KAA university. The academic ISSN: 2231-5381 Figure – 5 Page 60 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 25 Number 1- July 2015 Figure – 7 Src/ directory which contains a multiple sub directories for Scheduler System app resources.few of them are Drawable-hdpi/ directory for the drawing objects, Layouts/ directory defines user interface to the app, values/ exist with XML files along with a collective resource like string and color. VI. Testing App on the emulator /powered Android device To run the completed Scheduler System code on the emulator of the eclipse then need to open the scheduler system project files and then run from a toolbar, and pick the android application and run as a window so app on the connected devices and runs it. To run on the powered android device plugging in the device to the development machine by using the USB cable of the Android device. And then enables the USB debugging. An Android powered device is Android 3.2 or older need to following these options setting> applications>development> tap seven times to enable the debugging mode. If the device's version is 4.0 or later, settings>developer options. Figure – 6 VII. Conclusion Android is style positioned to facilitate all the charasteristcs of smart accessiories and the developer should be alert android applicaton in the low versions are compatible to a high versions The implemented android application “Scheduled System“ is web based and especially adept to the android application is the convenient implementation on the set of Java interface Here we have create a new app for the institution for the purpose of schedule management so users can access it by downloading to powered android device and use it and next target on the same app to implement on notification alerts that will build in the system and it should be wireless. Acknowledgement Surekha Lanka MSc(cs), MTech(cse) & MWC(Wireless Communications) Sidra Ehsan MSCS and Aisha Ehsan MSCS.We implement this application for academic purpose only. We are thankful to our Instructor for encouraging me to complete this paper . ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 61 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 25 Number 1- July 2015 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. emulator.html 6. 7. 8. / 9. 10. manager/ . ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 62