International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 2- June 2015 Multi User Student Model Intelligent Tutoring System *1 Achi Ifeanyi Isaiah, #2Prof. Inyiama Hyacinth Chibueze, #3Agwu Chukwuemeka Odi 1 1 PhD Student, 2Professor, 2Lecturer 1 Department of Computer Science, Our Saviour Institute of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria. 2 Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Nnamdi Azikwe Univeristy – Awka, Nigeria 3 Department of Computer Science, Ebonyi State University – Abakaliki, Nigeria. Abstract - With massive deployment of computer networks in various field of endeavour, people can access information and communicate with others without being constrained by space and time. Through network communications, people can have access to information and discuss things with others to solve their problems. Therefore, it became necessary to develop an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), that could allow several users access an ITS irrespective of their locations through computer networks. In this paper, we proposed a system of ITS which works by applying several learning styles as the several paths to knowledge in modeling the different student learning capacity in a typical multi user Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) Environment which is possible via computer network. To enable us develop the new system, we analyzed the special needs for developing a multi user CAL's for all the users involved irrespective of their locations and environment where many users are involved, and defined a set of parameters, which is concerned with effectiveness of the learning process through networks. A theoretical framework and some methodologies are proposed based upon the concepts and the techniques of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to cope with the problems such as Rule Base System. This Rule Based system is then implemented to guide the students during the learning processes and to help the CAL system to present the learning styles that is appropriate to the students. Keywords - Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Computer Assisted Learning (CAL), Rule-Based System (RBS), Intelligent Tutoring and Evaluation System (ITES), Cooperative Remotely Accessible Learning (CORAL), Artificial Intelligence(AI). I. INTRODUCTION Education is the foundation of any nation. In the past decade, people have tried to refine subject materials and to develop new skills and tools for helping the progress of education. Some researchers have concentrated on the development of ComputerAssisted Learning (CAL) systems, which are designed to provide an individual learning environment for each student. Earlier CAL systems focused on the interactions between computer and single student. Some systems can even play the role of learning ISSN: 2231-5381 partners. The purpose of providing some learning partners is to encourage students learning through the interactions among the students and those computer partners. However, as human reactions are very complex, it is usually difficult to simulate human behaviors by computers. Moreover, when a student fails to understand some unit of the subject materials, he might have to stop learning if no instant help is available [1]. Therefore, it is more desirable to have human partners than computer partners [2]. Unfortunately, it is usually difficult for a student to find a suitable learning partner at the time and place he prefers to learn. With the fast development of computer networks, people can access information and communicate with others without being constrained by space and time. This provides a good opportunity to cope with the learning problems. One of the most important features of computer network is the fast communication ability. Through network communications, people can discuss things with others to solve their problems. Therefore, how to implement multi user CAL systems on computer networks is an interesting and challenging issue. In this paper, we present a knowledge-based system, which enables an intelligent tutoring method in a typical multi user learning environment. To achieve this goal, the subject materials have been decomposed into pieces of modules to enable dynamic combination of each learning unit. We also describe learning status and teaching expertise with the several learning styles as case to the student modeling process, which is useful in finding best learning style or combination of learning styles for each student. Several learning styles, such as Auditory Learners (Through Hearing), Visual Learners (Through seeing), Kinesthetic Learners (Through Touch or practice) and hybrid (Combination of two or more)[5] will be used while modeling the student. II. BACKGROUND Intelligent Tutoring and Evaluation System (ITES) originated from the CORAL (Cooperative Remotely Accessible Learning) in Taiwan [3]. It was built as a World Wide Web (WWW) server to manage learning Page 73 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 2- June 2015 requests from students through computer networks. The entire project was initiated by a research group at National Chaio Tung University in Taiwan, which consists of eight sub-tasks: The study of network-based tutoring systems, including pattern recording, remote data retrieval and access control on networks. The study of a network learning environment, including real-time monitoring and tutoring process control. The study of wide area networked CAL's, including feasibility, scalability and architecture. Testing and evaluation of network-based CAL's, including motivation and cognition analysis. The study of interface design for networkbased CAL's, including screen layout, icons/windows design and knowledge visualization. The study of student modeling for networkbased CAL's, including the analysis of hypertext navigation and communication patterns. The study of a knowledge-based system for tutoring process control, including knowledge representation for student characteristics and communication parameters, real-time analysis of student behaviors and dynamic arrangement of tutoring schedule. The study of interaction pattern analysis, including the analysis of social context. Fig. 1. Multi User ITES [4] The goal of the entire research group is to accomplish a CAL system to help the learning progress via the development of an intelligent tutoring environment on computer network. The whole idea is depicted in Fig. 1[4]. The above figure shows the different users connected to the ITS system via internet network. With the aid of network, users could connect to the ITS from anywhere. III. RULE-BASED SYSTEM In Artificial Intelligence programming, the rule basesystem is a set of "if-then" statements that uses a set of assertions, to which rules on how to act upon those assertions are created. In software development, rulebased systems can be used to create software that will provide an answer to a problem in place of a human expert. This type of system may also be called an expert system. In this paper, we are modeling several users that is hooked up to the ITS via the computer network. This system should be able to evaluate each student using the four assertions which is referred to the different learning styles as path to model each ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 74 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 2- June 2015 student’s knowledge. As students are different, so also their comprehension levels are different. Therefore, this paper aims to predict and store for each student the best path to their understanding of a subject matter. IV. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS OF THE ITES Below is the system diagram of the proposed system, showing the various components and how it works. The system incorporates computer network and the techniques deployed in interfacing multi-users on the Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) platform. The diagram shows the user of the system and the different knowledge sessions in the knowledge base as well as the different path to tutoring the student as adapted from Achi and Agwu, [6]. The Knowledge base is represented in the diagram as Knowledge database 1(KDB1) to Knowledge database N(KDBN) where N means any number of knowledge database or knowledge base with any number of path respectively. This system models student by trying several path and as well determine the best path to the student knowledge so as to use it whenever the student engages in any form of learning. For the case of this paper, the paths are represented with various learning styles. Every student has their preferred To achieve the multi-user access as shown in the diagram, the system is interfaced with several users via the internet network. The users of the ITS new system could be represented with user1 to userN, where ’N’ means any number of user irrespective of their location and distance. learning styles but that will be determined by the V. CONCLUSION system while modeling the student. Due to the advance of computer networks and communication techniques, interactive learning, and multi user ITS which is now possible through computer networks had received a lot of attention. In this paper, the Rule Base System, (RBS) expert system for supporting the tutoring strategies of a multi base multi user ITS learning environment is proposed. We analyzed the parameters concerning the effectiveness of learning through networks, and implemented the multi user ITS with the support system of Rule Base System and Artificial Intelligence(AI) approach. From our experience in the research, it can be seen that a lot of work is needed to enhance the ITS as a learning system. We also believe that it is worthy to exert more efforts in this field of study. Now, a knowledge acquisition system for eliciting teaching experience is ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 75 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 2- June 2015 [3] C. Sun, and C. Chou, C. “Experiencing CORAL: design and an aspect that will always be improved upon by implementation of distance cooperative learning”, IEEE different authors on this subject area and the system Transactions on Education, 39(3), 357-366, 1996. should also incorporate a means of keeping each student record to avoid constant modeling of students [4] H. 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