International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 1- June 2015 Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Controller Using VHDL – A Review Virendra K. Verma#1, sarika sapre#2 # EC Dept., SIMS Indore, India # SIMS Indore, India * SIMS Indore, India Abstract-This paper deals with the literary introduction and comparative study of fuzzy logic controller (FLC). In this paper initiates with the introduction to fuzzy logic controller and moving towards its comparison to conventional and modernized implemented FLC. The FLC can be implemented by using Very high speed integrated circuits Hardware Description Language (VHDL) code. VHDL has been used to develop simple FLC on FPGA. The controller algorithm can be developed synthesized, simulated and implemented on FPGA Spartan 2E xcv300-6bg432. In recent years, the interest in implementing fuzzy logic controllers using FPGA and ASIC technologies has been steadily increasing. There have been attempts to combine VHDL for design capture and VHDL-based logic synthesis for designing complex hardware. The advantage of using this high- level approach is that, the design time is reduced significantly and different ways of designing a rule base can be explored. Keywords-VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits Hardware Description Language), FLC, FPGA, Spartan, ASIC I.INTRODUCTION Fuzzy logic refers to a logical system that generalizes the classical two-value logic for reasoning under uncertainty. It is a system of computing and approximate reasoning based on a collection of theories and technologies that employ fuzzy sets, which are classes of objects without sharp boundaries. More specifically, fuzzy logic generalizes the crisp true-and- false (or black-and white) concept fundamental to classical logic to a matter of degree. The two key features of fuzzy logic include: (a) A mathematical formalism for representing human knowledge involving vague concepts, and (b) a natural but effective mechanism for systematically formulating cost-effective solutions to complex problems characterized by uncertainty or imprecise information.The fuzzifier and defuzzifier components of the fuzzy system are described using VHDL code as it involves considerable amount of mathematical computations.There are three parts to a fuzzy controller, the fuzzification of the inputs, the defuzzification of the outputs, and the rule-base. ISSN: 2231-5381 A. Characteristics of Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy dedicated circuits are characterized by[18] : The number of inputs and outputs. The number and shapes of membership functions Inference techniques including operators, consequences, and size of the premises. Defuzzification method. The number of fuzzy logic inferences per second, FLIPS.· Physical size. Power consumption. Software available to support the design II. BENEFITS OF FUZZY CONTROLLERS The benefits of fuzzy controllers could be summarized as follows: 1. Validation, consistency, redundancy and completeness can be checked in rule base (knowledge acquisition supervision) that could speed up automated learning and improve user interpretability. 2. Fuzzy controllers are more robust than PID controllers because they can cover a much wider range of operating conditions than PID can, and can operate with noise and disturbances of different nature. 3. Developing a fuzzy controller is cheaper than developing a model-based or other controller. 4. Fuzzy controllers are customizable, since it is easier to understand and modify their rule, which not only use a human operator's strategy, but also are expressed in natural linguistic terms. 5. It is easy to learn how fuzzy controllers operate and how to design and apply them to a concrete application. It is also worth to notice that fuzzy logic can be blended with conventional control techniques. This means that fuzzy system does not necessarily replace conventional control methods. In many cases fuzzy systems augment them and simplify their implementation [8], [7]. Page 21 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 1- June 2015 III.SOFTWARE SELECTION studied since the 1920s as infinite valued logicnotably byJan lukasiewicz and Alfred Tarski. There is a number of different software that could be used as a template for the fuzzy logic controller. B. Linguistic Variable Xilinx can be used to integrate easy computation While variables in mathematics usually take numerical widely available toolbox and values, in fuzzy logic applications, the non-numeric dedicatedintegratedcircuit .combine regulation are often used to facilitate the expression of rules and algorithm and logic reasoning allowing for integrated facts. control become one of the most successful technology for developing the system which require a C. Fuzzyset real time operation. When a program execute and In mathematics, fuzzy sets are sets are whose implement in an vhdl code can have very short elements have degrees of membership. In classical set execution time due to high degree of parallelism of theory, the membership of elements in a set is assessed it’sarchitecture. This software has high speed and low in binary terms according to a bivalent condition an cost and also easily available. Fuzzy logic can be element either belongs or does not belong to the set. directly implemented on FPGA as compared to C and By contrast, fuzzy set theory permits the gradual matlab so fuzzy gives a better result. choose this assessment of the membership of elements in a set; project because this project will enhance my this is described with the aid of amembership knowledge of embedded system and basic function valued in the real unit interval [0, 1]. Fuzzy programming. sets generalize classical sets, since the indicator functions of classical sets are special cases of the IV.STRUCTURE OF FUZZY LOGIC membership functions of fuzzy sets, if the latter only CONTROLLER take values 0 or 1. In fuzzy set theory, classical Fuzzy logic has rapidly become one of the bivalent sets are usually called crisp sets. mostSuccessful of today's technologies for developingSophisticated control systems. With its aid, complexRequirements may be implemented in amazingly simple, easily maintained, and inexpensive controllers. Fuzzy control use only a small portion of the fuzzy mathematics that is available, this portion is also mathematically quite simple and conceptually easy to understand. In this heading, introduce some essential concepts, terminology, and arithmetic of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. Fig. 1 Block diagram of fuzzy control system A.Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Logics a form of many-valued logic that deals with approximate, rather than fixed and exact reasoning. Compared to traditional binary logic (where variables may take on true or false values), fuzzy logic variables may have a truth value that ranges in degree between 0 and 1. Fuzzy logic has been extended to handle the concept of partial truth, where the truth value may range between completely true and completely false. Furthermore, when linguistic variables are used these degrees maybe logic managed by specific functions .The term fuzzy Logic was introduced 1965 by Lotfi AZadeh. Fuzzy logic has been applied to many fields from control theory to artificial intelligence. Fuzzy logic had been ISSN: 2231-5381 The fuzzy controller,(as explained in Fig. 1), have four main components: · The Rule-Base holds the knowledge, in the form of aset of rules, of how best to control the system. · The Inference Mechanism evaluates which controlrules are relevant at the current time and thendecides what the input to the plant should be. · The Fuzzification Interface simplymodifies the inputsso that they can be interpreted and compared to therules in the rule-base. · The Defuzzification Interface converts theconclusions reached by the inference mechanisminto the inputs to the plant [6], [9]. Page 22 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 1- June 2015 IV. TYPES OF CONTROLLERS V.FUZZY VARSES. CONVENTIONAL CONTROL There are several types of control systems that use FLC as an essential system component A. Self-Tuning Fuzzy Logic Controller A self-tuning fuzzy controller is that in which the control rules, the membership function, or the scaling factors are self-adjusted. Among them, the control rules and the scaling factors play important roles [18]. We have used a real time tuning for output scaling factors. Its main advantages over a general FLC are stronger control capability, increasedflexibility and robustness. B. Fuzzy Supervised Pid Controllers (Fspid) For controlling of a nonlinear process a conventionalcontroller is not enough to obtain a desired performance. Toensure good performances and stability for all the operationset point in nonlinear process, the controller gains shouldchange to adopt the variation of physical parameters.Direct controller ,Supervisory controlPID adaptation, Fuzzy intervention The majority of applications during the past two decades belong to the class of PID fuzzy controllers. These fuzzy controllers can be further classified into three types: the direct action (DA) type, the gain scheduling (GS) type and a combination of DA and GS types. The majority of PID fuzzy applications belong to the DA type; here the PID fuzzy controller is placed within the feedback control loop, and computes the PID actions through fuzzy inference. In GS type controllers, fuzzy inference is used to compute the individual PID gains [12], [10], [11]. The simplest and most usual way to implement a fuzzy controller is to realize it as a computer program on a general purpose computer. However, a large number of fuzzy control applications require a realtime operation to interface high-speed Constraints. Software implementation of fuzzy logic on general purpose computers cannot be considered as a suitable design solution for this type of application, in such cases, design specifications can be matched by specialized fuzzy processors. Higher density programmable logic devices such as FPGA can be used to integrate large amounts of logic in a single IC [13]-[14] . Semi-custom and full-custom application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) devices are also used for this purpose but FPGA provide additional flexibility: they can be used with tighter time-tomarket schedules. The Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) places fixed logic cell son the wafer, and the FPGA designer constructs more complex functions from these cells. The term field programmable highlights the customizing of the IC by the user, rather than by the foundry manufacturing the FPGA [17],[15]-[16]. ISSN: 2231-5381 To design a conventional controller for controlling a physical system, the mathematical model of the system is needed. A common form of the system model is differential equations for continuous-time systems or difference equations for discrete-time systems. Strictly speaking, all physical systems in existence are nonlinear. Unless physical insight and the laws of physics can be applied, establishing an accurate nonlinear model using measurement data and system identification methods is difficult in practice. Even if a relatively accurate model of a dynamic system can be developed, it is often too complex to use in controller development, especially for many conventional control design procedures that require restrictive assumptions for the plant (e.g., linearity) [5], [6] .As an alternative, fuzzy control provides a formal methodology for representing, and implementing a human's heuristic knowledge about how to control a system, which may provide a new paradigm for nonlinear systems. Fuzzy controller is unique in its ability to utilize both qualitative and quantitative information. Qualitative information is gathered not only from the expert operator strategy, but also from the common knowledge [5], [6]. Although much of the opposition to fuzzy logic is based on misconceptions, fuzzy control is not a cure-all. Fuzzy control should not be employed if the system to be controlled is linear, regardless of the availability of its model. PID control and various other types of linear controllers can effectively solve the control problem with significantly less effort, time, and cost. In summary, PID control should be tried first whenever possible [5]. FLCs have been implemented successfully in various applications such as process control and robotics [2] ,[3], [4] Fuzzy logic provide a certain level of artificial intelligence to the conventional PID controllers. Fuzzy PID controllers have self-tuning ability and on-line adaptation to nonlinear, time varying, and uncertain systems Fuzzy PID controllers provide a promising option for industrial applications with many desirable features [1]. VI. PERFORMANCE COMPARISON According to the selection of software in this paper, the performances of both fuzzy logic controller and conventional controller is evaluated on the parameters such as no of input, frequency, and short execution time and high speed with completeness can be checked in rule base a qualitative discussion by an analytical approach. Table I shows theperformance comparison of both controllers. Considering the speed Page 23 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 1- June 2015 Parameters Speed s/w availability Cost Technology Execution time Frequency No of clkpuls used h/w and s/w implementation No of inputs No of terms per input No of possible rule No of active rule(maximum) Fuzzy logic controller High speed Easily available(Xilinx) Low cost ASIC Short when high degree of parallelism Low frequency Conventional controller Low speed Depend on application High cost TTL OR RTL Long execution time Many inputs Same Depending on application used clk pulses depend on controller used used c program and or preprogramed microcontroller used or modelled based controller One input Same 256 16 No rule No rule 0ne or two Direct implement on FPGA easily get result and no of inputs, parallelism of the controller. Thus it can be seen that through both controller we can achieve short execution time with high speed. Table I [4] Essam Natsheh1 and Khalid A. Buragga “Comparison between Conventional and Fuzzy Logic PID Controllers for Controlling DC Motors”, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7,No.5, Sept. 2010. [5] H. Ying, "Fuzzy Control and Modeling, Analytical Foundations and Applications", Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc., USA,2000. [6] K. M. Passino and Stephen Yurkovich, Control",Addison-Weslwey Longman Inc., USA, 1998. "Fuzzy [7] Mathworks, "Fuzzy Logic Toolbox User's Guide ", Mathworks, Inc.,1999. [8] L. Reznik, "Fuzzy Controllers", Newnes, first edition, 1997. [9] J. Huang, "Hybrid Fuzzy PID Controller with Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for the Position Control and Improvement of Magnetic Suspension System", M. Sc. thesis, Mechanical and ElectroMechanical Engineering, June, 2004. 24104-182807 VII.CONCLUSION The advantage of using this high- level approach is that, the design time is reduced significantly and different ways of designing a rule base can be explored. Formulating cost-effective solutions to complex problems characterized by uncertainty or imprecise information. The fuzzifier and defuzzifier components of the fuzzy system are described using VHDL code as it involves considerable amount of mathematical computations. There are three parts to a fuzzy controller, the fuzzification of the inputs, thedefuzzification of the outputs. Besides the advantages, there are some limitations of FLCs.The main limitation of FLC (in case of pid)is the lack of existence of a systematic procedure for design and analysis of the control system. It is well-known that tuning of an FLC is a difficult task. To tune an FLC is a much more difficult job than tune a conventional controller because there are many more parameters to adjust in an FLC.such as SFs, MFs and control. REFERANCES [1] Abdullah I. Al-Odienat, Ayman A. Al-Lawama, “The Advantages of PID Fuzzy Controllers Over The Conventional Types”, American Journal of Applied Sciences 5, 653-658, 2008. [2] KapilDev Sharma and Mohammad Ayyub, “Fuzzy Logic Controller(FLC) with Better Performance as Against Conventional PID Controller ”Presented in 2nd National Conference on “Recent Advances in Technology and Engineering (RATE-2013)”, March 15-17, 2013, held at Mangalayatan University, Aligarh, India. ISSN: 2231-5381 [3] ArpitGoel, AnkitUniyal, AnuragBahuguna, Rituraj S. PatwalAndHusainAhmed ,“Performance comparison of PID and fuzzy logic controller using different defuzzification techniques for positioning control of dc motors”, Journal of Information Systems and Communication Vol.3, Issue 1, pp. 235-238, 2012. [10] G. K. Mann, B. G. 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