International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 5- May 2015
Ms. S. Umadevi
, Mrs. S. Sebija
PG student,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Anna University,
Udaya School of Engineering, Ammandivilai, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India.
The assistive technology is the most important aspects of visually impaired and for learning disabilities for their solutions and assist them for their daily life. Assistive Technology is a generic term incorporating technology, equipment, devices, appliances, services, systems, processes and environmental change (Environmental Modifications) used by people with disabilities or older people to overcome social, infrastructural barriers, to actively participate in society and to perform activities easily and safely. From the point of view of visually impaired people the perception of the surrounding environment is very important, even essential, in order to facilitate their mobility. For several unsighted people learning choices are made based on which matter can be performed and which cannot.
Topmost for numerous in choosing their instructive and consequent profession pathway is the concept that studying methodical subjects is complicated due to the extremely graphical personality of much of the matter offered. In this paper we have designed an interactive learning tool for visually impaired learner to convert pictures to sound. In recent years this process has been widely used for various researches related to E-learning process for visually impaired peoples. The text to speech conversion can help the visually impaired person in understanding content without the help of other persons.
Assistive Technology, Text Extraction, Text
Recognition, Visually Impaired Persons , Interactive learning tool.
Assistive technology has removed many barriers to schooling and service for visually impaired folks.
Students with illustration impairments can complete training, explore, win tests, and examine books along with their sighted colleagues. For numerous unsighted community enlightening choices are made based on which matter can be accessed and not. Uppermost for various in choosing their enlightening and succeeding profession pathway is
In this paper we have designed an interactive learning tool for visually impaired learner to convert pictures to sound output. In recent years this process has been widely used for various researches interrelated to E-learning progression for visually impaired peoples. The text to speech conversion can help the visually impaired person in understanding substance without the help of other persons. A system used for such belongings is called speech synthesizer, and can be implemented in dissimilar applications.
Optical character identification (OCR) proficiency offers unsighted and visually impaired personnel and the capacity to scan the written text and then converse it reverse in synthetic speech or keep it to a workstation. Modern technology exists to understand graphics such as line up fine art, photograph, and graphs into standard easily accessible to unsighted and visually impaired persons. Here the OCR uses three essential elements of technology such as image scanning, image identification, and evaluation text. Primarily, a printed article is scan by a camera. OCR software then convert the metaphors into humdrum characters and vocabulary. The speech synthesizer in the OCR arrangement then speaks the humdrum text. At last, the sequence is stored in an electronic form, moreover in a workstation or the recollection of the OCR mortal itself. the opinion that studying logical subjects is complicated due to the extremely graphical nature.
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 5- May 2015
An OCR arrangement will work out that the word
"tke" is a inaccuracy and should be examine as the word "the." OCR's also use a lexicon and apply for
The ambition of Optical Character Recognition
(OCR) is to categorize optical patterns in a digital spell checking techniques similar to many word processors. All OCR systems create temporary files image) corresponding to alphanumeric or other typescript. The progression of OCR involves containing the texts' characters and page layout.
The blind or visually impaired user accesses the passage which was scanned by using the adaptive hi- tech technological campaigns that will blow up the super computer screen and make accessible numerous steps together with segmentation, feature insertion, and arrangement.
Input image speech are in the form of braille output.
Recognizing text in images is expensive in many computer visualization applications such as image search, certificate examination, and machine navigation. The OCR occupation provides a straightforward way to insert text recognition functionality to an extensive assortment of applications. The OCR functions precede the recognized text, the recognition self-confidence, and the position of the text in the innovative original image. OCR performs best when the text is located on a uniform background and is formatted like a document.
A text-to-speech (TTS) system converts common language of text, into speech. Synthesized verbal communication can be formed by concatenating pieces of recorded vocalizations that are stored in a catalog. Speech synthesis is applied in many domains of human life: in language education, talking books and toys, vocal monitoring, multimedia communication. High
Fig. 1 Original input image with noise
Each of these steps is a turf unto itself, and is described in a few words here in the context of a quality speech synthesis can be used in many others disciplines: in science, study, industry, aviation, etc.
Here the OCR method is used to extract the text from the image. The text recognition will examine every personality and challenge to reconstruct the imaginative article as concrete wording. Such text
Mat lab implementation of OCR. Optical character recognition used to extract the text from the input images by using the method of background elimination. Background subtraction is preceding is given to a MATLAB voice tool box.
Recognizing text in images is useful in numerous computer vision applications. The OCR task provides a simple technique to contain text recognition functionality to an extensive choice of applications.
ISSN: 2231-5381 based on intensity of the foreground elements for the actual text display. The initial text regions are first detected from the captured image using the threshold variance of the image and extracted by using the text extraction in OCR. Image acquired
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 5- May 2015 will be a signage which contains furthermore
C. Text Extraction alphabet is any alphanumeric characters. The consumer captures the signage using camera and put away it in the form of .jpg file. After the image is captured by the camera the image is processed and transformed to a text file. The image taken will go through the development of adjusting the image contract and intensity from color representation to make the image more clearer.
B. Background Eliminated Image
Fig. 3 Extracted Text Output
Analysis of the detected original extracted text regions by means of simple text detection in a OCR
Technique. By transforming the participation of information into the arrangement of facial appearance is called feature extraction. Feature extraction is the improvement by which image
Fig. 2 Background Elimination
Images are virtually split into small blocks either in foreground or background component.
Based on intensity variation these classifications of a foreground or background are done. Intensity variance of a block is less than an adaptive threshold it is considered as part of a background.
Otherwise it is considered as a part of foreground component. This classification is done basis of the
Intensity variation within the block. The intensity is defined as the difference between Imax and Imin features are extracted and used to characterize at duration of the image illustration content. Feature extraction which involves simplifying the magnitude of possessions necessary to communicate a enormous set down of information accurately.
(TTS) Text To Speech synthesis is the nonnatural fabrication of individual communication.
Here the MATLAB tone of voice implement is used to safeguard communication. the passageway into voice gray scale intensity within the block.
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TTS system arrangement converts a standard unfamiliar language of wording into a verbal communication. Such tone of voice translation will maintain hodgepodge of warping functions.
Fig. 4 MATLAB Voice Message
In our proposed method we have employed an alternative type for the visually impaired by developing a learning method where the text from any sort of images can help them to understand what is written over the image. The text from the image is separated and extracted using the text Detection algorithm then such extracted text is given to a MATLAB voice tool to maintain and convert into voice messages.
Then the final voice message directly given to a patient.
The system overcomes the real time difficulties of visually impaired people, thereby improving their learning ability. System efficiency is improved with the help of MATLAB image processing tool. By using this system the blind educational skill is improved and makes them to move forward towards the society without any fear.
Thus the proposed system assumes an efficient method of learning process for visually impaired people. Usually the blind people depend on others for reading or understanding any information from any document or from signage images.
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