International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015 A Spatial Domain Image Steganography Technique Based on Pseudorandom Permutation Substitution Method using Tree and Linked List Bassam Hasan Saghir #1, Elsamani A. Elmutalib Ahmed *2, Gafar Zen A. Salh #2, Abdelmajid H. Mansour *4 Lecturer, Computer Science, Alneelain University, Khartoum, Sudan 1 Professor, Computer Science, Alneelain University, Khartoum, Sudan 2 Assistant professor, Information Technology, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 3,4 Abstract— Steganography is the one of an important methods used in information hiding for numerous application. And they gained a wide range demand of an internet implementations for the security purpose. This paper proposes a method for hiding information using least significant bit „LSB‟ and PESUDE RANDOMIZE method, by emulating the work of trees and linked list, on the BMP, PNG, JPEG image formats. The proposed method performed through two phases, including encrypting end encoding in the first phase, and hiding by 3 secret key on second phase. In order to increase complexity of the hiding process. Keywords— Cover Image, Stego Image, PSNR, MSE, SSIM, “TLLLSB: Tree Linked List Least Significant Bit”, spatial domain, frequency domain, security. INTRODUCTION The word steganography comes from the Greek Steganos, which means covered or secret and graphy means writing or drawing. Therefore, steganography means, literally, covered writing. Steganography is the art and science of hiding secret information in a cover file such that only sender and receiver can detect the existence of the secret information. A secret information is encoded in a manner such that the very existence of the information is concealed. The main goal of steganography is to communicate securely in a completely undetectable manner and to avoid drawing suspicion to the transmission of a hidden data. It is not only prevents others from knowing the hidden information, but it also prevents others from thinking that the information even exists. If a steganography method causes someone to suspect there is a secret information in a carrier medium, then the method has failed [1]. There are basically three Steganography types. D: C→M of the extraction function with the property that D (E(c,m))=m for all m ЄM and c ЄC Fig. 1 Pure Steganography In most applications, pure Steganography is preferred, since no stego-key must be shared between the communication partners, although a pure Steganography protocols do not provide any security if an attacker knows the embedding method. B. Secret Key Steganography A secret key Steganography system is similar to a symmetric cipher, where the sender chooses a cover and embeds the secret message into the cover using a secret key. If the secret key used in the embedding process is known to the receiver, he can reverse the process and extract the secret message. No one who does not know the secret key should be able to obtain evidence of the encoded information. The secret key Steganography can be defined as the quintuple (C, M, K, DK, EK) where [2]: C: the set of possible covers. M: the set of secret message. K: the set of secret keys. EK: C×M×K→C With the property that DK (EK(c,m,k),k)=m for all m Є M, c ЄC and k ЄK A. Pure Steganography: Pure Steganography is a Steganography system that does not require prior exchange of some secret information before sending message; therefore, no information is required to start the communication process: the security of the system thus depends entirely on its secrecy. The pure Steganography can be defined as the quadruple (C, M, D, and E) where [2]: C: the set of possible covers. M: the set of secret massage with |C| ≥|M|. E: C×M→C the embedding function. ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig. 2 secret key Steganography Page 209 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015 C. Public key Steganography: As in public key cryptography, public key steganography does not rely on the exchange of a secret key. Public key steganography systems require the use of two keys, one private and one public key; the public key is stored in a public database. Whereas the public key is used in the embedding process, the secret key is used to reconstruct the secret message. [3] One way to build a public key Steganography system is to use a public key crypto system. The sender and the receiver can exchange public keys of some public key cryptography algorithm before imprisonment. Public key Steganography utilizes the fact that the decoding function in a Steganography system can be applied to any cover, whether or not it already contains a secret message. The receiver who cannot decide a priori if secret information is transmitted in a specific cover will suspect the arrival of message and will simply try to extract and decrypt it using his private key [2]. LEAST SIGNIFICANT BIT (LSB) CODING A very popular methodology is the LSB (Least Significant Bit) algorithm, which replaces the least significant bit in some bytes of the cover file to hide a sequence of bytes containing the hidden data. That's usually an effective technique in cases where the LSB substitution doesn't cause significant quality degradation, such as in 24-bit bitmaps. In computing, the least significant bit (LSB) is the bit position in a binary integer giving the units value, that is, determining whether the number is even or odd. The LSB is sometimes referred to as the right-most bit, due to the convention in positional notation of writing less significant digit further to the right. It is analogous to the least significant digit of a decimal integer, which is the digit in the ones (right-most) position [1]. LSB coding is the simplest way to embed information in a digital audio file by substituting the least significant bit of each sampling points with a binary message. In referencing specific bits within a binary number, it is common to assign each bit a bit number, ranging from zero upwards to one less than the number of bits in the number. The least significant bits have the useful property of changing rapidly if the number changes even slightly. For example, if 1 (binary 00000001) is added to 3 (binary 00000011), the result will be 4 (binary 00000100) and three of the least significant bits will change (011 to 100). By contrast, the three most significant bits stay unchanged (000 to 000). Least significant bits are frequently employed in pseudorandom number generators checksums [5]. RELATED WORKS Steganography is the art and science of hiding information in a cover data in such a way of invisible communication, that non-participating persons are not capable to detect the presence of this information by analyzing the information detection. There are several research works on the field of Steganography. Jayaram P, Ranganatha H R, Anupama H S were mainly discussed different types of audio steganographic methods, advantages and disadvantages [1]. Zaidoon Kh, ALAni, A.A.Zaidan, B.BZaidan and Hamdan.O.Alanazi, were provided a general overview of the following subject areas: Steganography types, General Steganography system, Characterization of Steganography Systems and Classification of Steganography Techniques [2]. The presenting of some ISSN: 2231-5381 recent development in the field of image to image steganography the particular field is selected because of its large data hiding capability and difficulties in identification. It also provides greater scope because of its large sharing over social networks, had been proposed by Anjali Tiwari, Seema Rani Yadav, N.K. Mittal [4]. The conclusion with some recommendations and advocates for the object-oriented embedding mechanism. Steganalysis, which is the science of attacking steganography, is not the focus of this survey but nonetheless briefly discussed by Abbas Cheddad, Joan Condell, Kevin Curran and Paul Mc Kevitt [6]. C.P.Sumathi, T.Santanam and G.Umamaheswari were analyzed the various techniques used in steganography and to identify areas in which this technique can be applied, so that the human race can be benefited at large [7]. The given of an overview of image steganography, its uses and techniques, and identifying the requirements of a good steganographic algorithm and briefly reflects on which steganographic techniques are more suitable for which applications, were proposed by T. Morkel , J.H.P. Eloff , M.S. Olivier [8]. The new algorithm that was designed in order to hide data inside image using steganography technique. And applying the proposed algorithm, a steganography imaging system (SIS). The receiver can use the same system as well to retrieve back the data that has been hidden inside the image. However, a secret key is needed by the receiver in order to retrieve back the data. This secret key is generated using the proposed algorithm during the process of hiding the data. It maintains privacy, confidentiality and accuracy of the data, were developed by Rosziati Ibrahim and Teoh Suk Kuan [9]. The use of an image file as a carrier, and hence, the taxonomy of current steganographic techniques for image files has been. These techniques are analyzed and discussed in terms of their ability to hide information in image files, the amount of the information that can be hidden, and the robustness to different image processing attacks were presented by Nagham Hamid, Abid Yahya, R. Badlishah Ahmad, Dheiaa Najim, Lubna Kanaan [10]. PROPOSED SCHEME: This paper build a method for hiding information using least significant bit and PESUDE RANDOMIZE method, by simulating the work of trees and linked list, on the BMP, PNG, JPEG image formats. The method performed through two phases, in the first phase encoding the secret text message in order to minimizing the size of the text message by rate 0.25%, using the proposed algorithm of reducing the text size before the hiding process by specific encoding, and then encrypting the message. On second phase performing the hiding using 3 secret key to complexity the hiding process. The hiding process depend on encoding and encrypting the data, then randomly hiding the information based on the work of trees and linked list, which is called ―TLLLSB: Tree Linked List Least Significant Bit‖. In the encoding process the entered in English language and transformed to small letters if it contain capital letters. In the step of minimizing the size of the secret message, the letter is converted from 8 bit digit to corresponding 6 bit digit, therefore it can reduce the size of the secret message by approximately 0.25% of the total size. Page 210 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015 A. Steps of encoding and encrypting the secret message 1- Entering the secret text message. 2- Convert the text message to 6 bit digits. 3- If this binaries are divisible by 8, then will be transformed to different text, otherwise add the white distance with corresponding encoding to become a series of binaries that are divisible by eight. 4- Group the encoded binaries of 6 bit to replace the normal 8 bit, to become ready for hiding in image. B. Steps of decoding the Secret Message 1- Transforming all 6 bit with the correspondence encoding to the clear letter of the original text. 2- Grouping the letters to make the secret message. C. Data Hiding The process of hiding the data depend on the method of Pseudo random pixel that based on least significant bit (LSB) The selecting of the random pixel by simulating of trees and linked list, as in the following steps: 1- Convert the image of bmp, jpeg or png format to vector- matrix of byte type. 2- Chosen the root of the tree R, consider it is the first key in the hiding process, let it be for example the byte from the image Matrix R = 500000. 3- Selected two keys for hiding, considered the second key P1, and the third key P2, which the key P1 is ahead of R directed towards the end of the matrix of the image and the key P2 directed toward the beginning of the picture. In other words, P1 represents a displacement or the pointer between the elements and the linked list node to the right hand of Enter secret message Save byte array as stego image Encoding message to 6 bit Hide encoding message bits at right and left of root bit by bit in Linked List 1, 2 of branch of tree the tree root. And P2 represents a displacement between the pointer and the elements or the next the linked list node. 4- Test if the number of the secret message binaries less than the available node in the linked lists or equal to it. Otherwise, the amount of displacement is reduced or the value of the node between the elements of the linked list. In order to hide the secret message. 5- The elements of the two linked list, which representing tree branch, are the places of storing secret message. So either storing the half of the secret message in the first linked list, and the other half in the second linked list. And in more complicated hiding manner the bit of the secret message is hidden in the first linked list, and the next bit hidden on the second linked. The next bit on the first linked list and the next bit in the second linked list, and so on the hiding of the secret message binaries completed, after reducing the message size by the previous encoding and encryption algorithm, or without previous encoding algorithm. Here is the process of hiding will be done in two different directions of the image, on the right and left side of the tree root R by opposite directions, which makes the process of hiding more complex and resistant to detect. 6- Saving the byte matrix into image, as shown in Fig. 3. Select Bmp, Png or Jpeg cover image and convert to byte array Enter three keys (root(R), space within nodes of LL shift (p1), space within nodes of LL shift (p2)) Fig. 3 Steps of Proposed Steganography algorithm D. Steps of extracting the Secret Message from the stego 1- Identify the stego and convert it to byte matrix. 2- Identify the tree root R. 3- Identify the second key P1 that represents the shift between linked list elements of first branch of the tree. 4- Identify the third key P2 that represents the shift between linked list elements of the other branch of the tree. 5- Extracting the secret message binaries from the linked list elements of the least significant bit from ISSN: 2231-5381 every element of the two linked list elements, and grouping it text series of 0 and 1. 6- Convert any 6 bit to the correspondence letters in the encoding and encrypting algorithm, shown in Fig. 4. Page 211 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015 Enter three keys (root(R), space within nodes of LL shift (p1), space within nodes of LL shift (p2)) Select Stego image Display secret message Extract LSB from selected position by keys Decoding message from 6 bit coding Fig 4. Steps of extracting secret message from the stego image EVALUATION AND DISCUSSION The algorithm was applied on bmp, png and jpeg image formats, and it was hidden texts of size 9.10 KB and 18.2 kb based on the idea of trees and linked lists by opposite directions in the image. Where the evaluation was performed on 5 image of each format. The following tables show the evaluation and the discussion of the hiding algorithm using PSNR, MSE and SSIM criteria. TABLE 1: COVER IMAGES OF BMP FORMAT airplane baboon Barbara E. Hiding text message of size 9.10 kb, BMP format. The tables 2 and 3 shows the results of hiding text file with size 9.10 kb and BMP formats with and without reducing the colorbaots Lena Pepper text size using the proposed Tree Linked List LSB hiding algorithm. TABLE 2: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 9.10 KB AND BMP FORMAT WITHOUT REDUCING THE SIZE Image Original Image Size Airplane Baboon Barbara Boatscolor Lena Pepper 768kb, 512*512 703kb, 500*480 1.18mb, 720*576 1.29mb, 787*576 768kb, 512*512 768kb , 512*512 Secret Message Size 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb Stego Image Size 565kb 278kb 1.04mb 1.00mb 279kb 715kb PSNR MSE 59.8547 59.7898 61.9136 62.3592 59.9688 60.0248 0.0672 0.0683 0.0419 0.0378 0.0655 0.0647 SSIM TABLE 3: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 9.10 KB AND BMP FORMAT WITH REDUCING SIZE. Image Original Image Size Airplane Baboon Barbara Boatscolor Lena Pepper 768kb, 512*512 703kb, 500*480 1.18mb, 720*576 1.29mb, 787*576 768kb, 512*512 768kb, 512*512 Secret Message Size 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb F. Hiding text message of size 18.2 kb, BMP format The two tables 4 and 5 shows the results of hiding text file with size 18.2 kb and BMP formats with and without reducing Stego Image Size 564kb 267kb 1.04mb 1.00mb 270kb 715kb PSNR MSE 61.1415 60.9739 63.1366 63.6000 61.2621 61.2847 0.0500 0.0520 0.0316 0.0284 0.0486 0.0484 SSIM the text size using the proposed Tree Linked List LSB hiding algorithm. TABLE 4: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 18.2 KB AND BMP FORMAT WITHOUT REDUCING THE SIZE. Image Original Image Size Airplane Baboon Barbara Boatscolor Lena Pepper 768kb, 512*512 703kb, 500*480 1.18mb, 720*576 1.29mb, 787*576 768kb, 512*512 768kb, 512*512 ISSN: 2231-5381 Secret Message Size 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb Stego Image Size 565kb 290kb 1.05mb 1.00mb 291kb 715kb PSNR MSE SSIM 56.9990 56.8676 58.8964 59.4101 57.0698 57.0833 0.1298 0.1338 0.0838 0.0745 0.1277 0.1273 0.9991 Page 212 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015 TABLE 5: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 18.2 KB AND BMP FORMAT WITH REDUCING SIZE. Image Original Image Size Airplane Baboon Barbara Boatscolor Lena Pepper 768kb, 512*512 703kb, 500*480 1.18mb, 720*576 1.29mb, 787*576 768kb, 512*512 768kb, 512*512 Secret Message Size 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb Stego Image Size 565kb 276kb 1.04mb 1.00mb 278kb 715kb PSNR MSE SSIM 58.2981 58.0726 60.1816 60.6958 58.3614 58.3792 0.0962 0.1014 0.0624 0.0554 0.0948 0.0944 The following diagrams shows the results of hiding text file with size 9.10 kb and 18.2 kb of BMP formats with and without reducing the text size using the proposed Tree Linked List LSB hiding algorithm. Fig 7. MSE values for Cover and Stego Images of BMP format Fig 5. Cover and Stego Image of BMP format Fig 8. SSIM values for Cover and Stego Images of BMP format Fig 6. PSNR values for Cover and Stego Images of BMP format TABLE 6: COVER IMAGES OF PNG FORMAT Airplane baboon Lena G. Hiding text message of size 9.10 kb, PNG format. The two tables 7 and 8 shows the results of hiding text file with size 9.10 kb and PNG formats with and without reducing Pepper Fruit the text size using the proposed Tree Linked List LSB hiding algorithm. TABLE 7: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 9.10 KB AND PNG FORMAT WITHOUT REDUCING THE SIZE Image Original Image Size Airplane Baboon Lena Pepper Fruits 439KB, 512*512 635kb, 512*512 463kb, 512*512 526kb, 512*512 461kb, 512*512 ISSN: 2231-5381 Secret Message Size 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb Stego Image Size 565kb 735kb 718kb 715kb 579kb PSNR MSE 59.8547 60.0255 59.9946 60.0248 59.9400 0.0672 0.0646 0.0651 0.0647 0.0659 SSIM Page 213 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015 TABLE 8: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 9.10 KB AND PNG FORMAT WITH REDUCING SIZE. Image Original Image Size Airplane Baboon Lena Pepper Fruits 439KB, 512*512 635kb, 512*512 463kb, 512*512 526kb, 512*512 461kb, 512*512 Secret Message Size 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb H. Hiding text message of size 18.2 kb, PNG format. The two tables 9,10 shows the results of hiding text file with size 18.2 kb and PNG formats with and without reducing Stego Image Size 564kb 735kb 718kb 715kb 574kb PSNR MSE 61.1415 61.2009 61.2713 61.2847 61.0325 0.0500 0.0493 0.0485 0.0484 0.0513 SSIM the text size using the proposed Tree Linked List LSB hiding algorithm. TABLE 9: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 18.2 KB AND PNG FORMAT WITHOUT REDUCING THE SIZE Image Original Image Size Airplane Baboon Lena Pepper Fruits 439KB, 512*512 635kb, 512*512 463kb, 512*512 526kb, 512*512 461kb, 512*512 Secret Message Size 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb Stego Image Size 565kb 735kb 718kb 715kb 584kb PSNR MSE 56.9990 57.0598 57.0651 57.0833 57.0101 0.1298 0.1280 0.1278 0.1273 0.1294 SSIM 0.9996 TABLE 10: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 18.2 KB AND PNG FORMAT BY REDUCING THE SIZE Image Original Image Size Airplane Baboon Lena Pepper Fruits 439KB, 512*512 635kb, 512*512 463kb, 512*512 526kb, 512*512 461kb, 512*512 Secret Message Size 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb Stego Image Size 565kb 735kb 717kb 715kb 578kb PSNR MSE 58.2981 58.3640 58.3269 58.3792 58.1874 0.0962 0.0948 0.0956 0.0944 0.0987 SSIM The following diagrams shows the results of hiding text file with size 9.10 kb and 18.2 kb of PNG formats with and without reducing the text size using the proposed Tree Linked List LSB hiding algorithm. Fig 10. PSNR values for Cover and Stego Images of PNG format Fig 9. Cover and Stego Image of PNG format ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 214 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015 Fig 11. MSE values for Cover and Stego Images of PNG format Fig 12. SSIM values for Cover and Stego Images of PNG format TABLE 11: COVER IMAGES OF JPEG FORMAT Lena anime house Chimborazo volcano I. Hiding text message of size 9.10 kb, JPEG format. The two tables 12, 13 shows the results of hiding text file with size 9.10 kb and JPEG formats with and without Sense1 Sence2 reducing the text size using the proposed Tree Linked List LSB hiding algorithm. TABLE 12: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 9.10 KB AND JPEG FORMAT WITHOUT REDUCING THE SIZE. Image Original Image Size Stego Image Size 547kb 1.12mb 5.84mb 794kb PSNR MSE SSIM 50.1kb, 480*480 60.6kb, 960*720 750kb, 2048*1536 549kb, 752*490 Secret Message Size 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb Lena anime house Chimborazo volcano Sence1 Sence2 59.3830 54.9987 71.2022 61.3581 0.0750 0.2057 0.0049 0.0476 0.9995 0.9986 0.9999 0.9997 50.9kb, 750*449 118kb, 960*720 9.10kb 9.10kb 597kb 1.64mb 57.9089 59.2663 0.1052 0.0770 0.9995 0.9996 TABLE 13: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 9.10 KB AND JPEG FORMAT WITH REDUCING SIZE. Image Original Image Size Stego Image Size 544kb 1.11mb 5.84mb 791kb PSNR MSE SSIM 50.1kb, 480*480 60.6kb, 960*720 750kb, 2048*1536 549kb, 752*490 Secret Message Size 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb 9.10kb Lena anime house Chimborazo volcano Sence1 Sence2 60.6484 55.0652 72.4232 62.6011 0.0560 0.2026 0.0037 0.0357 0.9996 0.9986 0.9999 0.9997 50.9kb, 750*449 118kb, 960*720 9.10kb 9.10kb 587kb 1.64mb 58.3560 59.6245 0.0949 0.0709 0.9995 0.9997 J. Hiding text message of size 18.2 kb, JPEG format. The two tables 14, 15 shows the results of hiding text file with size 18.2 kb and JPEG formats with and without reducing the text size using the proposed Tree Linked List LSB hiding algorithm. TABLE 14: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 18.2 KB AND JPEG FORMAT WITHOUT REDUCING THE SIZE. Image Original Image Size Lena anime house Chimborazo volcano Sence1 Sence2 ISSN: 2231-5381 Stego Image Size 553kb 1.13mb 5.85mb 799kb PSNR MSE SSIM 50.1kb, 480*480 60.6kb, 960*720 750kb, 2048*1536 549kb, 752*490 Secret Message Size 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 56.3532 54.7408 68.1387 58.3508 0.1506 0.2183 0.0100 0.0951 0.9989 0.9984 0.9999 0.9993 50.9kb, 750*449 118kb, 960*720 18.2kb 18.2kb 606kb 1.65mb 56.3420 58.0366 0.1510 0.1022 0.9991 0.9995 Page 215 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015 TABLE 15: HIDING RESULT OF TEXT FILE OF SIZE 18.2 KB AND JPEG FORMAT WITH REDUCING SIZE. Image Original Image Size Secret Message Size Stego Image Size PSNR MSE SSIM Lena anime house Chimborazo volcano Sence1 Sence2 50.1kb, 480*480 60.6kb, 960*720 750kb, 2048*1536 549kb, 752*490 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 18.2kb 548kb 1.12mb 5.84mb 793kb 57.7044 54.8638 69.4036 59.6539 0.1103 0.2122 0.0075 0.0704 0.9992 0.9985 0.9999 0.9995 50.9kb, 750*449 118kb, 960*720 18.2kb 18.2kb 595kb 1.64mb 57.0312 58.6321 0.1288 0.0891 0.9992 0.9996 The following diagrams shows the results of hiding text file with size 9.10 kb and 18.2 kb of JPEG formats with and without reducing the text size using the proposed Tree Linked List LSB hiding algorithm. Fig 16. SSIM values for Cover and Stego Images of JPEG format Fig 13. Cover and Stego Image of JPEG format Fig 14. PSNR values for Cover and Stego Images of JPEG format Fig 15. MSE values for Cover and Stego Images of JPEG format ISSN: 2231-5381 EVALUATION OF THE STEGO IMAGE: From the previous analysis and result we notice that BMP file format is the best, which they decreasing the file size after the hiding process. But in the PNG file format the file size increases by a few rate. However the cons of JPEG file format is increasing the size of the file dramatically. So that the proposed algorithm by reducing the size of the secret message they decreasing the file size by a few rate, and this is pros added to the algorithm. In the PSNR evaluation with the TLLLSB and proposed algorithm has proved that the value of PSNR is a high, and this indicates the quality of stego image. And in the MSE evaluation with the TLLLSB and proposed algorithm has proved that the value of PSNR is low in comparison with the normal hiding of the secret message, and this indicates the quality of stego image. And in the SSIM evaluation with the TLLLSB and proposed algorithm has proved that the value of PSNR is closely to 1, and this indicates the quality of stego image. CONCLUSION The proposed algorithm has proved its effectiveness in terms of hiding capacity, durability and quality of the image and dealing with a different file format. And does not rely on a specific format that increases the efficiency of the algorithm, also is not observed any distortion to it the eye, and the normal file size that is not going on a doubts around him. The high values of PSNR and low values of MSE and SSIM values that very close to 1 indicates the efficiency of the proposed algorithm that is called TLLLSB. We note that the file size is minimizing when using the algorithm of reducing the size of the secret message before hiding, and the image quality becomes highest at hiding by the proposed algorithm. 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Dr. Gafar Zen Alabdeen Salh Hassan, Assistant Professor, Department of Computers and Information Technology, University of Jeddah, Faculty of Computers and Information Technology, Khulais, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.. Permanent Address: Department of Information Technology, Faculty of computer Science and Information Technology, Alneelain University, Khartoum, Sudan. Dr. Abdelmajid Hassan Mansour Emam, Assistant Professor, Department of Computers and Information Technology, University of Jeddah, Faculty of Computers and Information Technology, Khulais, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Permanent Address: Department of Information Technology, Faculty of computer Science and Information Technology, Alneelain University, Khartoum, Sudan. BIOGRAPHY Bassam Hasan Saghir Al-Malhani, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of computer Science and Information Technology, Alneelain University, Khartoum, Sudan. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 217