International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 27 Number 4 - September 2015 Examination of a New Defense Mechanism:Honeywords Rohit Gujar#1,Rahul Dhumal#2,Shrinath Shelke#3,Pravin Hinge#4,Prof.Prashant Suryavanshi#5 #1234 Student of BE Computer #5Asst.Prof(Computer Engg) Savitribai Phule Pune University, H.S.B.P.V.T.COE, Kashti, Shrigonda 414701, Ahemednagar. Abstract- The decoy passwords i.e honey words to detect attacks against hash password database.For each user account the legitimate password stored in form of honey words. If attacker Attack on password i.e honey words it can not be sure it is real password or honeyword. It is much easier to crack a password hash with the advancements in the graphical processing unit(GPU) technology.Entering with a honeyword to login will trigger an alarm notifying the administrator about a password file breach.In this context a paper for improving the security of hashed passwords.Roughly speaking, they propose an approach for userauthentication, in which some false passwords, i.e“honeywords”are added into a password file, in order todetect impersonation. Their solution includes an auxiliarysecure server called “honeychecker” which can distinguisha user’s real password among her honeywords and immediatelysets off an alarm whenever a honeyword is used. Inthis paper, we analyze the security of the proposal, providesome possible improvements which are easy to implementand introduce an enhanced model as a solution to an open KeywordsAuthentication,Honeywords,login,passwords,Security user accounts tolure adversaries and detects a password disclosure, ifany one of the honeyword passwords get used. In this paper it can be represented the honeyword mechanismto detect an adversary who attempts to login with cracked passwords.Basically, for each username a setof sweetwords is constructed such that only one elementis the correct password and the others are honeywords(decoy passwords). Hence, when an adversary tries toenter into the system with a honeyword, an alarm istriggered to notify the administrator about a passwordleakage. 2.Check:i,j Server Honeyche cker 3.True/False,Alarm 1.User send login request To server 4.ACCEPT/REJECT User I.INTRODUCTION The password files is a severe securityproblem that has affected by users,since leaked passwords make the users target of many possible cyber-attacks. In this paper there are two issues that should be considered to overcome these security problems:First passwords must be protected by taking appropriate precautions and storing with their hash values computed through salting or some other complex mechanisms. Hence, for an adversary it must be hard to invert hashesto acquire plaintext passwords. The second point is that asecure system should detect whether a password file disclosureincident happened or not to take appropriate actions.In this study, we focus on the latter issue and dealwith fake passwords or accounts as a simple and costeffective solution to detect compromise of passwords. Honeyword is one of the methods to identify occurrenceof a password database breach. In this approach, theadministrator purposely creates deceit ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig.1.Login schema of a system using honeywords When a user ui sends a login request, the loginserver will determine the order of her among the users,and the order of the submitted password among hersweetwords. The login server sends a message of theform Check(i, j) to a secure server which is called“honeychecker”, for the ith user and her jth sweetword.The honeychecker will determine whether the submittedword is a password or a honeyword. If a honeyword issubmitted, then it will raise an alarm or take an actionthat is previously chosen Figure I. The honeycheckercannot know anything about the user’s password orhoneywords. It maintains a single database that containsonly the order of the true password among the user’ssweetwords. In this study, we analyze the honeyword approachand give some remarks about the security of the system.Furthermore, we point out that the key item for thismethod is the generation algorithm of the Page 201 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 27 Number 4 - September 2015 honeywordssuch that they shall be indistinguishable from the correctpasswords. Therefore, we propose a new approachthat uses passwords of other users in the system forhoneyword sets, i.e. realistic honeywords are provided. instance,mice3blind is decomposed as 4-letters + 1digit + 5-lettersL4+D1+L5 and replaced with the same compositionlike gold5rings. Bond004 james004 004bond 004004 2.HONEYWORDS Set multiple possible password for each account, any one of which is genuine.The others we refer to as “honeywords.The attempted of a honeywords to login in sets off an alarm,as an adversarial attack has been reliably detected.Admin login it require login id which is made up of various sentence or word in each its last digit is a honeyword assign key value store into the hash table called “honeyword”. 2.1.3 Hybrid Method It consists of combination of chaffing-with-apassword-model and chaffing-by-tweakingdigits.By using this technique, random password modelwill yield seeds for tweaking-digits to generate honeywords. 3.SECURITY ANALYSIS OF HONEYWORDS 2.1Honeyword Generation Methods It is catagories into two groups first consists of the legacy-UI(user interface) procedures and the second one include modified-UI procedures whose password-change UI is modified to allow better password/honeyword generation. Take-a-tail method is given as example of the second category. Accordingto this approach a randomly selected tail is produced forthe user to append this suffix to her entered password and the result becomes her new password. For instance,let a user enter password games01, and then system letpropose ’413’ as a tail. So the password of the user nowbecomes games01413. 2.1.1 Chaffing-by-tweaking In this method, the user password seeds the generator algorithmwhich tweaks selected character positions of thereal password to produce the honeywords. For instance,each character of a user password in predeterminedpositions is replaced by a randomly chosen characterof the same type: digits are replaced by digits, lettersby letters, and special characters by special characters.Number of positions to be tweaked, denoted as t should depend on system policy. 2.1.2 Chaffing-with-a-password-model In this approach, the generator algorithm takes the passwordfrom the user and relying on a probabilistic model of real passwords it produces the honeywords.The authors give the model of as an example for thismethod named as the modeling syntax. In this model,the password is splitted into character sets. For ISSN: 2231-5381 Attack Model\ Brute-force attack Guessing attack Network monitoring Phishing attack Malwares Visible passwords 1] Brute-force attack - An adversary can steal thepassword hash file and crack the hashes using bruteforce computation.He may also use a precomputeddictionary of password hashes 2] Guessing attack - Many users choose weak passwordssuch that an adversary can find out thepasswords of some users of a system by tryingcommon passwords while attempting to login to thatsystem.Spafford suggest good passwordchoice should avoid common words and names. 3] Network monitoring - If the communication between the user and the system is unsecured, i.e.unencrypted, an adversary may monitor the networktraffic and obtain the passwords or interrupt the trafficwhile a user creating her password and changeit to another one [12]. This attack is also called man-in-the-middleattack 1.user sends login record, Request request User 2.Adversary may modify,login Adversary Server 4.User sees what\ adversary sends. 5.Adv gets critical info Fig .2. Communication over an unsecured channel Page 202 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 27 Number 4 - September 2015 4] Phishing attack - A user can submit her logininformation to a web page prepared by an adversarywhich seems very likely to the original system’slogin screen. 5] Malwares - A Trojan program can capture the keystrokes and send this information to the adversaryThere are some advanced malwares that cansteal the login information from messenger likesoftwares some of which does not keep the logininformation encrypted. 4.A NEW APPROACH Our proposed model is still based on use of honeywordsto detect password-cracking. However, instead of generatingthe honeywords and storing them in the passwordfile, we suggest to benefit from existing passwords tosimulate honeywords.In order to achieve this,for eachexisting password indexes,which we call honeyindexes,are randomly assigned to a newly created account, Moreover, a random indexnumber is given to this account and hash of the correctpassword is kept with the correct index in a list. .It is equivalent to say that to createuncertainty about the correct password, we propose touse indexes that map to valid passwords in the system.The contribution of our approach is twofold. First, thismethod requires less storage compared to the originalstudy. Second, in the previous sections we argue thateffectiveness of the honeyword system directly dependson how Gen() flatness is provided and how it is closeto human behavior in choosing passwords. Within our approach passwords of other users are used as thefake passwords, so guess of which password is fakeand which is correct becomes more complicated for anadversary. 4.1 Initilization Firstly, T fake user accounts (honeypots) are created with their passwords. TABLE1 Notation H() Cryptographic hash function used to compute hash of the passwords Ui Username for the ith user. Pi Password of the ith user Wi List of potential passwords for ui Vi,j Hash value of jth element of Wi Vi List of hash values for ui, Vi = (vi,1,vi,2…… vi,k) k Number of elements in Wi ci Index of the correct password in list Wi Gen(k) Procedure used to generate Wi of length k of sweetwords sweetword: Each element of Wi sugarword: Correct password in Wi honeyword: Each fake password of Wi ISSN: 2231-5381 Also an index value between [1;N], but not used previously is assigned to each honeypot randomly. Then k =1 numbers are randomly selected from the index list and for each account a honeyindex set is built like Xi =(xi,1,xi,2,xi;k); one of the elements in Xi is the correctindex (sugarindex) as ci. Now, we use two passwordfiles as F1 and F2 in the main server: F1 stores usernameand honeyindex set, < hui,Xi >,where hui denotes a honeypot account. Note that eachentry has two elements. The first one is the usernameof the account and the second element is honeyindexset for the respective account. Also, the table is sortedalphabetically by the username field. On the other hand,F2 keeps the index number and the corresponding hash of the password, < ci;H(pi) >, as depicted in Table 3.In this case, each entry in the table has two elements. The first element is the sugarindex of the account and thesecond one is the hash of the corresponding password.Notice that the table is sorted according to the indexvalues. Let SI denote the index column and SH represent the corresponding password hash column of F2. Thenthe function f(ci) that gives password hash value in SH User name Rahul Rohit Shree : : Pravin23 Prashant_m Honeyindex Set (23,2351,…….,6475) (51432,15432,…….,88429) (3,62107,……..,91233) : : (1007,23471,……,47662) (63,51234,……,72382) TABLE 2 Example Password File F1 for the Proposed Model SI 3 8 58 : : SH H(p3) H(p8) H(p58) : : 10000 10003 H(p1000) H(p10003) TABLE 3 Example Password File F2 for the Proposed Model for the index value ci can be defined as: f(ci) = {H(pi) toSH :< ci,H(pi) > stored pair of ui and ci to SI}. Inorder to make points clear, the initialization process isshown within the following example. Example 1.Suppose that a honeypot username/password pair is generated like <john,master2015> by thesystem. Then an index number is randomly selected, forinstance 1005, and assigned as the correct Page 203 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 27 Number 4 - September 2015 index of thisaccount. Now F2 file is updated according to this informationas shown below: Index No Hash of Password : : 1005 : : H(master 2015) Then, k =1 numbers are randomly chosen from SI of F2 and combined with correct index 1005 in a random manner to produce the index group. For instance, if k = 5, such a group (42,32104,1005,4201,34008) may be generated. In this case F1 file is seen as below: Username Honeyindex Set : : : : John (42,32104,1005,4201,34008) : : : 4.2 Registration : After the initialization process, system is ready for user registration. In this phase, a legacy-UI is preferred, i.e. a username and password are required from the user as ui,pi to register the system. We use the honeyindex generator algorithm Gen(k,SI ) -> ci,Xi, which outputs ci as the correct index for ui and the honeyindexes Xi = (xi,1,xi,2…….xi,k). 4.4 Login Process System firstly checks whether entered password, g, iscorrect for the corresponding username ui. To accomplishthis, firstly the Xi of the corresponding ui is attained from the F1 file. Then, the hash values stored inF2 file for the respective indices in Xi are compared withH(g) to find a match. If a match is not obtained, thenit means that g is neither the correct password, nor oneof the honeywords, i.e. login fails. On the other hand,if H(g) is found in the list, then the main server checkswhether the account is a honeypot. 5.SECURITY ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED MODEL In this section, we investigate the security of the proposed model against some possible attack scenarios.Before, however, we elaborate on the attack strategies,we will first state a set of reasonable assumptions aboutour approach and the related security policies. We supposethat the adversary can invert most or many of thepassword hashes in file F2. Notice that the introductionof this scheme comes with a DoS attack sensitivity inwhich an adversary deliberately tries to login with honeywordsto trigger a false alarm. Hence, the suggestedpolicies given below mostly focuses on minimizing theDoS vulnerabilities. when a user loginswith a wrong password, but not a honeyword, thelogin fails. If this wrong password is the passwordof another account in the system and the sameuser hits this situation more than once (trying withother passwords in F2), the system should turn onadditional logging of the user’s activities to detect a possible DoS attack and to attribute the adversary,besides the incorrect login attempt case proceeds asusual. 4.3 Honeychecker In our approach, the auxiliary service honeychecker is employed to store correct indexes for each account and we assume that it communicates with the main server through a secure channel in an authenticated manner. The honeychecker executes two commands sent by the main server: Set: ci,ui Sets correct password index ci for the user ui. Check: ui,j Checks whether ci for ui is equal to given j. Returns the result and if equality does not hold, notifies system a honeyword situation. Thus, the honeychecker only knows the correct index for a username, but not the password or hash of the password. ISSN: 2231-5381 If a password, whose hash value is in the SH of the F2, is entered in wrong login attempts for more than once, the system should take actions against a possible DoS alarm. In this case the system suspects about the respective password such that it is known by the adversary and she aims to raise a honeyword situation. Resultantly, the consecutive wrong login attempts with this password gives rise to a DoS warning and further activities of the user are investigated by the admin as a precaution to prevent a false honeyword alarm. Note that these attempts may be done with a single username or with different usernames. In order to increase the number of unique passwordsin the system, i.e. reduce common passwords,users should be forced to adhere to a passwordcompositionpolicy like basic8 Page 204 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 27 Number 4 - September 2015 (8 or more characters),comprehensive8 (at least 8 characters, includingan uppercase and lowercase letter, a symbol,and a digit and not contain a dictionary word),basic16 (16 or more characters) in the password creation. The main reason behind this item isto minimize the number of common passwords in the system,if the numberof common password increases, the chance of anadversary realizing a DoS attack also increases. A username should not be correlated with its password,the contribution of the honeywords for an account,that has a correlated username password pair, willbe weakened. Although fulfilling this item is noteasy, some obvious vulnerable cases can be automaticallyrejected by the system by developing custom policy, e.g. the password string involves theusername as a suffix or prefix are not accepted as a pasword. user will benegligibly low. Although, an adversary may hit a realpassword using a common password in the system, itis not necessarily a honeyword for the correspondingaccount. Thus, use of real passwords as honeywordsdoes not cause a DoS weakness. 6.3 Flatness It demonstrates that the chaffing-withtweakingmodelmay leave traces to an adversary in distinguishingthe genuine password from the honeywords,the producedhoneywords may seem like user passwords from theperspective of the adversary.Success of the method inflatness depends on how password-model is constructed,for instance the modeling syntax yields honeywords dependingcomposition of the user password, thereby aperfect user like behaviour cannot be provided. On theother hand, the simple model described in the studymay satisfy the distribution of honeywords like userpasswords by using a list of real passwords. For ourproposed model as described previously passwords ofother users become honeywords for a user. Method To avoid occurrence of a high number of common passwords in the system, the user should be driven to choose another password when the created password is in the list of 1000 most common passwords. Hence, chance of a possible DoS attack described below will be reduced. 6.COMPARISON OF HONEYWORD GENERATION MDELS In this section consists of storage cost, dos resistance, flatness, and usability to achieve target goal. 6.1 Storage Cost A typical passwordfile system requires hN plus storage for usernames,where N stands for the number of users in the systemand h denotes length of password hash in bytes.On the other hand this is khN,where k denotes the number of the sweetwords assigned to each account.Notice that we ignored the storage cost stemmed from usernames, since it is not changed after adaptation of the honeywords. 6.2 Dos Resistance In this we show that the chaffing-withtweakingmodelmay suffer from a DoS attack, due to predictabilityof the honeywords. Unlikely, the chaffing-with-a-passwordmodelprovides resistance against such an attack, becausehoneywords are generated by using a list of passwords such that they may be independent from the correctpassword adaptation of a strong password compositionpolicy likely prevents occurrence of common passwordsin high numbers, i.e. probability of a common passwordis assigned as a honeyword for a specific ISSN: 2231-5381 Tweaking Passwordmodel Dos Resistance weak strong Flatness weak strong Storage Cost hN* khN 6.4 Usability In this part, we compare our approach with the simplemodel in terms of practicality and ease of use. Byconsidering the simple model whose password listis constructed with composition of numerous realpasswords and randomly generated passwords, one canargue about how the real password source is provided.If the same resource of real passwords is used indifferent sites, similar inherited weaknesses related tohoneyword generation may be observed. By weak DoS resistance we mean an adversarywho knows the password can hit the one of correspondinghoneywords with a non-negligible chance; while bystrong we mean that this chance is ignorably small. 7.CONCLUSION In this study, we have analyzed the security of thehoneyword system and addressed a number of flawsthat need to be handled before successful realization ofthe scheme. In this respect, we have pointed out that thestrength of the honeyword system directly depends onthe generation algorithm, i.e. flatness of the generatoralgorithm determines the chance of distinguishing the correct password out of respective sweetwords. Anotherpoint that we would like to stress is that defined reactionpolicies in case of a honeyword entrance can beexploited by an adversary to realize a Page 205 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 27 Number 4 - September 2015 DoS attack. 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