International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 26 Number 5- August 2015 Role Based Access Control System Dr. Gregory Onwodi#1 #1 Lecturer I & CIT Unit & National Open University of Nigeria 14/16 Ahmadu Bello way V/I, Lagos, Nigeria Abstract- The development of a Role-based access control system proffers solution to the problem being encountered in a non Role-based access control system such as presence of errors, high rate of fraudulent attack and all associated problems. This research therefore introduces the concept of a Role-based access control system (RBAC) which is an improved alternative to the non role based access control. With the concept of a Rolebased access control system, users do not have unrestricted access to enterprise objects. Rather, access permissions are administratively associated with roles, and users are administratively made members of appropriate roles. It is a two – tier architecture software. This notion greatly simplifies the four major action lists: Create, read, Update and Delete (CRUD). With the four system client privileges (Insert, Update, Select and Delete) which have been classified into three (Class A, Class B and Class C). Class A have four privileges (Insert, Update, Select and Delete); Class B has three privileges (Insert, Update and Select); while Class C has two privileges (Insert and Select). This Paper presents a developed application tha t makes a u t h o r i z a t i o n available t o s c r i p t s a n d application for the system and also an Audit Trail to keep track of activities done. This was developed and achieved using PHP and MYSQL. The system was built to override SQL injection and to reset all session variables at the end of each session. We conclude that an enterprise should move to Role-based access control system to maintain and keep tracks of activities in the organisation and also to reduce exposure to fraud and conflict interest. Keywords RBAC, CRUD, PHP, MYSQL, Audit Trail I. INTRODUCTION Role-based access control is an access control method that organizations implement to ensure that access to data is performed by authorized users. Unlike other access control methods, Role-Based Access Control assigns users to a specific roles and permission are granted to each role based on the user‟s job requirements. Users can be assigned any number of roles in order to conduct day-to-day tasks. For example, a user may need to have developer roles as well as an analyst role. Each role would define the permissions that are needed to access different objects. Role- ISSN: 2231-5381 Based Access Control RBAC, is an approach to restricting system access to authorized users.[1] It is used by the majority of enterprises with more than 500 employees,[2] and can be implemented via Mandatory Access Control (MAC) or Discretionary Access Control (DAC). RBAC is sometimes referred to as role-based security. Within an organization, roles are created for various job functions. The permissions to perform certain operations are assigned to specific roles. Members of staff or other system users are assigned particular roles, and through those role assignments, acquire the computer permissions to perform particular computer-system functions. Since users are not assigned permissions directly, but only acquire them through their role or roles, management of individual user rights becomes a matter of simply assigning appropriate roles to the user's account; this simplifies common operations, such as adding a user, or changing a user's department,[3] . Access controls are security features that control how users and systems communicate and interact with other systems and resources. Access is the flow of information between a subject and an object. A subject is an active entity that requests access to an object or the data within an object. E.g User, Program, Process etc. An object is a passive entity that contains the information. E.g.: Computer, Database, File, Program etc. Access controls give an organization the ability to control, restrict, monitor, and protect resource availability, integrity and confidentiality[4] II. MODULES DESCRIPTION The architecture below describes the underline information system model for the system. Fig. 1 Systems Architecture Page 233 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 26 Number 5- August 2015 The information system lies on role based authentication where system clients‟ actions are mapped to their various roles. During authentication the system determines users‟ roles and routes the user to the appropriate controller providing the matching actions. The action list contains four (4) major options (CRUD actions) as listed above (fig.1) in the model. A. SYSTEM CLIENT Users are termed as the system client according to the model above. Users are created by the super administrator which is in charge of the entire system. The super administrator assigns an action class to an entity based on their role and level in the system operational flow. The authentication manager spool validates and authenticates users‟ actions based on their action class in the system data backbone. B. ROLE MANAGER System client‟s roles are divided into four (4) i.e. Insert, Update, Select and Delete. Every user class contains roles unique to them, based on the users‟ action class. The system retrieves this information about the action class at the point of entry into the system (authentication). Class A process all four roles of the role class i.e. They can insert new record, update existing records, fetch records from the database as well. Class B calls only three (3) actions of the role class; select, update, insert. Finally Class C references selection of records as well as creating new records. C. DATABASE Authentication is done based on the action class by the role manager, action flows from the role manager to a transport module which maps actions to the clients classes based on their privilege in the data backbone. There four system client privileges Class A (Insert, Update, Select, Delete) Class B (Insert, Update, Select) Class C (Insert, Select) III FRONT END DESIGN A. ADMINISTRATORS LOGIN This is the systems Administrators interface where login credentials are entered to gain access to the system after logging – in (fig. 2). ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig. 2 System Administrator Login B. STAFF REGISTRATION This function is available to all user classes i.e. (A, B, C). It validates inputs and enforces the input of all required fields by prompting and disabling the submit button until this field are filled. Fig.3 shows the form where administrator enters the data of a new staff to be registered. Fig.3 Staff Registration Form View On a successful completion of this form, the page prompts a message notifying the user of a successful submission of the record to the database. C. RECORD UPDATES This role is available only to users in privilege classes „A‟ or „B‟. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of this action provides the user with an input field where the user enters the file number of the record to be updated; the record is lifted from the database and displayed to the user from where appropriate fields can be modified as desired. Fig. 4 shows the form where the user enters the assigned file number of the record to be updated. Page 234 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 26 Number 5- August 2015 Fig. 4 Record Update Form Fig. 6 Record Truncation Form On modification, the submit button is clicked and the user is notified on a successfully update with a message notification on top of the form. The lift handle provides the capability of reviewing the record to be deleted on supplying a valid file number. When the delete button is clicked, the record is taken off the system permanently. D. RECORD TRUNCATION This action is only available to system clients on the privilege class A, where a user is authenticated again before data truncation can occur. The users have to re-enter their login credentials before the form which serves this purpose is loaded. Fig.5 shows the form which is loaded when the user clicks on the „delete option‟ link. E. ROLE PRIVILEGES This function enables the administrator create new system client as well as assign roles to them. The administrator supplies the username and password as well as defines a privilege class to the new system client as described below: Fig.5 Data Truncation Window When a user enters a valid username and password which processes the privilege of truncating records, the transport module of the application loads the form containing the data truncation controls as illustrated in fig. 6. Fig.7 Administrators Privileges F. USER AUDITING The administrator queries the log of activities using system client‟s username as a seed in the audit as illustrated in Fig.8. Audit results are attached to a section of the page as the event which triggers the audit takes place („on Change‟): ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 235 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 26 Number 5- August 2015 B. CLASS B PRIVILEGE VIEW Based on the actions available to this system client role, the landing view of a user in this class is populated with just three actions i.e. record viewing, updating of record, and inserting new staff record into the database (figure 4.10). Fig.8 Client Auditing Templates IV. BACK END DESIGN Authentication is done based on the action class by the role manager, action flows from the role manager to a transport module which maps actions to the clients classes based on their privilege in the data backbone. There four system client privileges Class A (Insert, Update, Select, Delete) Class B (Insert, Update, Select) Class C (Insert, Select) A. CLASS A PRIVILEGE VIEW On supplying login credentials to the transport module, a user found in this privilege class is stacked up with an interface having all four property of the action class role i.e. the ability to add new staff to the current database, update staff record, fetch staff‟s record and truncate staff‟s records(fig. 4.9). Fig.10 Class B Privilege View C. CLASS C PRIVILEGE VIEW These privilege class processes the least underlying list of actions on its view after a successful authentication on login. The listed actions include insertion of new records and selection of existing records. Fig.11 Class C Privilege View V. DATABASE SCHEMA A. TABLE “SYS_CLIENT This holds system clients information such as, username, password, action class (privilege) and access levels. This table is affected by a super administrator, who has the function to add a new user and to drop an existing user. Fig.9 Class A Privilege View The swatch on the left switch between record views and basic information to staff specialization. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 236 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 26 Number 5- August 2015 Fig.12 Table Sys_Client C. TABLE “TRAIL” This holds a complete log of users‟ actions starting from the point of entry into the system (authentication) to exit (logout) as shown in fig.13. Fig.14 Table Basic_Info The information contained on this table include staff file number which is the main index of the table (primary key), full-name, nationality, state of origin, local government area, ward, date of birth, his/her grade and level in the commission, the current post he/she are holds, the primary assignment and contact information. D. TABLE “DATES” This contains staff timeline information including first appointment date, date of first appointment, date posted to current establishment/unit and last promotion date. Fig.13 Table_Trial C. TABLE “BASIC_INFO” This table holds the data of the subject matter of the system that is been implemented fig. 14. Fig.15 Table Dates E. TABLE SPECIALIZATION Function information as to staff qualification are contained on this page. These are information such ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 237 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 26 Number 5- August 2015 as qualifications, subject(s) specialized in, and subject(s) taught. Role Based Access Control has being designed to automate and simplify access control administration and to make authorization available to script and application implementing Mandatory Access Control. It assigns users to specific roles and permission is granted to each role based on the user‟s job requirements. This application was implemented in a virtual reality environment. It is well known that there is a high rate of fraudulent attack online and there is an everincreasing need to adapt to changing requirements. Therefore, it is of a great importance for the development and view of consideration that will bring about an upgrade from a non-Role-Based Access Control system to Role-Based Access Control system to facilitate separation of duties, a more secured system and a robust application. Fig.16 Table Specialization F. SECURITY ISSUES Security is a major concern for the modern age systems. In order to safeguard this information system, the system has been tested and optimized to override SQL injection and other system vulnerabilities. Also, proper measures were taken to ensure the proper clean up of data by resetting all session variables at the end of each session i.e. when a logout action is called. A log of every user‟s action is tagged in the audit trail of the system. V. CONCLUSIONS Role-based access control is an access control method that organizations implement to ensure that access to data is performed by authorized users. ISSN: 2231-5381 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to acknowledge Eyo Esther for typesetting this work and Stephen Ariyo for the systems development. REFERENCES [1] Sandmu. R, Ferraiolo, D.F & Kumn,D. R (2000)@The NIST Model for Role Based Access Control: towards a unified Standard @5@ ACM Workshop role Based Access Control: 47-63. [2] Sandhu, R. (1988):. “Role Based Access Control” In Advances in Computers, Vol. 46, M. Zelkowitz Eds . Academic, 237-286. (1998). [3] Anderson, A. O (2005):Core and Hierarchical Role Based Access Contol (RBAC) rofile of XACML Version 2.0 (2005). ASIS Standard. [4] Sylvia, Osborn, R. Sandhu, and Q. Munawer (2000).”Configuring Role Based Access Control to enforce mandatory and discretionary control policies”.ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 85-106. (2000). Page 238