TESL T 527: Cultural C Issues in the E ESL/EFL Cllassroom Sum mmer 2015 Dates: May M 12, 2015 5 – June 25, 2015 Day and Time: Tuesd day & Thurssday, 5:30pm m-8:00pm Location: MGC 331 Instructo or: Emily Vaandermade Office Ho ours: By Ap ppointment Courrse Overview w This courrse offers thee MA TESO OL student an n understandding of the ccultural issuees that come into play in th heir professio onal lives ass classroom ESL/EFL E teaachers. Firstt, students w will explore thhe concept of o culture an nd common approaches a from f the fielld of interculltural comm munication. N Next, a discourrse systems approach a will allow stud dents to analyyze and evalluate how too work withinn an unfamiliaar culture. Then, the disccourse system ms approachh will be appplied to educcational cultuure and a crittical view off schooling will w emerge. Finally, stu dents will annalyze and ddesign classrroom activitiess that create a positive classroom env vironment foor all learnerrs and teach culture. Givven the subjeect matter, th his course req quires a sign nificant amouunt of personnal reflection, interpretaation, analysis, and negotiaation regardin ng a range of o cultural isssues relevannt to English language instructio on. Course Goals nd of the cou urse, studentts will be ablle to: By the en Define culture and explain the relationsships betweeen culture, laanguage, andd education. Ideentify culturaal issues thatt may compllicate the succcess of ELL Ls in ESL/EF FL classroom ms. Un nderstand and d apply interrcultural com mmunicationn principles tto work effecctively with ELLs E and theeir families. Creeate, implem ment and evaluate classro oom activitiees that fosterr interculturaal awarenesss. Creeate their ow wn positive classroom c cu ulture to creaate a “third pplace” for stuudents to anaalyze an nd practice both b home an nd target culltures. Utiilize models of discoursee systems an nd politenesss systems to analyze hum man interactiion. Co ourse Texts Moran, P. P (2001). Teeaching cultu ure: Perspecctives in pracctice. Bostonn: Heinle EL LT. Wintergeerst, A., & McVeigh, M J. (2010). ( Tips for teachingg culture: Prractical apprroaches to in ntercultural communicattion. Pearson n. (W&M) Addition nal readings will w be madee available on o Blackboarrd. 1 TESL 52 27 (Summer 2015) Attendance and Participation Requirements Attendance and active class participation are both key for course success. Active class participation includes completing all readings before class; bringing insightful comments, insights, and incisive questions about the readings and class topic to our discussions; and engaging your classmates in our professional learning community in-person and online. You will be responsible for supporting and responding to your classmates during activity demonstrations and other presentations. Please be considerate of your classmates by arriving on time and silencing cell phones. Please let me know in advance if you will be absent from class. You are responsible for all material covered during any absence. In an average week, you should expect to spend several hours on course readings and assignments for this course. You are required to complete all assigned readings before class. Assignments have varying due dates as described below. All work must be submitted on Blackboard in the Assignments folder (unless otherwise stated) by the due dates established; late work may receive a grade reduction. Electronic files should be saved using this format: “Assignment (Lastname)”. In all of your assignments, make your best effort to incorporate information from the readings, class discussions, and your TESOL classroom and tutoring experiences. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a problem with an assignment submission. Academic Integrity You are subject to the Academic Integrity Code of American University. Please carefully read the guidelines at http://www.american.edu/academics/integrity/. All work you submit must be your own or must be properly documented. In addition, collaborative work and work submitted for another class must be approved in advance by the instructor. Writing Center and Academic Support and Access Center The Writing Center offers free, one-on-one coaching for all AU students at any stage of their writing process. Writing consultants focus on supporting the writer rather than producing a product. They do not prepare papers for students; they prepare students for papers. Students are encouraged to call for an appointment (ext. 2991)—sessions begin on the hour and usually last about 45 minutes at Battelle-Tompkins 228. You must have a writing assignment sheet with you at the time of your appointment. For more information, refer to the site: http://www.american.edu/cas/writing/index.cfm. The Academic Support and Access Center offers study skills workshops, individual instruction, tutor referrals, and services for students with learning disabilities. For more information concerning these services, please see http://www.american.edu/ocl/asac/index.cfm. 2 TESL 527 (Summer 2015) Grades & Assignment Descriptions Please see the ‘Assignments’ folder on Blackboard for complete guidelines for each assignment, as well as examples. Active Participation in Classroom Discussions (10%) Active class participation includes completing all readings before class; bringing insightful comments, insights, and incisive questions about the readings and class topic to our discussions; and engaging your classmates in our professional learning community in-person and online. Class Observation Report (15%) In this assignment, you will describe and analyze the culture and cultural elements of an ESL classroom. In doing so, you will evaluate and make suggestions for improving the classroom environment, drawing on principles of intercultural awareness that we have addressed in our course. Due date: June 2 Activity & Discussion Leader (10%) Each student will lead our class in a cultural awareness/reflection activity chosen from the Wintergerst & McVeigh book, with a follow-up discussion (approximately 30 minutes total). Due date: Varies Critical Incident (15%) The critical incident paper begins with a multiple choice “quiz” item that describes a crosscultural encounter that you have experienced, then examines the incident in more detail. Due date: June 9 Discourse Analysis and Design Project (50%) For the final class project, you will begin by describing a target discourse system and some key cultural issues to respond to when teaching a particular ESL/EFL student audience. The target discourse is where your learners will use English, who they will interact with when using English, how they will interact towards others when using English, and what values and beliefs are held by those they are interacting with. You will identify already existing instructional materials that address a particular cultural issue, and then analyze and improve upon the materials to meet the needs of your student audience. Due date: June 23 3 TESL 527 (Summer 2015) Course Schedule Date Topics/ Activities 5/12 Introduction (none) 5/14 Conceptualizing and defining ‘culture’ (none) 5/19 Theories of culture in L2 instruction Moran, Chs. 1, 2, 3, & 4 Kubota (2003) Hall & Hall (1987) 5/21 Cultural identity and cultural values Moran, Chs. 7, 8 & 9 (Optional: W&M, Ch. 4) 5/26 TESOL teacher identities and beliefs Ma (2012) Miyazato (2009) Kanno & Stuart (2011) 5/28 6/2 Readings (done before that day’s Assignments due (for class) that day’s class) PART 1: Building Our Understanding of “Culture” in TESOL Blackboard Discussion PART 2: “Intercultural Competence and Awareness” in TESOL Classrooms Raising intercultural Moran, Ch. 12 Discussion Leader: awareness in the classroom Chlopek (2008) Frank (2013) Cultural explorations Illieva (2001) Byram (1997, Ch. 2) Class Observation Report Discussion Leader: Discussion Leader: 6/4 Cultural representations in instructional materials Moran, Ch. 5 Gulliver (2010) McConachy & Hata (2013) Kramsch (1993) (Optional: Nguyen & Ishitobi (2012)) (Optional: W&M Ch. 6 & 8) 6/9 Pragmatic competence Edwards (2004) Ishihara (2009) (Optional: Palmer et al (2006)) (Optional: W&M, Ch. 2) Critical Incident Report Neff & Rucynski (2013) Roell (2010) Discussion Leader: 6/11 Tasks for intercultural awareness Discussion Leader: 4 TESL 527 (Summer 2015) Date Topics/ Activities Readings (done before that day’s class) (Optional: W&M, Ch. 7) Assignments due (for that day’s class) 6/16 Assessing culture learning outcomes Moran, Chs. 10 & 11 Fantini (2006) YOGA Appendix Discussion Leader: 6/18 Nonverbal communication Moran, Ch. 6 Gullberg (2006) (Optional: W&M, Ch. 3) Discussion Leader: 6/23 Acculturation and culture shock Final project presentations (3 students) Brown & Holloway (2008) DeCapua & Wintergerst (2004) (Optional: W&M, Ch. 5) Discourse Analysis and Design Project 6/25 Final project presentations (4 students) (none) 5 TESL 527 (Summer 2015)