International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number3- April2015 Efficient Power Stability using Parallel Structure SV-PWM Based DSTATCOM 1 Sangeeta Singh1, Asst. Prof Pushpendra Gautam2 M Tech Research Scholar, 2Research Guide, Department of Electrical Engineering Maxim Institute of Technology, Bhopal Abstract - The stability of power in any industry is a basic need to make machines live longer and have utmost output from them. There are various technique has been given to make power machines efficient to operate. In this research work a distributed static compensator (DSTATCOM) is proposed for the stability compensation in power systems. The proposed model of DTATCOM utilizes the space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) in parallel so that the compensation effectively stables the power of the machines. From the results it is clear that the proposed model gives optimum performance for stability. Keywords-DTATCOM, SV-PWM, Stability and Parallel Structure. I. INTRODUCTION Recently, Flexible Alternative Current Transmission System (FACTS) controllers have been proposed to enhance the transient or dynamic stability of power systems. All through the preceding decade, a number of control devices under the term FACTS technology have been proposed and implemented. Amongst all FACTS devices, static synchronous compensators (STATCOM) plays much more important role in reactive power compensation and voltage support because of its attractive steady state performance and operating characteristics. The basic principle of a STATCOM installed in a power system is the generation ac voltage source by a voltage source inverter (VSI) connected to a dc capacitor. Active and reactive power transfer among the power system and the STATCOM is caused by the voltage difference across this reactance. The basic function of the STATCOM is for the line voltage control that is implemented by an ac voltage controller in the STATCOM by regulating the reactive power exchange between the STATCOM and power system. A second controller installed in the STATCOM is the dc voltage controller that regulates the dc voltage across the dc capacitor of the STATCOM. In conventional control schemes, both the voltage regulators are proportional integral (PI) type cascaded controllers. Recently, a linear multivariable controller approach has been used for the STATCOM controller design for better performance. However, since the complete model of STATCOM is highly nonlinear, the linear ISSN: 2231-5381 approach obviously dose not lead to better dynamic decoupling. Need for Dynamic voltage compensation: High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps used for industrial illumination get extinguished at voltage dips of 20%. Also, critical industrial equipment like Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and Adjustable Speed Drives (ASDs) are adversely affected by voltage dips about 10%. The initial current of the induction motor being 6 times its rated current it provides the sag mitigation. Voltage sag has been defined as a reduction in the voltage magnitude from its nominal value for a duration ranging from a few milli seconds to one minute. Solution for Dynamic Voltage compensation: Solution approaches to the voltage disturbance problem, by active devices, may involve either i) a series injection of voltage, and ii) the shunt injection of reactive current. The Static Var Compensator (SVC) and the STATCOM are the available shunt compensation devices. The speed of devices for power quality improvement (FACTS), which was made possible by the evolution of power electronics components, allows for the solving of problems such as voltage stability, transient improvement, oscillations damping and improvement of the lines performance. The term FACTS describes a wide range of controllers, many of which incorporate large power electronic converters, which may increase the flexibility of power systems making them more controllable. Some are already well established while some are still in the research or development stage. II. STATCOM TECHNOLOGY STATCOM systems essentially consist of a DC voltage source behind self commutated inverters using insulated gate Page 115 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number3- April2015 bipolar transistor (IGBT), gate turn-off (GTO) thyristors and an interconnecting transformer. reverse, if V2 is higher than V1, Q is flowing from V2 to V1 (STATCOM is generating reactive power). Whereas the amount of reactive power is given by A capacitor connected on the DC side of the VSC acts as a DC voltage source. In the steady state voltage V2 has to be phase shifted slightly behind V1 in order to compensate for transformer and VSC losses and to keep the capacitor charged. Two VSC technologies could be used for the VSC. The STATCOM differs from other reactive power generating devices (such as Capacitors, Static Var Compensators etc.) in the sense that the ability for energy storage is not a rigid necessity but is only required for system unbalance or harmonic absorption. As a consequence, the not-a-so-strict requirement for large energy storage device makes STATCOM more robust and it also enhances the response speed. Basically, there are two control objectives implemented in the STATCOM. One is ac voltage regulation of power system at the bus where the STATCOM is connected and the other is dc voltage control across the capacitor inside the STATCOM. III. Fig. 2.1 Basic STATCOM Configuration The voltage source inverter set connects to the power system via a multi-winding or two winding inverter transformer, depending upon the application. The figure shows the basic STATCOM configuration. Inverter and DC voltage source could be modeled as a variable voltage source. The power system also can be modeled as a voltage source. Inductor representing the leakage reactance of the transformer connects the two voltage sources. The principle of operation of the STATCOM is explained on the figure above showing the active and reactive power transfer between a source V1 and a source V2. In the figure, V1 signifies the system voltage to be controlled and V2 is the voltage generated by the VSC. In steady state operation, the voltage V2 generated by the VSC is in phase with V1 (δ=0), so that only reactive power is flowing (P=0). If V2 is lower than V1, Q is flowing from V1 to V2 (STATCOM is absorbing reactive power). Under the ISSN: 2231-5381 PROPOSED MODEL The model to achieve optimum stability proposed in this paper is displayed in the given diagram. The model has key components are parallel DSTATCOM, power supply, universal bridge, IGBT, Discrete SV-PWM, Discrete PI Controller, 2nd order Filter, Memory and 3-phase PLL etc. The parallel structure of DSTATCOM is the basic idea of making the stability in the power systems. Stability is the tendency of the power system to revert back to its original undisturbed state once the perturbations or disturbances are over. This disturbance may be caused due to a fault, or the loss of a generator, or a fault in the line. The operating point of the system can change after the adjustment of the system to a new operating point post fault. This is known as the transient period and the behavior of the system during this period is crucial in defining the stability of the system. Pulse Width Modulation variable speed drives are increasingly applied in many new industrial applications that require superior performance. The most widely used PWM schemes for three-phase voltage source inverters are carrierbased sinusoidal PWM and space vector PWM (SVPWM). Page 116 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number3- April2015 There is a rising trend of using space vector PWM (SVPWM) because of their easier digital realization and better dc bus utilization. The proposed model is shown in the given Fig. 3.1. Fig. 3.1 Model of the Proposed Methodology IV. SIMULATION RESULTS The proposed model for stability in systems is explained in the previous section of the paper. The simulation waveforms are explained in this section. In the above figure the waveforms of the three phase voltage, current, load current and controlled current waveforms are ISSN: 2231-5381 shown. As it has shown the voltage waveform has distortions on a regular interval and the effect of these distortions are increasing with respect to time. Whereas the load current waveforms are also visible in the figure which has major unwanted variations in the load current and that will cause to severe system instability. Now there is a need to compensate these distortions in the power system to achieve maximum stability in the system. Page 117 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number3- April2015 Fig. 4.1 Waveforms of three phase voltage Vabc , three phase current Iabc , Load Current and Controlled Current Fig. 4.2 Waveforms of the DC voltage, load current, phase shifts and active and reactive power where instability of the system is visible in DC voltage and load current waveforms. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 118 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number3- April2015 Other system waveforms are shown in the Fig. 4.2, where DC voltage waveforms, distorted load current waveform, phase shift and active/reactive power plots are main responses of the system. In the Fig. 4.3 the waveforms of the controlled voltages V1 and V2 are shown with PWM voltage and stable output voltage. Fig. 4.3 Waveforms of the controlled voltages, PWM voltage and output voltages V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE The proposed model is simulated on simulation tool and the results are shown in the previous section of the paper. From the simulation results is can be say that the parallel structure of the DSTATCOM with the SV-PWM is significant technique to achieve stability in the power system. The stable output waveforms say everything about the proposed model. This structure of DSTATCOM will helpful in the other domains of power systems to reap the complete performance of the machines within its lifetime. Other techniques will help to achieve more stable system integration with the existing proposed model e.g. fuzzy logic will help to reduce instability up to certain extent. [3] A.Ghosh and G. 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