International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number3- April2015 Development of Energy Efficient Routing using LEACH with Reduced Data Aggregation Energy 1 Rashmi Kumre1, Prof. Shivani Shrivastava2, Prof. Ratan Singh3 M-Tech Research Scholar, 2Research Guide, 3HOD, RGPM, Bhopal, M. P. Abstract - The energy efficient routing is the need of the modern wireless sensor networks to increase the lifetime of the network. The wireless sensor network is mostly battery operated which needs to be conserve as possible as to make network sustain longer and longer. In this paper some modifications in low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) is done to increase the lifetime of the network and in throughput also. In the outcomes of the proposed approach is analyzed with the different data aggregation energies. From the experiments it was found that the low data aggregation energy makes life of the network longer and longer. The lifetime increased about 25% and throughput about 15% than the existing work. Keywords - MANET, LEACH, Data Aggregation Energy, Throughput, WSN, MANET. I. INTRODUCTION Recent advancement in micro-electronics technology facilitated sensor designers to develop low price, low power and small sized sensors. Thousand of sensor are deployed in order to achieve high quality network. In the recent few years WSNs has emerged as an important technology for monitoring physical environment. WSNs consist of large number of sensor nodes which are small in size, inexpensive and battery powered. These WSNs can be used in various applications such as Military surveillance, environment monitoring, border protection, health care monitoring, weather monitoring. These applications require data without delay and energy consumed by them should be small. WSNs are deployed in harsh environment. Since it is not possible to replace or charge battery of sensor nodes, So it is desirable to design communication protocols such that energy source is used effectively and the delay in the network in minimum. Sensor nodes senses the environment, gathers the data from its surrounding(computation) and communicates it to the base station(BS).Out of the three tasks communication takes large amount of battery power of a sensor node, so the major concern is the communication task. We have to minimize the communication cost in ISSN: 2231-5381 order to save battery power. Wireless sensor networks[1] consists of a thousands of sensor nodes which are deployed randomly environment or space. In sensor network there is a BS(base station) which is located far away from the sensor field. Sensor nodes sends the sensed data to the BS. For sending the sensed data to BS directly a lot of energy is consumed. So it is desirable to develop some protocols to minimized this communication cost. Energy conservation and maximization of network lifetime are the key challenges in the design and implementation of WSNs. Architecture of Sensor Node: Every sensor node mainly consists of four components. They are sensing unit, transceiver, processing unit and power source. Some sensor nodes also consist of optional components like location finding system, power generator and mobilizer. Fig. 1.1: Sensor Node's Architecture The sensing unit generally consist of sensor and ADC(Analogue and digital converter).The ADC converts the analogue data to digital data so that node can process it before transmitting the data. Transceiver connects the node to the network. The processing unit consists of processor and memory. This unit is responsible for managing the task of sensor unit. Mobilizer is used to enable node movement. Page 104 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number3- April2015 Protocol Layers For WSNs: Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy(LEACH): Description of each layer is as follows: LEACH(Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy)[2] was one of the earliest Hierarchical clustering protocol in order to increase the lifespan of the network. In LEACH protocol sensor nodes organize themselves into clusters. LEACH protocol consist of rounds. In each cluster one node acts as CH(Cluster Head) and the remaining nodes as the member node of that cluster. Only CHs can directly communicate to BS and the non-cluster head nodes use CHs as an intermediate router to communicate with the BS.CHs collects all the data from its member nodes and aggregate them and then sent the aggregated data to the base station(BS).Because of this additional responsibilities CHs dissipates energy more quickly than other nodes and if CHs remains permanently then they die more quickly as in case of static clustering. So, LEACH adopts the randomized rotation for CHs to save battery of individual nodes. In this way LEACH maximizes the lifetime of the network and also reduce the energy dissipation by compressing the data before sending it to the BS. • Physical Layer : This layer addresses the needs of robust modulation, receiving techniques and transmission. • Data link layer: Minimize collision with the neighboring broadcasts. • Network layer: Various routing are performed here. • Transport layer: Flow of data is being maintained here. • Application layer: Various application software runs here depending upon sensing task. Task Management Plane Connection Management Plane Power Management Plane Application Layer Transport Layer Network Layer Data Link Layer Physical Layer Fig. 1.2: Protocol stack for WSN Most important part of a sensor node is its battery power. So in order to increase the network life time it should be utilized properly. For this various methods have been proposed till now. Out of which Routing has utilized the sensors nodes energy very effectively. Operation of LEACH protocol is based on rounds, where each round consist of two phases. These are setup phase and steady state phase. In setup phase CHs and clusters are created. All node are managed into multiple clusters. Some node elects themselves as the CHs without consideration with the other nodes.CH nodes elects themselves on behalf suggested percentage P and their previous record as a CH. All nodes which are not cluster heads in the previous 1/p rounds, generates a random number between 0 and 1 and if that value is less than the threshold T(n) then this node becomes CH. Usage of WSNs: II. WSNs were designed to perform high level information processing task. Sensor nodes are deployed in harsh environment. Sensor nodes senses the environmental conditions such as temperature, pressure etc and then it sends the sensed data to the BS. Application of sensor networks is very vast. Some of the applications of sensor networks are: • Environmental condition monitoring: It includes sensing Volcanoes, oceans, Glaciers, forest. • Industrial monitoring: It includes Machine health monitoring, Factory. • Agriculture: Irrigation Management, Green houses. • Battle field awareness. ISSN: 2231-5381 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY The proposed energy efficient methodology with its clustering topology is shown in the below diagram i.e. LEACH. The wireless sensor network is implemented with the proposed routing strategy considering the network simulation parameters shown in the Table I. All the parameters are taken as taken in the existing work and the data aggregation energy is changed and analyzed the wireless sensor network for network lifetime and throughput. Page 105 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number3- April2015 Start Initialization of Environmement Create 100x100 Network Area with Random Nodes Each Node is assigned with Energy Total Energy Calculate All the Nodes are assigned with Normal Status Decide Aggregation (Sink) Nodes Set Alive, Dead Nodes to Zero with Packets Counting Fig. 2.1: Clustering topology of LEACH Table I: Network Simulation Parameters Operation Energy Dissipated Transmitter / Receiver Eelec = Etx = Erx = 50nJ/bit Electronics Data aggregation energy EDA = 1/5/10-nJ/bit/signal Transmit amplifier Efs = 10pJ/bit/4m2 (if d to BS < do) Transmit amplifier Emp = 0.0013pJ/bit/m4 (if d to BS > do) No r <= Number of Transmission Rounds Yes Declare Alive Nodes Calculate Dead Nodes Selection of Cluster Head Energy Calculation From CH to Base Station Energy Calculation From Nodes to CH The proposed methodology of routing protocol is explained in the given flow chart. The main steps are: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Start of Simulation Create Simulation Model with the size of the network and set the alive nodes with the specific priority and energy Start of transmission with the assignment of cluster head and calculations of the different energy dissipation e.g. energy consumption from node to cluster head(CH) and energy consumption from cluster head(CH) to base station(BS) By performing several round of transmission calculate the number of alive nodes and energy remained Calculate dead nodes and the alive nodes Calculate the throughput of the network Compare and display results end of simulation ISSN: 2231-5381 Check for Remining Alive Nodes Yes More Alive Nodes? No Calculate Throughput of the Network Compare and Display Results End Fig. 2.2 Flow chart of proposed energy efficient routing protocol III. SIMULATION RESULTS The simulated outcomes are in terms of number of alive nodes and number of dead nodes versus number of transmission rounds and throughput curve. In the previous work lifetime of the network with low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy(LEACH) is calculated up to 2490 transmission rounds. If the network sustain for more number of rounds means lifetime of the network is going better. In proposed approach the lifetime Page 106 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number3- April2015 The alive nodes versus no. of transmission rounds graph is shown in the Fig. 3.1 and dead node versus no. of transmission rounds graph is shown in Fig. 3.2 the Throughput is also shown in the Fig. 3.3. The results are given for 100x100 network size and the network lifetime is also shown for other network sizes in Table-II. Dead Nodes of LEACH Routing using Low Data Aggregation Energy with 100 Nodes 100 4 Troughput x 10 of LEACH Routing using Low Data Aggregation Energy with 100 Nodes 8 7 Throughput(Packets sent to BS) of the network sustain up to 3278 rounds in 100x100 network, 3221 rounds in 134x134 network, 3090 rounds in 150x150 network and 3538 rounds in 200x200 network which is greater than the previous work. Table II shows comparison of the network lifetime with existing work. 6 5 4 3 2 0 90 Data Agg. Energy = 1 pJ Data Agg. Energy = 5 pJ Data Agg. Energy = 10 pJ 1 0 500 1500 2000 2500 No.of Transmission Rounds 3000 3500 4000 Fig. 3.3 Throughput versus no. of rounds 80 70 Dead Nodes 1000 Table II: Comparison of Proposed and Existing Work 60 50 Routing Protocol 40 Network Area Number of Nodes First Node Death Round Last Node Death Round 100mX100m 134mX134m 150mX150m 200mX200m 100mX100m 134mX134m 150mX150m 200mX200m 100 134 150 200 100 134 150 200 1428 1041 1247 788 1496 1460 1424 1204 3278 3221 3090 3538 2490 2459 2388 2270 30 20 Data Agg. Energy = 1 pJ Data Agg. Energy = 5 pJ Data Agg. Energy = 10 pJ 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 No.of Transmission Rounds 3000 3500 Proposed Approach 4000 Existing Work Fig. 3.1 Network lifetime in terms of dead nodes versus no. of rounds Alive Nodes of LEACH Routing using Low Data Aggregation Energy with 100 Nodes 100 IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE 90 80 Alive Nodes 70 60 50 Data Agg. Energy = 1 pJ Data Agg. Energy = 5 pJ Data Agg. Energy = 10 pJ 40 30 20 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 No.of Transmission Rounds 3000 3500 4000 The energy efficient routing protocol analyzed and simulated in this paper has better approach to increase the lifetime of the wireless sensor network compared to existing work. As shown in the simulation results the alive nodes exists up to 3278, 3221, 3090 and 3538 rounds of transmission for 100, 134, 150 and 200 network sizes respectively and the throughput is about 8x104 kbps and more. With this proposed approach the network lasts longer than the routing techniques proposed before. If the routing is better advanced with the timing access considerations it will have longer network lifetime with the proposed work. Fig. 3.2 Network lifetime in terms of alive nodes versus no. of rounds ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 107 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number3- April2015 sensor networks: Survey and research challenges. 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