International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 3 – Feb 2015 Indoor Human/Robot Monitoring System with PIR Sensory Fusion Using Wireless Communication S.Srinivas Reddy#1, E.Divya Sameera*2 # Assistant Professor & ECE Department & Loyala Inistitute of Technology And Management Sattenapalli(mandal), Guntur(district), Andhra Pradesh, India Abstract - An Indoor Human/Robot Monitoring system with PIR Sensory Fusion using wireless communication used in homes, offices and indoor environments. The pyro electric IR (PIR) system provides less information about human location by means of target motion. Along with PIR, we used RFID is used for wireless communication. In this study, we propose an PIR sensory fusion system and indoor human/robot monitoring based on a wireless communication. We develop a sensor-network based wireless communication with PIR. This system determines both PIR and RF localization positions. We have developed and experimentally proved a PIR sensory fusion system, which can be successfully given results and working. The people can flexibly moved with robots. Robot gave efficient work. II. EXISTING APPROACH The existing approach of this study uses different localization techniques. These different localization techniques used IR sensors, ultrasonic sensors, vision sensors, dc magnetic tracker, and RADAR. And also some systems used neural based approach. III. PROPOSED APPROACH We design an wireless and Pyro-electric Sensory Fusion System for Indoor Human/Robot Localization and Monitoring based on RFID, which Keywords- RFID, LPC1768, PIR sensor I. has full range of monitoring on campus that has small flow of people and wiring is not convenient. INTRODUCTION The indoor environment parameters information is The proposed approach contains the important for a heating, light intensity adjustment, existing approach over implemented with wireless humidity control, robot service, and so on. Many and Pyro-electric Sensory Fusion System, and also researches discuss indoor human/robot monitoring we are implementing using RFID node. We used a systems; however, most of these systems are LPC1768 controller, RFID and sensors. expencive in cost, imprecise and cannot detect multiple targets. The pyro infrared sensor transforms incident infrared radiation into an electrical signal. A human passing through a PIR sensor detecting region in the form of motion and IV. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION This chapter briefly explains about the Hardware & software Implementation of the project. In this paper we discuss about the design and working of of block diagram. It explains the gives the corresponding output signal. features, GPIO, serial communication of LPC1768 The main contributions of this paper are as follows. 1) Develop an RFID and PIR integrated system, controller. we also explains the various modules used in this project. which is useful in localization and monitoring people and robots in an indoor environment. 2) Develop an wireless and pyro electric sensory fusion system, where the proposed system contains sensor network which monitors the environment parameters. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 115 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 3 – Feb 2015 A. Block Diagram C. PIR sensor PIR sensors main concept is to sense motion, almost always used to detect motion of the human with in the sensor range. The human will be detected in the sensor range, it does not detect, if human is in out of range. PIR sensor seems to be less in size, less expensive and easy to use. For that reason all are commonly found in appliances and gadgets used in homes or businesses. PIRs are basically made up of a pyro electric sensor, which can observe levels of infrared radiation. Everything emits some low level radiation, and the hotter something is, the more radiation is emitted. The sensor in a motion detector is of two halves. The two halves are wired up so that they cancel each other out. If one half sees more or less IR radiation Fig 1.1: Block diagram Hardware than the other, the output will swing high or low. implementation dealt with schematic according to the application, testing the D. Temperature Sensor - The LM35 schematic design over the breadboard according to The LM35 is IC, which is used to detect the the application using modules, this is used to find temperature and gives the output in the form if the design meets the objective, the pcb of centigrades. layout can be prepared using schematic connected on bread board. After that the the E. LDR layout can be printed on printed circuit board. A light-dependent This designed hardware comes from the PCB an LDR, process. The block diagram discusses about photocell, it is a variable resistor whose value modules used in design and working condition decreases with increasing light intensity. of schematic design. It also explains wiring of circuit An LDR is a high resistance semiconductor device, diagram. which derives the concept of light intensity which resistor, also called photo resistor, photoconductor, and is related to high frequency, photons absorbed by B. Components used: the semiconductor give bound electrons enough 1. Power Supply energy to jump into the conduction band. This 2. PIR sensor electron flow gives electricity, thereby lowering 3. LDR resistance. When we get more light intensity the 4. RFID resistance becomes low. 5. Temperature sensor 6. LPC1768 microcontroller 7. DCMOTOR 8. BULB The transponder or tag and reader totally called as 9. LCD RFID. There are several methods for RFID to F. RFID: RFID, or radio frequency identification, detects the object. It uses two methods likes active ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 116 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 3 – Feb 2015 RFID and passive RFID. The common methods A. Keil software programming used is to encode a serial number that identifies a µVision4 is an IDE (Integrated person. This all information is stored in microchip Development Environment) that helps you and it attached to an antenna. The tag totally write, contains chip and antenna, which is also called as programs. It encapsulates the following transponder. The chip can trasimts information to components: compile, and debug embedded reader when it is enabled by an antenna. The reader gets data by converting these magnetic radio waves • A powerful debugger. into binary data. ss This keil is a cross compiler as this G. LPC1768 code can be executed in any other systems The LPC17xx is an ARM Cortex- also. If we write a code in one system and M3 based microcontroller m a i n l y u s e d execute that code can be executed on f o r embedded applications which is used another system also. Thus it is a cross for high level integration and less power compiler.In this we write a code in dissipation. The ARM Cortex-M3 is a high Embedded C language then it is converted level integrating devise which is used in next into .asm when we Start debugging, and generation. The ARM Cortex-M3 processing then it is converted to .hex file which is untit uses a 3-stage pipeline and uses used for execution. This HEX file is loaded Harvard architecture with local data bus and to simulator then we can observe the output different bus for peripherals. The ARM from simulator. Cortex-M3 CPU also includes an internal pre-fetch unit that supports speculative B. KEIL COMPILATION STEPS branches. The LPC 1768 contains 512kb of flash memory 64kb of data memory to 64kB of data memory and supports Ethernet MAC, a USB interface, 8 channel general purpose DMA controller, 4 UARTs, 2 1) Creating new project: Follow the below steps, for creating new project: Step 1: Open the keil IDE. CAN channels, 2 SSP controllers, SPI interface, 6-output general purpose PWM, 2-input plus 2-output I2S interface, 8 channel 12-bit ADC, 10-bit DAC, motor control PWM, 3 I2C interfaces, Quadrature Encoder timers, interface, ultra-low 4 general power purpose RTC with separate battery supply, and up to 70 Step 2: Click on to the Project tab – new uvision project. general purpose I/O pins. V. FIRMWARE IMPLEMENTATION In this project two types of software is used. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 117 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 3 – Feb 2015 Step 6: Save the file with some name. Step 3: Give project name then click Save. Step 7: Add the file to the source group as shown in the below image. Step 4: Select the controller. Step 8: Select the file and click on Add as shown in the below image. Step 5: Go to file – new, & start writing the code. Hence building the code will create the Hex file. C. Setup for Coocox and LPC1768-Xplorer Board: The Explorer board has on board ‘10-pin SWD/JTAG box’; ensure that the Coocox must have pin SWD/JTAG’ support for development. The Coocox debugger, ‘20-pin to 10-pin adapter’ and pin ribbon cable are not a part of the LPC1768 Explorer package, the user needs to buy separately. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 118 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 3 – Feb 2015 To program/debug the KEIL examples you will need the following and 5. Debug your project. VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS the image shows the components: In This project the main element is PIR • Coocox • LPC1768 Explorer Board human, when human is detected the fan and light • One USB AM to Micro B cable will be automatically operated according to the sensor, PIR sensor used for the motion detection of temperature and light illumination values. The RFID D. In Keil Real View MDK: reader connected to ROBO, the tags placed in 1. Open your project in Keil Real View MDK. different places. 2. Debug -> Use of the configuration selects "Coo Cox Debugger". There are different conditions in output as follows 1. If once PIR sensor is detected means human detected then the values send to the micro controller, if microcontroller gets the output from PIR sensor then the controller checks for temperature and light illumination values, if temperature value is greater than 40 the fan will automatically ON and light intensity is less then automatically light will ON. 3. Click Settings; select "Colink" for the Adapter. 2. If PIR sensor is detected but if the temperature value is less than 40 and light intensity is high then the fan and light is in OFF condition. 3. If PIR sensor is not detected the light and fan is in off condition it does not care about the temperature and light intensity values. 4. If RFID reader reads the tag means it will gives the position of the Robo where it is placed. 5. 4. Then, if you debug your program in flash, you also have to configure Utilities by selecting "Coocox Debugger" for Flash Programming. ISSN: 2231-5381 The status of the both human and robot localization and monitoring is displayed on LCD display. VII. CONCLUSIONS This paper mainly based on PIR sensor with RF communication, it develops indoor human monitoring system, which monitors the environment variables using sensors. And performs consequent opearation. The robo will collect the information from different positions. 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