Detection of RFID Tags using Multiple Bit Slots Ms. RUPALI D.PATIL

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 10 - Mar 2014
Detection of RFID Tags using Multiple Bit Slots
in Slotted Aloha Model
Ms. RUPALI D.PATIL#1, Ms. V. N. Katkar#2, Prof. A.TAYAL*3
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagpur University
G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Nagpur
Department of Computer and Information Technology, Nagpur University
PCE, Nagpur.
Abstract— The Radio frequency identification system (RFID)
having the radio frequency transmitter and radio frequency
receiver. In the mobile RFID environment, consumer will get
product related information of tags by using radio frequency
receiver. Tag collision arises in RFID environment. To
remove this collision in tag multiple bit slot reservation aloha
protocol is used. In multiple bit slot reservation slotted aloha
protocol before allocating the frame slot radio frequency
assigns the reservation slot and radio frequency receiver
generate random sequence in its own reservation slot
randomly selected by transmitter to reserve a frame slot,
then the transmitter efficiently captures the reservation
collisions in reservation slot by Manchester coding. The
protocol reduces collision frame slot and eliminates empty
frame slots. The performance evaluation shows that the
proposed slotted aloha protocol outperforms the other aloha
based protocols.
Keywords- Tag identification, slotted ALOHA, RFID
module, AVR microcontroller
collision arises only when multiple tag simultaneously
transmit their IDs to a receiver. Therefore receiver cannot
identify them individually. The practical use of RFID is not
possible in large -scale industries due to the high
probability of tag collision. A common approach to avoid
tag collision is to use an RFID reader for coordinating tag
trans-missions. One method is used to identify collision is
multiple bit slot reservation slotted aloha protocol. This
slotted aloha protocol having advantages of reservation
mechanism. In the mechanisms, RFID receiver assigns
some small size slots which is called as reservation slot that
represents the frame slots and in each inventory round
these frame slots compose a frame. To reserve a frame slot
the transmitter will randomly selects the reservation slots in
which receiver receives its IDs and generates the random
sequence for the reservation slots. As a result this protocol
reduces time overhead in each inventory round.
2. Literature Review
1. Introduction
The radio frequency identification is an automatic
identification technique which is used for many
applications such as supply chain and traffic control. The
RFID system having RFID transmitter and RFID receiver.
Tag which is attached to the products have the information
about product i.e.(unique identification code called as IDs)
and transmit IDs in response to interrogation signals from
RFID transmitter through a shared wireless media between
RFID transmitter and receiver during communication. The
process of transmitting IDs from RFID transmitter to the
RFID receiver is called tag identification. The RFID
system is preferred to the barcode for long-distance
electricity transmission. When mobile phones is having
RFID receiver as consumer electronics device, the receiver
is called mobile RFID receiver. Nowadays internet is
being used everywhere and benefit of using internet in
mobile RFID receiver, it can be used to enables products
to connect the internet. For example in digital
supermarket, in digital bookshop mobile RFID receiver
can be used where consumer will get information about
products. When tag collision arises which will reduces
identification performance of RFID receivers? Tag
ISSN: 2231-5381
Hyuntae Cho, Hyunsung Jang, and Yunju Baek [1] propose
that RFID is high-technology automatic identification
based on wireless network and enable noncontact
identification. It cannot be applied beyond their radio
communication range and also proposes a large active
RFID system utilizing ZigBee networks in order to extend
a reader’s radio coverage.
Lei Pan and Hongyi Wu[2] proposes a Smart TrendTraversal (STT) protocol for RFID tag arbitration which
effectively reduces the collision overhead occurred in the
arbitration process. Smart Trend-Traversal, a Query Treebased scheme, dynamically issues queries according to the
online learned tag density and distribution; and therefore, it
significantly reduces delay and energy consumption
comparing with the existing Tree-based and Aloha-based
C. P. Wong and Quanyuan Feng[3] present the research
project represent that tag collision arbitration is a
significant issue in RFID system design. It presents an
efficient stochastic scheme based protocol which is
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 10 - Mar 2014
characterized by the fact that both idle and collision
timeslots are reduced obviously. Utilizing of reservation
sequence and controlling the number of tags to respond
ensure the protocol works stably and efficiently. Results
show that the proposed protocol has a good performance
and requires less time consumption than other stochastic
scheme based protocols
Xiaolin Jia, Quanyuan Feng, Lishan Yu [4] represents the
Stability Analysis of an Efficient Anti-Collision Protocol
for RFID Tag Identification. An efficient anti-collision
protocol named collision tree protocol (CT) and analyze
the stability of it. The performance of CT is only
on the number of tags to be identified and not influenced
by the distribution of tag IDs and other factors, and the
average performance of CT for one-tag identification
converges to a constant. According to the definition of the
stability of an anti-collision protocol, CT is a stable anticollision protocol for RFID tag identification.
3. Research Methodology to Be Employed
When we work with RFID environment then the tag
collision problem occurs. Tag collision problem is serious
one. To efficiently identify this collision problem multiple
bit slots in slotted aloha protocol model is used. If there
are four user i.e. user1, user2, user3 and user4. Each user
will contain some bytes of data i.e. user1 contain 100,
user2 contain150, user3 contain 200 and user4 contain 50
bytes of data. The fig. shown in below states that each user
wants to reserved its data in the reservation slots.
In pure ALOHA protocol when user wants to
reserved its data in the reservation slots then user1 will
send its data in first slot at a time without sensing the
channel whether it is busy or not, When user2 wants to
send data i.e. of 150 byte then he will send again without
sensing of status of channel that it is busy or not. Similarly
user3 and user4 will follow this procedure and data will
send into reservation slot. But this process will require
large bandwidth of channel as all users will send data into
the reservation slots at a time. Hence to overcome this
problem the CSMA (carrier sense multiple access) slotted
aloha protocol is introduced. Carrier sense multiple access
slotted aloha protocol will sense the channel first and then
it will send the data. If the channel is busy then user has to
wait for random amount of data and it will sense again if
the channel is free then user can send the data. Slotted
aloha protocol will send the data in the form of slots.
Let’s consider the above example if user1 has to
send data of 100 bytes then he will send the data of 50
byte in the first slots. Before sending of data user will
sense the channel and if it is busy then it will wait for a
particular time and time should be in the random form. If
the channel is free then it will send the data in slotted
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form. Then user2 will sense the channel before sending and
send 50 bytes of data.User3 will send the 50 bytes of data
in the reservation slot and then user4 will also send the 50
bytes of data into the reservation slot. Then again user1
will send 50 bytes of data into the reservation slots, now
user1 has send 100 bytes of data completely in slotted
form. Likewise user 2, user3 will send its data.User1 and
user4 has already sent its data completed. In this way the
CSMA (carrier sense multiple access) slotted aloha
protocol is successfully implemented for detecting the
collision problem.
4. Proposed Plan of Work
1) Module 1: It is the development of RF module i.e. radio
frequency transmitter and radio frequency receiver. Radio
transmitter will transmit the data into the slots and receiver
will receive the output.
2) Module 2: It is the development of slotted aloha
protocol. Slotted aloha protocol will sense the channel first
and then transmit the data to the channel.
3) Module 3: It is the module of development of CSMA
technique. CSMA is carrier sense multiple access
technique which will sense the channel before sending of
bytes of data into the channel. If the channel is busy then
user has to wait a random amount of time.
4) Module 4: It is the module of integration with the
system which will integrates the all module which is
mentioned above.
5) MODULE 5: It is the module of Result Evaluation and
4.1) Module 1: Interfacing Of RFID Module with
AVR Microcontroller
The fig. for interfacing of RFID Module with AVR is
shown in fig.4.1. RFID module reads ID of RFID tags.
Transmitter of RFID module will transmit the
identification number which is detected by RFID reader
when someone swaps RFID tags. The interfacing of RF
module with AVR is shown in fig.1.1 and tags which has
to be identified are shown in fig.1.2.Every tag has its
unique identification number. Our aim is to detect that
identification number. Tags is having magnetic field inside
it and its coverage area is small and hence we have to place
RFID tags very near to the light emitting diode which will
detect the identification number of tags. The figures are
shown in below which shows the message displayed on
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6. References
[1]Chen Yihong, Feng Quanyuan, ”Multiple-Bits-Slot
Reservation Aloha Protocol for Tag Identification”
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 59, No.
1, February 2013
[2] L.Pan and H.Wu, “Smart trend-traversal protocol for
RFID tag Arbitration,”IEEE Trans.Wireless Comm-un.,
vol.10, no.11, pp.3565-3569, Nov. 2011.
Fig.1.1 Interfacing of RF module with AVR.
After detecting ID of RFID tags the transmitter of RFID
module will send ID to the AVR microcontroller. Then
AVR microcontroller will send out-put to the LCD
display. The respected output i.e. real identification
number is displayed on LCD.
The performance shows that the multiple bit slot
reservation slotted aloha protocol is suitable for
communication complexity and identification speed.
Hence the multiple bit slot reservation slotted aloha
protocol is the proper solution to the mobile RFID
environment that requires a high performance anticollision protocol. This project can be implementing in
military purpose and also for taking attendance. The
multiple bit slot reservation slotted aloha protocol can be
used in digital supermarket and in digital bookshop. This
protocol can widely used in application such as traffic
control and supply chain.
5 . Conclusion
As the interfacing of RFID Module with the advanced
virtual RISC architecture has been done successfully.
Collision problem is serious in mobile RFID environment
and hence to remove this collision the multiple bit slot
reservation slotted aloha protocol is used. The basic idea
of multiple bit slotted aloha protocol is that radio
frequency identification receiver uses multiple-bit random
sequence which avoid collision frame slot when RFID
transmitter select the same reservation slot and empty
frame slot by using reservation of frame slots before RFID
transmitter allocate the frame slots. Multiple bit slot
reservation slotted aloha protocol which reduces the two
kinds of time overheads and reduces the complexity. The
multiple bit slot reservation slotted aloha protocol
provides the way of determining the number of reservation
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