International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 7 - Mar 2014 A Survey on Location Privacy Protection of Source and Sink Nodes in WSN Dhivya.J1, Siddique Ibrahim.S.P2 1 – Student, Department of CSE, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore-49 2 – Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore-49 Tamil Nadu, India. Abstract— Sensor networks are used to monitor objects in variety of application. Privacy is one of the major issues of wireless sensor network as the transmissions in the networks are susceptible to illicit interception and detection. Many protocols have been proposed that provide content-oriented security in wireless sensor network but context oriented information remains exposed. An adversary can utilize such context oriented information and deduce sensitive information such as the locations of monitored objects and data sinks in the network field. There are number of techniques that can defeat the limited adversary called local eavesdropper who can only observe network traffic in a limited region. However, such techniques are not suitable in the case of global eavesdropper. Because the global eavesdropper are well equipped and hence can observe a wide area of the network. In order to overcome this problem certain techniques have been proposed. security, but requires line of sight and is sensitive to atmospheric conditions. Infrared needs no antenna but it is limited in its broadcasting capacity. RF is the most easy to use but it requires antenna. Keywords— location privacy, privacy, sink privacy, source privacy. I. INTRODUCTION A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor the physical world which are capable to collect data automatically. Sensor networks can be used for wide range of applications where it is difficult or infeasible to set up wired networks. The WSN is built of nodes from a few to several hundreds or even thousands, where each node is connected to one or several sensors. Each such sensor network node has typically several parts: a radio transceiver with an internal antenna or connection to an external antenna, a microcontroller, an electronic circuit for interfacing with the sensors and an energy source, a battery or an embedded form of energy harvesting. A. Components of Sensor Node 1) Controller: The controller performs tasks, processes data and controls the functionality of other components in the sensor node. 2) Transceiver: There are three deploying communication schemes in sensors including optical communication (laser), infrared, and Radio-Frequency (RF). Laser consumes less energy than radio and provides high ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig.1 Architectue of sensor node 3) External memory: Memory requirements are very much application dependent. Two categories of memory based on the purpose of storage, User memory - used for storing application related or personal data Program memory - used for programming the device. Program memory also contains identification data of the device if present. 4) Power source: One of the most important components of a sensor node is the power unit. Every sensor node is equipped with a battery that supplies power to remain in active mode. Power consumption is a major weakness of sensor networks. Batteries used in sensors can be categorized into two groups such as rechargeable and non-rechargeable. 5) Sensors: The main functionality of the sensing unit is to sense or measure physical data from the target area. B. Characteristics of sensor network The main characteristics of a WSN include: Page 353 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 7 - Mar 2014 Power consumption constrains for nodes using batteries or energy harvesting Ability to cope with node failures Mobility of nodes Communication failures Heterogeneity of nodes Scalability to large scale of deployment Ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions Ease of use Privacy is one of the major issues in wireless sensor network and it can be categorized into two ways: contentoriented privacy and contextual privacy. Content-oriented privacy is concerned with the ability of adversaries to learn the content of transmitted in the network. The contents can be protected using encryption algorithm. Contextual privacy concerns with the ability of adversaries to deduce information by observing the sensors and communications without access to the content of messages. The adversary can extract the location information about the source and sink nodes in the network using the contextual information. Existing protocols provide location privacy to such issues against the local adversary. II. REVIEW OF LOCATION PRIVACY PROTECTING TECHNIQUES The location privacy techniques can be classified into two ways: Source-location privacy techniques Sink location privacy techniques Various location privacy preserving techniques are discussed as follows. A. Baseline Flooding In baseline flooding the source node transmits or broadcasts message to each of its neighbours. These neighbours in turn retransmit or rebroadcast the message to each of its neighbours and so on. Thus packet is flooded from source to destination through number of paths which make it difficult for an adversary to trace the source. A node can forward the packet only once. If a packet is received again by a node, it discards the packet. The drawback in this method is when an adversary can trace the node using backtracking technique thus this method does not provide much privacy but consumes significant amount of energy. B. Phantom Flooding In phantom routing, the packets are transmitted to the destination in two steps: 1) the random walk, which may be a pure random walk or a directed walk, directing the message to a phantom source, 2) a subsequent flooding/single path routing stage delivers the message to the sink. In this algorithm different messages exhibits different path which increases the safety period against local eavesdropper. ISSN: 2231-5381 The drawback is the latency increases because every message is directed to a random location first. C. Routing With Fake Messages In routing with fake messages technique, whenever a sender notifies the destination that it has real data to send, some nodes are assigned as fake sources. These fake senders should be away from the real source and approximately at the same distance from the destination as the real source. Both real and fake senders start generating packets at the same time when the real data are to be transmitted. This technique provides privacy against a local eavesdropper. But this technique fails to protect the privacy against global eavesdropper. D. Periodic Collection In periodic collection, each sensor node is assigned with a timer and a FIFO queue. The timer starts once the nodes are deployed. All sensor nodes transmit once the timer expires. The nodes have to buffer packets in the queue till the expiry of the timer. After the expiry of the timer, the node checks its queue for the packet. If the queue has packet, it starts its transmission. If there is no packet the node transmits dummy packet. Since the traffic pattern changes due to the presence of real objects which can be easily identified by global eavesdropper this method makes all nodes to start transmission at the same time. This method provides optimal location privacy but consumes energy. E. Source Simulation In source simulation, fake objects are placed in the network and simulated to confuse the adversary. Whenever traffic about the real objects are generated, the fake source traffic are also generated. The fake source traffic is generated by certain set of nodes. A set of sensor node is selected and assigned token. These nodes are called token and they have unique id. The tokens will be passed within the nodes to simulate the behaviour of real objects. Every token node generates the traffic as if the real event was detected in order to confuse the adversary. F. Sink Simulation In sink simulation, fake sinks are established in the network. The fake sinks are simulated within the communication range of real sink. When an event is detected, the source node must transmit the packet to the fake sinks in the network. So the entire fake sinks will receive the report about the event. Te fake sinks broadcasts the packet locally to the real sink. So its must that the real sink should be in the communication range of at least one of the fake sink G. Backbone Flooding In backbone flooding, backbone is created with a set of sensor nodes. The backbone members are selected based on their neighbour count. The nodes with large number of neighbours are selected as the backbone members. Whenever an event is detected, the data is transmitted to the backbone member. Page 354 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 7 - Mar 2014 This backbone floods the packet to the entire network. The packets about the event detected are sent to the backbone alone and real sink can receive from the backbone member. So the real sink must be in the communication range of at least one of the backbone member. H. Location Privacy Routing(LPR) protocol In LPR each sensor divides its neighbours into two different lists: closer list and further list. Once the list is constructed, a node can select the next hop node from any of the two lists. If the next hop is selected from closer list, then energy efficiency will be greater and if it is selected from next hop from the further list, privacy protection will be stronger. The LPR can be combined with fake packet injection so that the retrieval of traffic direction information by the adversary can be minimized. I. Cyclic Entrapment Method(CEM) Cyclic Entrapment Method creates looping paths in the sensor network at various places. Each node on a route will check if there is a loop in its route to destination while routing message from source to destination. If it has loop it is activated by sending fake message. If an adversary is trying to analyze and trace the path and ends up in a node which is common to loop and real path, adversary has to decide the path. The local adversary trace up the loop repeatedly if wrong decision is taken which in turn increase the safety period. When the length of the loop increases, energy consumption and privacy will increase. TABLE I COMPARISON OF LOCATION PRIVACY TECHNIQUES Privacy Baseline flooding Phantom flooding Excellent privacy against local adversary Overhead Overhead is high Delay Very less extra delay Delay increase Power consumption Extra power is consumed Source simulation Very less overhead Less compared to baseline flooding Routing with fake messages Excellent privacy against global adversary Overhead is high No extra delay Extra power is consumed CEM Excellent if loop is chosen repeatedly Very less overhead No extra delay Very less extra power consumption Periodic collection Good but excellent Very less overhead No extra delay Very less extra power is Very less overhead No extra delay Very less extra power is consumed Excellent privacy for sink node No extra overhead Very less extra delay Very less extra power is consumed Backbone flooding Excellent privacy for sink node No extra overhead Very less extra delay Extra power is consumed III. CONCLUSION The location privacy preserving techniques are thus discussed. The protocols must be strong enough to provide location privacy protection against any kind of adversaries. Certain protocols fail to work against well equipped adversary. Privacy protection against global eavesdropper can be achieved for source and sink nodes using periodic collection, source simulation and sink simulation, backbone flooding respectively. These techniques provide advantages in various aspects like privacy, communication cost and latency. REFERENCES [1] [2] [4] [5] ISSN: 2231-5381 consumed Sink simulation [3] Excellent privacy against local adversary when combined with source simulation against global adversary. Excellent privacy against global adversary C. Ozturk, Y. Zhang, and W. Trappe, “Source-Location Privacy in Energy Constrained Sensor Network Routing,” Proc. Workshop Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (SASN ’04), Oct. 2004. K. Mehta, D. Liu, and M. 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