International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 7 - Mar 2014 Recognition of 3D Face With Missing Parts by Using FRGC Dataset Premavathi.P1, Christo Paul.E2 , Saranya.C3 1 nd 2 year-M.E CSE, Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India. 2 year-M.E CSE, Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India. 3 Assistant Professor, Dept. Of CSE, Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India. 2 nd Abstract--The 3D face propose and experiment an original solution to 2D face recognition that supports accurate face matching and provide the pure accurate result. To get the accurate face representation we first extracts key points of the 3-D depth image of the face and then measures how the face depth changes along facial curves connecting pairs of key points. The Face expression evaluated by sparse comparison of facial curves defined across in lier pairs of matching key points between probe and Gallery scans. In the proposed approach, distinguishing traits face are captured by first extracting key points of the 3D depth image and then measuring how the face depth changes along facial curves connecting pairs of key points. Face comparison is calculated by comparing facial curves across in lier pairs of key points that match between gallery scans. So, facial curves of the gallery scans are associated with a saliency measure in order to distinguish curves that model characterizing traits of some subjects from curves that are frequently observed in the face of many different subjects. The recognition of face is evaluated by using v2.o challenge Keywords--Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC), Depth image, Facial Curves. I. INTRODUCTION Three-dimensional face recognition (3D face recognition) is a modality of facial recognition methods in which the three-dimensional geometry of the human face is used. It has been shown that 3D face recognition methods can achieve significantly higher accuracy than their 2D counterparts, rivaling fingerprint recognition.3D face recognition has the potential to achieve better accuracy than its 2D counterpart by measuring geometry of rigid features on the face. This avoids such pitfalls of 2D face recognition algorithms as change in lighting, different facial expressions, make-up and head orientation. Another approach is to use the 3D model to improve accuracy of traditional image based recognition by transforming the head into a known view. Additionally, most range scanners acquire both a 3D mesh and the corresponding texture. This allows combining the output of pure 3D matchers with the more traditional 2D face recognition algorithms, thus yielding better performance. FACE recognition using 3-D scans of the face has been recently proposed as an alternative or complementary solution to conventional 2-D face recognition approaches working on still images or videos. In fact, face representations based on 3-D data are expected to be much more robust to pose changes and illumination variations than 2-D images, thus allowing accurate face recognition also in real-world applications with unconstrained ISSN: 2231-5381 acquisition. In such a case, probe scans area acquired in unconstrained conditions that may lead to missing parts (no frontal pose of the face, or to occlusions due to hair, glasses, scarves, hand gestures, etc. These difficulties are further sharpened by the recent advent of 4-D scanners (3D plus time) capable of acquiring temporal sequences of 3-D scans. In fact, the dynamics of facial movements captured by these devices can be useful for much application but also increases the acquisition noise and the variability in subjects’ pose. In summary, despite the research and applicative importance that partial face matching solutions are gaining, just a few works have explicitly addressed the problem of 3-D face recognition in the case in which some parts of the facial scans are missing. Many matching problem a raised real word application. Many occlusion problem occurred in 3D face. To solve this problem 3D face recognition is proposed here. The main technological limitation of 3D face recognition methods is the acquisition of 3D image, which usually requires a range camera. Alternatively, multiple images from different angles from a common camera may be used to create the 3D model with significant post-processing. This is also a reason why 3D face recognition methods have emerged significantly later than 2D methods. Recently commercial solutions have implemented depth perception by projecting a grid onto the face and integrating video capture of it into a high resolution 3D model. This allows for good recognition accuracy with low cost off-the-shelf components. This process match the all the present in the face. It matches the whole face. It provides the whole face representation. A novel geometric frame work for analyzing with specific goals of comparing, matching, and averaging their shape .The facial surface by radial curves emanating from the nose tips and use elastic shape analysis of these curves. Different data bases is used evaluate the performances FRGCv2, GavabDB and Bosporus, each posing a different type challenge. Global 3-D face representations for partial face matching have been proposed in a limited number of works. In canonical representation of the face is proposed which exploits the isometric invariance of the face surface to manage missing data obtained by randomly removing areas from frontal face scans. On a small database of 30 subjects they reported high. One of the ways to do this is by comparing selected facial features from the image and a facial database. It is typically used in security systems and Page 316 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 7 - Mar 2014 can be compared to other biometrics such as fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems. II. RELATED WORK Existing system feature extraction is done using whole face representation. In 3D face representation using Combinations of solutions in these two categories are also possible as well as multimodal approaches that combine together 2-D and 3-D methods.Review 3-D face recognition solutions that have been proposed and evaluated using facial scans with missing part. It does not satisfy the quality of whole face representation. Global 3D face representations for partial face matching have been proposed in a limited number of works. The qualities of whole face not satisfied in the existing system. The depth of image not captured in the existing system. Tackling the problem from an opposite perspective, some methods divide the face into regions and try to restrict the match to uncorrupted parts of the face. Few facial landmarks can be accurately detected in an automatic way—from three to ten are at manual assistance. In the case of partial face scans, up to half of these points are typically no detectable, so that description of such points and of their relationships is of limited effectiveness for face recognition. The main technological limitation of 3D face recognition methods is the acquisition of 3D image, which usually requires a range camera. Many occlusion problem in the 3D face representation. The comparison with database does not support the large quality of data. The whole face does not predicted in existing system. The quality of the image does not satisfy in existing approach. In existing system various database has been used. But this database did not support all data missed. First, the spatial distance (Euclidean distance in the 2D plane of the depth image) between every pair of key points is computed; Then, the key points are iteratively grouped into a binary hierarchical cluster tree. At each iteration step, the pair of closest key points (or clusters) are grouped together. In this step, a single linkage strategy is adopted for the computation of the distance between clusters (that is, the shortest Euclidean distance between elements in two clusters is assumed as cluster distance). Finally, the decision of where to cut the hierarchical tree into clusters is taken. In this step, branches off the bottom of the hierarchical tree are pruned, and all the key points below each cut are assigned to a single cluster. This creates a partition of the data. The clusters are created by detecting natural groupings in the hierarchical tree and stopping the aggregation process when the spatial radius of the cluster drops below a threshold of spatial coherence. The RANSAC algorithm is used to identify outliers in the candidate set of key point correspondences. This involves generating transformation hypotheses using a minimal number of correspondences and then evaluating each hypothesis based on the number of inliers among all features under that hypothesis. IV.SYSTEM PRELIMINARIES Capture image Preprocessing Feature extraction III. OUR SYSTEM AND ASSUMPTIONS Propose an original approach to perform 3-D face recognition in the presence of missing parts. Propose a 3D face description approach that relies on the detection of key points on the 3-D face surface and the description of the surface in correspondence to these key points as well as along facial curves connecting pairs of key points. In contrast to solutions where key points correspond to meaningful face landmarks, such as the eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheek and mouth. Recognition experiments from partial and full facial scans have been performed on the combined UND/FRGC v2.0 datasets and on the Gavab database so as to enable comparison. An original face representation that combines the repeatability of key points extracted from depth images of the face (with the descriptiveness of facial curves).A face matching approach that combines spatial constraints for key points matching with an original formulation of the saliency of facial curves for gallery scans, thus allowing weighted match of different facial curves .A thorough experimental evaluation addressing the recognition accuracy both in the case of scans with large pose variations and missing parts, and scans with non neutral facial expressions the reported experimentation also includes a detailed comparative evaluation against competitor solutions. ISSN: 2231-5381 Score function Data sets Input image Matching process Accurate result Fig. 1 System Architecture A.Capture Image Facial feature localization is a important in many subsequent tasks, such as face recognition, pose normalization, expression understanding and face tracking. Page 317 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 7 - Mar 2014 B.Preprocessing To reduce the computational burden, Down sample the high resolution face images. C.Smoothing This technique is used to eliminate the illumination that are occurred in the image naturally by natural distortion s. Smoothing removes short-term variations, or "noise" to reveal the important underlying unadulterated form of the data. D.Normalization Normalization is a process that changes the range of pixel intensity values. Applications include photographs with poor contrast due to glare, for example. Normalization is sometimes called contrast stretching. In more general fields of data processing, such as digital signal processing, it is referred to as dynamic range expansion. The purpose of dynamic range expansion in the various applications is usually to bring the image, or other type of signal, into a range that is more familiar or normal to the senses, hence the term normalization.5 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fig. 3. key Points Clustering F. Keypoints Repeatability A face matching approach that combines spatial constraints for keypoints matching with an original formulation of the saliency of facial curves for gallery scans, thus allowing weighted match of different facial curves. Keypoints extracted from different facial scans of the same individual are expected to be located approximately in the same positions on the face. G. Facial Curves Fig. 2. Capture Image E. Key Points Clustering On the detection of keypoints on the 3-D face surface and the description of the surface in correspondence to these keypoints as well as along facial curves connecting pairs of keypoints. In contrast to solutions where keypoints correspond to meaningful face landmarks, such as the eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheek and mouth.An original face representation that combines the repeatability of keypoints extracted from depth images of the face ,with the descriptiveness of facial curves. ISSN: 2231-5381 While the majority of face recognition researchers will agree that performance can be significantly increased, there is a contentious debate about how to achieve this goal. This analysis suggests that, depending on the specific application, a trade-off between accuracy and computational time can be found. Similar results were obtained for the UND dataset. On this dataset, our results are compared with those reported in and that used an experimental setup similar to that proposed in this work. Table V summarizes the evaluation using rank-1 RR as performance indicator. Results clearly demonstrate that our approach is capable of achieving or improving the state of the art performance for all the classes of scans except one (i.e., looking-down). As a general behavior of the approaches under comparison, a quite large difference in recognizing left and right side scans can be noted for this dataset (about 11%, 14% and 16% decrease, respectively, for our work and the approaches and Measuring the yaw rotation for the left and right side scans, can obtained an average angle of about 50 and 70 , respectively. These rotation angles are lower than the nominal values reported in the database description, and the difference of around 20 between the yaw rotations of left and right scans can be motivation for the different accuracy shown in the recognition. Page 318 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 7 - Mar 2014 Fig. 4. Facial Curve and Distance distribution graph Distribution of distance values for two facial curves of the same gallery scan. the two facial curves on the depth image of the subject .In (c) and (f), the distribution of the values of the distance of the two facial curves with respect to the facial curves of all the other gallery models is reported with a bars histogram (in the same plots, the curve of the Weibull distribution fitting the data is drawn in red). H. Face Matching Given two face scans, the decision about whether they represent the same person or not rely on the comparison of the facial curves detected on the two scans. However, in order to support accurate recognition, comparison of facial curves. ISSN: 2231-5381 (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 5. Matching Process V.CONCLUSION To analyze the various algorithm of 3D face recognition through which we conclude that 3D face recognition solves the challenges which found in the result of 2D face recognition mainly the illumination and pose problem through various approaches. The 3D face recognition approaches are still tested on very in various approach. The data sets are increasing during the years since better acquisition materials become available. However, the datasets are increasing during the years its used for various approach. The data rate is increased it will lead to decreasing the performance of representation. So the algorithms must be adjusted and improved before they will be able to handle large datasets with the same recognition performance. The drawback of most presented 3D face representations methods is that most algorithms still treat the human face as a rigid object. This means that the methods capable of handling the face representations. To compare to 3D face recognition concept, most 2D face recognition algorithms are already tested on large datasets and are able to handle the size of the data tolerable well. 3D face provide the whole face representation like surface information that can be used for face recognition. Another major advantage is that 3D face recognition is pose invariant. Therefore, 3D face recognition is still a challenging but very promising research area. Page 319 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 7 - Mar 2014 VI. 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