VLSI Implementation of QR Codes with Interference Cancellation

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 4 - Mar 2014
VLSI Implementation of Black and White QR Code
with Interference Cancellation Rate
M.Ramya#, M.Jayasheela*
PG Scholar, HOD of ECE,
Kalaingnar karunanidhi institute of technology, Coimbatore
Kalaingnar karunanidhi institute of technology, Coimbatore
A new high-speed, high-accuracy Field programmable
gate array (FPGA) based method for generating QR Code for
various text sizes had been proposed. This is carried out by
exploiting the spectral density of cyan, magenta and yellow colors.
Here forward error correction method is used for correcting the
errors while converting the data into bits and blocks. The two main
coders used for forward error correction is Reed Solomon (RS)
and convolution code. At the same time, an efficient QR code
which is capable to deal with more complex distortion, than other
codes. The QR code is generated from mask pattern generation.
The major advantage of the proposed system is data can be
retained for long time and can be used mostly in stenography.
Keywords-Reed Solomon (RS), Field programmable gate array
Bar code is one of the existing system which is very
fast in scanning and more accurate when compared to other
coding systems.. Barcode enables tracking in an efficient
manner. The speed of scanning the barcode system is very high
when compared to manual data entry method. 2D barcode is
developed from 1D barcode and the information that is encoded
will be stored in vertical direction as well as in horizontal
direction. The advantages of 2D barcodes includes: less area,
high embedding capacity, higher density, higher error detection
level. The advanced level of barcode is the stacked barcode
which are stacked one upon another. These barcodes are printed
in a rectangular shape which can able to achieve area. A special
type of stack two-dimensional barcode is PDF417. The
advanced level of barcode is the QR code which is a advanced
matrix two-dimensional barcode. These QR codes can able to
detect the errors more effectively than other codes such 1D and
2D barcodes. The embedding capacity of the QR code is very
less when compared to the other barcodes.
Features of QR Code
QR Code (Quick Response Code) There four levels of error
correction, and the maximum symbol size can encoding 7089
numeric data or 4296 alphanumeric data [1]. The highest error
correction level is up to 30% of code words of the symbol. The
advanced features of QR code are:
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1) High embedding Capacity.
2) High speed scanning
3) Represented by two bits of data.
4) It can be readable from any direction from 360 degree.
Each QR Code symbol consists of an encoding region,
alignment patterns and function patterns, as shown in Fig. 1.
Function patterns includes finder, separator. These are not used
for encoding the data. These are detected with several versions
from version 1 to version 40.
The encode steps of QR Code are shown below. Firstly input
data is encoded formed bit stream in an efficient mode. The bit
streams which are obtained by encoding the data are divided
into code words. These code words are again divided into sets
of blocks and error correction level is added to all the set of
blocks. These code words are masked with mask pattern.
Finally function patterns and separators are added into the QR
symbol. A QR Code symbol is formed as shown in the figure 1.
Fig .1 Structure of QR code
Compared with 1D bar code, the 2D barcodes has a much larger
capacity which can hold more data than 1D barcode. A QR code
capacity is up to 4296 letters, and 2953 binary code word data
and 7089 digits.
Initially the data is given as input. The information
encoded by a QR code may be made up of four standardized
types "modes" of data such as numeric, alphanumeric, byte /
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binary or through supported extensions, virtually any type of
data. The table describes the data capacity of the QR code
The proposed system is composed of two main coder for
converting the obtained data into stream of datas. The two main
coders are
Table 1: Data Capacity
Numeric only
Max. 7,089 characters
Max. 4,296 characters
Max. 2,953 bytes
Kanji, full-width Kana
Max. 1,817 characters
All these datas are collected and converted into ASCII values.
Then the data is divided into groups of two elements. Each
ASCII value is added with next data’s ASCII values. All the
data’s values are added accordingly and grouped into 11 bits.
These bits are converted into Block. The diagrammatical
representation of Bit to Block Conversion is shown in Figure
1.The Table 1 shows the data capacity of the QR code. If the
input is numeric then it can store maximum characters up to
7089 bits. If the input is alphanumeric then it can store
maximum characters up to 4296 bits. If the input is binary then
it can store maximum characters up to 2953 bits. If the input is
kanji then it can store maximum characters up to 1817 bits.
 Reed Solomon Coder
 Convolution coder
Reed Solomon coder detects burst error. The input data are
arranged in block format and parity blocks are added with each
set. In order to achieve variable code rate scaling is performed
on the output of the convolution encoder. By concatenating the
output of both reed Solomon coder and convolution coder, the
input provided is converted into stream of data.
Convolution codes are used to detect in a bit-by-bit basis.
They are particularly suitable for implementation in hardware.
The outputs of all these data are concatenated and the resulting
bits are converted into streams of data. That is an extremely
important point and that is what gives the convolution code its
error correcting power.
Fig.2: Concatenation of Bits
Fig.1: Bit to Block Conversion
In additional to the bit to block conversion all the data should be
encoded such that the errors can be easily detected and
corrected. For these purpose two different encoders such as RS
encoder and Convolutional encoder have been used which is
explained in further chapters.
The output sequence is processed in mask pattern
generation in which the pattern size is selected .only the
required data is extracted for color QR code formation. The
main application of mask Pattern generation in QR code is that
it can also be used in Stenography. The next step deals with
masking the data. Masking is mainly used for data capacity,
storage and security purposes. Masking is done to the data
which are converted into streams, once we simulate the input,
the decoded/encoded values will be obtained in binary values.
All these binary values are used for square block conversion.
These binary values are allocated for each pixel related to black
and white QR code. The future work deals with decoding the
black and white pixel. The output of the decoded values will be
in binary format. All these values are divided into 8 bit and
pixel values are allocated for all these bits. The next step deals
with assigning each color for entire decoded data. It can be
extended by combining the color such as red, green, blue. By
combining all these colors the different colors can be obtained.
Fig.2 : QR code in Black and White Pixel
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Fig 4: Proposed Block Diagram
All the decoded values are assigned with the basic colors such
as cyan, yellow and magenta. By combining all these colors we
obtain a color QR code. The system is implemented using
FPGA. Firstly verilog HDL codes were written and then
simulated the circuit design on MODELSIM simulation
software tool. Subsequently, EDA tools were used to analyze
the performance of the implemented system.
Fig.5c. Concatenation of Input Data
The Figures listed below shows the simulation results for
obtaining the black and white QR code.
Fig.4d Black And White QR Code
5.1 Area Summary
The Figure 5 shows the area summary of the obtained black and
white QR code
Fig.5a Alpha numeric Input
Fig.6 Area Summary
Fig .5a : Grouping of Data
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5.2 Power Summary
The Figure 6 shows the power summary for generated QR code
Fig.7: Power Summary
As the mobile phone with camera device is getting
more popular, recognition barcode based on embedded system
is getting more important and practical. A new high-speed,
high-accuracy automatic FPGA based method for generating
QR Code for various text sizes had been proposed. And there is
no need the preprocessing for QR code in the proposed method.
From the experiment, the proposed method produced better
results than other method. As QR codes are still an emerging
technology its brands struggle to determine their place in
marketing campaigns. From the above proposed method it is
evident that only less area and power is utilized. When
compared to all the other existing codes, the proposed method is
useful by implementing the QR code for real time application
which is less complex and more accurate.
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