International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 3 - Mar 2014 Analysis of Trunk Door Seal of Circular Cross Section Using FEM S. B. Yapalaparvi1, Mahantesh Tanodi1, D. N. Inamdar1, G.V.Chiniwalar1 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hirasugar Institute of Technology, Nidasoshi, Karnataka, India Abstract— Hyper elasticity refers to material that can experience large elastic strain that is recoverable. Rubber like and many other polymer material fall in this category. Elastomers commonly referred as rubbers are hydrocarbons polymeric material similar in structure to plastic resin. The rubber seals are used as trunk door seals in automobiles cars which act as a sealing material between the surrounding environment and the inside region of the trunk door. These seals are made up of elastomers (Hyperelastic materials). The commercially available seals are circular and elliptical in their cross section. In this paper a non-linear analysis is carried out to study the behaviour of the seal material and to find the deformation, stress distribution and the contact pressure using ansys. This analysis is done for circular cross sectional dimensions of the seals to find the contact pressure and stress distribution. The selection criteria for these seals are that they should develop a high contact pressure when the deflection is applied. This is to ensure a leak proof sealing and also they should have a low maximum stress distribution value for durability, fatigue life of the seal. A seal with the above criteria is selected from the analysis results recommended. Keywords— hyperelastic material, trunk door seal, contact pressure, circular cross-section 1. INTRODUCTION Hyper elasticity refers to materials that can experience large elastic strain that is recoverable. Rubber-like and many other polymer materials i.e., elastomers fall in this category [1]. Elastomers, commonly referred as rubbers, are hydrocarbon, polymeric materials similar in structure to elastomers began to replace the scarce natural rubber, and since that time, production of synthetics has increased until now their use for surpasses that of natural rubber. The major distinguishing characteristic of elastomers is their great extensibility and high-energy storing capacity. The constitutive behaviour of hyperelastic materials is usually derived from the strain energy potentials. Also, hyperelastic materials generally have very small compressibility. This is often referred to incompressibility. The hyperelastic material models assume that materials response is isotropic and isothermal. This assumption allows that the strain energy potentials are expressed in terms of strain invariants or principal stretch ratios. Except as otherwise indicated, the materials are also assumed to be nearly or purely incompressible. Material thermal expansion is also assumed to be isotropic. A material is said to be hyperelastic ifa there exists an elastic potential function W (or strain energy density function) that is a scalar function of one of the strain or deformation tensors, whose derivative with respect to a strain component determines the corresponding stress component. This paper deals with analysis of one such hyperelastic material used in trunk door seals of automobiles and stresses, deformation and pressures developed are studied. 2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM A typical cross section of a trunk door seal is as shown in the figure; as the door is operated, the hyper elastic structure deforms and acts as a seal between the door and the mating component. This seal gets enormous deformation. The seals are rubber (elastomer) like materials capable of taking up very large strains without plastically yielding. These materials need to be specially treated in FEA in contrast to material like steel and cast iron, etc. Analysis of the seal using FEM (ANSYS) approach is requirement. Fig. 1 Sketch of trunk door seal plastic resins [2]. The difference between plastics and elastomers in largely one of definitions based on the property of extensibility or stretching. Up till World War II, almost all rubber was natural. During the war, synthetic ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig. 2 Deformation of the seal Page 113 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 3 - Mar 2014 3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Hyper-Elastic Contact Analysis of a Push-Button Diaphragm Seal (Jeffrey R Annis, Rockwell AutomationAlien Bradley): Presented is the non-linear finite 'element analysis of a rubber diaphragm seal utilized in a pushbutton design. Analysis considerations encompassed, nonlinear hyperelastic material behaviour of the rubber, large deflection analysis of seal complex motion, and contact analysis with mating parts. Design parameters of primary interest were, seal deflection patterns and seal actuation force as a function of travel [5]. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis -A Technical Paper by MSC Softwere. MSC Software Corporation: This white paper discusses the salient features regarding the mechanics and finite element analysis (FEA) of elastomers. Although the main focus of the paper is on elastomers (or rubber like materials) and foams, many of these concepts are also applicable to the FEA of glass, plastics, and biomaterials. Therefore, this White Paper should be of value not only to the rubber and tyre industries, but also to those involved in the following materials like: glass, plastics, ceramic, and solid propellant industries, biomechanics and the medical /dental professions, highway safety and flight safety seat belt design, impact analysis, seat and padding design, passenger protection packaging industry, sports and consumer industries helmet design, shoe design, athletic protection gear etc. [3-4]. Natural rubber 13 February 1999: Newsletter of the Rubber Foundation Information Centre for Natural Rubber: This special of 'Natuurrubber' deals with rubber in engineering applications. The following papers take the reader on a journey along calculation methods with FEA and computers, some spectacular, but also some general applications, compounding aspects and relevant properties, etc. Rubber in the building Industry: A Technical Paper by Ing J.S. Havinga: Most people are probably only familiar with the use of rubber in sealing strips for windows and doors. But it can be used as a building material tool. Rubber in building industry is not the type of material that one could expect builders to use. It can be used for many other things as well. On this ground, this technical paper reveals the fact that rubber can be found everywhere where tolerances can cause cracks that leads to leaks and draughts. materials, and most are treated to resist ozone and pollution damage, too! Fig. 4.1 Hardtop door seal 4.2 Hardtop Roof Rail Seals: Hardtop Roof Rail Seals typically start at the lower windshield post and go up over the door and rear quarter glass on each side of the roofline. Most feature front moulded ends as original attached to soft extruded rubber. Stop leaky or noisy upper windows by replacing roof rail seals! Fig. 4.2 Hardtop roof rail seal 4.3 U-Shaped Door Jam Seals: This part for hardtop models is located behind the door and below the quarter glass seal on the body. Keeps water and dirt from entering the rear quarter panels and rusting the sheet metal there. Made with moulded rubber and a solid metal core as original 4. BODY WEATHERSTRIPS 4.1 Door Seals Fig. 4.3 U-Shaped Door Jam Seal Most of our door weather-strips have correct original features like moulded ends and push-in clips. This image displays a typical hardtop or convertible door seal. Door seals for post sedan models go completely around the outside edge of the door frame that surrounds the glass. Super Car Specialty door seals are made of top quality ISSN: 2231-5381 4.4 Door J-Seals: These parts are shaped like an inverted "J", and are located on the upper front edge of many '55-'61 doors. They are separate of the door main seals, and keep water and debris from entering at the leading edge of the door. Page 114 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 3 - Mar 2014 Fig. 4.4 Door J-Seal Fig. 4.7 Trunk Door Seal Strip 4.5 Trunk Seals: This is one of many different profiles used on various GM cars. Most trunk seals are located in the trunk opening gutter on the body, although they were installed on the trunk lid of some early models. Replacing a trunk seal is cheap insurance against a rusted trunk floor. American-made extrusion is the best available Fig. 4.5 Trunk Seal This part for hardtop models is located behind the door and below the quarter glass seal on the body. Keeps water and dirt from entering the rear quarter panels and rusting the sheet metal there. These are made with moulded rubber and a solid metal core as original. 5. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS OF A TRUNK DOOR SEAL Fig. 5.1 Trunk door seal In this session we will simulate large deformation (stresses and deflections) of a rubber seal and its contact process with a trunk door when being pushed in. The complex shape of the seal also leads to rubber-rubber surface contact. The purpose of the analysis is to examine the stresses and deflections created within the rubber during the closing of a door. The seal is made of a rubber material and therefore is modelled using hyperplasic material properties. Since the trunk door is much stiffer than rubber seal, the trunk door will be modelled as a rigid body. Additionally, the rubber seal will come in contact with itself. This contact must be taken into account explicitly; otherwise the seal will pass through itself. The various deflection values given to the trunk door seal from 1 mm to 5 mm and analysis results are tabulated as shown below. Fig. 4.6 Details of Door Seals of an Automobile car ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 115 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 3 - Mar 2014 Seal wall thickness in mm Corner radius in mm Deflection In mm Stress distribution Contact pressure 1 2 3 2 0.5 4 5 ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 116 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 3 - Mar 2014 ANALYSIS RESULTS FOR TRUNK DOOR SEAL Maximum Deflection in Min Stress in Deformation in mm MPa mm 1 1.000 0.123E-03 2 2.016 0.335E-03 3 3.056 0.749E-03 4 4.081 0.876E-03 5 5.111 0.167E-03 Corner radius in mm Seal wall thickness in mm 0.5 2 6 5 Max. Deformation 4 Max. Stress 3 Contact Pressure 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Deflection in mm Graph 5.1 6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The yield strength value for the hyper elastic material is found to be 13 MPa, assuming suitable factor of safety or by calculating the factor of safety by assuming Soderberg equation, we get the permissible stress value for the hyper elastic material as 4 MPa. From the above tabulated results Seal wall thickness and corner radious in mm Max Stress in MPa 0.164 0.407 0.715 1.145 1.725 Contact Pressure in MPa 0.016 0.074 0.093 0.151 0.144 we ensure that the maximum stress values obtained for the trunk door seal are within the permissible limits. The tabulation of the analysis results is further carried out for the trunk door seal by varying the cross sectional wall thickness dimension and the corner radius in order to study the deformation, stress distribution and the contact pressures and to compare the results with earlier results since it is always desired a trunk door seal with low stress value to get maximum life and a high contact pressure to provide leak proof clearance. The cross sectional dimensions are varied from 2 mm to 1.5 mm, 2.5 mm of trunk door seal, also from the above analysis results it is observed that maximum stress is at the corner radius and hence the corner radius is changed from 0.5 mm to 0.75 mm of trunk door seal, the stress distribution in the material and the contact pressures are analysed and the results are tabulated as shown below. Deflection in mm Maximum Deformation in mm Min Stress in MPa Max Stress in MPa Contact Pressure in MPa 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1.000 2.016 3.056 4.081 5.111 1.000 2.952 5.616 7.525 8.363 1.000 2.000 3.009 4.037 5.046 1.033 2.032 3.244 4.910 5.010 0.123E-03 0.335E-03 0.749E-03 0.876E-03 0.167E-03 0.170E-03 0.230E-03 0.150E-03 0.380E-03 0.390E-03 0.750E-04 0.330E-03 0.260E-03 0.390E-03 0.290E-03 0.560E-04 0.950E-04 0.130E-03 0.299E-03 0.188E-03 0.164 0.407 0.715 1.145 1.725 0.126 0.277 0.434 0.537 0.575 0.191 0.353 0.524 0.752 1.092 0.162 0.315 0.486 0.731 0.955 0.016 0.074 0.093 0.151 0.144 0.023 0.031 0.031 0.024 0.044 0.056 0.108 0.028 0.063 0.062 0.041 0.061 0.059 0.086 0.147 2mm &R0.5 1.5mm &R0.75 2.5mm &r0.5 2mm &R0.75 ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 117 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 3 - Mar 2014 7. CONCLUSION Trunk door seal find application on automobile passenger car as a sealing material between the trunk and the outside environment. When the door is closed the trunk door seal gets elastically compressed between door and thereby providing a sealing effect. The trunk door seals are made up of hyper elastic material. Requirement of such seal is that the working stress should be within allowable limits of the material and at the same time the contact pressure between the mating surface should be sufficiently high(>0.2012 MPa) to ensure a leak proof effect. For these conceptional designs of trunk door seals have been arrived at a circular cross section design configuration varying the wall thickness, fillet radii has been studied for this configuration using ansys and computing the stresses developed within members and contact stresses between the seal and the body. The analysis showed that the design variant to(trunk door seal with 2 mm wall thickness) is superior as it gives a lowest of 1.145MPa and highest contact pressure 0.151MPa. The stress 1.145MPa is less than the permissible of 4 MPa. 8. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Theory and practice of engineering with rubber, Freakle P.K and A. R. Payne. Applied Science Publishers Ltd 1978, ISBN 0-853347727 Elastomers: Criteria for Engineering Design. Hepburn C and R.J.W. Reynolds. Applied Science Publishers Ltd 1979, ISBN 0-85334809-X MSC.Software Corporation, Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Elastomers, MSC/MARC Volume A, Theory and User Information, Version 2003 Annis, J. R, “Application of 3-D Magnetostatic Analysis and Taguchi Methods to sealed switch Design “, ANSYS Magnetics Symposium, Swanson Analysis Systems, Inc., May 1994 A text book of material science and metallurgy, By: O.P. KHANNA Finite Element Analysis, By: S.S. 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