Palliative Care & End of Life Certificate Program

Palliative Care & End of Life
Certificate Program
Provided By:
Smith College School of Social Work
Baystate Health Continuing Interprofessional Educationt
Two weekend Intensives
October 13-16, 2016 & April 6-9, 2017
Smith College, Northampton MA
Individual and Group
Telephonic Supervision
17 - April 6
Smith & Baystate Post Graduate Certificate Course
The End of Life Certificate course is one of the most comprehensive Palliative Care Programs for
social workers and other mental health professionals in the country. Graduates have gone on to
assume leadership in palliative care through creating and advancing innovative programming,
providing clinical supervision, teaching, engaging in research and writing for publication. The
program provides a comprehensive approach that focuses on the psycho-social, spiritual,
physical and practical needs of patients and families with a serious illness at the end of life.
Program Structure
The Smith & Baystate Palliative Care Post Graduate Certificate Course consists of 14 structured
in-person educational sessions held over two weekends at Smith College and supervision and
group learning via telephone during the months between the weekend intensives. Participants
identify a clinical internship in their own community or workplace and develop or join a
monthly interdisciplinary peer supervision team. Students will receive two hours of telephone
clinical supervision each month from outstanding clinicians in the field.
Admission Requirements
Stephen Arons, JD
Terry Altilio, MSW, ACSW, LCSW
David Browning, MSW, LICSW
Esther Chachkes, MSW, DSW
Susan Gerbino, PhD, LCSW
Ashley Varner, MSW, MBA, LCSW-C, OSW-C
Applicants should have a master’s degree in
social work or other mental health profession
and at least two years of post-master’s
experience. Applicants must be in current
practice with end of life care issues.
Baystate Health is accredited by the
Accreditation Council for Continuing
Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
(ACPE), and American Nurses Credentialing
Center (ANCC), to provide continuing
education for the healthcare team.
Baystate Continuing Interprofessional Education
Palliative and End of Life Care Certificate Course. A collaboration of the Smith College
School for Social Work and Baystate Continuing Interprofesional Education
Palliative Care & End of Life
Certificate Program
Provided By:
Smith College School of Social Work
Baystate Health Continuing Interprofessional Educationt
Two weekend Intensives
October 13-16, 2016 & April 6-9, 2017
Smith College, Northampton MA
Individual and Group
Telephonic Supervision
17 - April 6
The Personal is the Professional: A discussion of your own experiences as it relates to palliative care and end
of life care.. This includes discussion of compassion fatigue, countertransference, and the meaning of the work
as it relates to life history.
Theoretical Views on End of Life: theories that address loss, separation, attachment, grief, and
bereavement. The postmodern theorists’ contributions to understanding loss and growth, and
current attachment theorists are presented.
Clinical Practice: A case-based seminar addressing issues of death and dying and bereavement over the life
cycle. The trajectory of illness, developmental issues for children, adolescents, adults, transference /
countertransference, and uses of self are addressed.
Complex Legal and Public Policy Issues: examines advanced directives, physician assisted suicide, the
cessation of life support, and other legal and ethical issues , drawing on considerations from the first session
and clinical internship.
Ethical Issues in End of Life Care: discussion of patient autonomy, advanced directives, physician-assisted
suicide, and cessation of life supports
Pain and Symptom Management: psychosocial components of comprehensive pain assessment and
management, focusing on interventions for patients and families, barriers, misconceptions, cultural, ethical
Leadership in Palliative and End of Life Care: the use of self as teacher, ethical decision maker, program
developer, advocate, consultant, and policy maker.
Advanced Culture and Spirituality: a developmental framework to address how death, grief, and bereavement
shape self and identity. Using research drawn from work with children, concepts of “normal” grief are
challenged and alternative views of grief and bereavement presented.
Cases, Conflicts & Impasses in Hospice & Palliative Care: a case study approach designed to address the
interaction of clinical, ethical, legal and organization issues. The course discusses problem solving skills, the
strengths and limitations of the social work role and enhancing collaborative skills
Clinical Practice II: This course uses participants’ cases to discuss uses of self, countertransference, and
intersubjective practice in palliative, hospice, and bereavement practices. Participants consider the intersection
of psychological, developmental, existential and spiritual issues in advanced clinical practice. Interdisciplinary
support, education and supervision are considered. One hour of this seminar provides an opportunity for
participants to present their case studies, to teach and to educate other members of the class in a seminar
designed to look at advanced uses of self.
Advanced Culture and Spirituality: Integrating psychological and spiritual ways of making meaning and
applying knowledge from a variety of religious traditions and spiritual disciplines to a range of end-of-life
Grieving Children & Their Families: uses a developmental framework to address how death, grief, and
bereavement shape self and identity. Using research drawn from work with children, concepts of “normal"
grief are challenged and alternative views of grief and bereavement presented.
Baystate Continuing Interprofessional Education
Palliative and End of Life Care Certificate Course. A collaboration of the Smith College
School for Social Work and Baystate Continuing Interprofesional Education
Palliative Care & End of Life
Certificate Program
Provided By:
Smith College School of Social Work
Baystate Health Continuing Interprofessional Educationt
Two weekend Intensives
October 13-16, 2016 & April 6-9, 2017
Smith College, Northampton MA
Individual and Group
Telephonic Supervision
17 - April 6
How To Apply
Step 1. Go to choose September 21,
Tuition is paid after you have been accepted
Option 1 (Online or Mail):
and complete the online application process. The
non-refundable application fee is $50
Step 2. Send the materials below no later than
September 9, 2016 to:
Baystate Continuing Education, 361 Whitney
Avenue, Holyoke MA Attention: EOL course
1. Current resume
2. Two letters of reference
3. Personal Statement (2-3 pages) addressing:
• Your professional and personal reasons for
working in end of life care.
• The influences on this choice of practice.
• What you hope to gain from this program.
• How you will meet the clinical requirements of
the program.
• How you will incorporate the above in your
current workload.
• Your willingness to use a consultative clinical
supervisor appointed by the program.
• The issues you would like to work on
Once all your admission materials have been
received, the program director will review
material and if accepted into the program a
letter will be emailed to you.
Your resume and personal statement will be
shared with faculty members
Registration Form
Course Title and Date
First Name
Last Name
Institutional Affiliation:
Full Payment of $2,850 due by 09-15-16
Option 2 (Mail Only)
1st payment of $1,700 due by 09-15-16
2nd payment of $1,700 due by 03-07-17
All cancellations will incur a $100 cancellation fee. If you
must cancel, telephone the Office of Continuing Education at
413-322-4242 and follow your call with a written refund
request. We cannot refund cancellations received after
September 20, 2016.
For additional information, contact
Director, Continuing Education
Social Workers: The Smith & Baystate Palliative Care Post
Graduate Certificate Course carries 57 continuing education
credits for social workers. Approval by the Commonwealth of
Massachusettsunder Continuing Education Regulations 258
CMR: # E15-10
Psychologists: Baystate Health is approved by the American
Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education
for psychologist. Baystate Health maintains responsibility for
this program and its contents. This course carries 57 continuing
education credits for psychologist.
Specific Aids or Services: Please call the Office of Continuing
Education at 413-322-4242, if under the Americans with
Disabilities Act, you require specific aids or services during
your visit to this continuing education program
Course Cancellation: Baystate Continuing Education and Smith
College School for Social Work reserves the right to cancel
any program which is under subscribed. In the case of
cancellation, all paid tuition fees will be reimbursed
in full. The School also reserves the right to modify certificate
content as appropriate.
CE ID Number
Write your CE Portal ID once in this section.
This ID connects all of your Baystate CE
information. Use it to sign into the Learner
Portal at to register for courses
with a credit card and review your transcript.
For Baystate employees and medical staff
Baystate Employees
Physicians/Staff PN
For All Others:
Mail Instructions
To register via regular mail, complete
the registration portion of this form.
Make your check payable to:
Baystate Health
Mail your registration & payment to:
Baystate Continuing
Interprofessional Education,
361 Whitney Ave., Holyoke, MA 01040
We cannot process registrations without
payment. Make checks payable to: Baystate
Medical Center. We accept credit card
payments only on our secure, encrypted
website at which does not store
your credit card details.
A. First initial of your first name
B. Birthday month and day
(ex: 2 digits each May 7=0507 not 57)
C. Last four digits of social security number
Baystate Continuing Interprofessional Education