Smith College School for Social Work Alumni Association Thesis Awards

Smith College School for Social Work
Alumni Association
Thesis Awards
Name ________________________________
Phone/Cell Phone _______________
Mailing Address ________________________________________________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________
Research Advisor: _______________________________________________________
(Email Address)
For which thesis award do you wish to be considered:
_________ Thesis Award for Students of Color
_________ Thesis Research Award
_________ Alumni Association Thesis Award
Criteria for submission checklist:
________ Introduction to the purpose of the project
________ Expected contribution to the field as well as limitations of the project
________ Tentative abstract
________ Methodology: You might include the setting, plans for a questionnaire and
number of subjects (if applicable)
________ APA guidelines for formatting of citations, references and presentation
________ Human Subjects Review Committee approval letter (if appropriate)
Research Advisor’s Signature _______________________________________
NOTE: Electronic signature is acceptable. Attach this form in an email from the Research Advisor and send it to
The application deadline (POSTMARKED) is March 31, 2016