A Class of Frames for Paley-Wiener spaces with Multiple Lattice Tiles Support Ezra Tampubolon, Volker Pohl, Holger Boche Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Informationstechnik Technische Universität München, 80290 München, Germany {ezra.tampubolon, volker.pohl, boche}@tum.de Abstract—Let Ω ⊂ RN be a bounded measurable set and let Λ ⊂ RN be a lattice. Assume that Ω tiles RN multiply at level K when translated by Λ. Then this paper derives conditions on sets of sampling functions such that they form a frame for the Paley-Wiener space PWΩ of functions bandlimited to Ω. Moreover, the canonical dual frame is derived, which allows signal recovery for all signals in PWΩ from a multichannel sampling system samples. Index Terms—Frames, multi-tiling, interpolation, Riesz basis, sampling. I. Introduction Let Ω ⊂ RN be a bounded measurable set. This paper deals with the construction of frames and their dual frames for L2 (Ω). The question for which domains Ω the space L2 (Ω) admit an orthonormal basis of exponential functions was intensively studied in the past. This problem was mainly inspired by Fuglede’s conjecture [1], and we refer to [2] for more details and discussion on this problem. In general, Fuglede’s Conjecture was disproved, i.e. there exists domains which posses no orthonormal basis of exponential functions. One may ask for domains which posses a Riesz basis or frame. Recently, Riesz bases of exponentials, i.e. Riesz basis of the form {e−i2πh·,λi }λ∈Γ , where Γ ⊆ RN is a discrete set, for domains Ω, which tile RN multiply at level K ∈ N, have attracted some interests. The existence of a Riesz basis for such domains, which are in addition bounded and Riemann measurable (i.e. the boundary is of measure zero), was first proved in [3], using the theory of quasicrystals [4], [5]. A similar result was proven in [6] based on a more elementary approach from linear algebra. In this paper, we consider the construction of Riesz bases and frames of the geneal form {φbm e−i2πh·,λi : m = 1, . . . , M, λ ∈ Γ}, together with the corresponding dual frames for L2 (Ω) with domains Ω tiling RN multiply. In [7], [8] such a result was proven for certain locally compact Abelian groups, based on the techniques known as fibrization and range functions. However, no attempt was made to derive the corresponding dual frames. Our approach here is more elThis work was partly supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under Grants PO 1347/2-1 and BO 1734/20-1. c 978-1-4673-7353-1/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE λ∗ ∈ Λ∗ ⊂ RN ✲ f (t) ∈ PWΩ ✲ φ1 φ2 ✟❄ ✲ c1,λ∗ = y1 (λ∗ ) ✟❄ ✲ c2,λ∗ = y2 (λ∗ ) y1 (t) y2 (t) . . . ✲ φM ✟❄ ✲ yM (t) cM,λ∗ = yM (λ∗ ) Fig. 1. Analysis filter bank of the sampling scheme considered in this paper: Signals f ∈ PWΩ are linearly filtered by φ1 , . . . , φM . Afterwards, the signals are sampled on a uniform lattice Λ∗ in RN . ementary and based on techniques used for shift-invariant spaces with support in RN [9]. The question whether a set is a frame or a Riesz basis for L2 (Ω) has an important interpretation in terms of sampling theory and signal processing (see also [10]). Clearly, the Fourier transform F : L2 (RN ) → L2 (RN ), given by Z fb(ω) = (Ff )(ω) = f (t) e−i2πhω,ti dt , ω ∈ RN , (1) RN maps L2 (Ω) unitarily onto the Paley-Wiener space PW Ω = f ∈ L2 (RN ) : supp(fb) ⊂ Ω . (2) Therefore, if a set {b sn } is a frame for L2 (Ω), then {sn } will be a frame for PW Ω , and so any function f ∈ PW Ω can be reconstructed from the set of generalized samples P {cn = hf, sn i}n∈Z by the series f (t) = n∈Z cn σn (t) where {σn }n∈Z denotes a certain dual frame of {sn }n∈Z . If {b sn (ω) = e−i2πhλn ,ωi } is a frame of exponential functions, then the generalized measurements correspond to point evaluations cn = hf, sn i = f (λ∗n ) for some λ∗n ∈ RN . Viewed from this perspective, this paper deals with sampling systems which have a structure as shown in Fig. 1. There the signal f ∈ PWΩ is filtered (or convoluted) by a bank of M linear filters, with impulse responses hm (τ ) = φm (−τ ), and subsequently uniformly sampled on a discrete lattice Λ∗ in RN . This gives a set cm,λ∗ = ym (λ∗ ) = hf, sm,λ∗ iPWΩ , m = 1, . . . , M λ∗ ∈ Λ∗ (3) of signal samples, where sm,λ∗ (t) := φm (t−λ∗ ) denotes the sampling functions. Provided that the set {sm,λ∗ } forms a frame, every f ∈ PWΩ can PM from the samples P recovered (3), by the formula f (t) = λ∗ ∈Λ∗ m=1 cm,λ∗ σm,λ∗ (t) , where {σm,λ∗ } is a dual frame of {sm,λ∗ }. For a given support region Ω ∈ RN , this paper gives conditions on the set {φm }M m=1 of filters in Fig. 1 and on the sampling lattice Λ∗ such that every f ∈ PWΩ can be recovered from the samples (3). If these conditions are satisfied, the corresponding dual frame is derived. II. Preliminaries and Notations We work with functions defined on the N -dimensional real Euclidean vector space RN . If Ω is a subset of RN then χΩ stands for its indicator function, |Ω| for its Lebesgue measure. The space of all Lebesgue square-integrable functions on Ω is denoted by L2 (Ω), equipped with the usual inner product and norm. In case that Ω is bounded, we normalize as common the inner product and norm on L2 (Ω). For any f integrable on RN , its Fourier transform fb = Ff is given by (1), and by Plancherel’s Theorem F can be extended to a unitary operator on L2 (RN ). A. Lattices and Tiling Throughout this paper, Λ = AZN stands for a (full rank) lattice, which is defined by an invertible N × N matrix A. The volume of Λ is defined as vol(Λ) = | det A|, and its dual lattice is Λ∗ = BZN where B = (AT )−1 . From this definition, it follows that hλ, λ∗ i ∈ Z for all λ ∈ Λ and λ∗ ∈ Λ∗ . Definition 1: A set Ω0 ⊂ RN is called a fundamental domain for a lattice Λ ifP Ω0 tiles RN when translated at the locations of Λ, i.e. if λ∈Λ χΩ0 (ω − λ) = 1 for almost every (a.e.) ω ∈ RN . In this work, we restrict ourselves to bounded and measurable fundamental domains. For the possible shape of a convex fundamental domain of a lattice in RN , we refer, e.g., to [11]. In particular, a convex fundamental domain in R2 can only be either quadrilateral or hexagonal. If Ω0 is a fundamental domain for Λ, we write L2 (RN /Ω0 ) for the set of all functions f : RN → C which are square integrable if restricted to Ω0 and which are Λ periodic, i.e. for which f (ω + λ) = f (ω) for every λ ∈ Λ and all ω ∈ RN . Moreover, we write PΩ0 : L2 (Ω) → L2 (RN /Ω0 ) for the operator which maps any f ∈ L2 (Ω0 ) to the unique function in L2 (RN /Ω0 ) which coincides with f on Ω0 . Below, we will frequently use functions of the form eλ (ω) := e−i2πhλ,ωi with λ ∈ Λ and ω ∈ RN . Note that these functions are Λ∗ -periodic, in the sense that eλ (ω + λ∗ ) = eλ (ω) for all λ∗ ∈ Λ∗ and ω ∈ RN . It is well known [1, §6] that if Ω0 is a fundamental domain for a lattice Λ, then the set {eλ∗ : λ∗ ∈ Λ∗ } is an orthonormal basis for L2 (Ω0 ). Fig. 2. Examples of support sets Ω in R2 with a rectangular generating domain Ω0 and K = 5 (left) and with a hexagonal Ω0 and K = 12 (right). The dots indicate the corresponding lattice Λ. We will follow [6] and consider domains Ω which tile RN multiply by a certain lattice. Definition 2: Let Ω ⊂ RN be bounded and measurable, and let Λ be a lattice. We say that Ω tiles RN when translated by Λ at level K ∈ N if P for a.e. ω ∈ RN . λ∈Λ χΩ (ω − λ) = K If Ω ⊂ RN is a measurable set which tiles RN at level K by a lattice Λ, then it is known [6, Lemma 1] that Ω can always be partitioned as Ω = Ω1 ∪ Ω2 ∪ · · · ∪ ΩK (4) up to a set of measure zero. Therein each Ωk is a fundamental domain for Λ and all Ωk are mutually disjoint. B. Our signal space Here we consider spaces L2 (Ω) where Ω tiles RN at level K ∈ N when translated by a lattice Λ. For convenient, we restrict us to the case where each Ωk , in the partition (4) is given by Ωk = Ω0 + λ for some λ ∈ Λ. Principally, one can extend the result by some efforts to the corresponding general case. Thus, we assume that [ Ω0 + λ with ΛΩ = {λ1 , . . . , λK } ⊂ Λ . (5) Ω= λ∈ΛΩ Therein, the fundamental domain Ω0 is called the generating domain of Ω. Because of (5), it is clear that Ω0 is not unique. For example, each fundamental domain Ωk can be the generating domain of Ω. Fig. 2 sketches the structure of our support sets Ω by two examples. Therein, the gray shaded area represents Ω which is obtain by translating a rectangular (left) and a hexagonal (right) generating domain Ω0 along the corresponding lattice Λ. The set on the left of Fig. 2 tiles RN at multiply level K = 5, whereas the right hand side has multiply level K = 12. Fig. 2 also indicates that domains with almost any arbitrary shape can be well approximated by domains of the form (5), by choosing a sufficently small generating domain Ω0 . Moreover, we note that a fundamental domain is any set Ω0 ⊂ RN Our derivation below is based on the following characterization of Frames and Riesz basis. We refer to standard textbooks like [12] for proofs of this result. Lemma 1: Let K be an arbitrary Hilbert space with orthonormal basis {ϕn }n∈Z . Let H be a separable Hilbert space, let T : K → H be a linear operator, and set sn = Tϕn , Fig. 3. The shaded area is a fundamental domain Ω0 in R2 for the lattice Λ indicated by the dotted lines. which contains exactly one element of each coset modulo Λ. For example, on the left hand side of Fig. 2, Ω0 is a parallelepiped, and on the right hand side, it is a hexagon. But there are many more, which can be obtained in a way as indicated by Fig. 3 [6]. Decomposition (5) of Ω allows us to identify the space L2 (Ω) with the Hilbert space KK which is defined as the K-fold direct sum of L2 (Ω0 ), i.e. 2 2 2 KK := L (Ω0 ) ⊕ L (Ω0 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ L (Ω0 ) = K M L2 (Ω0 ) (6) k=1 with the canonical inner product: Z 1 f (ω), g(ω) CK dω f, g K = K |Ω0 | Ω0 with f := [f1 , . . . , fK ]T ∈ KM and where fk ∈ L2 (Ω0 ) stands for the function in the k-th component of f , and similarly for g ∈ KK . Now, L2 (Ω) and KK can be identified via the isometric, isomorphic mapping AΩ : L2 (Ω) → KK which maps an f ∈ L2 (Ω) onto f = [f1 , . . . , fK ]T by fk (ω) = f (ω + λk ) χΩk (ω + λk ) , ω ∈ Ω0 . Its inverse 2 A−1 Ω : KK → L (Ω) is then given by (A−1 Ω f )(ω) = K X (PΩ0 fk )(ω) χΩk (ω) , ω∈Ω, k=1 and one easily sees that hAΩ f, AΩ f iKK = hf, giL2 (Ω) for all f, g ∈ L2 (Ω). C. Frames and Riesz basis Since we want to derive Frames (or Riesz basis) for L2 (Ω) and PWΩ , respectively, we shortly recall the formal definition of these concepts (see, e.g., [12]). Definition 3: Let H be a separable Hilbert space and let s = {sn }n∈Z be a sequence in H. Then s is called a frame for H if there exists frame constants A, B > 0 such that P 2 Akxk2 ≤ n∈Z |hx, sn i| ≤ Bkxk2 for all x ∈ H . The sequence s is called a Riesz basis if 2 X 2 cn sn ≤ B kck2ℓ2 for all c ∈ ℓ2 . A kckℓ2 ≤ n∈Z H n∈Z. (i) The set s = {sn }n∈Z is a frame for K if and only if T is bounded and surjective. (ii) The set s = {sn }n∈Z is a Riesz basis for K if and only if T is bounded and bijective. Moreover, let V : K → H be a left inverse of the adjoint T∗ , i.e. assume that VT∗ x = x for all x ∈ H, and set σn = Vϕn , n∈Z. Then σ = {σn }n∈Z is a dual frame of s, i.e. P P x = n∈Z hx, σn i sn = n∈Z hx, sn i σn for all x ∈ H . III. Frames for PWΩ In this section, we state our main result on the class of frames for the Paley-Wiener space PWΩ of functions which are bandlimited to a domain which tiles RN at a certain multiple level K ≥ 1. Theorem 2: Let Λ be a lattice and let Ω ⊂ RN which tiles RN when translated by Λ at level K of the form (5). Let {φm }M m=1 be a set of functions in PWΩ and define φb1 (ω + λ1 ) . . . φbM (ω + λ1 ) .. .. .. Φ(ω) = . (7) . . . b b φ1 (ω + λK ) . . . φM (ω + λK ) The set sm,λ∗ (t) = φm (t − λ∗ ) , m = 1, . . . , M , λ∗ ∈ Λ∗ (8) (A) is a frame for PWΩ if and only if there are constants A, B > 0 such that AI ≤ Φ(ω)Φ∗ (ω) ≤ BI for a.e. ω ∈ Ω0 (9) (B) is a Riesz basis for PWΩ if and only if in addition to (9) AI ≤ Φ∗ (ω)Φ(ω) ≤ BI for a.e. ω ∈ Ω0 (10) with the same constants as in (9). Remark: Equivalently, the set of functions given in (14) is a frame or Riesz basis for L2 (Ω), if condition (9) and (10) are satisfied, respectively, Remark: A similar result was given in [7]. However, our proof here seems to be somewhat simpler and it yields immediately the dual frames (cf. Section IV) which were not given in [7]. Statement (B) of Theorem 2 can also be found in [8], with a proof similarly to ours. Remark: A necessary condition for (9) is M ≥ K, and (10) can only hold if M = K. Remark: Without proof, we remark that the frame constants A and B are related to the singular values of Φ(ω): A = ess inf σmin [Φ(ω)] and B = ess sup σmin [Φ(ω)] . (11) ω∈Ω0 ω∈Ω0 Proof: By the assumption of the theorem, the support region Ω has the form (5) wherein Ω0 is a fundamental domain for Λ. Therefore {eλ∗ L : λ∗ ∈ Λ∗ } is an orthonormal M 2 basis for L (Ω0 ). Let KM = m=1 L2 (Ω0 ) be the Hilbert space defined as in (6). Then it is clear that {em,λ∗ } = {eλ∗ }λ∗ ∈Λ∗ ⊕ · · · ⊕ {eλ∗ }λ∗ ∈Λ∗ (12) is an orthonormal basis for KM . So em,λ∗ ∈ KM is the vector em,λ∗ (ω) = [0, . . . , 0, eλ∗ (ω), 0, . . . , 0]T whose only non-zero entry is at the mth position. Next, we define the linear mapping T : KM → L2 (Ω) by T : f 7→ M X n=1 φbn (ω) (PΩ0 fn )(ω) . ω ∈ Ω , (13) One easily verifies that T maps the orthonormal basis (12) onto the functions sbm,λ∗ (ω) = (Tem,λ∗ )(ω) = φbm (ω) eλ∗ (ω) ∗ = φbm (ω) e−i2πhλ ,ωi . (14) The inverse Fourier transforms sm,λ∗ = F −1 sbm,λ∗ of these functions belong to PWΩ and are given by (8). Now we want to apply Lemma 1 to prove that, under the given conditions, (14) is a Frame or Riesz basis for L2 (Ω). This would imply that (8) is a frame or Riesz basis for PWΩ . In doing so, it is more convenient to identify L2 (Ω) with KK as discussed in Sec. II-B. Therefore, we apply the isomorphic mapping AΩ : L2 (Ω) → KK to Tf . This e : KM → KK given by yields the mapping T e (ω) = (AΩ Tf )(ω) = Φ(ω) f (ω) , ω ∈ Ω0 Tf (15) with the K × M matrix Φ(ω) as given by (7). Since AΩ : L2 (Ω) → KK is a bijective isometry, it is clear that e is T is bounded, surjective, or injective if and only if T bounded, surjective, or injective. e is (A): In view of Lemma 1, we have to show that T bounded and surjective if and only if (9) holds. To this e ∗ : KK → KM end, it is sufficient to show that its adjoint T e is bounded and bounded below. Because this implies the T ∗ e e is bounded (because T is bounded), that the range R(T) e ∗ ) is closed, since T e ∗ is bounded is closed (because R(T e e below), and that R(T) is dense (since T is injective). For any g ∈ KK we have: Z D E ∗ 2 1 e T gK = Φ(ω)Φ∗ (ω)g(ω) , g(ω) K dω . M |Ω0 | Ω0 C e ∗ is bounded and From this, it easily follows that T bounded below, i.e. ∗ 2 A kgk2KK ≤ e T gK ≤ B kgk2KK for all g ∈ KK M if and only if (9) holds. e is additionally (B) To proof (B) we have to show that T injective if and only if (10) holds. Similar as above, one has Z D E 2 1 e Tf KK = Φ∗ (ω)Φ(ω)f (ω) , f (ω) M dω |Ω0 | Ω0 C for any f ∈ KM . Consequently, it easily follows that 2 A kf k2KM ≤ e Tf K ≤ B kf k2KM for all f ∈ KK K if and only if (10) holds. Remark: The proof showed also that under the condition of Theorem 2, the set e m,λ∗ )(ω) = φ (ω) eλ∗ (ω) e sm,λ∗ (ω) = (Te m ∗ = φm (ω) ei2πhλ ,ωi , m = 1, . . . , M ; λ∗ ∈ Λ∗ , (16) wherein φm (ω) is the mth column of Φ(ω) given in (7), is a frame or Riesz basis for KK , respectively. IV. Dual Frame Construction The construction of a dual frame follows immediately from the second part of Lemma 1. Basically, we have to e ∗ of the operator (15) find a left-inverse of the adjoint T used in the proof of Theorem 2. For simplicity, we only give the explicit form of the canonical dual frame here. Theorem 3: Consider the same setting as in Theorem 2 and assume that condition (9) is satisfied. Let Ψ(ω) be the K × M pseudoinverse of Φ∗ (ω), i.e. let −1 Ψ(ω) = Φ(ω)Φ∗ (ω) Φ(ω) , a.e. ω ∈ Ω0 (17) Then the canonical dual frame of the sequence (8) is given by σm,λ∗ (t) = σm (t − λ∗ ) , m = 1, . . . , M ; λ∗ ∈ Λ∗ where σm = F −1 σ bm ∈ PWΩ with PK σ bm (ω) = k=1 PΩ0 [Ψ]k,m (ω) χΩk (ω) , ω∈Ω. Remark: We write [Ψ]k,m for the entry in the kth row and mth column of the K × M matrix Ψ. So the function σ bm ∈ L2 (Ω) is defined on each component Ωk of Ω. On Ωk the function σ bm (ω) is equal to the Λ-periodic extension of [Ψ(ω)]k,m . e ∗ : KK → KM of the operator T, e Proof: The adjoint T given in (15), is equal to e ∗ g (ω) = Φ∗ (ω) g(ω) , T ω ∈ Ω0 . Since condition (9) is satisfied, the K × K matrix Φ(ω)Φ∗ (ω) is invertible for almost all ω ∈ Ω0 and so the K ×M pseudoinverse matrix (17) of Φ∗ (ω) is well defined. e ∗ . So Therefore (Vf )(ω) = Ψ(ω)f (ω) is a left-inverse of T by Lemma 1 the set e m,λ∗ (ω) = (Vem,λ∗ )(ω) = Ψ(ω) em,λ∗ (ω) σ = ψ m (ω) eλ∗ (ω) , ω ∈ Ω0 where ψm (ω) stands for the mth column of Ψ(ω), is the dual frame of the frame (16) in KK . Since KK is isometric isomorph to L2 (Ω), it follows that the set {b σm,λ∗ : m = 1, . . . , M ; λ∗ ∈ Λ∗ } is given by e m,λ∗ )(ω) = (A−1 σ bm,λ∗ (ω) = (A−1 Ω σ Ω Vem,λ∗ )(ω) ! K X ∗ = (PΩ0 ψk,m )(ω)χΩk (ω) ei2πhλ ,ωi , ω ∈ Ω (18) k=1 and where ψk,m (ω) = [Ψ(ω)]k,m , is the dual frame of the sequence (14) in L2 (Ω). Taking the the inverse Fourier transform of the functions in (18), we obtain (3) as the dual frame of (8). Remark: Theorem 3 gives only the canonical dual frame of (8). However, from the proof it is clear that any arbitrary dual frame can be obtained by selecting an arbitrary leftinverse of the matrix Φ∗ (ω) instead of Ψ(ω). V. Frames of Exponentials As a corollary and a special case of Theorem 2, we can derive a similar result as in [3], [6] for Riesz bases of exponential functions for L2 (Ω). Corollary 4: Let Λ be a lattice and let Ω ⊂ RN which tiles RN when translated by Λ at level K of the form (5). Then there exists vectors µ1 , . . . , µK ∈ RN , which depend only on Λ, such that the set sbm,λ∗ (ω) = ei2πhµm ,ω+λk i , m = 1, . . . , K; k ∈ Z is a Riesz basis for L2 (Ω). Proof: Let be K > 1. We apply Theorem 2 with the particular functions φbm (ω) = ei2πhµm ,ωi . Then the matrix Φ(ω), given in (7), can be written as Φ(ω) = H D(ω), where D(ω) is a unitary diagonal matrix with diagonal entries [D(ω)]m,m = ei2πhµm ,ωi and H is a constant matrix with enties [H]k,m = ei2πhµm ,λk i , k, m = 1, . . . , K . According to Theorem 2, it remains to show that there ∗ ∗ exists vectors {µm }K m=1 such that Φ(ω)Φ (ω) = H H has rank K. To construct such vectors, we choose µ0 ∈ RN such that hµ0 , λk i = νk 6= 0 for all k = 1, . . . , K and such that νk 6= νn when ever n 6= k. Such a µ0 can always be found. In particular, it is possible to find such a µ0 ∈ Λ∗ . Then νk ∈ Z for all k = 1, . . . , K. Set νmax = max{|ν1 | , . . . , |νK |} and define µm := [c(m − 1)/(νmax K)]µ0 , where c is a positive constant. This yields the particular matrix H with entries 2π [H]k,m = ei K νk νmax c(m−1) , k, m = 1, . . . , K , by choosing c s.t. |νk /(Kνmax )| < 1/2, H is a Vandermonde matrix of rank K. Remark: In [6], [8], it was even shown that almost every randomly chosen set {µm }K m=1 will satisfy the corollary. However, even although almost every set {µm }K m=1 of vectors yields a Riesz basis for PWΩ , the frame bounds (11) might be very poor, and it is a challenging task to determine sets {µm }K m=1 which provide a Riesz basis with good bounds. See, e.g., the discussion in [13] for the onedimensional setting (N = 1) and based on a construction similarly to the one in the proof of Corollary 4. VI. Sampling density For any τ ∈ RN , let Br (τ ) = {t ∈ RN : kt − τ k ≤ r} be the ball of radius r > 0 centered at τ with volume |Br (τ )|. A lattice Λ ⊂ RN is said to have asymptotic density dens(Λ) = ̺, if lim r→∞ card[Λ ∩ Br (τ )] =̺ |Br (τ )| for all τ ∈ RN . If Ω0 is a fundamental domain for Λ, then dens(Λ) = 1/ vol(Λ) = 1/|Ω0 |. 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