This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. American Journal of Botany80(3): 330-343. 1993. GENETIC VARIATION IN THE PONDEROSAE OF THE SOUTHWEST' GERALD E. REHFELDT Intermountain ResearchStation,U.S. Department ofAgriculture, ForestService, 1221S. MainStreet,Moscow,Idaho83843 Ninety-five seedlingpopulations of southwestern ponderosapine(Pinusponderosavar.scopulorum) alongwithsingle ofPinusengelmannii and Pinusarizonicawerecomparedin fourenvironmentally commongardens. populations disparate Differentiation amongponderosapinepopulations wasdetected fora diverseassortment ofvariablesthatincludedpatterns of shootelongation, measuresof growthpotential, winterand springfreezing damage,and leafcharacteristics. Multiple regression modelsaccountedforas muchas 85% ofthevarianceamongpopulations anddescribed complexclinesthatwere P. ponderosa,P. arizonica,and P. engelmannii werereadily dominatedby elevationaland latitudinal effects. Although P. ponderosa ofprogenies fromone population theperformance differentiated, suggested introgression primarily involving and P. arizonica but also implicatingP. engelmannii. Microevolutionaryprocesses allow naturalsystemsof genetic variabilityto be molded by environmentalheterogeneityto produce populationsgeneticallyattunedto a local environment.As demonstratedrepeatedlyby the experimentalapproachofClausen, Keck,and Hiesey(e.g., 1940), culturingplantpopulationsin common gardensso frequentlydemonstratesgeographicvariationthatadapof populationscommonlyis assumed tive differentiation (Mayr, 1970). Species, however,face environmentalheterogeneitywithdiverseassortmentsofgeneticvariability. As a result,responsesto naturalselectionare varied. In the Rocky Mountains, for example, clines in adaptive amongpopulationsseparated traitssuggestdifferentiation in altitudeby 200 m in Pseudotsuga menziesii(Rehfeldt, 1989), 250 m in Pinus contorta(Rehfeldt,1988), 350 m in Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa (Rehfeldt,1991), and 450 m in Larix occidentalis(Rehfeldt,1982). But in Pinus monticola,clines cannot be demonstratedforeithermorphological traits(Rehfeldt,Hoff,and Steinhoff,1984) or allozymes (Steinhoff,Joyce,and Fins, 1983). Yet in the comountainsofnorthernIdaho, thesespecies frequently occur (Daubenmire and Daubenmire, 1968) across as muchas 1,000 m ofelevation,an intervalassociated with days (Baker, 1944). a differenceof about 90 frost-free Populations of these wind-pollinatedsympatricconifers to selectionalongsimilar have respondedmuchdifferently environmentalgradients.An environmentperceived as beingcoarse-grainedto Pseudotsugamenziesiiand P. conto P. monticola. tortais apparentlyfine-grained To the widespreadponderosa pine (P. ponderosa), the grain of the spatially variable environmentis unquestionablycoarse. Geographic races are recognizedwithin each of three varieties (Conkle and Critchfield,1988). Genetic variation among populations within races is growthand abundant fora varietyof charactersreflecting fieldtests(Conkle, 1973; Read, 1983; survivalin long-term Sheppard and McElderry,1986; Van Haverbeke, 1986), growthand development in common gardens (Madsen and Blake, 1977; Read, 1980; Rehfeldt,1990, 1991), toleranceto environmental stress(Read and Sprackling,1981; Rehfeldt,1986a, b), disease resistance(Hoff,1988b, 1990, 1991), and allozymes (Mitton et al., 1977; Mitton,Sturgeon, and Davis, 1980; Linhart et al., 1981; Hamrick, Blanton,and Hamrick, 1989). These disparateresultsdocumentextensivepopulation differentiation, much of which is interpretableas adaptation to heterogeneousenvironments.Nevertheless,to P. p. var. ponderosaof the Inland Northwest,the grain bywhichtheenvironmentis perceivedapparentlyis much finerthan forpopulationsof P. p. var. scopulorum on the Colorado Plateau. Populationdifferentiation is associated with habitats that differby at least 35 frost-free days in the Northwest(Rehfeldt,1991) but by only 22 frost-free days on the Colorado Plateau (Rehfeldt, 1990). In addition,geneticvariationwithinpopulationstendsto occur in patches (Linhart, 1989) and is pronounced for numeroustraitsreflecting growth(Conkle, 1973; Namkoong and Conkle, 1976; Rehfeldt,1980), allozymes(Linhartet al., 1981), and adaptation to the biotic (Hoff, 1988a, b, 1991) and abiotic environment(Rehfeldt,1992). The Southwestis a regionin whichthegeneticstructure of ponderosa pine (P. p. var. scopulorum) populations is poorly understood. While rangewide provenance tests of southunanimously attest to genetic differentiation westernpopulations fromthose to the north(Squillace and Silen, 1962; Hanover, 1963; Wells, 1964; Read, 1980), patternsofvariationamong southwestern populationsare obscure. This paper reportscommon gardenstudiesand presents models that describe genetic variation. While differentiation can be eitherrandom or systematic,it is the systematicpatternsthatinvariablycorrespondto environmentalgradientsand, therefore,most likelyresult fromnatural selection. Because systematicpatternsare predictable,functionalmodels can be applied to topics to gene conservation. rangingfromartificialreforestation Two factorscomplicate studies of geneticvariation in southwesternponderosa pine. First,Conkle and Critch' ReceivedforpublicationI June1992; revisionaccepted12 Nofield(1988) separate the Rocky Mountain race fromthe vember1992. in southern race of P. p. var. scopulorum southwestern Department TheauthorthanksA. K. ArbabandtheNavajo Forestry Colorado. The of the Utah and southeastern abruptness of theGila and variouspersonnel R. M. Jeffers forclosecooperation; transitionbetween races, however, is largelyunknown. and D. assistance; S. P. Wellsfortechnical NationalForestforsupport; Secondly,in southeasternArizona and southwesternNew criticism. T. Lesterforstimulating 330 March 1993] REHFELDT-GENETIC UTAH 331 VARIATION IN PONDEROSAE COLORADO A/ 370 5 tX ARIZONA f i. C-SangredeCristoMts 320 % X% % K )t Fig. 1. Map of the regionof studyshowingthe distributionof ponderosa pine (shading,fromLittle, 1971) and populations sampled. Letters kieygeographiclocalities referencedin the text.Circle ponderosa pine; triangle= Arizona pine; square = Apache pine. and sampledtheecologic,geographic, Mexico,ponderosapineco-occurswithtwootherpines, ulationsotherwise of the speciesin the Southwest Arizonapine (P. arizonica)and Apachepine (P. engel- elevationaldistribution groupsof (Conkleand (Fig. 1). In thispaper,populationsreference mannii),thethreeof whichare interfertile individuals.The local1988)membersofthePonderosaesubsection adaptivelysimilar,interbreeding Critchfield, provincesthatmayconoftheDiploxylonsubgenusof Pinus(Littleand Critch- itiesofFig. 1 arephysiographic in fact,Arizonapine was tainnumerouspopulations. field,1969). Until recently, The 97 populationsincludedsinglepopulationsofArconsideredto be a varietyof ponderosapine(cf.,Perry, theexperimentation and in izonaandApachepines(Fig.1).After variationin terpenes 1991).Studiesofphenotypic theconclusion wasunderway,itbecameobviousthata population(Barhaveprompted coneandleafmorphologies amongthesespeciesiscommon foot)in theChiricahuaMountains(localityJ,Fig. 1) was thatnaturalhybridization how- eitherintrogressed or containeda mixtureofponderosa (Peloquin,1971,1984).The extentofintrogression, on geneticvari- and Arizonapines.As a result,theworkinghypothesis ever,is unknown.Whileconcentrating ofnoninterbreedwasa mixture raceofP. p. var. scopulorum, wasadoptedthatBarfoot ationin thesouthwestern all seedeliminating objectivesofcontributing ingspecies.Underthisassumption, thisreportassumessecondary ofArizona oftheinterrelationships amongthe lingsfromBarfootwiththeleafcharacteristics to an understanding fromthePinapine(fouror fivenarrowleaves/fascicle) Ponderosae. southwestern lenoMountains(Fig. 1) allowedBarfoottobe considered as a populationofponderosapine. MATERIALS AND METHODS was studiedby comparing Populationdifferentiation of seedlingsfrom97 popthegrowthand development tests.Each population ulationsin fieldand greenhouse bya bulkedsampleofeightto tenwindwas represented pollinatedconesfromeach oftentrees.To decreasethe sampledtreeswereat least30 ofco-ancestry, possibilities m apartand wereseparatedbythecrownsofat leasttwo weremadefrom no collections trees.Although intervening whereponthelowestlimitsofthespecies'distribution individualsin woodlands derosapineoccursas scattered dominated by Pinus edulis or Juniperusspp., these pop- weregrown fromeachpopulation Fieldtests-Seedlings (65 cm3)ina shadehouseinMoscow, inplasticcontainers Idaho (latitude46.70 N, longitude1170 W), and first-year seedlingswereplantedin commongardensnear Priest River,Idaho; WindowRock,Arizona;and SilverCity, New Mexico.PriestRiveris 190 km northof Moscow; WindowRock and SilverCityare shownin Fig. 1. The PriestRiverand WindowRocktestswereplantedin the fall,whiletheSilverCitytestwas plantedthefollowing spring.At all sites,ten seedlingsfromeach population wereplantedin rowplotswithineachoffourrandomized 332 [Vol. 80 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 1. Physicalcharacteristics, meanperformance, andgeneralclimateat thefieldtestsites TABLE TABLE 2. Description ofthevariables analyzed Variable, Test site Characteristic Latitude (0N) Elevation (m) Frost-free period (d) Dry season Survival (%) 4-yrheight(cm) PriestRiver Silver City Window Rock 48.5 750 32.8 1,900 35.9 2,400 90 Summer 99.5 80.8 210 Winter-Spring 97.6 57.1 110 Winter-Spring 89.8 26.1 completeblocks.Rows wereseparatedby 0.6 m, while 0.3 m separatedseedlings withinrows.Allsitesweretilled andfencedbeforeplanting andwereirrigated andweeded Testperiodically forthreegrowing seasonsafterplanting. ingwas completedafterthetreesreachedage 4. Because environmental effects at theseplantingsites anddevelopment oftrees differentially affected thegrowth (Table 1), a different set and numberof variableswas necessary fordescribing growth and development at each site(Table 2). Fieldteststhuscontributed a diversearray of 17 variablesthatincludedmorphometric traits, spring and winterfreezing and surdamage,leafmorphology, vival. Of thesevariables,notethatthedeviationsfrom regression accountfortheautocorrelation oftheannual shootgrowthof treesand are,thereby, inderelatively pendentof prioreffects. These values thuscan reflect in a shortperiod environment adaptationto a particular oftime.The variablesPRDEV and WRDEV reflect 4-yr heightas ifall individualshad been thesame heightin yr2. Becauseof springfrostdamageat thebeginning of thethirdgrowing seasonat SilverCity,SCDEV3 reflects theeffects ofspringfrostinjuryon thethird-year growth of treesfroma commonheightat yr 2; and SCDEV4 of reflects thegrowth thatoccurredin yr4 independently ofyr3. thefrostdamagethatoccurredat thebeginning tests-Seedlingsfromeachpopulation Greenhouse were grownfor6 mo inplasticcontainers (740 cm3)in a shadehouseat Moscow,Idaho. The experimental designconsistedof nineseedlingsgrowingin rowplotsin each of threeblocks.Traysof containers threeplots containing weretransferred intoan unheatedgreenhouse forthewintermonthsand, in earlyMarchof the secondgrowing ofabout season,wereexposedto a daytimetemperature 25 C, whichwas allowedto cool to a minimumof 13 C at night.All seedlingsweremeasuredthreetimeseach oftheterminal weekuntilelongation shootwaswellunder way.Thereafter, each seedlingwas measuredtwiceeach weekuntilelongationof thepreformed shootwas complete. Periodicmeasurements ofinallowedshootelongation dividualtreesto be modeledwitha logisticfunction with a hyperbolic and Wykoff, timeterm(Rehfeldt 1981): Description PRHT4 PRDIA PRDEV Age4 height Age3 diameter Deviationfromregression of4-yrheighton 2-yr height PRCL Scoresofthecolor(green= 0 or blue= 1) ofthesucculentshoot PRRTO Ratioofthe3-yrheightto the3-yrdiameter PRLL Leaflengthfroma fasciclenearthecenterofthe3-yr terminal shoot PRLW Leafwidthfroma fasciclenearthecenterofthe3-yr terminal shoot PRLNM Averagenumberofleavesin tenfascicles distributed the3-yrterminal throughout shoot SCHT4 Age4 height SCSF Scores(I to 4) ofdamageto elongating shootsfroma springfrostin year3 SCDEV3 Deviationfromregression of3-yrheighton 2-yr height SCDEV4 Deviationfromregression of4-yrheighton 3-yr height WRHT4 Age4 height WRDEV Deviationfromregression of4-yrheighton 2-yr height WRWI Deathoffoliagefromwinter desiccation duringyears 2 and 3 WRLL Leaflengthfroma fasciclenearthecenterofthe3-yr shoot WRDEAD Scoreofmortality at anyage GHEL Lengthoftheterminal shootproducedin year2 GHS2 ofelongation: Initiation thedaybywhichthe2-yrterminalshoothad elongated 2 mm GHS8 Startofelongation: thedaybywhichthe2-yrterminal shoothad elongated8 mm GHEN Cessationofelongation: thedaybywhichall but2 mmofelongation had occurred GHDR Durationofelongation: thenumberofdaysbetween theinitiation and cessation GHRT Elongation perdayduringtheperiodforwhich20% to 80% oftheshootelongated GHHT2 Age2 height GHDIA at thesoilsurface Age2 diameter GHLL Averagelengthofleavesfromtenfascicles distributed the2-yearterminal shoot through GHLNM Averagenumberofleavesin 10 fasciclesdistributed the2-yrterminal shoot through GHRTO Ratio ofthe2-yrheightto the2-yrdiameter a First twoletters ofvariablecodethetestsite:PR = PriestRiver,SC -Silver City,WR = Window Rock, and GH = Greenhouse. individualtrees(Table2). Additionalmeasurements producedfivemorevariablesthatreflected growthand developmentin thegreenhouse environment. Patternsof variation-Population differentiation was assessedfromanalysesofvariance(SAS Institute, 1985, usingType III estimablefunctions), whichwere performedaccordingto thefollowing modelofrandomeffects: Yijk = + Pi + Bj + Ei. + Wijk Y = (1 + be{-rx + (c/X)})-l whereYijk is an observation on seedlingk in blockj from whereY is theproportion oftotalincrement attainedby populationi; ,uis the mean;Pi and Bj are theeffects of and e is the populationsand blocks,respectively; day X; b, r,and c are regression coefficients; Eii is the experibase ofnaturallogarithms. statistics Regression ofblockswithpopulations; produced mentalerror,theinteraction allowedcalculationofsix variablesthat andWijkis thesampling bythisfunction error.Undertheassumption that wereused to describethepatternof shootelongationof blocksand populationsare randomvariates,theexperi- March 1993] REHFELDT-GENETIC 333 VARIATION IN PONDEROSAE mentalerrorbecomes thevarianceappropriatefortesting differencesamong populations. For these analyses, the harmonicmean ofobservationsperplotwas 9.92 at Priest River, 9.70 at Silver City, 8.62 at Window Rock, and 8.84 in the greenhouse. An attemptwas made to reducethe numberof dimensions about whichdifferentiation was beingexpressedby usingprincipalcomponentanalyses(SAS Institute,1985) on the data fromeach testsite. However, differentiation ofpopulationswas so pronouncedthattheprincipalcomponentanalysisallowed thenumberof variatesforwhich populations differedsignificantly to be reduced by only 8. Because ofthis,because theuse ofprincipalcomponents resultsin a loss of information(Johnsonand Wichern, 1982), and because principalcomponents oftenare impracticalin the generalapplication of regressionmodels, subsequentanalyses involved only the originalvariates. Multiple regressiontechniqueswere used to develop a generalmodel ofgeneticvariationaccordingto procedures detailed earlier(Rehfeldt,1989): 1) Deriving independentvariables fromlatitude(LT), longitude(LN), and elevation that could serve as surrogates forthe complex three-dimensionalenvironmental gradientsthathave operatedin naturalselection.For the presentanalyses,independentvariables includedthe first and second powersof elevationand the first,second, and thirdpowers of LT, LN, LT x LN and LT . LN. The lattertwo of these variables produced a gridfromnorthwest to southeast and fromnortheastto southwest,respectively; 2) screeningthe independentvariables by stepwiseregression,the best model of which was judged relativeto statisticalsignificance, theMallows statistic,and patterns displayed by the residuals (Draper and Smith, 1981); 3) refininga stepwise model with multipleregression to develop the most parsimoniousmodel; 4) and finally,plottingelevationaland geographicpatternsof variationto assure thatthe models were sensible biologically. A fifthstep, verificationof the model, could not be attemptedbecause independentdata were not available. Models were developed forponderosa pine by excluding populationsof Apache and Arizona pine. This left95 populations forthe regressionanalyses. Excluding seedofArizona lingsfromBarfootthathad leafcharacteristics pine removedninetreesfromgreenhousetests,threefrom PriestRiver tests,threefromSilver City,and none from Window Rock where winterinjuries and mortalityhad decimated the Barfootpopulation. Rates of differentiation along geographicor elevational clines were interpretedrelative to the least significant difference (Steel and Torrie, 1960) among populationsat the 20% significancelevel (lsd 0.2). Values of lsd were. used because stepwisemodels developed fromnumerous and overindependentvariables are subjectto overfitting parameterizing(Draper and Smith, 1981). The use of lsd guardedagainstacceptingfallaciousresults.The 20% significancelevel was used to guard against accepting no differences among populations when differences actually exist (typeII errors);such errorsprovide the greateptpowhenmodels are applied. tentialforfaultyinterpretations Values oflsd werecalculatedfromtheinteractionofblocks and populations in the analysis of variance. Using lsd to assess rates of differentiation intuitively suggeststhatinterpretations are dependenton sample sizes and experimentalerrors(uniformityof cultural conditions). However, because the cones fromten trees had been bulked, variances within plots are composed not onlyofenvironmentaleffectsat theplantingsite,but also of genetic variances within populations. Consequently, lsd would stillreflectthe geneticvariances withinpopulations even if samples were largeand the controlof microenvironmentaleffectswas complete. Interrelationamong species-Canonical discriminant analyses (SAS Institute,1985) were used to assess multivariaterelationshipsamongspecies.These analyseswere performedseparatelyon data fromeach test site. They used observationson individual seedlingsfromeach of the populations of Apache and Arizona pines, fivepopulations of ponderosa pine, and the Barfootpopulation. The fiveponderosa pine populationsweregeographically proximal and elevationallysimilar to the Arizona pine, Apache pine, and Barfootpopulation. Of the five,three came fromthe Mogollon Rim and one each came from theTularosa and Pinaleno Mountains(Fig. 1). These analyses also used all trees fromBarfoot,regardlessof leaf morphology.Barfootwas of particularinterestbecause the performanceof its progeniessuggestedthat the parentalpopulationwas eithera hybridswarmor a mixture of Arizona and ponderosa pines. RESULTS The resultsconsiderfirst,variationamong populations of ponderosa pine, and second, biosystematicimplications. Population differentiation -Differences among populations were detected(P < 0.05) forall but one variable, withtheeffectsofpopulationsaccountingforat least 40% of the total variance for ten of the variables (Table 3). Because of the experimentaldesign thatwas used, weak effectsforblocks (Table 3) meant thatthe intraclasscorrelation for the effectsof populations approximatesthe ratio of the totalgeneticvariance to the phenotypicvariance. The size of these intraclasscorrelations,therefore, atteststo pronounceddifferentiation of populations. The strongesteffectsof populations were associated with the cessation of shoot elongation(GHEN), the duration of elongation(GHDR), and numberof leaves per fascicle(PRLNM and GHLNM), variablesforwhichpopulation effectsaccounted foras much as 72% of the total variance. For most of the variables, however, much of the total variance was associated with sampling errors that are composed of microenvironmentaleffectsat the test site and geneticvariances withinpopulations. Since geneticvariances formany of these traitstend to be pronounced (Rehfeldt,1992), largesamplingerrorsalso can be expected.The deviation fromregressionof 4-yrheight on 2-yrheightat Window Rock (WRDEV) was the only variable for which no differenceswere detected among populations,a resultsuggestingthatgrowthpotential(innate abilityto produce and assimilate photosynthatein the absence of environmentaleffectsthat mask the ge- 334 [Vol. 80 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY Resultsofthe ofanalysisofvariance. and results amongpopulations, rangeofmeandiferences pinepopulations, TABLE3. Mean ofall ponderosa to thesum ofall theratioofthevariancecomponent fortheindicatedeffects as intraclass correlations, anlaysesof varianceare presented components Source of variance Experimental error Populations Range Variable PRHT4 PRDIA PRDEV PRCL PRRTO PRLL PRLW PRLNM SCHT4 SCSF SCDEV3 SCDEV4 WRHT4 WRDEV WRWI WRLL WRDEAD GHEL GHS2 GHS8 GHEN GHDR GHRT GHHT2 GHDIA GHLL GHLNM GHRTO Units Mean Maximum Minimum Blocks cm mm cm Score cm/mm cm mm Count cm Score cm cm cm cm % cm % mm d d d d mm/d mm mm cm Count mm/mm 81 17 0.0 0.8 2.9 17 1.7 3.1 57 2.2 0 0 26 0 27 7 11 134 4 8 38 34 6 240 6 14 3.1 38 97 21 11 1.0 3.4 19 1.8 3.2 85 2.8 7 10 33 5 92 8 35 175 6 11 50 46 8 319 9 167 3.4 44 58 14 -11 0.4 2.5 14 1.6 2.0 28 1.5 -4 -10 19 -4 0 5 0 71 3 7 29 25 4 130 4 106 3.0 30 0.07** 0.07** 0.01** 0.00 0.02** 0.03** 0.04** 0.00 0.03** 0.01** 0.01 0.07** 0.01 ** 0.06** 0.05** 0.16** 0.04** 0.00 0.01* 0.00 0.01** 0.01 ** 0.00 0.00 0.01 ** 0.00 0.00 0.01* Sampling error 0.51 0.47 0.80 0.89 0.67 0.67 0.71 0.26 0.46 0.82 0.76 0.60 0.61 0.66 0.70 0.58 0.71 0.55 0.82 0.74 0.48 0.51 0.73 0.54 0.53 0.76 0.37 0.65 0.02** 0.06** 0.06** 0.00 0.09** 0.04** 0.08** 0.02** 0.11** 0.04** 0.11** 0.19** 0.16** 0.25** 0.06** 0.23** 0.16** 0.05** 0.15** 0.19** 0.02 0.02 0.04* 0.07** 0.06** 0.04* 0.02* 0.19** 0.40** 0.41 ** 0. 14** 0.10** 0.22** 0.26** 0.17** 0.72** 0.41** 0.13** 0.13** 0.15** 0.22** 0.03 0.19** 0.03* 0.09** 0.40** 0.03* 0.07* 0.50** 0.46** 0.23** 0.40** 0.41 ** 0.20** 0.61** 0.15** *Significance of F-value at 0.05 > PF> 0.01. * Significanceof F-value at P < 0.0 1. notype) had been masked in the rigorousenvironment (Table 1). among populations is ilThe degreeof differentiation lustratedreadilyby the variables describingshoot elongation.In the greenhouse,shoot elongationof individual treeswas completedbetween 17 and 62 d afterthegreenhouse was warmed. This meant that seven to 19 observations were available for the logistic regressionsthat describedshoot elongationof individual treesnearlyperfectly:values of R2 ranged from0.93 to essentially1.0, averaging0.99. Because shoot elongation is one of a sequence of developmental events that must be completed withinthe patternsof shoot growthillusseason, different frost-free As shown environments. trateadaptationto heterogeneous in the startof elongationwere small, in Fig. 2, differences in therate,duration,cessation,and amount but differences of elongation were pronounced. In this figure,the high growthpotential and long duration of shoot growthof treesfromtheBradshawMountains (localityE) describes a populationfromthelowestelevation(1,700 m) sampled in the study.The remaininggraphsare for populations fromabout the same elevation (2,300-2,700 m) but differentgeographiclocalities. In contrastto southernpopulations,those fromthe north(e.g., San Juan Mountains [localityB] or MarkaguntPlateau [localityA]) combined an early cessation of elongationwith low growthpotentials. Multiple regressionmodels accounted for statistically significant(P < 0.01) proportionsof the variance among populationsforall variables (Table 4). Values of R2 were as high as 0.85, averaging 0.58. For only eight of the variables did regressionmodels account forless than half of the variance among populations. These resultsthus demonstratethatmuchofthevariationfollowssystematic 200 E ~150150 ----H ~~~~~~/ F I z A ..D100 I-~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ z o 0 '/ 1 / -50 w ~~~~~~~~~~~/P 00 15 30 45 60 Fig. 2. Mean cumulative shoot elongationof seedlingsfromsix localities identifiedin Fig. 1. March 1993] REHFELDT-GENETIC 335 VARIATION IN PONDEROSAE TABLE4. Resultsofmultiple regression analyses.Geographic patterns ofvariation are keyedtoFig. 4. All regressions werestatistically significant at probabilities lessthan0.01 Patternof geneticvariation Dependent variable PRHT4 PRDIA PRDEV PRCL PRRTO PRLL PRLW PRLNM SCHT4 SCSF SCDEV3 SCDEV4 WRHT4 WRDEV WRWI WRLL WRDEAD GHEL GHS2 GHS8 GHEN GHDR GHRT GHHT2 GHDIA GHLL GHLNM GHRTO R2 Independent variables 0.85 0.82 0.59 0.49 0.52 0.75 0.23 0.64 0.85 0.54 0.63 0.50 0.71 0.20 0.79 0.40 0.26 0.83 0.16 0.27 0.83 0.84 0.66 0.83 0.83 0.60 0.55 0.44 6 5 3 8 3 6 3 7 3 8 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 4 5 6 5 5 4 5 5 7 5 5 Elevation cline Sign Negative a Positive Negative Negative Negative Slope Steep Steep Steep Shallow Steep Steep Geographiccline Shape Slope Direction Nonlinear Nonlinear Nonlinear Linear Linear Nonlinear Steep Steep Steep Shallow Shallow Moderate Shallow Shallow Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Shallow Steep Shallow Shallow Steep Shallow Moderate Steep Steep Moderate Moderate Steep Moderate Moderate Shallow South to North South to North South to North Southwestto Northeast Northto South South to North Northeastto Southwest South to North South to North Northeastto Southwest Southwestto Northeast South to North South to North Southeastto Northwest South to North Southeastto Northwest Southwestto Northeast South to North Southeastto Northwest Southwestto Northeast South to North South to North South to North South to North South to North South to North South to North North to South b Negative Negative Positive Negative Shallow Steep Moderate Steep Nonlinear Linear Linear Linear b Negative Shallow Linear b b Negative Positive Negative a a Negative Negative Shallow Shallow Moderate Shallow Shallow Moderate Moderate Linear Linear Linear Nonlinear Nonlinear Linear Linear b Negative Negative Negative a Negative Moderate Moderate Moderate Shallow Shallow Nonlinear Nonlinear Linear Nonlinear Linear No generalsign. b No elevational cline. a patternsthat regressionmodels are remarkablycapable ofdescribing.Regressionequations are available fromthe author. The models described genetic variation as occurring along both elevational and geographicclines (Table 4). Elevational clines (Fig. 3) were detectedforall but five of the variables and exhibiteda varietyof shapes, slopes, and signs. Ten variables exhibitednonlinearelevational clines, all of which were of shape similar to those of PRHT4 and PRDEV in Fig. 3. While the sign of the elevational cline is directlyinterpretableforlinearclines, onlya generalcant describesthe slope ofnonlinearclines; thus,the generalrelationshipforPRHT4 is negativeand that for PRDEV is positive (Fig. 3). The strengthof a relativeto lsd 0.2: forclines of steep cline was interpreted equal to lsd 0.2 are expected to occur slope, differences betweenpopulationswithinthe same geographiclocality that are separated by less than 300 m of elevation; for those of moderateslope, 300 to 500 m; and forthose of shallow slope, more than 500 m. Together,theclinesillustratedeclininggrowthpotential as the elevation of the population increases. Thus, the ratios, durationofdevelopmentalevents,height-diameter leaf lengths,and tree heightswere negativelyrelated to elevation. In addition, as elevation increased,the color of succulent shoots tended to change from blue-green towardgreen,thenumberofleaves perfascicledecreased, damage fromthespringfrostat SilverCityincreased,and mortalityat Window Rock increased. Nonlinear elevational clines typifiedthe general response of manyvariables measuredat PriestRiver,a site to whichsome populationsweretransferred northas much as 170 of latitude.While linear clines commonlyrelated growthpotential to elevation (see GHHT2 and GHLL, Fig. 3), populationsfromthe mildestenvironments(lowestelevations)evidentlywereincapable offullyexpressing theirgrowthpotentialat the northernsite. Yet, populations fromthe middle and high elevations seemed to be unaffected.As a result,the populations fromhigh elevations had the most growthfroma common 2-yrheight (PRDEV). The nonlinearcline for4-yrheight(PRHT4), therefore,resultedfirstfroma differencein growthpotentialamong populations and second froma difference in the degreethat the potentialwas masked. Rates of differentiation along linear clines are readily interpretedin relationto lsd 0.2. For the 4-yrheightof treesat SilverCity(SCHT4), thevariablewiththesteepest linear cline, populations in the same locality that were separated in elevation by about 300 m tended to be geneticallydifferent. This variable, incidentally,integrated genetic differencesin growthpotential with those controllingtoleranceto springfrosts.Frost injuryto populations fromhigh elevations accentuatedthe differences in heightthataccrueaccordingto thenegativerelationship betweengrowthpotentialand elevation. Rates ofdifferentiation alongthenonlinearclines,however,depend on the elevationsat whichcomparisonsare made. The resultsfor4-yrheightat PriestRiver (PRHT4), 336 [Vol. 80 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY GHHT2 325- E ~ ~ o < ~ ~ = , e 125 g- H-~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~G s - - < C]) r 160 0- __ -T 2300 E LEVATI 100L GHLL 170 ON 3000 1600 E LEVATI 15 PRHT4 30 2300 ( M) ON (M ) PIRDEV :H -I C . I, 25 - ELEVATION 7.5- 75 -. 230 2300 1600 H-- . 3000 1600 ELEVATION (M) SCIOEV3 H-1 0- - 3000 2300 ELEVATION (M) 1600 (M) SCHT4 , 1600 30 0 230 , , 3000 2300 ELEVATION (M) Fig. 3. Mean performanceof ponderosa pine populations forsix variables plotted accordingto the elevation of theseed source. Variables are referencedin Table 2. Each regressionline representsa geographiclocalityidentifiedin Fig. 1,>and the bracketnear theoriginquantifieslsd 0.2. of populations from for instance, imply differentiation highelevations(>2,400 m) whenseparatedby about 220 among m of elevation, but suggestlittle differentiation populationsfromlowerelevations.Similarly,analysesof growth from a common 2-yr height at Priest River amongpopulationsfrom (PRDEV) suggestdifferentiation low elevation (<2,300 m) if separatedby at least 220 m among the of elevation, but imply littledifferentiation populations at higherelevations. The models thus suggestthatelevation and, therefore, period are closelyrelatedto genetic lengthofthefrost-free This means that at localities such as the differentiation. Tularosa Mountains (locality G, Fig. 1) where the elevational distributionof ponderosa pine is broad (Fig. 3), acrossthelandscape is pronounced. geneticdifferentiation A geographiccomponentto geneticvariationwas detectedin all of the variables (Table 3), and is illustrated in Fig. 3 by regressionlines of different intercept.This component is shown in detail forsix variables in Fig. 4 wheregeneticvariationamong populationspredictedfor an elevation of 2,400 m is representedby isopleths. In this figure,the intervalbetween isopleths equals 1/2 lsd 0.2. This meansthatpopulationsseparatedbya geographic distance equaling two intervalsare expected to differat about the 20% probabilitylevel. Geographicpatternsfor othervariablesare documentedin Table 4 wheretheslope oftheclineis describedas steepwhenthedistancebetween isopleths averages less than 50 km, moderate when avand shallow when averagingbetween 50 and 100 kkm, eragingmore than 100 km. Here also, in describingthe directionof a cline, the geographicdirectionlistedfirstis that toward which highestvalues are predicted. Althoughgeographicpatternsweredetectedforall variables, the model for the growthfrom a common 2-yr March 1993] REHFELDT-GENETIC GHDR 337 VARIATION IN PONDEROSAE WRWI GHDIA GHRT GHS8 SCSF Fig. 4. Geographic patternsof vaniationfor six variables predictedby regressionmodels for populations at a common elevation (2,400 in). Isopleths connect populations of similarperformance,and the intervalbetweenisoplethsequals 1/2lsd 0.2. The mean isopleth(X) along with the positive (+) and negative(-) deviations fromthe mean are marked.Variables are referencedin Table 2. 338 TABLE5. Simplecorrelations ofselected variables withall variables. withan absolutevaluegreater than0.30 are Onlythosecoefficients arestatistically presented. Allcoefficients atprobabilities significant lessthan0.001 PRHT4 PRDIA PRDEV PRCL PRRTO PRLL PRLW PRLNM SCHT4 SCSF SCDEV3 SCDEV4 WRHT4 WRDEV WRWI WRLL WRDEAD GHEL GHS2 GHS8 GHEN GHDR GHRT GHHT2 GHDIA GHLL GHLNM GHRTO [Vol. 80 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY GHDR WRWI SCDEV3 PRLL PRCL GHLNM 0.85 0.83 0.57 0.46 0.35 0.70 0.71 0.70 0.59 0.48 0.48 0.30 0.81 0.76 0.51 0.43 0.33 1.00 0.47 0.38 0.42 0.58 0.56 0.49 0.81 0.53 0.64 0.44 0.63 0.71 0.35 0.53 0.48 0.75 0.47 0.38 0.91 0.30 0.99 1.00 0.65 0.82 0.88 0.59 0.49 0.62 0.50 0.69 0.39 0.75 -0.58 1.00 0.32 0.75 1.00 0.46 0.42 0.56 -0.42 0.50 0.59 0.39 0.57 0.68 1.00 0.39 0.46 0.70 0.35 0.40 0.62 0.58 0.48 0.46 0.74 0.48 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.61 0.76 0.49 0.54 0.46 0.45 0.41 0.58 0.44 0.36 0.71 0.70 0.65 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.30 0.45 0.46 0.39 0.55 0.47 0.40 0.40 -0.31 0.30 200- - - 150 I G z AZ AP 100/ ? F 0.81 - 50- 0.49 0.53 0.30 0.40 0.49 0.49 0.53 1.00 -0.43 heightat Window Rock (WRDEV) failed to predictdifferencesthat exceeded lsd 0.2. This variable, moreover, was the onlyvariable forwhichthe effectsof populations lacked statisticalsignificance.Of the 27 remainingvariables, 18 exhibited geographic patternsthat were describedby latitudinalclines or variationsthereon(Table 3); fourof theselatitudinalclines are presentedin Fig. 4. All but two of the latitudinalclines were inclinedtoward thesouth;foronlytheratiosofheightto diameter(PRRTO and GHRTO) were the largestvalues (least stockytrees) found to the north.Together,these clines illustratethat whenpopulationsfromthesame elevationare compared, growthpotentialdecreases as latitudeincreases and the lengthof the frost-free period decreases.As a result,variables as different as the duration of shoot elongationin the greenhouse(GHDR) and winterinjuriesat Window Rock (WRWI) can exhibitpatternsthatare nearlyidentical (Fig. 4). While latitudinalclines were the strongestof the geographic patterns,two secondarypatternswere also evident. The strongestof these secondarypatterns(Fig. 4) occurredacross an axis fromnortheastto southwestand showed thatpopulationsfromtheRockyMountainswere the earliestto begin shoot elongationin the greenhouse (GHS8) and were the most susceptibleto damage from the earlyspringfrostat Silver City(SCSF and SCDEV3). Another weak pattern (not presented) occurred from southeastto northwestand also tended to separate populations fromthe Rocky Mountains fromthose of the Southwest. Clinesinvolvingbothelevationand latitudewereprom- 0 15 30 45 60 D AY Fig. 5. Mean cumulativeshootelongation of seedlingsofArizona pine(AZ),Apachepine(AP),andthreepopulations ofponderosapine, keyedto Fig. 1. Thepopulations ofponderosapineweregeographically proximaland elevationally similarto thoseoftheotherspecies. inent in regressionmodels for 16 of the variables. This implies that many of the variables were stronglyintercorrelated(Table 5), a resultcommon in studies of populationdifferentiation in ponderosapine (Rehfeldt,1986a, b, 1990). Biosystematicimplications-Some oftheeffects ofpopulations detected by the analysis of variance (Table 3) resultfromdifferences betweenponderosa, Apache, and Arizona pines.Differences amongthesespeciesare readily illustratedbypatternsofshootelongation(Fig. 5). Apache pines tended to startelongationthe latest,elongated at the slowest rate,and elongatedthe least, despite having a longdurationofshootgrowth.SeedlingsofArizona pine coupled a highrate of elongationwitha long durationto achieve the highestgrowthpotential. Seedlings of ponderosa pine grew at a rapid rate but ceased elongating early. A comparisonof mean values of seedlingsrepresenting the three species and the Barfoot population (Table 6) thenumeroustraitsthatdifferentiate shows,first, Apache and ponderosa pines. Apache pine's lowergrowthpotential, longerleaves, slower rates of shoot elongation,and stockierformare prominent.Differences betweenthepopulationofArizona pine and thoseofponderosapine center on Arizona pine's higherleafcounts,narrowerleaves, and slightlyhighergrowthpotential.It follows,therefore, that seedlingsof Arizona pine differedfromthose of Apache pine in nearly all charactersmeasured. The trees from Barfoot,however,minus those treeswith leaf morphologies of Arizona pine, differedfromponderosa pine for about one-halfof the charactersthat separated Arizona pine and ponderosa pine. These same trees, moreover, differedfromponderosa pine forthreeof the characters that separated Apache pine fromponderosa pine. The canonical discriminantanalyses produced two eigenvalues thataccounted forat least 90% of the variance among the fourgroups discussed above. In fact,for all March 1993] ofponderosa populations Mean valuesforseedlingsfromfive pineas comparedto thoseoftheArizonapine,Apachepine,and For populationsotherthanponderosapine, Barfootpopulations. pineby ponderosa thatdeviatefrom onlythosemeansarepresented an amountgreaterthanlsd 0.01. The populationsofponderosa similartothose proximalandelevationally pineweregeographically oftheothergroups TABLE 6. Variable Units Apache pine PRHT4 PRDIA PRDEV PRCL PRRTO PRLL PRLW PRLNM SCHT4 SCSF SCDEV3 SCDEV4 WRHT4 WRDEV WRWI WRLL WR DEAD GHEL GHS2 GHS8 GHEN GHDR GHRT GHHT2 GHDIA GHLL GHLNM GHRTO cm mm cm Score cm/mm cm mm Count cm Score cm cm cm cm % cm 68.1 25.0 90.8 18.9 0.9 0.89 3.0 18.5 1.7 3.04 68.7 2.1 1.7 -0.9 28.8 -1.1 56.4 7.0 105.5 7.9 1.00 0.66 1.7 21.3 1.1 4.57 56.2 1.3 0.7 12.0 17.1 13.5 95.0 % mm d d d d mm/d mm mm cm Count mm/mm Barfoot Arizona pine Ponderosa pine 95.2 52.3 47.8 4.86 3.29 20.7 9.8 1.00 2.6 1.5 3.30 92.5 21.0 153.6 4.0 8.6 42.9 38.9 7.0 276.8 7.5 15.7 3.09 37.2 92.5 111.5 6.9 13.6 51.4 44.5 4.2 190.7 9.4 ponderosa pine,althoughtherangeand densityofplotted values are accuratelydepicted. Discriminant scores for data fromSilverCityand Window Rock are notpresented because theresultswereoflesserresolution.While it may seem anomalous forthe two least naturalof the testsites to provide the results of greatestresolution,one must recallthat 1) Arizona and Apache pines performedpoorly in the harsh environmentat Window Rock, and 2) the leafcharactersand ratiosofheightto diameterthatprominentlydistinguishedthe species (Table 6) were not measured at Silver City. For both the PriestRiver and greenhousedata sets,the discriminantfunctionnicelyseparated the threespecies. On the one hand, the greenhousedata suggestedthatthe Barfootpopulationis a mixtureofponderosaand Arizona pines, the two of which could be separatedby leaf morphology. Thus, the threeindividuals fromBarfootthat had leaf morphologies of Arizona pine fell within the clusterof Arizona pines (Fig. 6). But on the otherhand, the distributionof Barfoot trees for Priest River data implied introgressionthat may even implicate Apache pine. Noteworthyis one seedling that displayed a leaf morphologyof Arizona pine but otherwise resembled ponderosa pine. DISCUSSION 48.8 44.8 9.3 3.67 29.8 but the Window Rock data set, the firsttwo eigenvalues accountedforat least 96% ofthevariancebetweengroups. In Fig. 6, scores foreach seedlingare plottedforthe first two canonical variables forPriestRiver and greenhouse data. Only about one-halfof the plots are presentedfor When grown in environmentallydisparate common gardens,seedlingpopulations representingthe Ponderofor27 sae of the Southwestexhibitedgeneticdifferences of the 28 morphologicaland developmental traitsanalyzed.While some ofthisvariationwas due to-interspecific most reflectedgeneticdifferentiation differences, among the 95 populations of ponderosa pine thatwere studied. -Mathematical models were Populationdifferentiation remarkablysuccessfulin describingpatternsof genetic variationacross the landscape. Because intercorrelations among traitswere strong,similar patternsof variation 6-E 10E EE E x E E E E E E E p * * r)ig.P ~~p P p z Ap pine; P P - FIRST Fig. 6. = A -1 A A N P *i* A * 1 I A 35 CANONICAL A A=A P mAAAA A AXIS z LU o P CD EEE A <AE ppp PpPR*SA -3 - A A EA tpFp ~ pine;E E E E E E o Z C28 E 3 < E ~~~~~~~~~E E E EE E E E < 339 VARIATION IN PONDEROSAE REHFELDT-GENETIC AP A -10-26 CA A A A A AA A p AA -2 FI R ST - izo 'p 0 2 C A NONI C AL AXI S studies(left) and PriestRivertests(right). P = ponderosapine;A = Arizona Resultsofcanonicaldiscriminant analysesforgreenhouse = Barfoot trees. treeswith leafmorphologies of?P.arizonica;circle= otherBarfoot Apache pine;asterisk 340 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY were evident. The most prominentpatternsimplicated elevation and latitude,two variables whose relation to environmentalfactorsis well known. Correlatedsets of traitsapparentlyhave resultedfrom parallel selectionto produce coherent(sensu Clausen and Hiesey, 1960) geneticsystemsinvolvingthe components of an annual sequence of developmentalevents.This sequence begins with dehardeningin the spring;includes shoot elongation,leaf expansion, bud development,diand concludeswithcold ametergrowth,and lignification; acclimation. As describedby Dietrichson(1964), the sequence has been molded to fitwithina growingseason offinitelength,and, therefore, thedurationofeventstends to be intercorrelated. As a result,a diverseassortmentof variablesbecomes correlatedeven thoughthetraitsmight be measuredin verydifferent environments.In thiscase, the duration of shoot growth(GHDR), the number of leaves per fascicle(GHLNM and PRLNM), winterinjury at WindowRock (WRWI), leaflengths(PRLL and GHLL), stem color (PRCL), springfrostdamage at Silver City (SCDEV3 and SCSF), and various expressionsof growth intercorrelated. Because shootgrowth potentialarestrongly in ponderosa pine is predetermined(Sacher, 1954), the patternof shoot elongation can act as a surrogatefor understandingthe adaptation of the entiresequence to a heterogeneousenvironment. distributed Geneticvariationthatis systematically along environmentalgradientsundoubtedlyarises fromnatural selection. Selection apparentlyhas molded a systemof loosely intercorrelatedtraitsthat jointly adapt populations to the Southwest'sspatiallyheterogeneousenvironments,a conclusion compatiblewithresultsof studiesof the same species fromthe Colorado Plateau (Rehfeldt, 1990), the Inland Northwest(Madsen and Blake, 1977; Rehfeldt,1991), the Sierra Nevada (Callaham and Liddicoet, 1961; Conkle, 1973), and theeasternslopes of the Rocky Mountains (Read, 1980, 1983). Elevational clines have direct microevolutionaryinterpretations.As elevation increases, temperaturesdecrease, with a reductionin mean annual temperatureof 1 C leaving 12 fewerfrost-free days (Baker, 1944). Consequently,seedlingsfrompopulations distributedalong an elevational gradientdisplay adaptations to growing seasons ofdifferent length.When comparedin a common environment,populations fromlow elevations expressa high growthpotential,grow fora relativelylong period, and become large; populations adapted to shortgrowing seasons cease developmentearlyand tendto be small. In the Southwest,an elevational intervalof 1,000 m tends to be associated witha changeof90 frost-free days (Baker, 1944). As shown in this study,populations separatedin elevation by about 220 m tendto be different genetically. This suggeststhat populations occupyingenvironments thatdifferby 20 frost-free days tend to differgenetically. This conclusionis remarkablysimilarto thatreachedfor the same varietyon the Colorado Plateau (22 d) but is much less than that obtained forP. p. var. ponderosa in the Inland Northwest(35 d). The latitudinalclines also seem to reflectadaptationto frost-free periods of variable length.Baker (1944) shows thatfora constantelevation,the frost-free period differs by about 70 d betweenthe San Juan Mountains and the Tularosa Mountains (Fig. 1). In Fig. 4, each isoplethrep- [Vol. 80 resents1/2 lsd 0.2, a value thatequals the amount of differentiationexpected between populations separated by 110 m (10 frost-free d) alongtheelevationalcline.If,then, associated with thelatitudinalclinesreflectdifferentiation period,thereshouldbe about sevenisopleths thefrost-free separatingthe San Juanand Tularosa Mountains. Of the latitudinalclines in Fig. 4, nine isopleths separate these localitiesforGHDR, seven forWRWI, eightforGHDIA, and six forGHRT. Clearly,much of the variation associated withbothlatitudeand elevationreflectsadaptation to the lengthof the frost-free period. Secondary geographicclines were much weaker than the latitudinalclines and tended to separatepopulations fromthe Rocky Mountains fromthose of the Southwest (see GHS8 and WRWI, Fig. 4). This separationwas also apparentforpopulationsfromtheColorado Plateau (Rehfeldt,1990) and seemed to reflectthe transitionfroma climate dominated by winter-springdroughts in the Southwestto that characterizedby summerdroughtsin the Rocky Mountains. Populations fromthe continental climateof the Rocky Mountains initiateshoot elongation rapidlywhile those fromthe Southwestinitiateshoot activitymore slowly. Because of this, southernColorado populations were the most susceptibleto damage froma late springfrostat Silver City (SCSF, Fig. 4). Together,theelevationaland geographicclinesdescribe complex patternsacross the landscape. Populations inmountainranges habitingthe same elevation in different tend to be different genetically(Fig. 3). This also means thatpopulationscapable ofsimilarresponsesare expected elevationsin different mountainrangto recurat different es. For instance,populations capable of developing relatively long leaves (e.g., GHLL = 150 mm, Fig. 2) are expectedat 1,750 m in theBradshawMountains (locality E), 2,000 m in the Sacramento Mountains (locality H), 2,300 m in thePinaleno Mountains (localityI), and 2,800 m in the Tularosa Mountains (localityG). Examining the frequencyby which populations that exhibit similar responses recur with respect to several variablesis facilitatedbyusingtheregressionmodel. Each regressionequation can be used to generatea data base containingpredictedvalues forthe entiregeographicand elevational distributionof ponderosa pine withinthe region of study.Then, by surroundingeach observationin the data base with a confidenceintervalof ? 1/2 lsd 0.2, populations readilycan be grouped accordingto similar responses. The expectedrecurrenceofpopulationscapable of similar responsesis illustratedin Fig. 7 forsix targetedpopulations(pyramids).For populationsin thecenteroflarge continuous distributions(Tularosa Mountains [locality G] and Sangre de Cristo Mountains [localityC]) recurrence is widespread. But recurrenceis considerablyrestricted for populations in isolated mountain ranges whetherthelocalityis on theperiphery(BradshawMountains [localityE] and SacramentoMountains [localityH]) or in the center (Defiance Plateau [locality D]) of the species distribution.For the isolated ranges in southeastern Arizona (Pinaleno Mountains [localityl]),however, recurrenceis extremelylimited(Fig. 7). Practical uses of models of genetic variation are numerous and diverse (see Rehfeldt,1991). For artificial one can assume thatthe targetedlocations reforestation, March 1993] REHFELDT-GENETIC ELEVATION ) 341 VARIATION IN PONDEROSAE G C ELEVAON 2900 - 2900 - 2500- 2500- 2100-2100- 114 38.5 LONGfWDEic8 ZU 114 38.o 108 LATMDE LATITUDE LA 105 .0 105 ELEVATION (M) E D I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ATITU H ELEVATON O) 1700 29000 1200 2900 114 38.5 LONGITUDEioe 114 38. LOITUDE LATITUDE 108 105t.0 LATfflJDE 105 ELEVATION (M) ELEVATION (M) 2900 2900- 2500 -200 2100 2100 -4 P-- 1700 LONGITUDE 108 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1700 LATiTUDE t Fig. 7. Using models of geneticvariationto locate populations (balloons) expectedto exhibitresponsesin common gardensthatare similarto those of a targetedpopulation (pyramid).Letterskey the generalgeographiclocality(Fig. 1) of the targetpopulation. 342 [Vol. 80 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY representeitherplantingsites or seed productionareas. The model can thenbe used to 1) locate sources of seeds that should be geneticallycompatible with the environment at the target,or 2) select plantingsites forwhich seeds gatheredfromthe targetedpopulation should be adapted. The model mightalso be used to locate disjunct populations so unique geneticallythatgene conservation programsmay be desirableas, forexample,in thePinaleno Mountains (localityI). Additional uses mightinclude assessingtheimpactofclimatechangeon theadaptedness of populations,understandingphenotypicvariation,and delimitingseed orchardsand breedingzones. The usefulnessof a model, however, depends on its and a firststepin acquiringcredibilityinvolves credibility, verification.Unfortunately,independentdata currently the presentmodel. Thereare not available forverifying fore,the model should be used withdiscretion.In addition, genetic variation mightbe occurringalong clines independentof those alreadydetected.This would mean thattherecurrenceof similarpopulationsacross thelandscape is more restrictedthan the resultsimply. For this reason, functionalmodels require periodic updating as additional mathematical descriptorsbecome available. Finally, credibilityrequires that the appropriatespecies are ecologicallysuited to the elevations and localities for which predictionsare made. This means thatdata bases must be firmlycoordinatedwith the ecological distribution of the species; untilphysiographicpredictorsare replaced by environmentalvariables,models should not be used forextrapolation. Nevertheless,the resultsattestto pronouncedlevels of pongeneticvariationamongpopulationsofsouthwestern derosa pine. It seems reasonable to conclude that much of the variation has been molded by heterogeneousenvironments.Microevolutionaryprocesses undoubtedly have been furtheredby ponderosa pine's discontinuous distributionin the Southwest. Such distributionslimit gene flowand therebypromote selectivedifferentiation. Biosystematic implications- Conkle and Critchfield (1988) separate the southwesternrace of P. p. var. scopulorumfromtheRockyMountain race in southernUtah and southwesternColorado. Yet the resultsof this study, like those fromthe Colorado Plateau (Rehfeldt,1990), demonstratecontinuousgeneticvariationalonggeographic and elevationalgradients.To be sure,populationsfrom southernArizona and New Mexico differtremendously fromthosein Utah and Colorado. While thesedifferences to justifythe racial classifications,the may be sufficient transitionbetweenraces is unquestionablybroad. The resultsalso supportPeloquin's (1971) contention that introgressionamong species of Ponderosae is common in southeasternArizona. While Peloquin reached his conclusions fromphenotypicobservationsin natural from populations,thepresentresultssuggestintrogression the performanceof progeniesfromBarfoot.One might, moreover,interpretseveral of the patternsof geographic variation in ponderosa pine according to introgressive hybridization.As illustratedbythedurationofshootelongation in the greenhouse(GHDR) and winterinjuriesat Window Rock (WRWI) in Fig. 4, the slope ofgeographic cline for nine variables became' the steepest in southeasternArizona. Of thesenine,thepatternsforthreevari- ables could have been interpretedas introgressionwith Apache pine,whilethose fortheothersix variables could have been interpretedin termsof introgressionwithArizona pine. 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