International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013 An Improved Adaptive Gain Equalizer with Wavelets for Better Noise Reduction CH.Rajesh Babu1, V.Sailaja2, K.Jyothi3 1 M.Tech (DECS), ECE Department, Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajahmundry, India 2 Professor , ECE Department, Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajahmundry, India 3 Associate Professor, ECE Department, Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajahmundry, India Abstract: The speech enhancement is the advanced concept in Research area, where the speech is enhanced was unresolved and causes the low quality in the speech components in the high frequency domain. The improvement can be compared with MSE and PSNR. Keywords: speech enhancement, noise reduction, noise-level estimation, Wavelet transformation, De-noising. I INTRODUCTION Today, there are increasing demands for effective and secure inter-personal communication in various places and situations. Even in very noisy environments, it should be possible to communicate and human communication of today often occurs via some communication link. However, surrounding noise will degrade speech quality and intelligibility, forcing both the far-end and near-end user to strain both their hearing and their voices. In some situations, noise corrupted speech sent over a communication channel, can even be dangerous. An everyday application where low quality speech is harmless but nevertheless annoying, is the ordinary cellular phone, which is used in continuously varying noisy environments such as in a moving car or in a crowded place. Altogether, this urges for noise reduction methods. the basic spectral subtraction algorithm[1,2] has often the effect that musical noise appears due to spectral flooring[3] . Different ways of reducing the musical noise has been proposed by e.g. Ephraim and Malah[4], although this method is still tends to gives audible artifacts which could in some cases even result in reduced listening comfort compared to the original unprocessed signal[5]. Further improvements have been made by the Plapous et al[6]. in which he introduce a two-step noise reduction technique that reduces the noise without adding artifacts to the speech signal. However, this algorithm aims mainly at reducing speech harmonics distortion and does nothing for the unvoiced speech. A time domain speech enhancement (“Speech booster”) algorithm, in this paper denotes the speech booster algorithm (SBA), has been proposed by Westerlund et al[7]. in which the audio signal is amplified with respect to signalto-noise ratio (SNR) estimate in the subbands. The gain is calculated for a subband divided signal, and the gains in each individual subband are independent of each other. Advantages of Speech Booster Algorithm (SBA) are the low computational complexity compared to other algorithms with similar amount of speech enhancement [8] as well as the ease of implementation and the absence of musical noise if the gains are controlled with care [7]. Thus we propose a speech enhancement with improving the signal with respect to the gain, where the noise is not suppressed, so we introduce the wavelet transform which will remove the noise from the speech. The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, the original SBA [7] and IAGE is described, and in Section 3, the proposed improvements are presented and the Section 4 presents the final results. II. THE SPEECH BOOSTER ALGORITHAM The noise effected speech is denoted by x(n), where n is the sample index, and is assumed to consist of the desired speech signal s(n) and additive noise v(n). x(n) = s(n) + v(n) A filterbank consisting of K bandpass filters is used to divide the input signal x(n) into K subband signals, each denoted Xkk(n) where k Î [0, K - 1]. The output signal is then formed by weighting and summation of the subband signals according to y(n) =∑ , ( ) ( ) Where , ( ) is the subband gain based on estimation of the SNR in subband k. Calculation of the subband gain is performed as g1,k (n) = min ISSN: 2231-5381 ( ) ( ) , Page 3635 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013 Where ( ) is an estimation of the noisy speech signal level, ( ) is an estimation of the noise level, is a threshold level determining the maximum allowed gain in subband k and ≥ 0 is a constant denoted the gain rise exponent. The noisy speech signal level is estimated by taking a short time average of the input signal according to Ak (n) = αkAk(n - 1) + (1 - αk) |xk(n)| Where 0 ≤αk ≤1 is a forgetting factor constant. Estimation of the noise level is based on the short time average Ak (n) as Bk(n) = A (n) 1 + β B (n − 1) A (n) ≤ B (n − 1) Otherwise where β is a positive constant defining the increase rate of the noise level. III IMPROVED ADAPTIVE GAIN EQUALIZER ALGORITHM During continuous speech, the noise-level estimate Bk (n) will increase and cause reduction of the speech boosting gain. To overcome this problem, an alternative noise estimation method is proposed. The proposed noise estimator utilizes a modified update scheme according to the following equation. ( ) ( ) ≤ ( − 1) ⎧ ( − 1) ( ) > ( − 1), Bk(n) = ∅( ) = 1 ⎨ ⎩ (1 + ) ( − 1) ℎ where ∅ (n) is an update controller, which can take the values as 1 (no update) or 0 (update). Use of the noise estimation update controller ∅(n) prevents noise estimation during speech and thus eliminates the problem of speech boosting gain reduction during intense continuous speech. where is the number of blocks, used for the estimation of Sk(n), 0 <δ< 1 is a constant included for avoiding division by zero, and (l) is the accumulated signal block Fk (l) = ∑ | where ∅, is a threshold and Sk(n) is the ratio between the maximum and minimum signal magnitudes in accumulated blocks defined as Sk (n) = ISSN: 2231-5381 ∈{ ,…, ∈{ ,…, ( } } ) ( ) − )| where Ns is the number of samples that were accumulated in every block. The block index l Eℤ fulfillslNs ≡ n. The essence of (8) is to compare the largest accumulated signal block (numerator) with the smallest block (denomi-nator), out of the Nb most recent (in time) blocks. A high ratio Sk(n) indicates that the signal Xk(n) currently could be regarded as non-stationary under the given considered time-frame, meaning in this context is that the current signal con-tent is likely to be dominated by speech. A low ratio Sk(n) on the other hand means that the signal xk(n) is likely to be dominated by stationary (still under the considered timeframe) noise. The noise estimation update controller then allows noise estimation once Sk(n) is below the threshold level Tj,k for all k. A second problem with the original SBA is that if Lk is set be too high, there is a risk of fast pumping of the noise and distortion of the speech. To avoid this, while still providing significant reduction of the noise in speech pauses, a second gain factor is proposed. This gain factor is denoted as the fullband gain, g2(n), only provides damping, i.e. reduces the noise, in longer speech pauses and is applied to the input signal as Y(n) = g2(n) ∑ , ( ) ( ) The proposed fullband gain is based on a gain con-troller ( ), which is defined as ( )= 1 0 ∑ , ( ) φ Where T is a threshold. Further, to avoid changes in g2(n) during short speech pauses a hold function of nh samples is introduced for the gain controller ( ) which then becomes ( )= The noise estimation update controller is defined as ( ) ≥ ∅, 1 ∅( ) = 0 ℎ ( max ∈{ ,…, } ( − ) The fullband gain is expressed as g2 (n) = λ(n) g2 (n-1) + (1- λ(n)) L(n) where l(n) is the forgetting factor and L(n) is the tar-get damping value. The speech pause-driven gain g2(n) is designed to quickly adapt to a certain value Lf with smoothing parameter lf and adapt slowly to the level Ls <Lf with a smoothing parameter ls >lf. The shift between these regions is decided with Page 3636 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013 1 L(n) = ( ( ) ( ) ) Is the mean square of the speech signal and is the mean square difference between the original and reconstructed signals. , ( ∆) Normalized Root Mean Square Error: NRMSE = sqrt[ x(n) − r(n) /(x(n) − µx(n)) ] Where X(n) is the speech signal, r(n) is the reconstructed signal, and x(n) is the mean of the speech signal. And 1 λ(n) = λ λ ( ( ) ( ) ) , ( ∆) where delta is a small positive constant defining the limit of transition between the regions of fast and slow damping. The fullband gain directly depends on the subband gains g1,k; if sufficient gain is applied in the subbands (during speech), the gain controller phi(n) will be 1, indicating that the fullband gain should rise. On the other hand, if little subband gain is applied (when only stationary noise is pre-sent), the gain controller (n) will be 0, indicating that the fullband gain should fall. The fullband gain g2(n) could be said to consist of three regions. The first region, L(n) = 1, is used when speech is present. The second region, L(n) = Lf, is used directly after a speech segment in the audio signal. In this region, the gain is quickly reduced, which reduces the noise that is no longer to be masked by the speech. Since the adaption to the lowest gain in this region is relatively fast, the amount of noise suppression cannot be too large since that would give a noncomfortable sounding alteration of the noise level. Instead, the third region, L(n) = Ls, is used to adapt to the lowest desired gain. This adaption is fairly slow in order to make the transition between the noise levels less apparent. IV PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The resultant of the IAGE algorithm is speech enhanced signal which consists of the noisy components. The improvement provided over in this paper is the signal is passed through the wavelet transformation. The general wavelet denoising procedure is follows below: Apply the wavelet transform to the noisy signal to produce the noisy wavelet coefficients to the level which we can properly distinguish the PD occurrence. Select appropriate threshold limit at each and every level and threshold method (hard or soft thresholding) to best remove the noises. Inverse wavelets transform of the thresholded wavelet coefficients to obtain a denoised signal. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio: PSNR = 10 log NX /‖X − r‖ N is the length of the reconstructed signal, X is the maximum absolute square value of the signal x and ||x-r||2 is the energy of the difference between the original and reconstructed signals. Table-1: Values before wavelets SNR PSNR NRMSE Ece_female Ece_Male 25.9661 28.3492 5.7213 12.9744 0.0504 0.0383 Eng_female 18.2084 -19.4792 0.1229 Eng_Male 1.7017 -30.8530 0.8221 Table-2: Values after wavelets SNR PSNR NRMSE Ece_female 29.0212 24.1357 0.0354 Ece_Male 19.3464 11.0572 0.1078 Eng_female 12.9308 -27.3801 0.2257 Eng_Male 3.0662 -28.8702 0.7026 Performance measures: Signal to noise ratio (SNR): This value gives the quality of reconstructed signal. Higher the value, the better: Fig (a) Original Signal σ SNR = 10 log (σ ) ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 3637 Outpu t Wavef orms: International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Fig (b) Noisy Signal 4. 5. 6. Fig (c) Enhanced with IAGE 7. 8. 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