International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4... Mr. Harsha N. , Mrs. Sukrutha N.

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013
The Scope of Rapid Prototyping in Civil Engineering
Mr. Harsha N.1, Mrs. Sukrutha N.2, Mr. S. Nagabhushan3
Student, M.Tech (MEM), Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, R.V. College of Engineering, VTU,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Student, M. Arch (Urban Design), School of Architecture, R.V. College of Engineering, VTU, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Partner, Mysore Foundry, Bangalore.
Abstract — The aim of the present paper is to discuss the role of
Rapid Prototyping from the concept design to the Construction
of a building. The roles of 3D CAD models and Rapid
Prototyping in the design process are reviewed. Next the state of
the art in the fields of Rapid Manufacturing and Automated
Construction techniques based on such models are presented.
Finally the insertion of Rapid Prototyping within the design and
building process is discussed.
Keywords — Rapid Prototyping, Civil Engineering, 3D Computer
resources engineering, materials engineering,
coastal engineering, surveying, and construction
engineering. Civil engineering takes place on all
levels, in the public sector from municipal through
to national levels, and in the private sector from
individual homeowners through to international
companies. Civil engineering has its place among
almost all design oriented work.
Rapid prototyping, Additive Manufacturing, sometimes
called “3D printing” refers to a group of new technologies that
create objects from 3D computer models, usually by joining
thin materials, layer upon layer. Additive Manufacturing is
used in the fields of jewellery, footwear, architecture,
engineering and construction, automotive, aerospace, dental
and medical industries, education, geographic information
systems, civil engineering, and many others. Rapid
prototyping is the automatic construction of physical objects
with 3D printers, stereo lithography machines or special laser
sintering systems. Still relatively new, the technology quickly
produces models that are able to capture even the finest details
of, for example, a person's facial gestures. Saving time and
money and raising productivity is everyone’s number one
priority, there is a huge benefit of short and long term in
utilizing this technology in civil engineering.
Civil engineering is the oldest engineering
discipline after military engineering, and it was
defined to distinguish non - military engineering
from military engineering. It is traditionally broken
Environmental engineering, Geo - technical
engineering, Structural engineering, transportation
engineering, municipal urban engineering or water
ISSN: 2231-5381
An irrigation drip emitter can have various
complex shapes with very small geometric
labyrinth channel structures. Determining the
optimum pressure in the lateral line and the desired
flow volume for the emitter, which can be obtained
by changing the channel’s geometry, is an
extremely important factor. The ability to observe
flow behavior is significantly difficult in the
labyrinth structure of the emitter using traditional
methods because the channels are so small. In this
study, a 3D CAD solid model of a sample emitter
was created and the flow behavior was simulated in
its labyrinth channels by using a flow simulation
technique. Referenced by the original design, the
channel geometry was modified and the emitter was
re - fabricated using rapid prototyping / additive
manufacturing techniques. The flow behavior is
then re - investigated based on the re - shaped
channel geometry of the labyrinth structure. The
predetermined optimum pressure in the pipe was
validated experimentally for both the original
design and modified designs. As a result, the
optimum pressure in the pipe and the flow
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013
characteristics for both the original design and
modified designs of the emitter were validated. This
study contributes to further research into the
development of agricultural irrigation equipment
aided through the utilization of additive
manufacturing and computer aided engineering
Theoretically, rapid prototyping could be used
to produce an actual building directly from a
computer generated 3D model. Koshnevis (2004),
for example, has proposed to produce conventional
buildings using contour crafting, an automated
process of pouring concrete in layers. However,
while this type of automated construction device is
still under development, other forms of digital
fabrication - also known as rapid manufacturing can be used to produce building components.
According to Buswell et al. (2007), "Rapid
Manufacturing is a family of digitally controlled
additive processes that have the potential to impact
on construction processes". It allows, for example,
to produce formwork (molds) on site using
automated milling devices. Multi - axis milling is
connected on site to a dedicated computer system
that directly transfers its data to production
controlling functions over the movement of a
machine, as in the construction of Gehry´s office
buildings, in Dusseldorf. Cutting with plasma and
water - jet is the most commonly used fabrication
technique. It is also possible to automatically bend
metal sheets to form complex surfaces that are used
as façade elements or even for the production of
laminated glass panels with complex curvilinear
surfaces as in Gehry´s The DG Bank Berlin atrium
roof project. Buswell et al. (2007) presents
examples of the use of large scale digital fabrication
in the industry, such as the production of building
structural components and façades.
"Innovations in the area of computing and robotics
are improving building quality and productivity.
Computer - aided design in conjunction with
computer - aided manufacture can improve the
precision of fitting of pre - fabricated building
components and modules on site by ensuring good
dimensional accuracy". De Valence (2002) points
out that robots can be used in different parts of the
construction process, such as excavations,
foundation work, concrete work, steel frame
placing and welding, prefabricated concrete parts
positioning, and even finishing, among other tasks.
Such procedures are more commonly used in Japan,
France, Sweden, the UK and the USA. What the
rapid fabrication of parts and automated building
systems has in common is the fact that they all
depend on 3D digital models of the building. In
other words, the use of such technologies implies
that the design process itself has also been based on
digital descriptions of the building.
If we think about the design/building process as
a sequence of information transfers one can infer
that it is possible to make it leaner by reducing
waste in the information flow. In this sense any
efforts to shorten the distance between product
development processes and the final building are
welcome. According to this view, the driving forces
for lean production of buildings could be digital
responsiveness and certainty of outcome in terms of
cost, time and quality.
According to Thomson (2006) in a traditional
design process the cost and difficulty of
implementing changes in a project increases from
the initial (briefing) to the final (construction site)
phases, while the possibility of adding value to the
final product decreases (Figure 1). This can be
explained in part by the fact that changes in
intermediate descriptions of the building (such as
2D drawings and cost spreadsheets) imply in extra
Another approach to automated construction is costs. Because of this, contractors are likely to
the automated assembly of pre - fabricated parts. avoid any changes, even if a design mistake is
According to Lauge - Kristensen and Best (2002), perceived just before the construction. Such
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013
mistakes are often repeated in further instances of
the building, especially in housing developments.
This situation could be reversed with the use of
automated processes that would allow for dynamic
improvement of the design as mistakes and
malfunctioning are revealed and at the same time
ensuring conformity of outcome in terms of time,
cost and quality.
Figure 1: Evolution of Cost/Difficulty of implementing changes versus Value
Adding Potential of changes after a diagram was developed by Thomson
Based on the literature review herein presented,
it is possible to deduce that the introduction of RP
processes in the design process cannot be restricted
to the production of beautiful, well -finished
architectural models for presentation. It is only
justifiable in an integrated process that starts with
the concept design and ends with the production of
building parts or with fully automated construction.
Although this paper only presents a literature
overview of rapid prototyping and related
automated construction techniques and speculates
on their potential to create a leaner process from
product inception to the delivery of buildings, it is
clear that rapid prototyping has more to offer than
making models for visualization. The radical
challenge for rapid prototyping technology in
construction will be the creation of
full - scale buildings. The potential for innovation is
huge, as product buildability should be no longer
confined to the limits of existing construction
ISSN: 2231-5381
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