Document 12908307

Lesson 5 ž Review ¡  Nutrients ¡  Physical ac6vity ¡  Advocacy ž Lesson ¡  Adver6sing ¡  Marke6ng ž Fitness break ž Group projects ž Exit 6cket ž  What is physical fitness and what are some of the benefits of being fit? ž  Define aerobic ac6vity. ž  Give an example of each: ¡  Moderate-­‐intensity aerobic ac6vity ¡  Vigorous-­‐intensity aerobic ac6vity ¡  Muscle-­‐strengthening ac6vity ¡  Bone-­‐strengthening ac6vity ž  The fast food industry spent more than $4.2 billion on marke6ng and adver6sing in 2009, focusing extensively on television, the Internet, social media sites and mobile applica6ons ž  Marke&ng to youth is effec&ve: ¡  84% of parents report taking their child ages 2-­‐11 to a fast food restaurant at least once in the past week ¡  Children ages 6-­‐11 see three-­‐and-­‐a-­‐half ads per day for fast food; and teens ages 12-­‐17 see almost five ads per day Fast Food f.a.c.t.s. Food Adver6sing to Children and Teens Score ž  Youth exposure to fast food ads is drama&c, increasing: •  Compared with 2007, in 2009 children (ages 6-­‐11) saw 26% more ads for McDonald’s, 10% more for Burger King, and 59% more for Subway •  Fast food adver6sing targe6ng preschoolers focuses on building brand loyalty rather than promo6ng specific food items •  McDonalds’ 13 websites get 365,000 unique child visitors ages 2-­‐11 and 294,000 unique teen visitors ages 12-­‐17 each month. Targeted marke6ng for fast food starts as young as age 2 through websites such as McDonalds’ ž  Companies target African American and Hispanic youth: •  African American children and teens see at least 50% more fast food ads than their white peers. McDonald’s and KFC, in par6cular, specifically target African American youth with TV adver6sing, targeted websites, and banner ads •  African American children see nearly twice as many calories as white children see in fast food TV ads every day ž  Complemen&ng the ž  Emo&onal Appeal ¡ 
Appeal to needs of consumers and fear factor ž  Promo&onal Adver&sing
Customers Involves giving away samples of the product for free to consumers ž  Bandwagon Adver&sing ¡ 
Involves convincing the customers to join the group of people ž  Facts and Sta&s&cs
Use numbers, proofs, and real examples to show how good their product works ¡ 
“Because you are worth it.” ž  Ideal Family and Ideal Kids
Show that the families or kids using their product are a happy go lucky family ž  Patrio&c Adver&sements
Support the country while using their product or service ž  Bribe
Bribe customers with something extra ž  Weasel Words
Adver6sers don’t say that they are the best from the rest, but don’t also deny Look at Sunny Delight adver6sement and discuss: ¡ 
Who is the author or sponsor? (who pays for ad?) ¡ 
Who is the target audience? ¡ 
What is the purpose of the adver6sement? ¡ 
What is the message it is conveying? ¡ 
Is there missing or misleading informa6on? ¡ 
What techniques are used to agract or persuade you? Pictures of fruit do not mean it is made with fruit or that it is healthy ž  Highlight added nutrients such as fiber or vitamins and minerals – also does not make it healthy ž  Bright colors draw your eye ž  Top green sec6on meant to convey image of health ž 
ž  Don't fall for false promises ž  Understand the purpose of the adver6sement ž  Pay agen6on to omissions of informa6on ž  Compare nutri6on facts and select foods that are: ¡ 
Lower in: ¢ 
calories per serving total fat sodium/salt added sugar (or corn syrup) Higher in: ¢ 
Vitamins Minerals Fiber ž  Say yes to fruit, vegetables and low-­‐fat foods!! ž  Prac6ce Group Project ž  Put last touches on visuals ž  Tips for Effec6ve performances ¡  Deliver your performance clearly ¡  Speak loud and clearly ¡  Be fun and engaging ¡  Enjoy yourself ¡  Maintain an upright but relaxed posture while you are speaking ¡  Maintain eye contact with the audience Jammin’ Minutes! There are 55 one minute videos to choose from! Have students complete 3-­‐4 videos hgp:// hgp://
list=PL9CC7E232FA1A90CD ž  What are some techniques used by marke6ng companies to en6ce you to buy their product? ž  What are some of the front of package techniques companies use to convince parents and children that the food is healthy? ž  How can you can use nutri6on informa6on to make healthier decisions? ž  What was the most useful idea you learned today? Community Voices for Health is a project of the School of Educa3on, Teaching and Health at American University with generous funding from Aetna Founda3on, Kaiser Permanente Founda3on, United Way and General Mills. Copyright 2013 