Lesson 1 Program overview ¡ Community Voices for Health: Kids Take Ac@on ¡ Lessons ¡ Group Projects Lesson ¡ Media, adver@sing, policy and advocacy ¡ School Needs Assessment Fitness Break Group projects Exit @cket CVH is a program that helps make middle school children, teachers, staff and families healthier by teaching about nutri@on and physical fitness and how to make changes within the school community that support healthy lifestyles. Families Take Ac-on Kids Take Ac-on Teachers Take Ac-on Communi-es Take Ac-on • Learn how nutri@on, food and physical ac@vity affect your health, thinking and mood • Learn how media, adver@sing and food packaging influence how you spend money • Learn how to make healthier choices for yourself and your family • Learn how you can work with your peers to advocate for change that enables you to make healthful lifestyle choices 6 lessons ¡ 5 days: 30 minutes of discussion on the days topic ¢ 5 minute stretch break ¢ 25 minutes small group project ¢ ¡ 6th day: Perform group project Group projects ¡ Use marke@ng and media ideas To create a message related to healthy behaviors ¢ To influence school policy and environment to improve ability to make healthy choices ¢ Final outcome ¡ Small group project will be presented and/or filmed ¡ Changes in the school community to improve school wellness opportuni@es Media Adver@sing Policy Advocacy Media are tools used to deliver informa@on or data What are some examples of media? How many hours/minutes per day do you think the average kid is exposed to media? How does media influence you? Uses mass media paid for by a sponsor to persuade audiences to buy products or believe informa@on or ideas. Match the company name with dollars spent on advertising per person per year Products/programs ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? BoBled Water Snickers Candy Coca Cola $ Spent on adver-sing per person per year in U.S. $8 $4 $0.25 $0.14 $0.03 USDA “Five a Day” Program McDonalds Products/programs $ Spent on adver-sing per person per year in U.S Coca Cola $8 McDonald’s $4 Snickers Candy Bar $0.25 Bo_led Water $0.14 USDA “Five a Day” Program $0.03 Question: Why does McDonald's spend about 40% of its total advertising budget directed at children? Policy is a process for organiza@ons and government to iden@fy and resolve public issues through local, state or federal ac@on such as legisla@on, regula@ons and administra@ve prac@ces. NATIONAL LAW: The Healthy, Hunger-­‐Free Kids Act of 2010 • Funds child nutri@on programs and free lunch programs like the Na@onal School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, and the Summer Food Service Programs; • Increases the number of eligible children for school meals; • Allows the USDA to set standards for healthier school lunches and breakfast programs; • Creates nutri@on standards for schools; • Provides schools and communi@es with the resources to partner with local farms. LOCAL DC LAW: Healthy Schools Act of 2010 1) 2) 3) 4) Makes school meals healthier and more nutritious; Increases the amount of local and fresh fruits and vegetables; Increases exercise and physical activity in schools; Promotes school gardens. A process for arguing in favor of something to influence people, policies, and organiza@ons to bring about change. -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ Who advocates? Congressmen Lawyers School principals Consumers Non profit organiza@ons -­‐ Lobyists -­‐ YOU! How can you advocate? -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ Write a le_er Give a persuasive speech Debate in public Create an info video or public service announcement -­‐ Start a social media discussion Objec@ves: ¡ Create performance-­‐based media that teaches, influences and/or informs an audience about nutri@on and physical ac@vity. ¡ Iden@fy ways to improve nutri@on and physical ac@vity in your school environment Steps: ¡ Do School Needs Assessment of school and community health environment ¡ Break into small groups based on interest ¡ Discuss issues raised by the assessment and select topic to focus on in your project Direc-ons: Fill out the School Needs Assessment worksheet to iden@fy project ideas and ways you can help increase nutri@on and physical ac@vity in your school community. List one interes-ng fact about media, policy, advocacy, or nutri-on that you learned today. How can media influence our food choices? List one thing that you would like to see changed in your neighborhood or school. How can you voice your opinion about what you would like to see changed in your neighborhood or school? Community Voices for Health is a project of the School of Educa3on, Teaching and Health at American University with generous funding from Aetna Founda3on, Kaiser Permanente Founda3on, United Way and General Mills. Copyright 2013