Document 12908303

Lesson 1 ž  Program overview ¡  Community Voices for Health: Kids Take Ac@on ¡  Lessons ¡  Group Projects ž  Lesson ¡  Media, adver@sing, policy and advocacy ¡  School Needs Assessment ž  Fitness Break ž  Group projects ž  Exit @cket CVH is a program that helps make middle school children, teachers, staff and families healthier by teaching about nutri@on and physical fitness and how to make changes within the school community that support healthy lifestyles. Families Take Ac-on Kids Take Ac-on Teachers Take Ac-on Communi-es Take Ac-on •  Learn how nutri@on, food and physical ac@vity affect your health, thinking and mood •  Learn how media, adver@sing and food packaging influence how you spend money •  Learn how to make healthier choices for yourself and your family •  Learn how you can work with your peers to advocate for change that enables you to make healthful lifestyle choices ž  6 lessons ¡  5 days: 30 minutes of discussion on the days topic ¢  5 minute stretch break ¢  25 minutes small group project ¢ 
¡  6th day: Perform group project ž  Group projects ¡  Use marke@ng and media ideas To create a message related to healthy behaviors ¢  To influence school policy and environment to improve ability to make healthy choices ¢ 
ž  Final outcome ¡  Small group project will be presented and/or filmed ¡  Changes in the school community to improve school wellness opportuni@es ž  Media ž  Adver@sing ž  Policy ž  Advocacy ž  Media are tools used to deliver informa@on or data ž  What are some examples of media? ž  How many hours/minutes per day do you think the average kid is exposed to media? ž  How does media influence you? Uses mass media paid for by a sponsor to persuade audiences to buy products or believe informa@on or ideas. Match the company name with dollars spent
on advertising per person per year
Products/programs ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? BoBled Water Snickers Candy Coca Cola
$ Spent on adver-sing per person per year in U.S. $8 $4 $0.25 $0.14 $0.03 USDA “Five a Day” Program McDonalds Products/programs $ Spent on adver-sing per person per year in U.S Coca Cola $8 McDonald’s $4 Snickers Candy Bar $0.25 Bo_led Water $0.14 USDA “Five a Day” Program $0.03 Question: Why does McDonald's spend about 40% of its
total advertising budget directed at children?
Policy is a process for organiza@ons and government to iden@fy and resolve public issues through local, state or federal ac@on such as legisla@on, regula@ons and administra@ve prac@ces. NATIONAL LAW: The Healthy, Hunger-­‐Free Kids Act of 2010 •  Funds child nutri@on programs and free lunch programs like the Na@onal School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, and the Summer Food Service Programs; •  Increases the number of eligible children for school meals; •  Allows the USDA to set standards for healthier school lunches and breakfast programs; •  Creates nutri@on standards for schools; •  Provides schools and communi@es with the resources to partner with local farms. LOCAL DC LAW: Healthy Schools Act of 2010
Makes school meals healthier and more nutritious;
Increases the amount of local and fresh fruits and vegetables;
Increases exercise and physical activity in schools;
Promotes school gardens.
A process for arguing in favor of something to influence people, policies, and organiza@ons to bring about change. -­‐ 
Who advocates? Congressmen Lawyers School principals Consumers Non profit organiza@ons -­‐  Lobyists -­‐  YOU! How can you advocate? -­‐ 
Write a le_er Give a persuasive speech Debate in public Create an info video or public service announcement -­‐  Start a social media discussion ž  Objec@ves: ¡  Create performance-­‐based media that teaches, influences and/or informs an audience about nutri@on and physical ac@vity. ¡  Iden@fy ways to improve nutri@on and physical ac@vity in your school environment ž  Steps: ¡  Do School Needs Assessment of school and community health environment ¡  Break into small groups based on interest ¡  Discuss issues raised by the assessment and select topic to focus on in your project Direc-ons: Fill out the School Needs Assessment worksheet to iden@fy project ideas and ways you can help increase nutri@on and physical ac@vity in your school community. ž  List one interes-ng fact about media, policy, advocacy, or nutri-on that you learned today. ž  How can media influence our food choices? ž  List one thing that you would like to see changed in your neighborhood or school. ž  How can you voice your opinion about what you would like to see changed in your neighborhood or school? Community Voices for Health is a project of the School of Educa3on, Teaching and Health at American University with generous funding from Aetna Founda3on, Kaiser Permanente Founda3on, United Way and General Mills. Copyright 2013