International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Review on Research and Development in Solar Banana Dryer Application P. S. Patil#1, D.R.Pangavane#2, D.S.Deshmukh#3 1 Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.C.Patel Institute of Technology Shirpur, Dhule, M.S.India 2 Principal K. J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering And Information Technology Vidyanagar, Mumbai M.S.India 3 Professor and H.O.D.S.S.B.T College of Engineering Bambhori Jalgaon M.S.India Abstract— Demand for dried tropical fruits such as mango, banana, papaya and pineapple are increasing Day by day. There is plenty of extra sunshine available to dry food and vegetables. On clean day approximately 800 Watts of solar energy are available for use per square metre area of earth surface. Typical operating conditions for solar dryer will vary depending upon weather. There is variety of solar dryer available for farmers according to their needs. Selection of dryer for particular application depends upon the countries situated in tropical and subtropical region. A systematic study of different types of solar drying system invented earlier is presented in this paper. Groups of solar-energy dryers are studied, viz. passive or natural-circulation solar-energy dryers and active or forced-convection solar-energy dryers. We also highlight some recent developments in solar banana drying systems. Keywords - solar dryer, passive circulaion, the process is labor intensive, time consuming and banana drying systems ,solar radiation the fuel energy required. Solar dryer technology can Small farmers in developing countries produce vegetables, fruits as major products. In case of overproduction, tremendous losses occur because farmers have neither access to markets in big cities due to poor food product quality and absence of good marketing. As an alternative to the marketing of fresh fruits and vegetables, small farmers can The process of banana drying has been carried out from ancient days there are many demerits of open drying products spoil due to rain, wind, moisture and dust; loss due to birds and animals; the development, is energy intensive and high cost and ultimately increases the product price. Solar-drying offers an alternative which can process the vegetables and fruits in clean, hygienic and sanitary conditions to national and international standards with zero energy costs. It saves energy, time, occupies less area, improves product quality, and makes the process easier. Solar drying can be used for the complete drying process or as a supplement to artificial drying systems, in the latter case reducing produce hygienic, good Quality food products. In this context, one of the possible areas of immediate intervention in developing countries appears to be the solar drying of cash crops such as tobacco, tea, coffee, grapes raisin, small cardamom, chili, coriander seeds, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, onion flakes etc. For such crops, even with the capital intensive nature of solar dryers, the unit cost produce dried products. in Artificial mechanical drying, a relatively recent be used in small-scale food processing industries to I. INTRODUCTION deterioration requires more space or drying. harvested crops due to decomposition, insect attacks and fungi, etc. Further, of solar drying is expected to be a small fraction of the selling price of the dried product. In this paper, an attempt has been made towards potential assessment of solar drying of some cash crops in India. Solar drying is often differentiated from „„sun drying‟‟ by the use of equipment to collect the sun‟s radiation in order to harness the radioactive energy for drying ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 649 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) applications. Sun drying is a common farming and quality product. But the equipment is expensive and agricultural process in many countries freely requires substantial quantities of fuel or electricity to available sun energy while ensuring good product operate. quality via judicious control of the radioactive heat. R. Baini, T.A.G. Langrish [17] in their work Solar energy has been used throughout the world to has assessed the dominant type of diffusion in drying dry food products. Such is the diversity of solar bananas, together with performing an analysis of the dryers that commonly solar-dried products include effect of temperature and moisture content on the grains, fruits, meat, vegetables etc. [1] diffusivity, investigating the variations in the Many of these fruits and vegetables contain a diffusivities within and between the bananas, and large quantity of initial moisture content and are studying the effect of the degree of ripeness on the therefore diffusivity. highly susceptible to rapid quality degradation, even to the extent of spoilage, if not A number of designs are proven technically and kept in thermally controlled storage facilities. while none are yet in widespread use, there is still Therefore, it is imperative that, besides employing optimism about their potential. Solar drying is a reliable storage systems, post-harvest methods such potential decentralized thermal application of solar as drying can be implemented hand-in-hand to energy particularly in developing countries [2–5]. convert these perishable products into more stabilized products that can be kept under a minimal controlled Environment for an extended period of time. Many food industries dealing with commercial products employ state-of-the-art drying equipment such as freeze dryers, spray dryers, drum dryers and II. WORKING OF SOLAR DRYER Direct solar dryers expose the substance to be dehydrated to direct sunlight. They have a black absorbing surface which collects the light and converts it to heat; the substance to be dried is placed directly on this surface. These driers may have steam dryers. The prices of such dryers are enclosures, glass covers or vents to in order to significantly high and only commercial companies increase efficiency. [7] generating substantial revenues can afford them. Therefore, because of the high initial capital costs, most of the small-scale companies dealing directly with farmers are not able to afford the price of employing such high-end drying technologies that are known to produce high quality products. Instead cheaper, easy-to-use and practical drying systems become appealing to such companies or even to the rural farmers. Atul Sharma et al. presented using only solar energy. The crops are generally spread on the ground, mat, cement floor where they receive short wavelength solar energy during a major part of the day and also natural air Circulation. A part of the energy is reflected back and the remaining is absorbed by the surface depending upon the color of the crops. The absorbed radiation is converted into thermal energy and the temperature of the material [1] reported previously is A comprehensive review of the various designs, details of construction and operational principles of the wide variety of practically realized designs of solar-energy drying systems. starts to increase. However there are losses like the long wavelength radiation loss from the surface of crop to ambient air through moist air and also convective heat loss due to the blowing wind through moist air over the crop surface. The process is Mechanized drying is faster than open-air drying, requires less space and usually gives a better ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig 1 shows working principle of open drying independent of any other source of energy except sunlight and hence the cheapest method however has Page 650 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) a number of limitations. In general, the open sun operational principles of the wide variety of drying method does not fulfill the required quality practically-realised designs of solar-energy drying standards and sometimes the products cannot be sold systems. The constructional and oprating features in the international market. With the awareness of may vary according to the design of solar dryer. The inadequacies involved in open sun drying, a more classification of solar dryer primarily according to scientific method of solar-energy utilization for crop their heating modes and the manner in which the drying has emerged termed as solar drying. solar heat is utilised. In broad terms, they can be classified into two major groups, namely solar-energy drying systems (most types of which are often termed hybrid solar dryers); and 2. passive solar-energy (conventionally termed drying systems natural-circulation solar drying systems). Three distinct sub-classes of either the active or passive solar drying systems can be identified (which vary mainly in the design arrangement of system components and the mode of utilisation of the solar Fig. 1 working principle of open sun drying. heat, namely [7] [1] III. CLASSIFICATION OF SOLAR integral-type solar dryers; DRYERS Dryers are more commonly classified broadly distributed-type solar dryers; and according to their heating sources into fossil fuel mixed-mode solar dryers. dryers (more commonly known as conventional Natural convection dryers can be used all independent from electricity supply. However, the practically-realised designs of high temperature airflow in this type of dryer is not sufficient to dryers are fossil fuel powered, while the low penetrate higher crop bulks. Furthermore the air flow temperature dryers are either fossil fuel or solar- comes to a standstill during night and adverse energy based systems. weather conditions. The risk of product deterioration dryers) and solar-energy dryers. Strictly, To classify the various types of solar dryers, it is necessary to simplify the complex constructions due to mould attack and enzymatic reactions is high. Furthermore the mode of drying can be and various modes of operation to the basic differentiated into direct and indirect, depending principles. Solar dryers can be classified based on whether the product is directly exposed to solar the following criteria: radiation or dried in the shade. In direct mode, the product itself serves as absorber, i.e. the heat transfer Mode of air movement is affected not only by convection but also by Exposure to insulation radiation according to the nature of the product Direction of air flow surface. Therefore, the surface area of the product Arrangement of the dryer being dried has to be maximized by spreading the Status of solar contribution crop in thin layers. To obtain uniform final moisture O.V. Ekechukwu, B. Norton [6] has given Review content, the crop has to be turned frequently. of the various designs, details of construction and ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 651 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Follwing table provideslittle detail explaination of used on the wall facing away from the sun. The food the above maintioned dryer, according to there heat to be dried is placed on a rack above the ground. uilisation and design arrangment. Drying times are however not always much lower than for open-air drying (-25 %). (Probably, Table 1: Classification of solar dryers. [8] Types Of Dryers insufficient attention has so far been paid to utilizing natural convection.) The main purpose of the dryers Active Dryers Passive Dryers may be to provide protection from dust, dirt, rain, wind or predators and they are usually used for fruit, fish, coffee or other products for which wastage is otherwise high. Tent dryers can also be taken down Integral and stored when not in use. They have disadvantage Direct Type of being easily damaged by strong winds. Distributed (Indirect) Type Mixed Mode Type A.Passive Solar Dryers Passive solar dryers are also called natural circulation or natural convection systems. They are generally of a size appropriate for on-farm use. They can be either direct (e.g. tent and box dryer) or indirect (e.g. cabinet dryer). Natural-circulation solar dryers depend for their operation entirely on solar- Fig. 2: Solar tent dryer [9] energy. In such systems, solar-heated air is circulated 2. through the crop by buoyancy forces or as a result of The box-type solar dryer has been widely used for wind pressure, acting either singly or in combination. small scale food drying. It consists of a wooden box 1. Tent Dryers with a hinged transparent lid. The inside is painted Tent solar dryers, as shown in Fig. 2, are cheap and black and the food supported on a mesh tray above simple to build and consist of a frame of wood poles the dryer floor. Air flows into the chamber through covered with plastic sheet. Black plastic should be holes in the front and exits from vents at the top of ISSN: 2231-5381 Box Dryers Page 652 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) trays should be propped up with wooden supports.[12] the back wall. Drying temperatures in excess of about 80 °C were reported for the dryer.[12] Fig. 3: Box dryer [12] Fig. 4: Seesaw dryer 4. Cabinet Solar Dryers 3. Seesaw Dryer The traditional seesaw dryer [12] has a rigid, rectangular frame, the length of which being 3 times the width' resting on a support with an axis. This support is oriented north-south and is sufficiently high to allow the frame to be tilted 30° towards east in the morning and towards west in the afternoon. The material for drying is placed on a number of trays, which have a wooden frame 100 x 50 cm and a mesh bottom, which can be made of a variety of materials, such as wire netting, old fishing nets, bamboo lattice or any other material that will allow Here, the crop is located in trays or shelves inside a drying chamber. If the chamber is transparent, the dryer is termed an integral-type or direct solar dryer. If the chamber is opaque, the dryer is termed distributed-type or indirect solar dryer Fig. 5indicates Mixed-mode dryers combine the features of the integral (direct) type and the distributed (indirect) type solar dryers. Here the combined action of solar radiation incident directly on the product to be dried and pre-heated in a solar air heater furnishes the necessary heat required for the drying process. vertical air circulation and maximum evaporation. The bottom of the improved seesaw dryer is made of galvanised corrugated iron sheets reinforced crosswise by wooden planks and lengthwise by two wooden planks, about 15 cm high. The upper surface of the bottom is painted black. Good thermal insulation can be provided by attaching insulation plates made of lignified wood fibre, expanded polystyrene various layers of corrugated cardboard etc. to the underside of the bottom. The removable trays are placed on top of the corrugated iron bottom either in a continuous row or with space between them, which will result in better Fig. 5: Features of a typical distributed (indirect) mode natural heating of the air above the blackened surface of the corrugated iron bottom. In this case the edges of the ISSN: 2231-5381 convection cabinet dryer. [12] In most cases the air is warmed during its flow Page 653 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) through a low pressure drop thermosyphonic solar Fans may be powered with utility electricity if it is collector and passes through air ducts into the drying available, or with a solar photovoltaic panel. chamber and over drying trays containing the crops. The moist air is then discharged through air vents or Almost all types of natural convection dryers can be operated by forced convection as well. a chimney at the top of the chamber. The cabinet is a large wooden or metal box. It 1. Active Ventilated Cabinet Solar Dryers should be insulated properly to minimize heat losses If utility electricity is available it is cheaper to and made durable (within economically justifiable connect the fans to the grid, compared to a limits). Construction from metal sheets or water connection to a PV installation. Besides the fans also resistant an electronic controller may be connected to the grid, cladding, e.g. paint or resin, is which is able to adjust the appropriate temperature by recommended. Inside the box internal runners are fitted to support variable speed of the fan. the trays of food being processed. A general rule of thumb is that one m² of tray area is needed to lay out 10 kg of fresh food stuff to be produced at a time. Flat collector Access to the inside of the dryer is via hinged doors at the rear of the cabinet. The drying trays slide on rails on the inside of the cabinet so that they can be removed from the dryer for loading, unloading and cleaning. [17] B.Active Solar Cabinet Dryers Fig.6: C/S of the active ventilated cabinet dryer. Active solar dryers are also called forced convection or hybrid solar dryers. Optimum air flow can be provided in the dryer throughout the drying process to control temperature and moisture in wide ranges independent of the weather conditions. Furthermore the bulk depth is less restricted and the air flow rate can be controlled. Hence, the capacity and the reliability of the dryers are increased 2. Hybrid IAE-Type-Solar-Biomass Dryer The Institute of Agricultural Engineering (IAE) and the University of Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) conducted a number of laboratory experiments under controlled conditions to determine the optimum drying parameters such as drying air temperature and the flow rate, thickness of fruit slices, etc., to achieve considerably compared to natural convection dryers. It is generally agreed that well designed forced- best quality products within a short period. . convection distributed solar dryers are more effective Based on these studies, IAE/UPLB decided to and more controllable than the natural-circulation develop a cabinet type hybrid solar-biomass dryer types. suitable for small-scale drying applications with a The use of forced convection can reduce drying time by three times and decrease the required capacity of about 50 kg/batch, referred to as Model FD-50. collector area by 50 %. Consequently, dryer using The drying chamber has 30 aluminium wire screen fans may achieve the same throughput as a natural trays to hold the products. The flat plate solar convection dryer with a collector six times as large. collector used has a single Plexiglas cover positioned ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 654 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) about 5 cm above a matt black painted metal system. The roof and wall of this solar dryer can be absorber sheet. All collector walls except for the made of transparent materials such as glass, fibre transparent glass cover are insulated to 8 cm glass, UV stabilized plastic or polycarbonate sheets. thickness to reduce heat losses. The solar collector is The transparent materials are fixed on a steel frame attached to the backside of the drying chamber at an support or pillars with bolts and nuts and rubber angle of 15°. A 45 W exhaust fan fixed in the packing to prevent humid air or rain water leaking chimney of the drying chamber forces the ambient into the chamber other than those introduced from air to pass through the collector and rise up through the inlet opening. To enhance solar radiation the fruits being dried. The biomass gasifier stove absorption, black surfaces should be provided within assists the structure. Inlet and exhaust fans are placed at drying whenever solar radiation is insufficient. proper position within the structure to ensure even The design of the gasifier was adopted from the gasifiers developed at the Asian distribution of the drying air. Institute Designed properly, greenhouse dryers allow a Technology. It consumes about 2.0 kg of coconut greater degree of control over the drying process shell or wood charcoal per hour and is capable of than the cabinet dryers and they are more appropriate providing drying temperatures up to 60°C. The for large scale drying. performance tests showed that a batch of 50 kg of 1. Natural Convection Greenhouse Dryer sliced pineapple with an initial moisture content of The earliest form of practically-realised natural- 85% (wet basis) could be dried to a final moisture circulation solar greenhouse dryers reported was the content of 20% in about 18 hours at a drying Brace Research Institute glass-roof solar dryer in temperature of 60°C. A recovery rate of 10 kg of The dryer consisted of two parallel rows of drying pineapple fruits was obtained. The total cost of the platforms (along the long side) of galvanised iron finished dryer was about P 56,000 (US$ 1,120 as of wire mesh surface laid over wooden beams is shown [10] [12] . in Fig. 8. A fixed slanted glass roof over the platform Feb 2002). allowed solar radiation over the product. The dryer, aligned lengthwise in the north-south axis, had black coated internal walls for improved absorption of solar radiation. A ridge cap made of folded zinc sheet over the roof provides an air exit vent. Shutters at the outer sides of the platforms regulated the air inlet. Fig. 7: Drying chamber and biomass stove of the FD-50 Dryer [10] IV. GREENHOUSE DRYERS The idea of a greenhouse dryer is to replace the function of the solar collector by a green house ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig. 8: Natural convection glass roof greenhouse dryer.[6] Page 655 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) A simplified design of the typical greenhouse-type natural-circulation solar dryer consists of 2. Tunnel dryers a More than ten years of research and field testing transparent semi-cylindrical drying chamber with an has resulted in the development of a solar tunnel attached cylindrical chimney, rising vertically out of dryer well suited to medium sized farms or small one end, while the other end is equipped with a door cooperatives. for air inlet and access to the drying chamber (see developed Fig. 9). The chimney (designed to allow for a Germany , and has been duplicated successfully varying height) has a maximum possible height of throughout the world. A key to this success has been 3.0 m above the chamber and a diameter of 1.64 m. the adaptation of the dryer design to the local climate The drying chamber was a modified and augmented and manufacturing possibilities in multiple countries. version of a commercially-available poly-tunnel type By 2003 over 1,000 Hohenheim type solar dryers greenhouse. were in use in 60 countries. Over half of these dryers at The the non-patented University of design was Hohenheim, The dryer operates by the action of solar-energy were manufactured in the country of use; the rest impinging directly on the crop within the dryer. The were supplied by Innotech, a German corporation crop and a vertically-hung, black absorbing curtain manufacturing prototypes of the dryers. Innotech within the chimney absorb the solar radiation and are supplies the dryers in kit form for roughly 5,500 warmed. The surrounding air is, in turn, heated. As US$ this heated air rises and flows up the chimney to the manufacturing has not yet been established. Innotech outside of the dryer, fresh replenishing air is drawn in also offers a consultancy for quality assurance and from the other end of the dryer. marketing of dried products for export to industrial Apart from the obvious advantages of passive solar- countries. (2000), for use in locations where energy dryers over the active types (for applications The Hohenheim-type dryer results in faster drying in rural farm locations in developing countries), the and higher quality than traditional open-air methods. advantages of the natural-circulation solar -energy In Turkey, for example, apricots can be dried in 2 ventilated greenhouse dryer over other passive solar- days – half the time required by traditional methods. energy dryer designs include its low cost and its An important feature contributing to consistent simplicity in both on-the-site construction and quality is the use of photovoltaic powered fans for operation. Its major drawback is its susceptibility to forced convection. The controlled drying process damage under high wind speeds. [12] results in high-quality. The acceptable load for the dryer ranges from 1.5 kg/m² for medicinal herbs to 25 kg/m² for rice or coffee. For a standard dryer with a 20 m² drying area, this corresponds to 30 to 500 kg per batch. Some dryers made in Thailand are equipped with a gas powered air-heating unit to allow drying during the six-month rainy season. In contrast, Turkish weather is dry enough to allow the all-solar dryers to operate well with twice the standard drying area. Local manufacture of the Turkish models allowed a Fig. 9: Natural convection greenhouse dryer with chimney ISSN: 2231-5381 [12] total installation cost of less than 1000 US$ in 1997, Page 656 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) resulting in a payback period of only one year. The or in a portable construction. When introduced in a models used in Thailand were more expensive due to new region, the tunnel dryer often requires the gas-powered back-up heating unit customization to suit the local climate and Three major dryer components, as shown in Fig. manufacturing possibilities. Often a prototype is 10, are the solar collector, food dryer compartment, adapted and tested before proceeding with local and the airflow system. Air is circulated by fans, manufacture. which use from 20-40 W of power from a V. APPLICATIONS photovoltaic panel, a generator, a OF SOLAR DRYERS Direct solar dring is most useful for small farmers in of rural areas, where avalilabilty of electrical power is very less. Solar dryers used in agriculture for food and crop drying, for drying agricultural products within less period of time, dryers can be proved to be most useful device from energy conservation point of view. The mixed-mode dryer is having less cost, easily available, and can be easily made by local farmers. Tomatoes, mango slices, and food grains can be dried using this dryer It not only save energy but also save lot of time, occupying less area, improves quality of the product, make the process more efficient and protects environment also. the low-cost indirect- type natural convection solar dryers are used for drying cassava, bananas, and rough rice.Solar drying can be used for the entire Fig. 10: Solar Tunnel Dryer or central utility. Air is forced into the solar drying process or for supplementing artificial drying collector by the fans where it is heated by the sun, systems, thus reducing the total amount of fuel and then flows on to the food dryer section. An energy required. advantage of the PV powered system is that, depending on the solar radiation, the air throughput is automatically adjusted by the speed of the fans. The plastic cover may be constructed from a sheet of greenhouse type UV-stabilized polyethylene (PE). Access to the drying chamber is gained by removing the plastic covering using the hand crank. The crop is placed on a polyester mesh suspended by a grid of galvanized wire. This arrangement allows air to flow on all sides of the food, preventing the VI. CONCLUSION This paper focuses on a study on the design, performance, and application of various types of solar dryers available nowdays. We also focus on solar dryer models useful for producing good quality of dried product. In this review paper, design and development of active and passive solar dryer has been reviewed. Scholars have also sugested different easy methods to make solar dryer for farmers of rural area. need to turn it during the drying process. Depending on local circumstances a dryer may be built in a permanent installation (with concrete, for example), ISSN: 2231-5381 Acknowledgement I would like to thank my Research Guides for the Page 657 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) inspiration and support they have given time to time. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] Atul Sharma, C.R.Chen, and Nguyen Vu Lan “Solar-energy drying systems: A review”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13 pp 1185- 1210 2009. Eben V Fodor. The Solar Food Dryer pp 9 ISBN- 10: 0~86571-544 Decmber 2005. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. FAO year book. Rome: FAO Year Book Production; p. 44– 125 1991 Sharma VK, Colnagelo A, Spagna G. Experimental performance of an indirect Type solar food and vegetable dryer. Energy convers manage 34(4):293–8 1993. Brooker db, bakker-arkema fw, hall cw. 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