International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Ontology Driven Knowledge Base Information Retrieval Ashutosh V. Girase#1, Girish Kumar Patnaik*2, Sandip S. Patil+3 #1 PG Student, *2Professor and Head, +3Associate Professor (Department of Computer Engineering, SSBT’s College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon [M. S.], INDIA) Abstract— Decision-making is the task of every top management in an organization, and they need relevant and meaningful information to help in taking decisions. Retrieval of meaningful information is a challenge for effective decision-making. Due to lack of domain knowledge, meaningful information remains hidden in the database itself. Decisions made out of irrelevant and meaningless information sometimes leads to irreparable damage and reputation. To retrieve relevant information it is necessary to have background knowledge about the domain. Background knowledge in the form of ontology is an important source of information. The paper presents a solution for meaningful information retrieval by using domain ontology as a domain knowledge which reveals all the meaningful information from the database to help in taking decision. Keywords-Ontology, Decision-making, Domain knowledge, Meaningful information, Background knowledge, Information retrieval, Business intelligence. I. INTRODUCTION Information retrieval (IR) is the activity of obtaining information resources relevant to an information need from a collection of information resources. The meaning of the term information retrieval can be very broad.Just getting a credit card out of your wallet so that you can type in the card number is a form of informationretrieval. Knowledge base information retrieval (KBIR) is a process of retrieving relevant and meaningful information as per user need from the resources.Domain knowledge plays an important role in retrieving the knowledge base information. To retrieve the meaningful information, domain knowledge in the form of ontology is an efficient way. Ontology is an explicit specification of conceptualization. Ontology plays a big role in knowledge management. Ontology describes the information about particular domain in the form of concepts and relations. Ontology allows information to be stored in human as well as machine readable format [1].Ontology is considered as a backbone of semantic web. Problem of semantic heterogeneity in semantic web is solved by using ontology. Ontology also used to explore the semantic relationship between the concepts& to represent the background knowledge ISSN: 2231-5381 about the domain in various web related information retrieval techniques.Background knowledge plays an important role in retrieval of relevant and meaningful information to meet the need of decision maker to take the decision. Decision making is carried out in every organization to solve the problems by using business intelligence technique. Business intelligence (BI) is the set of techniques and tools for the transformation of raw data into meaningful information.The term business intelligence represents the tools and systems that play a key role in the strategic planning process of the corporation. These systems allow a company to gather, store, access and analyse corporate data to aid in decision-making. Decision-making is a crucial task of every organization. To make the decisions it is necessary to have relevant and meaningful information. To retrieve the meaningful information from the database it is necessary to have knowledge about that domain. Practically it is not always possible that a person has knowledge about every domain. Due to this retrieving meaningful information from the large database is a challenging job. To make effective decisions it is necessary to have meaningful information. In proposed approach ontology is used as background knowledge of domain to retrieve the relevant information. In this way ontology will help the information retrieval system to retrieve meaningful information from the database. Rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives an overview of the related work; Section 3 presents the proposed approach and Section 4 concludes the proposed approach. II. RELATED WORK Ontology is a popular area of research nowadays. Mainly it is used in the area of artificial intelligence.Due to lack of semantics, traditional keyword based technique in data mining limits in finding the relevancy and understanding the user need. Ontology has given a new ray of hope to overcome the challenges of data mining. Use of ontology as a domain knowledge repository found too much promising in the various data mining tasks such as information retrieval, information extraction, classification, clustering, recommenders system, link prediction etc. Kaushal Giri, in [2], has given a role of ontology in semanticweb. The increasing volume of data available on the web makes information retrieval a tediousand Page 467 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) difficult task. Researchers are now exploring the possibility of creating a semantic web. The vision of the semantic web introduces the next generation of the web by establishing a layer of machineunderstandable data.Ontology used in supporting information exchange process, particularly with semantic web. Main advantage of ontology is that it provides the data in human as well as machine readable format. Mohammad Mustafa Taye, in [3], has given brief overview about ontology and semantic web. Basic concepts, structure and the main applications of ontology and semantic web presented. Many relevant terms are explained in order to provide a basic understanding of ontologies. Overview and information about the working of semantic web is given. Semantic web is developed on the basis of ontology. Ontology is considered as a backbone of semantic web. Semantic web represents information more meaningfully for humans and computers i.e. in machine readable format and allows and enables annotating, discovering, publishing, advertising and composing services to be automated. Dou et al., in [4], presentedvarious ontology based approaches in semantic data mining. How ontologies are beneficialin bridging the semantic gaps, providing prior knowledge and constraints are explained. Role of ontologies in mining tasks such as information extraction, clustering, classification, recommendation andlink prediction is given. Detailed discussion carried out on why ontology has the power to help semantic datamining and how formal semantics in ontologies can be incorporated into the data mining process. Mishra and Jain in [5], given a study of various approaches and tools on Ontology. Various ontology based approaches are discussed in detail. Also various tools used for the construction of ontology are given. Also comparative study about the working of tools carried out in the end. Tao, in [6], has given personalized ontology model for used for web information gathering. The existing traditional approach was unable to retrieve the information as per user need. Proposed ontology based model represents user background knowledge for personalized web information gathering. This model constructs user personalized ontologies by extracting world knowledge and discovering user background knowledge from user local instance repositories. The proposed ontology model is evaluated by comparing it against with benchmark models in web information gathering. The experimental evaluation proved that ontology-based model is superior and promising as compared to other models. Wang et al., in [7], has given an ontology based approach for association rule mining. The existing traditional approach can't solve the problem of useless rule mining and excessive concreteness of rules. In order to solve above problems better, association rule mining based-on ontology is used with the traditional ISSN: 2231-5381 apriori algorithm. Experimental results proved that ontology based approach improved the efficiency of apriori algorithm. Yongqing and Yan, in [8], has given an ontology based approach for association rule mining. The apriori algorithm is the best known association rule mining algorithm, whose objective is to find all co-occurrence relationships between data items. Performance of apriori algorithm degrades with the size of data. To overcome this problem ontology is used to represent the domain knowledge which reveals relationships between concepts. With the domain knowledge, the search space and counting time is reduced, so knowledge discovery can be improved effectively and meaningful hierarchical rules can be found. Rudy et al., in [9], has given an ontology based approach for enhancing automatic classification of web pages. Various challenges and issues on existing ontology based approach are discussed. As the number of web data increasing daily, it is impossible to classify the entire web data manually without help of automated aid. Hence to help users to retrieve information relevant to their need ontology is used as a domain knowledge repository. Experimental evaluation proved that use of ontology improves accuracy as compared to existing technique. Sundaramoorthy et al., in [10], has given an ontology based approach for classification of user history.Users browsing history is used to meet the user need by classifying user in particular category. Existing approach degrades the performance due to lack of semantic knowledge about the user query. Hence ontology is used to understand the user query semantically. Experimental results proved that personalization using such ontology and semantic produce effective results. Fang et al., in [11], has given an ontology based automatic classification and ranking for web documents. Ontology based approach used to solve the problem of training datasets and semantic complexity between words in traditional machine learning algorithms. Issues of previous works on ontology based classification such as ontology construction and ranking of classified documents also discussed. The experimental results proved that ontology based classification algorithm achieves higher precision and recall compared with traditional approaches. Nadana and Shriram, in [12], has given an ontology based clustering algorithm for information retrieval. Due to lack of semantic knowledge traditional K-means algorithm fails in finding the words that are syntactically different but semantically same. Ontology is used with the K-means algorithm to integrate the background knowledge. Ontology is used to find the pages with words that are syntactically different but semantically similar. Experimental evaluation proved that ontology based approach outperforms than the traditional K-means algorithm. Page 468 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Fernandez et al., in [13], has given an ontology based approach for semantically enhanced information retrieval. Traditional information retrieval system is keyword based; hence it has limited capabilities in semantic understanding with user need. To address this problem searching by meaning i.e. semantic search is introduced. Proposed comprehensive semantic search model extends classic IR model to address the challenges of massive and heterogeneous web environment, and integrates the benefits of both keyword and semantic based search. Also an innovative rank fusion technique is used to minimize the undesired effect of knowledge sparseness. Experimental evaluations proved that ontology based approach improve the efficiency of traditional keyword based technique by reducing search space, knowledge sparseness and semantic complexity of data. Xiudan and Yuanyuan, in [14], has given an ontology based approach for information extraction system in E-commerce websites. Traditional information extraction system is based on the dictionary, rule-based extraction technology and hidden markov model. Existing approach fails in extracting the information due to lack of semantic knowledge. Ontology technology is used to build the wrapper, and then extract the information from web site. Experimental results and analysis proved that, the technology of information extraction based on ontology is not mature. Especially for the ontology, there are still a lot of manual works, and the development remains to be further studied. Revoredo et al., in [15], has given a probabilistic ontology based approach for semantic link prediction in a network. Due to semantic complexity in traditional machine learning algorithm, there is an uncertainty in link prediction. Hence probabilistic ontology based approach used to provide the information about the domain to help in link prediction. In such schemes, numerical graph-based features and ontology-based features are computed; then both features are given as an input into a machine learning algorithm where prediction is performed. Experimental results proved that ontology based model outperforms than existing prediction technique. Caragea et al., in [16], has given an ontology based approach for potential friendship link prediction in LiveJournal social network. Existing approaches used in prediction cannot capture the semantic similarity of the data. Hence the performance of the machine learning algorithm degrades. To overcome this problem ontology used as a training dataset to help machine learning algorithm. The experimental evaluation showed that ontology based approach improves the performance of machine learning classifier at the task of predicting links in the social network. Augusto et al., in [17], has given an ontology based recommender system. Traditional recommender approach is based on keyword matching technique. ISSN: 2231-5381 Existing approach fails when there is no identical keyword although there is a semantic relationship between the words. Hence ontology based recommender system is proposed. Detailed discussion on the ontology based approach and the technical issues in it given. Kadima and Malek in [18], has given an ontology based approach for a personalization of a recommender system in social network. Discussion technical issues and possible solution raised by integration of an ontology-based semantic user profile within hybrid recommender system is given. Martin et al., in [19], has presented a framework for business intelligence application using ontology-based classification. Every business needs knowledge about their competitors to survive better. One of the information repositories is web. Retrieving specific required information for business purpose is a challenging job nowadays. Hence ontology is used to capture specific information by using web semantics for the decision making purpose.A framework for business intelligence based on ontological classification is developed for retrieving the specific information from the web Here ontology act as a guide i.e. background information repository to help business intelligenceprocess. Zhan et al., in [20], discussed benefits of ontologies in real time data access. How the ontologies are beneficial in real time data access is given. Also highlights the importance of a data integration layer in a business intelligence system and the benefits that the use of ontology as data description formalism and query interface, can bring to the system. Problem of an ontology mapping and enrichment is discussed. Also focused on how the use of ontologies brings the benefits in the area of communication, inter-operability and knowledge management. Ontology based approaches in data mining techniques given superior performance. Use of ontology as a background knowledge repository solved the problems of semantic complexity, time complexity, lack of training datasets and relevancy of results up to much greater extent. Ontology as a domain knowledge repository findspromising in meeting the decision makers need. III. PROPOSED APPROACH In the proposed approach ontology is used as domain knowledge to improve the relevancy of information retrieval from the database in order to get more meaningful information. Use of ontology as a domain knowledge in various data mining techniques found effective for improving the precision of information retrieval. Architecture of proposed KBIR process is shown in Figure 3.1. Proposed system mainly consists of THREE units i.e. semantic query engine, Page 469 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) transformation unit and query processing unit respectively. Domain ontology O and database D are given primarily. Domain ontology represents the set of concepts, relations and attributes of that domain. Mathematical representation of ontology is as follows: SPARQL queries. SPARQL is a data query language usedto retrieve and manipulate data stored in ontology. Decision maker‘s needs are directly represented in the form of SPARQL query. After entering the query, semantic query engine will generate the results with the help of ontology. Generated results are semantically enhanced results. O = {C, R, H, P, A} Where, C: Set of Concepts R: Set of Relations H: Hierarchies between Concepts P: Set of Attributes or Properties A: Set of Axioms or Rules Database is nothing but a set of tuples. Tuples contains the set of attributes. Attributes represents information about specific domain. Where, is a semantic query engine function, which takes i.e. SPARQL query and i.e. ontology as an input & gives S i.e. semantically enhanced information asan output. SPARQL query is entered by user to retrieve the information as per his need. Query q fired on ontology O by using semantic query function . Transformation function converts semantically enhanced results into the SQL queries. Semantically enhanced results generated by semantic query engine are automatically transformed into SQL or OLAP queries by using transformation function. Where, which takes output of function as an input & gives i.e. SQL / OLAP query as an output. Query processing unit is used to process SQL queries generated by the transformation function. Queries generated by transformation function are then appliedon the database which is normally consisting of a historical or financial data about the organization. Meaningful information is then used for decision making. Fig. 1 Architecture of Proposed Prototype Table 1: Sample Database Semantic query engine is used to process the Product_Name MacBook Samsung Tablet MacOs Iphone Ipod RedMiPowerbank I Os Samsung drives Sony earphones I watch Samsung Mobile Fablet I band Apple TV HTC Smartphone Samsung Watch ISSN: 2231-5381 Purchase_Date 12/02/2015 23/07/2015 15/06/2015 12/09/2015 02/09/2015 09/03/2015 22/04/2015 27/06/2015 11/02/2015 18/08/2015 17/01/2015 12/06/2015 12/03/2015 12/07/2015 12/02/2015 12/08/2015 Quantity 3 7 4 5 7 5 8 4 3 9 2 3 4 5 6 9 City Mumbai Pune Nagpur Pune Nasik Pune Aurangabad Pune Nagpur Mumbai Pune Mumbai Nagpur Mumbai Pune Nagpur Price ( 1 item) 56,000 20,000 9,000 46,000 8,000 7,000 7,000 15,000 1,400 25,000 25,000 18,000 25,000 96,000 35,000 21,000 Page 470 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Results:Results obtained by using proposed approach is as shown in Table 3. Table 2.Results using Traditional Approach Product_Name MacBook MacOs Iphone MacOs Purchase_Date 12/02/2015 15/06/2015 12/09/2015 12/03/2015 is a query processing function, which takes i.e. output of transformation function and database D as an input & gives M i.e. meaningful information as an output.In this way meaningful information is retrieved with the help of ontology. Quantity 3 4 5 3 City Mumbai Nagpur Pune Aurangabad Price ( 1 item) 56,000 9,000 46,000 12,000 SQL Query: SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE Product_Name= ‗MacBook‘ OR Product_Name= ‗MacOs‘ OR Product_Name= ‗Iphone‘; Example: Let us consider the database about the selling details of particular company in year 2015 given below in Table 1. Find out the market of all the products of Apple Company. Table 3. Results using Proposed Approach Product_Name MacBook MacOs Iphone Ipod IOs Iwatch Iband AppleTV Purchase_Date 12/02/2015 15/06/2015 12/09/2015 02/09/2015 22/04/2015 18/08/2015 12/03/2015 12/07/2015 Quantity 3 4 5 7 8 9 4 5 City Mumbai Nagpur Pune Nasik Aurangabad Mumbai Nagpur Mumbai Price ( 1 item) 56,000 9,000 46,000 8,000 7,000 25,000 25,000 96,000 In traditional approach, SQL query is directly fired on the database. Query used to retrieve the all information regarding the sales of apple products is as follows: Select clause is used to select the triplet related to the concept. To filter unnecessary data from ontology where clause is used. Results:Results obtained by approach is as shown in Table 2. SPARQL Query: PREFIX foaf: < led-ontology-24#> SELECT ?Product WHERE { foaf:Applefoaf:Sales_Relationship ?Product using traditional In proposed approach, ontology is used to represent the background knowledge about the domain. Ontology stores the information about the product of Apple Company by using the sales relationship. Information stored by ontology in the form of subject, object and predicate is as given below: } Apple Sales MacBook, Apple Sales MacOs etc. SPARQL query language is used to retrieve meaningful information from the ontology. PREFIX is used to give the path of the location of the ontology. Prefix variable such as foaf is used to store the value of the path. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 471 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) [9] IV. CONCLUSION KBIR is the process of retrieving meaningful information from the database. Meaningful information remains hidden in the database due to insufficient background knowledge. To overcome this challenge ontology driven approach is introduced. Involvement of ontology will give promising and superior results than traditional approach. In future work focus will be on development of automated construction of domain ontology. As data is growing enormously, due to this manual construction of ontology is a too much challenging job. Hence there is need of some automated functionality to construct the ontology automatically. [10] [11] [12] [13] REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] T. R. Gruber, ―Toward principles for the design of ontologies used for knowledge sharing‖,International Journal Human Computer Studies, vol.43, no.5-6, pp.907–928, 1995. Kaushal Giri, ―Role of Ontology in Semantic Web‖, DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, Vol.31, No.2,pp.234-238 2011. Mohammad Mustafa Taye, ―Understanding Semantic Web and Ontologies: Theory and Applications‖, Journal of Computing, Volume 2, Issue 6, pp.182-192, June 2010. 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