International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Miltimachine Power System Stability Enhancement using Different FACTS Devices Mr.M.M.Khan#1, Mr.Tanveer Husain#2, Mr.M.M.Ansari#3, 1,2 M.E (EPS) (Pursuing),3Assistant Professor 1,2,3Department of Electrical Engineering, 1,2,3 S.S.B.T‘s COET Bambhori, Jalgaon, India, Abstract.- Modern Power Transmission networks are becoming increasingly stressed due to increasing demand of electricity and restrictions on building new transmission system. Decreasing power system stability is one of the major problems of such a stressed system following a disturbance. Flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) devices are found to be very effective in a transmission network for better utilization of its existing facilities without loss of the desired stability. The static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) and Static Var Compensator (SVC) are the shunt devices of the flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) family. When system voltage is low, STATCOM generates reactive power and system voltage is high that’s time itsabsorb reactive power while Static Var Compensation is recover the loss of stability at the time of fault. Keywords: Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), FACTS Controllers, SVC, TCSC, SSSC, STATCOM, Power Systems, Power System Stability, Oscillatory Stability, Small Signal Stability, Transient Stability, Voltage Stability. I. INTRODUCTION The available power generating plants are often located at distant locations for economic, environmental and safety reasons. For instance, it becomes cheaper to install a thermal power station at pit-head instead of transporting coal to load centres. Hydro power is generally available in remote areas and a nuclear plant may be located at a place away from urban areas. Additionally, modern power systems are highly interconnected. Sharing of generation reserves, exploiting load diversity and economy gained from the use of large efficient units without sacrificing reliability are the advantages of interconnection. Thus power must consequently be transmitted over long distances. To meet the load and electric market demands, new lines should be added to the system, butdue to environmental reasons, the installation of electric power transmission lines are often restricted. The power system may be thought of as a nonlinear system with many lightly damped electromechanical modes of oscillation. The three modes of electromechanical oscillations are: Local plant mode oscillations Inter-area mode oscillations Torsional modes between rotating plant ISSN: 2231-5381 In local mode, one generator swings against the rest of the system at 1.0 to 2.0 Hz. The impact of the oscillation is localized to the generator and the line connecting it to the grid. Inter-area mode of oscillations is observed over a large part of the network. It involves two coherent groups of generators swinging against each other at 1Hz or less. This complex phenomenon involves many parts of the system with highly non-linear dynamic behavior. Torsional mode oscillations is associated with a turbine generator shaft system in the frequency range of 10-45 Hz. Usually these modes are excited when a multi-stage turbine generator is joint to the grid system through a series compensated line. If the damping of these modes becomes too short, it can impose severe constraints on the system ‟ s operation. It is thus important to be able to determine the nature of those modes, find stability limits and in many cases use controls to prevent instability. The poorly damped low frequency electromechanical oscillations come due to inadequate damping torque in some generators, causing both local-mode oscillations and inter-area oscillations (0.2 Hz to 2.5 Hz) [1], [2]. The traditional approach employs power system stabilizers (PSS) on generator excitation control systems in order to damp those oscillations. PSSs are effective but they are usually designed for damping local modes. In large power systems, they may not provide enough damping for inter-area modes. So, more efficient substitutes are needed other than PSS. In late 1980s, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) had introduced a new technology program known as Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) [3]. The main idea behind this program is to increase controllability and optimize the utilization of the existing power system capacities by reliable and highspeed power electronic devices. Thelatest generation of FACTS controllers is based on the concept of the solid state synchronous voltage sources (SVSs) introduced by L. Gyugyi in the late 1980s [4]. II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE FACTS Controllers FACTS are defined as “a power electronic based system and other static equipment that provide control of one or more AC transmission system parameters to Page 424 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) enhance controllability and increase power transfer capability. Basically, FACTS controllers can be divided into four categories [7]. 1) Series Controller 2) Shunt Controller 3) Combined series-series Controller 4) Combined series-shunt Controller Table 1: Comparison among FACTS Controllers Controller Name Type Purpose Used Voltage Shunt Thyristor SVC Control Power Series GTO Flow SSSC Control Voltage Shunt GTO STATCOM Control Voltage Shunt and Power and GTO UPFC Flow Series Control Power Series Thyristor Flow TCSC Control Shunt Power and Thyristor Flow TCPAR series Control In the late 1980s, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) formulated the vision of the FACTS in which various power-electronics based controllers regulate power flow and transmission voltage, and they mitigate dynamic disturbances. Generally, the main objectives of FACTS are to increase the useable transmission capacity of lines and control power flow over designated transmission routes. A. First generation FACTS First generation FACTS employs capacitor and reactor banks with fast solid-state switches in traditional shunt or series circuit arrangements. The thyristor switches control the on and off periods of the fixed capacitor and reactor banks and thereby realize a variable reactive impedance. Except for losses, they cannot exchange real power with the system. Static VAR Compensator (SVC) The SVC is a reactive shunt device that uses its reactive capability to alter the bus voltage. It enables a regulated voltage support. An SVCfor continuous control contains a thyristor switched capacitor bank in parallel with a bank of phase angle controlled reactors and is connected to the transmission voltage level via a transformer. The SVCinfluences electro-mechanical oscillations like the PSS: itchanges the line transfer (by controlling V)as well as modulates voltage ISSN: 2231-5381 sensitive loads. Depending on which of these effects dominate, the SVC is placed either at the midpoint of a long transmission line or near the load centre. It is known that the SVCs with an auxiliary injection of a suitable signal can considerably improve the dynamic stability performance of a power system [5]. In the literature, SVCs have been applied successfully to increase the transient stability of a synchronous machine [5]. Hammad [6] presented a fundamental analysis of the application of SVC for enhancing the power systems stability. Thyristor-Swiched Bank of three individiul Reactorcapacitor Fig.1:SVC model B. Second generation of FACTS The technologies described above are in operation today, but new power electronic devices with a potential for damping of electro mechanical oscillations are constantly suggested. The voltage source converter (VSC) type FACTS controller group 10 employs self-commutated DC to AC converters, using GTO thyristors, which can internally generate capacitive and inductive reactive power for transmission line compensation, without the use of capacitor or reactor banks. The converter with energy storage device can also exchange real power with the system in addition to the independently controllable reactive power. The VSC can be used uniformly to control transmission line voltage, impedance, and angle by providing reactive shunt compensation, series compensation, and phase shifting, or to control directly the real and reactive power flow in the line [8]. Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) Page 425 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) The emergence of FACTS devices and in particular GTO thyristor-based STATCOM has enabled such technology to be proposed as serious competitive alternatives to conventional SVC [9]. From the viewpoint of power system dynamic stability, the STATCOM provides better damping characteristics than the SVC as it is able to transiently exchange active power with the system. The effectiveness of the STATCOM to control the power system voltage was presented [10]. However, the effectiveness of the STATCOM to enhance the angle stability has not been addressed. Abido [11] presented a singular value decomposition (SVD) based approach to assess and measure the controllability of the poorly damped electromechanical modes by STATCOM different control channels. It was observed that the electromechanical modes are more controllable via phase modulation channel. It was also concluded that the STATCOM-based damping stabilizers extend the critical clearing time and enhance greatly the power system transient stability. Haque [12] demonstrated that by the use of energy function, a STATCOM can to provide additional damping torque to the low frequency oscillations in a power system. 1990-94 1995-99 2000-04 2005-09 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 SVC TCSC STATCOM SSSC Fig.3Statistics for FACTS applications to power systemstability Table.2 Performance Analysis of FACTS devices [13] III. POWER SYSTEM STABILITY Stability is nothing but ability of power system to remain in synchronism when different fault occur in power system network such as symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault of power system. Fig.2:STATCOM Model Table.2 shows the performance analysis of FACTS devices. First column of Table .2 shows that series compensator is good for load flow control. Second column of the same table shows shunt compensator is good for voltage stability. Third column of Table.2 shows that all FACTS devices are good enough for the case of transient stability. A combination of shunt and series can better perform load flow control, voltage stability and transient stability. From the above analysis it is clear that UPFC is one of the most promising devices in FACTS concept. ISSN: 2231-5381 Power system stability is classified into three categories A. Rotor Angle Stability B. Voltage Stability C. Frequency Stability A. Rotor Angle Stability Rotor angle stability is the ability of synchronous machines of an interconnected power system to remain in synchronism after being subjected to a disturbance. It depends on the ability to maintain/restore equilibrium between electromagnetic torque and mechanical torque of each synchronous machine in the system. Instability that may result occurs in the form of increasing angular swings of some generators leading to their loss of synchronism with other generators. The rotor angle stability problem involves the study of the electromechanical oscillations Page 426 UPFC International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) inherent in power systems. A fundamental factor in this problem is the manner in which the power outputs of synchronous machines vary as their rotor angles change. Under steady-state conditions, there is equilibrium between the input mechanical torque and the outputelectromagnetic torque of each generator, and the speed remains constant. For convenience in analysis and for gaining useful insight into the nature of stability problems, it is useful to characterize rotor angle stability in terms of the following two subcategories: • Small-disturbance (or smallsignal) rotor angle stability is concerned with the ability of the power system tomaintain synchronism under small disturbances. The disturbances are considered to be sufficiently small that linearization of system equations is permissible for purposes of analysis [14]. For convenience in analysis and for gaining useful insight into the nature of stability problems, it is useful to characterize rotor angle stability in terms of the following two subcategories: Small-disturbance (or small-signal) rotor angle stability is concerned with the ability of the power system to maintainsynchronism under small disturbances. The disturbancesare considered to be sufficiently small that linearizationof system equations is permissible for purposesof analysis. Large-disturbance rotor angle stability or transient stability, as it is commonly referred to, is concerned with the ability of the power system to maintain synchronism when subjected to a severe disturbance, such as a short circuit on a transmission line. The resulting system response involves large excursions of generator rotor angles and is influenced by the nonlinear power-angle relationship. B Voltage Stability Voltage stability is the ability of a power system to maintain steady voltages at all buses in the system after being subjected to a disturbance from a given initial operating condition. It depends on the ability to maintain/restore equilibrium between load demand and load supply from the power system. Instability that may result occurs in the form of a progressive fall or rise of voltages of some buses. A possible outcome of voltage instability is loss of load in an area, or tripping of transmission lines and other elements by their ISSN: 2231-5381 protective systems leadingto cascading outages. Loss of synchronism of some generatorsmay result from these outages or from operating conditions thatviolate field current limit [15]. C. Frequency Stability Frequency stability is the ability of a power system to maintain steady frequency following a severe system upset resulting in a significant imbalance between generation and load. It depends on the ability to maintain/restore equilibrium between system generation and load, with minimum unintentional loss of load. Instability that may result occurs in the form of sustained frequency swings leading to tripping of generating units and/or loads. FACTS Applications to Deregulated Electricity Market Nowadays, electricity demand is rapidly increasing without major reinforcement projects to enhance power transmission networks. Also, the electricity market is going toward open market and deregulation creating an environment for forces of competition and bargaining. Electricity utilities are in need to serve more loads through their networks and also maintain the system security. FACTS devices can be an alternative to reduce the flows in heavily loaded lines, resulting in increased load ability, low system loss, improved stability of the network, reduced cost of production, and fulfilled contractual requirements by controlling the power flows in the network. Generally, the changing nature of the electricity supply industry is introducing many new subjects into power system operation relatedto trading in a deregulated competitive market IV. CONCLUSION In this review, the present condition of power system stability enhancement using FACTS controllers was discussed and summarized. The essential features of FACTS controllers and their potential to enhance system stability was addressed. The location and feedback signals used for design of FACTS-based damping controllers were discussed. The coordination problem among different control schemes and damping oscillation of system was also considered. Performance comparison of different FACTS controllers has been reviewed. The likely future direction of FACTS technology, especially in restructured power systems, was discussed as well. Inaddition, utility experience and major realworldinstallations and semiconductor technologydevelopment have been summarized. A more review ofFACTS applications to optimal power flow andderegulated electricity market has been presented. ACKNOWLEDGMENT It takes for me as a matter of pleasure to express my sincere thanks to Mr.M.M.ANSARIfor his guidance Page 427 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) and suggestions during the completion of this paper.I don’t have words to express my feelings for his timely guidance and the help for material collection, books for the seminar-III report. I am also thankful to Dr. P. J. SHAH (ASSOCIATE PROF. & HEAD of Dept. Electrical Engg.) for his instructions provided to me during the completion of the paper. Last, but not the least, those are parents and friends who are being a source of constant inspiration and encouragement for me to carry out any work. [6] Hammad, A. E., “Analysis of power system stability enhancement by static VAR compensators”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 222–227, 1986. [7] REFERENCES(SIZE 10 & BOLD) [11] Hingorani, N. G., &Gyugyi, L. (2000). 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