International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Secure Cloud using Homomorphic Encryption for Shared Data in Cloud Shambhu KumarSingh1, P. P. Rewagad2, Swati Patil3 Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GHRIEM, Jalgaon, Indi 1 Assistant Prof., Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GHRIEM, Jalgaon, Indi2 Assistant Prof., Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GHRIEM, Jalgaon, Indi 3 usefulness computing describe a business model for on-demand release of computing power; customers pay provider based on usage, like to the way in which we now get service from conventional public utility services such as water resource, electricity resource, gas resource and telephony. Cloud computing has been coined as an umbrella term to explain a grouping of primitive on-demand computing service initially offered by marketable providers, such as Amazon, Google, oracle and Microsoft. It denotes a model on which a computing communications is viewed as a “Cloud” from which businesses and individual access applications from anyplace from anywhere in the world on demand [2]. The main principle behind this model is contribution computing, storage services, and software “as a service”. We can say that lots of problem connected with cloud computing resources such as traffic, security and resource supervision. We can provide security in cloud by many ways like on data resources, network resources and storage resources. Homomorphic encryption method provides more security on data because contributor is not involving in key supervision. We have use proxy reencryption technique and unique colors combination technique that prevents ciphertext from chosen cipher text attack [3]. This model is more secure than Keywords: Cloud Computing, Cloud computing existing system [11]. Cloud computing we mean: The Security, Homomorphic Encryption, RSA based Information Technology (IT) model for computing resources, which is collected of all the IT components Encryption Techniques (hardware, software, networking, storage, and services) that are necessary to enable expansion and delivery of I. INTRODUCTION When plug electrical device into a passage we care cloud services via the Internet Intranet or a private neither how electric power is generated nor how it gets network. This description has no notion of security for to that passage. This is probable because electricity is data in the cloud computing services even if it's a very virtualized; it is willingly available from a wall socket new concept. Different Cloud providers like: IBM, that hides power production stations and a huge Google, Oracle, VMware and Amazon use the allotment grid. When extended to information virtualization in their Cloud computing platform, and technologies, these notions means deliver useful in the same machine can exist the storage space and function while hiding how their interior works. management virtualized which belongs to concurrent Computing technique itself, to be well thought-out enterprise [3]. Cloud computing includes; the whole fully virtualized, must allow computers to be built thing is delivered as a Service (XaaS), commencing from spread components such as processing, storage, testing and security, to association and Meta modeling. The cloud was rapidly becoming a conflagration of data, network and software resources [1]. buzzword “as a service”. Technologies such as cluster computing, grid There are three main service models, which are computing, and today cloud computing, have all approved on and defined in the NIST document [10]. meant at allow access to huge amounts of c power of 1. Software as a Service– Applications is inherent in computing techniques that are fully virtualized manner, on the top of the cloud stack. Application provide by by aggregate possessions and contribution of a single this layer can be accessed by end users throughout machine view. In adding, an important aim of these web portals. Hence, clients are increasingly changing technologies has been deliver computing as usefulness. Abstract— Computing is a assurance computing technology where all the services are used either offline or via Internet. Today cloud computing played vital role in computing where all the services are provided through Internet .Today it has seen increasing charisma of storing and running personal data on the cloud. So providing confidentiality of personal data becomes one of the challenges. We all know the demand for isolation of data of enterprise has increased massively. For this purpose different types data encryption methods are used. However a serious problem arises when there is a need of mathematical computation on encrypted data where security is established. At that time homomorphic encryption techniques can be used. In this paper we propose the model that perform the operation on encrypted data and provides the same result on without encrypted data as well as encrypted data when computation to be performed. We also use additional combination of RGB value for authentication purpose. So, this homomorphic encryption method and RGB value we can able to provide authentication mechanism and data security on cloud it also for preventing chosen cipher text attacks. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 399 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) from locally install computer programs to on-line software services that offer the same functionality. Conventional desktop applications such as word processing, access and spreadsheet can now be accessed as a service in the web. This representation of delivering applications, known as Software as a Service (SaaS) Typical examples are Google Docs and CRM [10], moodle on cloud. 2. Platform as a Service–Infrastructure-oriented clouds that provide raw computing and storage services, a further approach is to offer a higher level of abstraction to make a cloud easily programmable, acknowledged as Platform as a Service (PaaS).This gives a client (developer) the litheness to build (develop, test and deploy) applications on the provider’s platform. PaaS stakeholders include the PaaS hosted who provides the infrastructure, the PaaS provider who provides the expansion tools and platform and the PaaS user. Examples of PaaS are Microsoft Azure and Google AppEngine, VMware [10]. evidenced by correspond Technologies. The private cloud gives an association greater control over its data and possessions. As a result, the private cloud is more engaging to enterprises more than ever in mission and safety dangerous or invention [1]. 3. The Hybrid Cloud This includes of a grouping of any two (or all) of the three models discussed above. Homogeny of APIs has lead to easier allotment of applications crossways different cloud services models. This enables newer models services such as “Surge Computing” in which workload spikes from the private cloud is offset to the public cloud [1]. 3. Infrastructure as a Service–It provides virtualized resources on order is known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). A cloud infrastructure enables ondemand provisioning of servers running a number of choices of operating system and customized software stack. Infrastructure services are considered to be bottom layer of cloud computing techniques. Amazon Web Services techniques mainly offer IaaS, which in the case of its EC2 examine means offering VMs with software stack that can be tailored comparable to how a normal physical server would be personalized [10]. In infrastructure ownership, there are four consumption models of cloud computing each with its qualities and demerits. This is where the security issues start. 1. The Public Cloud This is the traditional view of cloud computing in every day lingua. It is typically owned by a large association (e.g. Amazon’s EC2, Google’s AppEngine and Microsoft’s Azure, Oracle). The ownerorganization makes its infrastructure as services accessible to the universal public via a multi-tenant model on a self-service basis delivered over the Internet. This is the most commercial model leading to significant savings for the user, albeit with assistant privacy and security issues since the physical position of the provider’s infrastructure as services usually traverse frequent national limitations [10]. 2. The Private Cloud This includes cloud infrastructure as a services in a single tenant surroundings. It defers commencing the customary data center in its principal use of virtualization. It may be managed by the tenant association or by a third party within or external the tenant location. Private cloud expenditure more than the public cloud, but it leads to more expenditure reserves when compared with a data center as ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig. 1 Architecture of cloud computing techniques II. HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION Homomorphic Encryption techniques are encryption techniques in which we can able to perform operation on encrypted data without knowing original plaintext data or raw data. By this technique also allows server to perform the operation on encrypted data without knowing the original plaintext data or raw data. This can also allows complex arithmetical operations to be performed on encrypted data without using the original plaintext data or raw data. Suppose consider plaintexts X1 and X2 and corresponding ciphertext Y1 and Y2, then Homomorphic encryption scheme allows the calculation of X1 Θ X2 from Y1 and Y2 without using X1 Θ X2.The cryptosystem nature is multiplicative or additive Homomorphic that depending upon the function Θ which can be multiplication or are used [12]. Page 400 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) 1.3) Hash Functions: It creates fixed size encrypted message called hash irrespective of size of input message. One of the best MD (Message Digest) algorithms is an example of these techniques. Hash functions are one way techniques [7]. Fig. 2 Protection of Data over the Cloud computing III. CRYPTOGRAPHY CONCEPT The science contiguous the principles and methods of transform a understandable message into one that is inarticulate, and then retransforming that message back to its original appearance is crucial design behind of cryptography techniques. Cryptography, to most people, is anxious with keeping interactions private. Encryption is the transformation of data into some unreadable form by other person cannot able to read. Purpose is to provide privacy by maintenance the information secreted from anyone for whom it is not proposed. Decryption is the reverse of encryption techniques; it is the transformation of encrypted data back into some intelligible form or we can say that user readable form. When in any case Encryption and decryption require the use of some secret information that user want to provide privacy, usually referred to as a key or locker that prevent to other from unauthorized access [5]. The data to be encrypted is called as plain text or raw data. The encrypted data obtain as a result of encryption techniques is called as cipher text which unreadable form. Depending on the encryption mechanism used when, why, and for what purpose the same key might be used for encryption and decryption techniques, while for other, the keys used for encryption and decryption techniques might be different [7]. 1. Ways of Cryptographic Algorithms There are many ways of classifying cryptographic techniques. In general they are divided based on the number of keys that are used for encryption and decryption techniques, and further defined by their function and use as in. There three types of algorithms techniques are depicted as follows 1.1) Secret Key Cryptography: It Uses a single key for both encryption and decryption techniques. Most common algorithms techniques in use include Data Encryption Standard (DES), It also includes Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) [7]. 1.2) Public Key Cryptography (PKC): It Uses one key for encryption and another for decryption techniques. One of the best RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) algorithms is an example of these techniques [7]. ISSN: 2231-5381 2. RGB Color Value When we consider any color then it is the combination of three primary colors Red, Green and Blue in fixed quantities depends on the color will produces. Color is stored in a computer in form of three numbers representing the quantities of Red, Green and Blue correspondingly. Representation of this method is called RGB representation which is used in computers for storing the images in BMP, JPEG and PDF formats. When we consider this color then here each pixel is represent as values for Red, Green and Blue. Thus any color can be distinctively represented in the three dimensional RGB cube as values of Red, Green and Blue. The RGB color model is an additive model in which Red, Green and Blue are pooled in various ways to produce other colors. By using proper amalgamation of Red, Green and Blue intensities, many colors can be representing. Classically, 24 bits are used to store a color pixel. This is usually apportioned with 8 bits each for red, green and blue, giving a range of 256 possible values, or intensities, for each hue. With this system, 16 777 216 (256^ 3 or 2^24) discrete combination of hue and intensity can be specified [5]. IV. EXISTING SYSTEM A Homomorphic encryption has different Homomorphic schemes according to its properties: Security is biggest problem of cloud computing. Many Research paper discuss about cloud and its advantage and disadvantage. In my Literature review I found security is major key point. From the Literature Review I found Homomorphic encryption is the more secure encryption scheme. In this scheme cloud server can perform any algebraic operation on cipher data. From literature Review I found that Chosen Cipher text attack is major problem. 1. Additive Homomorphic Encryption In additive Homomorphic encryption sum of encrypted cipher text is same as sum of original plain text. This property allows you to apply addition on encrypted data without knowing original data. A Homomorphic encryption is additive, if: Enc (X+Y) = Enc(X) + Enc(Y) Enc (+ mi) = + Enc (mi) i=1 i=1 Suppose we have two ciphers Ci1 and Ci2 such that: Ci1 = gm1 .R1n mod n2 Ci2 = gm2. R2n mod n2 Ci1.Ci2 = gm1.R1n.gm2.R2nmod n2 =gm1+m2 (R1R2) n mod n2 Page 401 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) So, Pailler, Benaloh and Okamoto-Uchiyama cryptosystems realizes the property of additive Homomorphic encryption. An application of an additive Homomorphic encryption is electronic voting: Each vote is encrypted but only the "sum" is decrypted. Cloud server contains encrypted vote it just perform addition on encrypted data and get the encrypted result. That encrypted result is decrypted at the client side and get the original result. 2. Multiplicative Homomorphic Encryption In Multiplicative Homomorphic encryption Multiplication of encrypted cipher text is same as Multiplication of original plain text. This property allows you to apply Multiplication on encrypted data without knowing original data. A Homomorphic encryption is multiplicative, if: Enc (X*Y) = Enc(X) * Enc(Y) Enc (*mi) = * Enc (mi) i=1 i=1 RSA and Elgamal cryptosystems realize the properties of the multiplicative Homomorphic encryption. Key Generation -keygen (p,q) 1. Take two prime number such as two prime numbers is p and q. 2. Calculate such as n=p.q, fi(n)=(p-1)(q-1) and choose a way e that is calculated gcd(e, fi(n)))=1. 3. Calculate now d such that e.d=1 mod fi(n). 4. The Proxy public key is generated such as (Rpk) is (e, n). 5. The proxy Secret key is generated such as (Rsk) is (d). Encryption Techniques: Enc (c, Rpk) 1. Let us consider m be a message which is encrypted where m Є Zn. 2. Calculate the value of ciphertext as: rc=me mod n. Decryption Techniques: Dec (rc,Rsk) 1. Ciphertext c Є Zn. 2. Calculate the value such as message m =cd mod n. Proxy Re-Encryption Algorithm: In proxy Re-Encryption techniques same algorithm will repeat again, here only choosing of two prime numbers should be large. VI. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION Table 1: Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Scheme RSA ElGamal Homomorphic Properties Multiplicative Multiplicative Algorithm Types Asymmetric Asymmetric Goldwasser Micali XOR Asymmetric Benaloh Additive Symmetric and Asymmetric Paillier OkamotoUchiyama Additive Additive Asymmetric Asymmetric V. PROPOSED WORK AND METHODOLOGY For preventing of cipher data from chosen ciphertext attack and accountability, here provide Proxy ReEncryption algorithm with paillier and RSA Cryptosystem techniques. Initially users are identified by assigning of unique RGB value. Each RGB value is represented with a set of three values for example violet red color is represented in RGB format as (137, 157, 40) simultaneously user signup will done, after then user can able to login in system, at the time of login OTP will generated which is accessible from registered email In next step actual data are encrypted using RGB and Homomorphic encryption technique, after then these data are sent on the cloud. After then user can able to decrypt the data by using login into system again OTP will generated, user can login into system by providing OTP which is accessible from registered email then user can decrypt the data by providing RGB value and key of Homomorphic encryption. Algorithm of Homomorphic encryption: ISSN: 2231-5381 Simplified Working Model The Figure 3 is the simple working model of the System Framework. Fig. 3 Architecture of System model 1. First of all user signup in the system at the time of signup unique user will be identified using RGB value. 2. For registering the user successfully OTP will sent on verified email which is given at the time of signup. Page 402 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Table 6.1: Comparison and Result Analysis Table 3. Then by proving OTP he/she will completed their registration. 4. After then they can able to login in the system using valid user name password and RGB value. 5. Again OTP will send on register email for connecting and to store the data on cloud. 6. After then he/she perform the encryption on data, here key and document id will generated, through which later they can able to access data easily. 7. After then they can upload encrypted data on cloud. 8. Same procedure will apply at time of accessing or decrypting the data. Fig 4 Main System GUI Figure 4 shows main GUI of this system user can interact with the system perform the operation. After then when we click on Signup page of this system user can able perform the registration on this page. After then user can able to login in system at Login page of this system user can only able Login by using valid user name password and RGB value. VII. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The comparison table considers the important cloud computing security characteristics such as, Scalability Security Authentication type Key used Comparison among the RSA, Homomorphic encryption algorithms and The Homomorphic encryption algorithm are scalable but RSA is not scalable. The RSA security applied client side only likewise Homomorphic encryption algorithm security applied cloud itself only. The following table characteristic precedes the insecure issues. So we are using the effective authentication plan to provide stronger security for both cloud providers and consumers. ISSN: 2231-5381 VIII. CONCLUSIONS Combination of secret key and public key cryptography system techniques can be applied mainly for encryption and decryptions of the Information; System also provides the method for to identifying the receiver. For encryption and decryption of the personal data we provide Homomorphic encryption technique which is a new impression of security on the cloud computing that enables proving results of computation on encrypted data without knowing the raw data. System model design uses RSA and Paillier algorithm for Homomorphic encryption with color (RGB) model that prevents cipher data from Choosen Cipher text Attack (CCA). So this system is more secure than existing system. Every time for uploading of data, RSA algorithm is executed at the client side. 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