International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Enhancement of Electric Power Quality using Unified Power Quality Conditioning System 1 Mr. Sidhhant N. Patil,2Mr. Suhas M. Shembekar, 1 M. E. Scholar, Electrical, SSBT’S COET Bambhori, Jalgaon, (M.S.), India Assistant Professor, Electrical, SSBT’S COET Bambhori, Jalgaon (M.S.), India 1,2 North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon,(M.S.), India 2 Abstract - In modern power system consist of complex network, where many generating stations and load centers are interconnected through long power transmission and distribution network. Electricity supply plays an important role in the economic development and technology advancement throughout the world. The quality reliability of power supplies relates closely to the budgetary advancement of a country.The main task of the utility system is to provide the power to load with proper voltage and current with sinusoidal wave, with fixed frequency and magnitude with less total harmonics distortion (THD) as possible according to IEEE 519-1992 standard. The proposed system is designed for UPQC for one feeder transmission and distribution network. The methodology is based on synchronous reference frame (SRF) or d-q theory. The PWM based sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) and carrier phase disposition (PD) technique are used, in this technique the switching signal is generated by comparing fundamental reference signal with a carrier signal of required switching frequency. The simulation result is carried out in MATLAB environment. Keywords: PQ, SPWM, THD, UPQC, APF,SRF. 1. Introduction Now a days competition level is more elevate in industrial sector so all industries are generating mass of production in short duration. This is possible due to using fast response devices. So in most of the industries are used electronic devices, adequate sensitive devices and electronic drives. These are devices very sensitive to disturbances and become less tolerant to power quality problems. It is most importance issue. Electrical distribution systems should be provide their customers with an uninterrupted energy at tolerated magnitude level and frequency but, in practice, electrical distribution systems widely used the distribution nonlinear loads their impact on the quality of power supplies[1]. As anoutcome of the nonlinear loads the cleanliness of the waveform of supplies is lost. So to avoiding such power quality problems and to developed solution is desperate need of the industrial sector and hence in this project is developed new effective solution which helps to mitigate power quality problems [5]. ISSN: 2231-5381 What do we mean power quality? Power quality is the interaction between electrical power and electrical equipment. If electrical equipment operates properly with reliably, we could say that the electrical power is good quality. If the electrical equipment malfunctions, unreliable, we could say that the power quality is poor quality. Power quality is a set of electrical boundaries that allows aexample of equipment to function in its design manner without significant loss of performance or life expectancy [2]. This definition grasps two things that we interest from an electrical device performance and life expectancy. The Synchronization in voltage frequency and phase grant electrical systems to function in their intended manner without significant loss of performance or life [10]. Now days power quality problems are large issue in all over the world in which Deregulation between voltages supplied from the electric power system and end use equipment. Most common power quality problems in electrical power system such as voltage sags, swells, long-duration overvoltage, transients, voltage unbalance,under voltages interruptions, flickers and harmonics etc. [9,17]. Voltage sags is most severe disturbances to equipment’s in the industrial process zone [7]. It is summarized that voltage sags are caused by faults in electrical grids, the starting of large loads such as induction motors or transformer energizing. It is a common reason for failures or malfunctions of power electronics based equipment’s that are used widely in modern day power systems. The characteristics of these voltage sags depends on various factors of which the motor rating, rotor structure, the method of starting motor and system’s power supply capacity are seen as critical impacts [6]. Utilities and end users can cause voltage sag on transmission and distribution power systems. The transformer failure is an example can be the initiating event that causes a fault on the utility electrical power system that result in voltage dips. These faults tie energy from the power system [16]. Voltage sags occurs while the fault is on the utility’s electrical power system. As soon as thebreaker or reclose clears the fault the voltage returns to normal. Transmission line disturbancescause voltage dips that last about 6 cycles or 0.10 second. Distribution faults last longer than transmission faults while large motor Page 292 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) loads can cause voltage sags on utility’s and end user’s power systems. If Compare to other power quality problems poignant industrial and commercial end users voltage sags occur most frequently [11]. Standards associated with voltage sags are planned to be used as reference documents describing single components and systems in a power system. For better power quality requirements use these standards by manufactures and buyers. The most common standards trade with power quality is the ones issued by IEEE, IEC, CBEMA, and SEMI. Other standards worth mentioning are CISPR, UNIPED, CENELEC and NFPA [2]. Over the past few years, the growth in the use ofnonlinear power electronics loads, such as adjustable speed drives, dc/ac converter, static rectifiers, has caused many power quality problems poor power factor, like high current harmonics and maximum neutral current, etc. problems caused by power quality can have aconflictingfiscal impact on utilities and customers. These problems can be resolved by the use of unified power quality conditioners(UPQCs). The UPQC, which is integration of the series and shunt active filters, is able to mitigate most of the power quality problems [4]. The main task of the utility system is to provide the power to load with good sinusoidal wave of the current and voltage, with fixed frequency and magnitude with less total harmonics distortion (THD) as possible according to IEEE 1992- 519 stranded [3]. The terminology and the guidelines for power quality has been define in detail atIEC555and IEEE-519.Confer to these instruction, the voltage sag ore swell is allowed by 10% , the total harmonics distortion is allowed by 5 % and the voltage unbalance is allowed by 10 %[3]. According to the main idea of UPQC, it subsists of back-to-back connection of two threephaseactive filters (AFs) with a common dc link. UPQC is to minimize load current and grid voltage disturbances forward with reactive and harmonic power compensation. UPQC is a functional devicethat can take care of almost all power quality problems such as voltage harmonics, voltage unbalance, current unbalance, voltage flickers, current harmonics, reactivecurrent, voltage sags & swells, etc.[7] Each of Custom Power devices has its own benefits and drawback. The UPQC is conventional to be one of the most powerful results to large capacity loads delicate to supply voltage and load current disturbances /imbalance. The most effective type of these devices is considered to be the Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC). ISSN: 2231-5381 There are numerous reasons why the UPQC is preferred over the others devices. For UPQC is much adjustable than any single inverter based device [10]. It can simultaneously equitable for the unbalance and distortion in the source voltage and load current whereas all other devices either correct distortion of current and voltage. Therefore the function of two devices is served by UPQC only. 2. Basic Configuration of UPQC The power electronics based devices have been used to overcome the major power quality problems in electrical power system. The UPQC is a compensating type custom power device is employed in the distribution system to overcome the disturbance that disturbs the performance of sensitive load or critical load [1]. Fig.1. Basic System Configuration of UPQC Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) mainly consists of two criterions: (i) Series Active Power Filter (Series APF) and (ii) Shunt Active Power Filter (Shunt APF). UPQC is the combination of series and shunt active power filters (APF), linked back-to-back on the dc side, sharing a common DC capacitor as shown in Fig. The series component of the Unified Power Quality Conditioner is used to overcome or overcome of the supply side disturbances such as voltage dips, voltage swells, flicker, voltage unbalance and total harmonics distortion. It injects voltages so as to maintain the load voltages at a desired level with balanced and distortion free. The shunt component is used to overcome or mitigating the current quality problems caused by the consumer such as poor power factor, load unbalance, load harmonics current etc. It insert currents in the ac system such that the source currents balanced with sinusoidal and in phase with the source voltages [12]. Page 293 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) 3. Controller of UPQC A multi-level converter is planned to increase the converter operation voltage, avoiding the series connection of switching elements. However, the multilevel converter is complicated to Form the output voltage and requires an excessive number of back-connection flying capacitors or diodes or cascade converter. A main form of multi-level UPQC is shown in Fig.2. LOAD Injection Transformer AC is most commonly used time domain management approach is synchronously rotating reference frame (SRF) or d-q theory. In this theory the fundamental quantities are transformed into dc quantities and the oscillating component which represent the harmonics content. The following model are create in mat lab Simulink are shows the SRF theory and inverse transformation are explain in previous point. 1 abc Vs dq0 sin 1/3 pi sin_cos cos Supply Source Gain Constant PCC abc_to_dq0 Transformation Trigonometric Mux Function Subtractor DC Link 1 Ux 2 Uy dq0 abc PID(s) sin_cos dq0_to_abc Transformation PID Controller A AVabc B B a N abc Demux dq0 sin_cos b Shunt APF Series APF C Voltage Source PWM Controller C c abc_to_dq0 Transformation1 V-I Measurement Reference Signals Fig.2: UPQC controller arrangement The multi converter UPQC subsists of two VSC’s. The two voltage source converters are connected with a high-pass output filter commutation reactor and to prevent the flow of switching harmonics in to the supply. The voltage source converters are composed by pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques. The controller of Unified Power Quality Conditioner are define the how to generate signals for both series and shunt part of UPQC. Fig. shows the reference signal formation using synchronous reference theory. The synchronous reference theory Fig. 3: Reference Signal Generation using Synchronous Reference Theory 4. Performance Analysis The modeling of UPQC in mat labenvironment for electrical network is shown in Fig.4. in which a onefeederof Power transmission and distribution is considered and simulated. The simulation results are presented on basis of that network for the performance of UPQC. The fault is created manually for some period and various results during such conditions are carried out. 4.1Modeling for Transmission Network without UPQC [Vcomp1] A A Vabc A B B B a A A Vabc A c C C [Vs1] C c A A C A b B C A [Vload1] a C b B B A Vabc A a N B B B B B B C C C C C C b c [Vs1] [Vcomp1] [Vload1] Discrete, Ts = 5e-005 s. Fig.4: Mat lab simulation model of without UPQC in transmission network ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 294 3 Uz International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) 4.2Modeling for Transmission Network with UPQC Fig. 5: Mat lab simulation model of UPQC in transmission network Table 1 Test System Parameters 15 10 Distribution/Transmission line Non-linear RL load Boost Transformer Voltage Source Converter Injection Transformer Voltage (kV) Standards 3-phase, 33 KV, 50 Hz 33KV 5 0 -5 -10 -15 R = 500 Ohm, L = 800× H 33/66KV IGBT Based, 3-arm, 6-pulse, Carrier Frequency = 2 KHz 33/33KV 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Time (Sec) 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Fig.7: Injected voltage waveform with upqc 40 20 Voltage (kV) System Quantities Source Voltage 0 -20 5. Simulation Result -40 0 Following are simulations results of the proposed model of unified power quality conditioner custom power compensation device by using SPWM techniques in MATLAB software. The simulation is carried out and result is analyzed for voltage sag period and rating of the RL load. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time (Sec) 0.6 0.7 Fig.8: Voltage waveform with UPQC Case a) Voltage Sag Period 0.2 to 0.4 sec for RL load Voltage (kV) 40 20 0 -20 Fig.9: Source Side Voltage THD -40 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time (Sec) 0.6 Fig. 6. Voltage across Source Side without UPQC ISSN: 2231-5381 0.7 0.8 6. Conclusion The power quality problems in distribution system are not new but customer alertness of these problems recently increased. It is very difficult to maintain electric power quality at sufficient limits. One modern and very bright solution that deals with both load current and Page 295 0.8 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) supply voltage imperfection is the unified power quality conditioner(UPQC). The objective of this paper is to improve the power quality in an electrical network using UPQC FACTS device. 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