International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Thermal Design and Development of Intercooler Nilesh Pawar#, # DPES Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Wagholi, Pune, India Address Abstract— Air delivered to the induction- manifold provided the boost-pressure ratio is 1.6:1 or more, as from the turbocharger is subjected to reserve-flow a lower operating pressure will not raise the charge pressure pulsation and turbulence, and results in temperature to such high values. considerable amount of heat. Now engine power is The function of the intercooler, is to dependent principally upon the mass of air drawn transfer heat from the compressed charge to another into the cylinder per cycle, and increasing the source which is at a lower temperature, such as the charge pressure ratio alone will not permit the engine’s cooling system, or directly to surrounding maximum quantity of charge to enter the cylinder. In atmosphere. fact, the true measure of power potential is the density of the charge in the cylinder and this relates directly to the temperature of the air charge about to enter the cylinder. The lower the charge temperature at given constant pressure the smaller will be its volume and hence more air charge is able to enter the cylinder. Heat –exchangers of this kind are capable of reducing a charge temperature of 120oC to something like 60oC. Air to air heat exchangers are not attached to the engine and are most effectively positioned in front of the radiator if space permits. The air-to-air intercooler is more popular than the air-to-liquid intercooler because it is able to bring down the air-charge temperature to much Fig. 1 Operation of turbocharger and location of o o Charge Air Cooler lower values of around 60 C as opposed to 85 C. Detail design process of charge air cooler is There are two types of heat exchangers in common illustrated. It is the rating design where we have use. These are: determined the thermal performance of charge air 1. Air to liquid and cooler. These analytical results are then compared 2. Air to air with test results. Key Words—Intercooler, Charge air II. THERMODYNAMICS OF CHARGE AIR cooling,Thermodynamic, Thermal design COOLING I. INTRODUCTION CHARGE AIR COOLER The thermodynamic relationships between Air delivered to the induction- manifold the density, pressure and temperature ratios for from the turbocharger is subjected to reserve-flow different compressor efficiencies are pressure pulsation and turbulence, and results in straightforward. Intake charge air densities shown in considerable amount of heat. Now engine power is the fig are hard to obtain without charge air-cooling. dependent principally upon the mass of air drawn The effect of charge air-cooling on density ratio is a into the cylinder per cycle, and increasing the charge function of the effectiveness of the charge air cooler pressure ratio alone will not permit the maximum and the pressure loss from compressor discharge to quantity of charge to enter the cylinder. In fact, the intake manifold. true measure of power potential is the density of the The effectiveness is defined as the ratio of charge in the cylinder and this relates directly to the temperature drop of charge air across the cooler to temperature of the air charge about to enter the maximum temperature potential available for cylinder. The lower the charge temperature at given cooling. constant pressure the smaller will be its volume and hence more air charge is able to enter the cylinder. It is essential that where the output o temperature from a supercharger may reach 120 C and this remains uncooled when delivered to the engine, then the power lost could be as high as 38 %. Intercooler, which reduces the delivered air charge o temperature to around 60 C can raise the engine power by as much as 20 %. However, the incorporation of an intercooler is only justified ISSN: 2231-5381 T2 T3 T2 T1 E = Where T3: Intake manifold temperature T2: Compressor discharge temperature T1: Ambient temperature , which is assumed to be the same as compressor inlet temperature Page 9 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) In case of an air-to-air charge air cooler, where ambient air is the cooling medium, above equation directly applies. In cases where water is used as intermediate cooling medium, the overall effectiveness is composed of the charge air cooling effectiveness and the corresponding radiator effectiveness. In either case, since the ultimate heat sink is the ambient air, equation is the reasonable measure of the system effectiveness. The pressure loss from compressor discharge to intake manifold could be expressed as a percentage of compressor discharge pressure. Simplified performance curves of a turbochargercompressor 2.1 80 2 70 Abs Temp. T2/T1 and density ratio 1.9 60 1.8 Density 1.7 1.6 60 1.5 70 80 1.4 1.3 Temp air-cooling in trucks, farm equipment, marine units and other applications. b. Reduced thermal loading: Experiments and calculations of piston temperature have shown in fig.4 the reduced temperature level in piston could put it in the favorable portion of the strength vs. temperature curve. Thus, conventional aluminum pistons could be used in high output, charge air-cooled. Where as in non- charge air-cooled engine iron or gallery cooled pistons may be necessary. It has been observed by some authors that when a charge air cooler is used, the decrease in thermal loading and heat rejection to the coolant offsets the heat rejection to coolant in the charge air cooler. The net result is reduced thermal loading of the components at essentially the same total heat rejection to the coolant. c. Reduced exhaust emissions: It has been well established that the peak cycle temperature is a primary independent variable in NOx formation. Figure demonstrates the effect of intake manifold temperature on NOx at constant injection timing. Depending on the compression ratio of the engine, 100 ºF reductions in intake manifold temperature. For temperature near 3300 ºF, where the rate of NOx formation is believed to very high, this magnitude of temperature reduction is very significant. Therefore, charge air-cooling is considered to be an essential part of diesel engine configurations to control NOx emissions. The other important aspect of exhaust emissions is unburned hydrocarbons. 1.2 650 1.1 TOP RING 600 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Perssure Ratio P2/P1 3.5 COMBUSTION BOWL 550 Piston Temp. oF 1 500 Fig.2: Simplified performance turbocharger compressor. curves of a Thus, the basic thermodynamic advantage of charge air-cooling is that it provides cooler air at higher density to the engine. The lower charge air temperature results in lower peak cycle temperature and lower turbine inlet temperature. III. ADVANTAGES OF CHARGE AIR-COOLING a. Increased Output: This is often the main reason for charge aircooling. Since the more air at lower temperature is available for combustion, more fuel can be burnt resulting in more BHP. Since this is the most cost effective way of increasing the power of given engine, many engine designers have utilized charge ISSN: 2231-5381 450 PIN BOSS 400 350 300 50 100 150 200 250 300 Intake manifold Temp. oF Fig.3: Effect of intake temperature on piston Temperature HC emissions are known to be the most sever at idle and light load conditions. In these modes, the turbocharger is operating at very low operating Page 10 350 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) 20 INJECTION TIMING 31º BTDC BSNOx GSM (HP-HR) 15 26 oBTDC 10 19 o BTDC 5 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 INTAKE MANIFOLD TEMP . oF 450 Fig.4: Effect of Charged Air intake temperature on Exhaust emission d. Reduced engine fuel consumption: Charge air-cooling has a measurably favorable effect on engine brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC). Fig shows the temperature on the BSFC ratio (Which is the BSFC/BSFC of a nonCharge air-cooled engine) at various BSNOx levels. This fact reinforces the need for a well-refined Charge air cooling system. 1.2 BSFC RATIO = BSFC / (BSFC OF NON-CHARGEAIR COOLEDENGINE) BSNOx RATIO 1.1 BSNO2 = GMS/(BHP-HR) 1 0.9 0.8 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 INTAKE MANIFOLD TEMP. ºF Fig.5: Effect of intake manifold on Engine fuel consumption. e. Increased altitude capability: One of the major limiting factors that the engine designer is faced with is the exhaust temperature at high altitude operation of the engine. This is especially true at peak torque conditions where the air /fuel ratio is low ant the turbine inlet temperature could reach or exceed the material used in the turbine casing or exhaust manifold. State of the art materials limit the maximum turbine inlet temperatures to 1350 ºF with few excursions past 1400 ºF. When the intake charge air temperature is reduced by 100 ºF, the exhaust temperature will be reduced by 100 ºF. 1110 1090 TURBINE INLET TEMP, ºF pressure ratios. Therefore, the compressor discharge temperature is close to the ambient temperature. It is advantageous to warm the charge air to above 140 oF in these modes for HC control. In this context, the water-cooled charge air cooler will help to heat the air going to cylinder. This charge air warm up feature is expected to play an imported role in the proposed transient emissions conformance. This cycle places greater importance on part load operation compared to the present 13-mode cycle. In order to meet the anticipated emissions levels on the transient cycle, a fine tuned advanced charge air cooling system is considered necessary. Another consideration in deciding the level for a warm-up feature is white smoke. White smoke control is highly dependent on the type of engine combustion system. In general, warm air clears white smoke o quickly. Intake manifold temperature of 140 F at 32 o F ambient will help considerably in white smoke control. 0.11 0.09 0.07 1070 1050 1030 1010 990 110 130 150 170 190 INTAKE MANIFOLD TEMP ºF Fig.6: Turbine Inlet temperature Vs Intake manifold temperature Depending on the engine parameters such as compression ratio and valve events, the exhaust temperature reduction could be greater than 100 ºF. Fig ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 11 210 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) shows that for typically heavy-duty engine. Thus, Charge air-cooling provides a much needed safety margin in exhaust temperature during altitude operation. f. Charge Air Cooling as an aid in reducing turbocharger requirements: For a given intake manifold air density, use of a charge air cooler results in a lower turbocharger pressure ratio. When the charge air cooler effectiveness is high, the compressor efficiency becomes less critical to achieve a given intake air density. This could result in significant practical gains. The state-of –the-art compressor could be produced economically when the efficiency is about 70%. When a higher efficiency (~80%) is needed, the problem becomes very complicated. Another area where the charge air cooler could be advantageously used is to aid the compressor requirements in altitude operation. Fig shows a typical compressor map with the engine ―operating diamond‖ superimposed upon it. It is clear from a fig that when a charge air cooler is used the compressor pressure ratio needed to meet altitude requirements is significantly reduced. In addition, the ―surge margin‖, which is an indication of how close to the surge line the compressor would operate, is improved with the use of a charge air cooler. It is clear that the addition of charge air cooler would enable the designer to move the operating diamond to left of compressor map, which is in the direction of higher efficiency. It should be emphasized that the addition of charge air cooler should be accompanied by rematching the turbocharger to the engine in order to realize maximum benefits. 69 COMPRESSOR PRESSURE RATIO. 3.2 NO CHRGE AIR COOLER 63 K 1200 FT ALTITUDE WITH CHARGE AIR 57 K 2.4 2100 K 1500 2 45 K 1000 FT 39 1.6 33 1.2 200 400 600 800 Increasing fluid-flow velocity can increase the heat transfer rate per unit of surface area, and this rate varies as something less than first power of the velocity. The friction power expenditure is also increased with flow velocity, but in this behavior that allows the designer to match both heat transfer rate and friction (pressure-drop) specification, and it is this behavior that dictates many of characteristics of different classes of heat exchangers. If the friction power expenditure is high, we can reduce flow velocities by increasing the number of flow passages in the heat exchanger. This will also decrease the heat transfer rate per unit of surface area, but according to the above relations, the reduction in heat transfer rate will be considerably less than the friction-power reduction. Increasing the surface area, which in turn also increases the friction-power expenditure, then makes up the loss of heat transfer rate but only in the same proportion as the heat transfer area is increased. 3.6 2.8 IV. THERMAL DESIGN OF CHARGE AIR COOLER THEORY The design of a heat exchange involves a consideration of both the heat transfer rates between the fluids and the mechanical pumping power expended to overcome fluid friction and move the fluids through the heat exchanger. For a heat exchanger, operating with high-density fluids the friction power expenditure is generally small relative to heat transfer rate, with result that the friction power expenditure is seldom of controlling influence. However, for low-density fluids such as gas it is very easy to expend as much mechanical energy in overcoming friction power as is transferred as heat. And it should be remembered that in most thermal power systems mechanical energy is worth four to ten times as much as its equivalent in heat. 1000 1200 AIR FLOW ,CFM ºR,29.38'' HG Fig.7: Effect of Charge air cooler on compressor In gas –flow heat exchangers the frictionpower limitations generally force the designer to arrange for moderately low mass velocities, and low mass velocities together with the low thermal conductivities of gases (low relative to most liquids), results in low heat transfer rate per unit of surface area. Thus, large amount of surface area becomes the typical characteristic of gas flow heat exchangers. Gas-to-gas heat exchangers may require up to ten times the surface area of condenser or evaporator or liquid –toliquid heat exchanger in which the total heat transfer rates and pumping power consumption is comparable. These considerations have led to the development of many ways to construct heat transfer surfaces for gas-flow applications in which the surface area density is large such surfaces will be referred as the compact heat transfer surfaces. ―Operating Diamond ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 12 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) The effective way to increase surface area density is to make use of secondary surfaces, or fins, on one or both sides of surfaces. The low friction power requirement characteristic of high density fluids, together with the relatively high thermal conductivity of fluids, results in high convection heat transfer rates in any optimum design (high convection conductance). If fins are employed the high heat transfer rate must be conducted along the fins, and the conduction resistance may destroy all or most of the advantage of extra surface area gained. In compact gas-to-gas heat exchangers, large area density is desirable on both fluids side, and method for accomplishing this objective with fins is illustrated by the plate-fin arrangement. The heat exchanger is built up as a sandwich of flat plates bonded to interconnecting fins. The two fluids are carried between alternate pairs of plates and can be arranged in either counter flow or cross flow, which provides an added degree of flexibility in this arrangement.A compact surface has small flow passages and convection conductance h always varies as a negative power of hydraulic diameter of the passage. Thus compact surfaces tend, by their very nature, to have high conductance. This leads to high performance curves on the heat transfer- friction power plot, despite the influence of small hydraulic diameter on the friction power. ASSUMPTIONS: To analyse the thermal performance of CAC the following assumptions are made. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. DESIGN PROCEDURE OF CAC: COREGEOMETRY THEORETICALLY CALCULATED: Input 1. Geometry 2. Core width Height H B = 0.272 m = 0.456 m Th = 0.05 m 4. Number of tubes Nt = 13 Fluid Properties 3. Core thickness 5. Minor diameter of tube D min or =0.005 m Iterate as Necess ary 6. Iterate as Necessary Surface Basic Data Fin Efficiency Sizing problem Major diameter of tube Dmajor =0.08 Compute G & Re Є – NTU Rating Problem No heat loss to surrounding, i.e., heat transfer takes place fluid to fluid only. No phase change of fluids. Fluid properties are evaluated at their mean operating temperature. Airflow distribution is uniform across CAC core. The amount of coolant flow in each tube is constant. Flow rates and fluid properties are constant throughout the pass. Fouling factor are as per standards. m 7. Tube thickness Tt =0.0005 m 8. 9. Header thickness HPT =0.02 m Thermal conductivity (Aluminum) Kmaterial =206 W/m-k 10. Outside fin height Fh =0.012m 11. No fin length of tube= 0.005 m Pressure Drop Optimizatio n 12. Outside Fins pre decimetre FDMo=40 FPMo= 400) 13. Outside fin thickness Fto =0.00012 m Lpo =0.00108 m 14. Outside louver pitch (Outside Fins per meter Output Llo =0.011 m 16. Outside louver height Lho =0.0002 m 17. Inside Fins per Decimeter FDMi =28.6 ( Inside Fins per meter FPMi=286) 18. Inside Fin Thickness Fti 0.00015m 15. Outside louver length Fig.8: Design procedure of CAC. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 13 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) 19. Inside Fin Depth Fdi =0.05 m 20. Efficiency of fan =80 % 21. 21. Efficiency of pump =80 % V. CFD RESULTS Apart from routine experimental development, recent years have seen a rapid growth of computer simulation of heat transfer phenomenon . One of the major concerns of CAC designer is air is heat transfer medium on both sides which has low heat carrying capacity which enables the use of secondary heat transfer surface on both sides. The key to improving both performance measure which generally lie in making changes in CAC geometry. The CFD analysis that is a numerically solution provides a new tool for design and optimization. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can be a great help in analyzing the geometry changes and analyze the design and to do the optimization. In this case of CAC, prediction of Charge air flow patterns is very important. With this approach of CFD, it is possible to simulate the real CAC behavior (internal flow and external heat exchange) and to get information for the designer to improve both the CAC performance and also its efficiency. Here a CAC core (tubes and louvered fin arrangement) is considered to find out its thermal performance and temperature profile in tubes, in surrounding air and velocity profile of air.In this analysis of CAC, we have to do the analysis in two different regions as Air Side analysis. Charge air Side analysis. This airside analysis is generally done into the fin area. The air is flowing across the radiator between the free flow area of the tubes and fins. We can consider the one zone of the radiator core as the complete core is of bigger size, assuming the symmetry and air drawn by the fan is uniform. There will be some deviation of results, but as considering the time, it is not so big deviation. Also we can do the analysis in 2-D or 3-D models as naturally there is more accuracy in 3-D models. And Charge air side analysis is generally done between tube regions. This charge air is flowing through the tubes. The heat is transferred from charge air to inner tube wall and fins by the convection. The respective material properties of charge air are specified. And the respective boundary conditions are given and finally solution is obtained. Here we consider the incompressible steady state analysis for the simulation. louvered fins it is not possible to model the air side of a heat exchanger in detail. Therefore porous media is used for the core of the heat exchangers to simulate the pressure drop. The porous media provides resistance to air flow which is dependent on the local flow velocity. Two permeability coefficients, which have to be defined, are obtained by pressure drop measurements of the individual components on a component test setup. SIMULATION STEPS OF CAC While simulating the following steps are involved. radiator model 1. louvered GAMBIT 2.2.30 Preparation of CAC core (Tube + fin package) model using 2. Grid generation. 3. accompanied by different zones. Meshing the model defining with 4. Import mesh file into Fluent. 5. Selection of type of Solver. 6. Insertion of energy options. 7. Selection of materials and setting various properties values. 8. Setting the operating conditions. 9. Fixing the boundary conditions. 10. Interfacing. 11. convergence. Monitoring their for 12 Initialize the solution. 13. Iterations. 14. Post-Processing. 15. Modification of Model. solution Heat exchangers typically have a complex geometry; it is not feasible to represent all geometrical details of a heat exchanger, e.g. the fin geometry, in a CFD analysis. Due to the complex geometry of ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 14 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Contour of Total pressure on Charge air side Contour of density on Charge air side VI. TEST RESULTS Parameters Specification Core dimensions (mm2) 272 X 456 Finned height (mm) 446 No. of tubes / Type (+/-) 13+ System depth (mm) 50 Tube dimensions (mm3) 50 X 8 X 0.5 Type of fin on air side louvered Spacing (mm) 20 Fin density on air side (fi/dm) 30/40 Fin thickness on air side (mm) 0.12 Type of fin on CA-side. lance offset Fin density on CA-side (Ri/dm) 0.286 Fin thickness on CA-side (mm) 0.15 No of fins / tube 14 Results Net weight (Kg) 1.69 Q (KW) 9.54 Air side pressure drop (Pa) 229 Charge Air side Pressure drop (Pa) 800 Contour of Z-Velocity on Charge air side Note ISSN: 2231-5381 Charge air temperature. 130 ºC Pressure 2 bar Mass flow rate 510 Kg/h Cooling Air temperature. 46 ºC Mass flow rate 7 kg/m2s Page 15 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) 18 16Rejection (Kw) Heat 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 Heat Rejection Cooling Air Side pressure drop 4 6 8 Ram Air Speed (m/s) 10 12 Similar manufg. 65.3 mm Deep core Design 50 mm Deep core 800 Pressure Drop (Pa) 700Side Cooling Air 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 Ram Air Speed (m/s) Design CAC 50 mm deep core Graph: 1 Heat rejection in core Vs Cooling (Ram) air speed. The graph shows the variation of heat rejection of charge air in core against the velocity of cooling air i.e. the speed of vehicle at constant mass flow rate of charge air (540 Kg/h). The hyperbolic nature of graph shows that initially heat rejection increases rapidly with cooling air velocity, and becomes steady at higher velocity. We have compared the results of designed CAC with other manufacturer of similar CAC.To obtain the comparable heat rejection in core the similar design requires Almost 30% more surface area. Graph 2 shows the variation of Charge air pressure drop against cooling air velocity at constant mass flow rate of charge air (540 Kg/h). It shows that pressure drop is more at low velocity of cooling air. And it is evident from the graph that it is constant at higher speed of cooling air. Charge Air Side pressure Drop 6000 Charge Air Side Pressure 5000 4000 Drop (Pa) 3000 2000 10 Similar manufg. 65.3 mm deep core Graph: 3 cooling airside pressure drop Vs Cooling air velocity VII. CONCLUSION With the advances in Automobile technology the power requirement from the vehicle are increasing. The power output of vehicle can be increased by two ways (1) By increasing the size of combustion cylinders and burning the more fuel. (2) By supplying more air in existing cylinders so that we can burn more fuel to obtain more power. By second way, we can use CAC to increase the density of charge air supplied to cylinder. We have Designed CAC, which has fins on both sides since cooled and cooling medium is air. Our design has almost 30% less heat transfer area compared to other suppliers of CAC for comparable heat duty. The theoretical-model Computer-code (VB Program) has been developed for simulation of pressure drop and temperature distribution. The Computer model has been developed in VISUAL BASICS, because it is user-friendly tool. The test model is developed with aluminium fins and aluminium tubes, which gives 0 somewhat lower performance than copper fin and brass 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 fin assembly, but this copper brass assembly requires Ram Air Seed (m/s) more cost than aluminium fin and tube assembly. Also Design50 mm Deep Core Similar manufg. 65.3 mm Deep Core there are some good qualities of aluminium as it is light weighted, strong, reliable, and corrosion resistant. Also this test model is developed with Nocoloc brazing Graph: 2 Charge airside pressure drop Vs process. Cooling air velocity. 1000 The graph 3 shows the variation of cooling air pressure drop Vs velocity. The parabolic nature of graph shows the pressure drop is less at low velocities of cooling air. ISSN: 2231-5381 Then wind tunnel test results of that radiator are compared with theoretical results. These results are having good agreement. 12 Page 16 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Also CFD modelling provides analysis of airflow and temperature distribution for different velocities. A significant advantage of using CFD modelling for practical heat transfer problem derives from the case with which a wide range of operating conditions can be simulated effectively. REFERENCES A: BOOKS [1] HeinzHeisler, ―Vehicle and Engine Technology‖, 2nd Edition.Society of Automotive Engineers Inc,1998 [2] Robert N. Brady, ―Modern Diesel Engine‖, Prentice Hall Publications,1996 [3] W.M. Kays and A.L. Landon, ―Compact Heat Exchangers‖, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company. [4]Sadik S. Kakac, ―Heat exchanger Selection, Rating and Thermal Design‖ [5]Dr. T. kuppan, ―Heat exchanger design handbook‖. [6]Holman J. P., 1981, Heat Transfer, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 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