Tap On!! The New Vanderbilt Card (Previously the “Badge”) TAP • Tap Off!! X Purpose: ID Badge redesign incorporates a computer chip now referred to as the Vanderbilt Card. • The Vanderbilt Card maintains all functions of the previous ID badge and also allows : • Fast access to a computer workstation (CWS) with Tap On and Tap off technology! • Saves overall time to log on to the Virtual Clinical Workstation (VCWS) with less opportunity to misspell VUNetID or e-password 1st Time Vanderbilt Card Set-Up • Upon receiving your new Vanderbilt Card: Create a PIN number • For security reasons, you must create a PIN number • Tap your badge to the card reader, the log on box will appear, fill in the blanks for VUNet ID and e-Password • The accessVU screen will appear with prompts to set up your 4 digit PIN number • Fill in all blanks and click “Set PIN” Accessing a VCWS with the Vanderbilt Card From your unit CWS screensaver: 1. Briefly tap and hold your badge/card to the top of the badge/card reader (for best results use the badge/card with the black stripe on the back) 2. Make sure VCWS login box is checked 3. Enter your e-password or 4 digit Pin number 4. When your documentation session is finished, re-tap the badge/card reader to log-off (your virtual session will remain intact) VUNet ID vandy2014 Tap On!! X 4 Digit PIN Tap Off! X Tapping In Process • The first CWS tap on of the day requires e-Password for authentication • The next tap on attempt will only require PIN number Instant Access • Instant access within the same workstation: If a user taps off and returns to the same CWS within ten minutes, the user can tap on for instant access to the CWS without entering a PIN number If another user logs on to the CWS you’re working with, your instant access is terminated Vanderbilt Card Troubleshooting Tips: Things to consider: • Make sure the PIN number is set up correctly. The PIN number cannot be three or four sequential or similar numbers • Unacceptable examples: 1234, 5678, 1111, 2222, 1333, etc. • Do not puncture the Vanderbilt Card for any reason • Other HID-type cards may interfere with the card reader • Make sure that *only* the VU ID badge is being tapped onto the card reader • If another ID card also has the chip/code it may interfere with the card reader • The Vanderbilt card requires 15-30 minutes from being made to become active, if you cannot log-on after 30 minutes please submit a HD ticket, include CWS ID, User ID and date/time Reminder of Timeouts and Timeframes • With no activity the CWS will: • After 10 min – CWS will lock with VCWS session intact, the user is required to tap on and enter the PIN number to regain VCWS access • After 110 min - The CWS physical connection is ended, VCWS session remains intact. After 3hrs of no activity, the VCWS session is terminated. • 24h after initial log-on with VUNetID and password the user will be required to enter their e-password with next log-on