Ecological Stewardship A Common Reference for Ecosystem Management Volume !! • Biological and Ecologlcal Dimensions • Humans as Agents of Ecological Change Editors R.C. Szaro, N.C. Johnson, A practical W.T. Sexton & A.J. Malk reference for scientists ELSEVIER SCIENCE_ and resource managers EI.BEVIER SCIENCE Lid The Boulevard, Eangford Lane Kidlington, Oxford OX5 IGB, UK © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All fights reserved. This work is protected under conditions apply to its use: copyright by Elsevier Science, and tile foltov,'i_'_g terms and Photocopying Single photocopies of single chapters may be made for personal use as allo;ved by national copyright laws. Permission of the Publisher and payment of a fee is required for all other photocopyi_g, including multiple or systematic copying, copying for advertising or promotional purposes, resale, and all forms of document delivery. 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Haufler, Thomas Crow, and David Wilcove Key questions addressedin this chapter @Spat/al and temporal man,lgemen[. components of scale that are bnporcant co ecosystem 0 Why careful consideration of scale is critical to ecosystem management 0 Criteria and suggestions for determining the extent of planning landscapes, 0 Considerations in identifying appropriate resolution of mapping or data. Time.spans for ecosystem management planning 0 Time-spans for historical perspectives. I(eywords: Landscapeplanning, spatial scale,temporal scale, mapping 332 I ].B. Haufler et al,lScaleConsiderations for EcosystemHanagemetu INTRODUCTION In fl'ds p/per on scale cnnsiderations, ip{k_wh_g Re}' issue.: One of the difficult management is the challenges facing ecnsv>tem determ, inatio_'_ of appropriate _-patial and temporal scales to use. Scale in a spatial -;ense includes considerations of both the size area or extent of an ecosystem management the degree of resolution In the tempora{ sense, activity, " Spatial ' as well as of mapped or measured data. scale concerns tbe duration of and tempora!cc, system ° Criteria and suggestions of planning landscapes. of ecosystem Scale considerations management reveals the are to eco- management, " Considerations tion of mapping resource n(sca!eth_t important to ecosystem management Why careful consideration of _,cale is critical both natural and human induced disturbar_ces, duration and time interva{s of successionaI trajectories, the appropriate planning horizon of future activities, and the lengd_ of any historical perspective. Areviewof[iteraturere[atingtosca[easacomponent or natural mp, ncnts we addre>s • Tirne-spans " Times-spans for determinir_g in identifsing or data. for ecosystem for hfstodca] the extent appropriate management perspectives are inter, rally linked resolu- planning to the defini- hmv recently identified this topic is, with considerable focus of attention only within the last two decades. Early plant ecologists such as Clements (I916) and Tanstey (t924) addressed questions about plant dynamics at a -:land (homogeneous group of plants) level. This focus lion and objectives of ecosystem management. Ecosysteru managemerR generally involves the consideralion of ecological, social, and economic objectives, each of which wilt require different scale considerations. Although all three of these are important obiectives for dominated debates concerning species composition, stand structural relationships, and successional trajectcries through the next 50 years. Similarly, most animal ecologists focused their attention on the relationships successful ecosystem management, this paper will eraphasize the consideration of scale issues primarily for ecological objectives. among species, or in describing stand-level habitat conditions required by different species. LeopoM (1933) contributed a broader view of wildlife-habitat relationships by introducing the multi-stand concepts discussed by Turner and Gardner (199I), Greig-Smith (1952) discussed the importance of scale in evaluating the distributional patterns of plants. However, it was not until tire I980s that scale issues relative to resource manbecame a major component BACKGROUND FOR SCALE CONSIDERATIONS of edge, interspersion, and juxtaposition. The importance of integrating regional geography and vegetation science ;',as first ternred landscape ecology by Troll (1939), as agement 2 in the ecological Scale is defined by the size and extent of the observalions in time and space as well as by the resolution (i.e,, pixel size or grain) of the measurements. Scale is relative because it is either large or small compared to some reference generally defined by an observer (Hoeskstra el al. 1991)i The discussion of scale relative to ecosystem management requires the use of numerous some of which often have different meanings. terms, The use literature. Schneider (1994:2) stated "In reading the ecological literature prior to 1980, I gained the impression of scale terminology has differed somewhat between ecologists and geographers. Geographers use the terms ihat nearly all papers before 1980 treat scale either implicitly, or not at all." He attributed this partially to the relatively recent technological advances in computars, geographical information systems (GIS), and renmte sensing tools that have facilitated many new tFpes of scale analyses, Ecosystem management has emerged as a way of addressing increasingly complex management planning needs. It can be defined in various ways, but regardless of a specific definition, it generally requires large and small scale to describe the scale of a map, with a large-scale map depicting less land area per cm of map than a small-scale map. Ecologists have generally referred to large scale as a description for an aaalysis of a large-sized area. in this paper, we define terms in the following ways: :nanagement area • stand: management will developed by the neous decisions over a large Gregg 1994). gffectix e ecosystem n=..<] to utilize many of the tools geographic expandn G field of landscape ecology,. As Wiens (1992) noted, scale issues are one of the largest future challenges to ecologists, • size or extent: the amount of area or length of time contained in a delineated landscape or time-span, or a measure of its breadth and width or duration; an identified structure area with reh:iivel>' and composition hnmoge- of _egetati,.m; • rcso[ulic, z: the level of dalai{, such as pixd size or graininess, that is incorporated into the mapping of an area or in the collection of data; ..... Biologicaland Ecological Dimensions • 333 _.P. d, J. a,_ apt_roach tc_ecos_'s!en_managelnen_ fi_at h_vob,'es providh G for an approptiak, mi× of ecologica! CO_mntmities across a _laiil_in_ , __ ,Q_×,_,_ ldild- scape; ,_", • fhic filter: an approach to ecosysteln mar_agement that involves a focus on the needs of indbAdual species or groupings of snedes as a basis for landscape p]ann _ng; I , I _°*' • coarsescale:alevetofresolutionorgrainsizeusedin I _,o,,,,, mapping or measuring data based [ i ' i i on units such as large pixd sizes, large gram broad categories etc, • ¢fl_e scale: a level of resoh.ltion or gq'ain size used h't ,,,,_,,,,,, 4- .... ! mapping or [neasurir_g data based on units such as small pixel sizes, small grain, detailed data, etc.; • bro_ldscale:aoareaofanalysisormanagementwitha arge extent, containMg acreage a relatively large amount of ,,,_,_,. or a long duration; i • s_a!IscaIe:anareaofanalysisormanagementwitha small exlent, containing acreage or a short a relatively small amount of dLn'ation. _,, ,,, _0 _,,,_ _,,_° _°_ _,_ ,_low we perceive an object or a phenomenon is greatly influenced by the scale, both in space and time, at which it is viewed. This rather obvious fact has impof Fig. 1. biotic Space/time hierarchyclimatic (at_er disturbance Holling 1995) for ._laat processesand events. rant implications for both science and resource management (Hoekstra eL al. !991). In many published studies, there is no recognition of the sensitivity of the results to the scales at which the),' are conducted. In- some biotic hierarchy" (1991: 6). Others have described scale as operating in a hierarchical fashion. Spatial deed, it is not unusual for the same question to be studied at many different spatial and temporal scales. In ecosystem management, the approach used and objectives being addressed will have a direct bearing on the appro- hierarchies have been described for ecological diversity from niches to biospheres (Miller 1996), for ecological classification from sites to domains (Ecomap ]993), for disturbance activities from small mammal influences to priatescaletouse, lfafinefilterapproachisbeingused, then the planning environment should consider needs of the specific species of interest. Typically major floods (Bourgeron and lensen I994), and for aquatic communities from channel units to river basins (Maxwell et aL 1995). Temporal hierarchies have been the re- sp_o I_o__*°_ source managers have mapped landscapes into stands on the basis of what they observe to be homogeneous conditions relative to their land management objectires. However, from the vantage point of a small mammal, the important components of a stand might described for aquatic systems (Maxwell et al, 1995) and disturbance regimes (Bourgeron and Jensen 1994), Holling (I995) (Fig. 1) depicted a combined spatial and temporal hierarchy. Hierarchy theory provides an organizing framework to search for common prop- took completdy different, and scale related issues would be very different, instead of looking at the cornposition and structure of vegetation in a forest in terms erties across broad classes of complex systems, including physical, biological, social, and artificial systems. It is important to recognize these hierarchical levds of of the overstory of trees, the critical scale might arrangement and patchiness of the understory ceous vegetation. Addressing a question at the scale often leads to a faihlre of exp!anation and be the herbawrong to the organization, and their potential influences on defining appropriate scales, lqow do we take fundamental information about ecological processes obtained at fine scales (e 4, ,.,,::rag conclusions (Wiens 1989, Turner 1990), Turner and Gardner (1991) distinguished between scaie and level of organization. The3, defined scale as _hys_c 1,g c,_ resi:'onse of }eaves to vle,,'ak :_,ie"e!s (f ozone) and appl, it to res g ;;,5,::- observed ,_t aroav! scales (e.g., a iandscape, a region, o_ eve_ !i_e enffre 'the spatial or temporal d'mens'on" (1991 6), whereas level of organization was defined as "the place within ecosphere)'_ hierarchical Understaud organizations ng the properties of complex iS useful in addressing this - 334 qaestion iransfer J,B. Haufler et al.lScaleConsidera:lons for Ecosystem Management (Paltee 1973, Simon _f information h>m 1973l. For exampk,, e!_e Ireel the _,f ecL}]u<ical ,,:'ganizathm to anothm- is nol a -imple addil_xe process, \ita! information from lower _eveis in a hi_'rarchv may be extraneous icdonnation at higher h,vds of organization. Furthermore, hierarchy can be isoIated lhey operate at distinctly levels in an orgaldzatiunaI :he influencc*, iegi:!v.._., ,> s_,cwtle. f.u't_,r': -uch _m dish_rbano.' .> !_h_bal dim._ie .:h.mgu> (e g,, ice agc.:), shifts m >pcc_e_, ' rank:_,s and interactions, and e;_lution._ry pi_,cc:,-cs 3 from one another because different rates. A leaf, for of hv.tu..trial as wcll RELEVANCE OF SCALE TO ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT example, is sensitive to oranges in ligh t conditions that can be measured in seconds and minute;. A forest stand integrates this information over weeks, months, Ecosystems are not closed, _:clf-suppor t i_g syqems, hut rather are parts of larger interacting ;ystems. Sightficant probDms arise if ecosy*,tems arc treated as an and gro',ving seasons, and its growth responses are measured in these fimeffames. Successional change _soIated "entity." Rather, _he ecosystmns in an area :hOst be vimvcd in the context created of the broader influences _,m'rour_ding light coc_ditions over years and decades. At landscape, For example, providing habi- each level in fl'_e orgal'dzational hierarchy, new organizing principles apply and new properties emerge, so properties of whoie systems cannot effectively be predicted from tile pruperties of simpler subsystems (Allen and Start !982). tat for forest interior birds oftei'_ involves identifying within-stand areas of sufficient distance from an edge to provide protection from parasitism from brownheaded cowbirds (Molothrus ater) (Brittingham and Temple 1983, Reese and Ratti 1988). ltowever, Robin- What is an appropriate area (extent) for ecosystem managen'_ent and planning? In determining extent, numerous factors should be considered, h'<klding son (i990) reported that the Shawnee Natiol'_a! Forest was so saturated with cowbirds from the surrounding agricultural landscape that wood khru>h (H':daclchI_ t'cological, economic, legal, political, and other social considerations, all of wbdch are influenced by different factors operating at potentially different scales. This determination must conqder the'ram-size area ,_stc/i_za) nests were just as heavily parasitized (90ff_ parasitism) at 400 In from an edge as at the edge, In contrast, Stribley ([993) found that in the prhnarily forested area of northern Michigan. cowbird parasitism lJ_at is capable of addressing the stated objectives of the initiative as well as the cnaximum-size area that can feasibly be included from the standpoint of data was not a problem for nests at any proximity to edges, ff agricultural lands or other cowbh'd foraging areas were located farther than 3 km from the .a_e. l'hu: collection, data storage and analysis, collaborative surrounding lands can have a significant influence on partnerships, and the resources available to do the job. The extent of the area can also influence the resolution to be used in mapping or data collection. The data must have the necessary or required precision to achieve the desired objectives, but also be feasible to collect, store, and analyze. No one scale of extent or resolution will rdationships occurring within similar stand tvves m two different landscapes, and can significantly influence the character of a habitat patch (Janzen 1986.. Maintaining biological diversity, including! eenenc, species, and ecosystem levels, is one generally identifled objective of ecosystem managemen_ Attainment nmet all of the objectives of ecosystem management, but instead, multiple spatial scales are likely to be of ecological objectives, such as maintaining biological diversity, requires at least some minimum spatial area incorpora planning and time span. A fine filter approach for maintaining viable populations ted into the decision-making process. Project can involve considering a range of spatial is typicalh" used with sufficient scales from a few hectares to millions of hectares. In reality, however, decisionsaremostoftenmadeatlocal levelsbyI-:mopleworkingontheground. It is important that these decisions be made within the broader context provided by a landscape or regional assessment or a regional planning framework (Weintraub and genetic diversity and interchange to avoid inbreeding concerns and to provide sufficient resilience against demographic or environmental stocnasnci_ies. In contrast, a coarse filter approach, strives m provide the ecological communities necessary to maintain ecosystem function and integrity, and thus provide for viable Cholacky !991, Crow and Gustafson 1996). Time-frames to be used in ecosystem management populations of species within these ecolc gicaI communities over an appropriate time span. also require careful cop, qderations. ]Re planning _ime_fra::',_. for ecos.vstcm management must consider ti:e practical _ea/i_ies of _e:_ai, political, a_;d legislative constraints, but also the relevance and requirements of Thearearequlredtorneettheseecoio_ _alu>:ec_:ves can vary greatiy, especially depending on i_ov_ _,m_>ora_ considerations arc faclo:ed into tin, >Lmnm " v:>r_ For example, maintenance of population viability _s an ecological parameters. Time-frames for historical perspectives must balance the availability of information, essential component of ecological biodiversity. Population viability objectives relating analysis attempts to to . Bioiogi(al and E(oiogical i'cudic_ _hv "7._] pro{_./i':ii!v/_f .-¢cw_7 '-_.,Lo,_ "_ h • m'.'d { bu fack, reJ CL_FC:_]CD[4 t_f \21]_ 11 _, ;:] ,W. ['e ach{t",'ed <12C> _i ;I rote h; ._' _'cL/t_v_, '.,ire ' v_, L+ '(h t,[ u{i'c-[ ha{ .'_ {II_/{ fOr 's,>-; hodqcapc> pope,: iron'Or{dill ._.h'et tha{ typieal!y' P.,]i iC corli:crrls ,< gia_ b ¢cJe, rat land ft)P h£!le+spitgl r, , c,4 ._c_>_cnal ,-t-4sessme_/£ [earI1 k)P>g relative to ,_ _ ch seldu*_ slay viewed from <Dories (i.e., the cxeinet or r_:.:ords, :,pan Species a much shorler -reties, and *, _{ the This for new has ranged populaeios:s at a local considt.r, it is only when Based of a it {sees • _" before on that fossil discrete species the spatial of the population m_stafson add has Mta.der_off \Hired fi_at the s;_ecie:-; borer - us exSn : [3), so_q_e e_ti:7 _>.,s, brcau<_e of human; activities, the extinction ra_e : -:weir< . .-",-. i,>Jav _';.i _Pd;]l thi4 of populations evolving species _<: -"f_ t' u;)rz] "{'<_ _el .ut l'q'yoc{{v_21. as interim continuum becomes _ht" iii!t)ol-tafice contributors more to an apparent• vmlallv • well tem_(_ra{ eftor__ l!ia_ ad- 5 '._l_'_ tvelt'l cemsMered activity affed seal** q !;o_ has ?. direct ae me h:vel some -flee[ ._um<l lpvvI t_ut CLtl_s_ut_lllg{ clP..*,-t aud eco_lorllie ttoweve_ pra?_ical veer;, Kollasch and Crow lga96h or rnal*,a,_jemen_ ge_ out ;_re ,..,_,- mana m_x:h% t() be Iha[ could _oun(_ _,mc_t _-uch as th_ lwery as the a!!oca_ion dy oulcomes it one t roee:.;_eq tool_ toe eco.;_:st_!m model and 1995) HARVEST th_ _ f, _r{.gt _llcces'¢ioi_ mendel 2 '' l,,._N[)t. for _-va_ua_!n_ moll- _a-a_es CONSIDERATIONS .o[;3:2+ai_i[oljll ecosystem _I1 ixl ,_re s'.Jtficietxf at ch#ercrlt el aL 1996'} are SCALE 4 ,- (I;l{_ -,_.,,. ole fac_ ors ascii *,qlcr_*t tie 3.; a_ .. t_%,r_ } spatial m _,, b_, nearly 10/) times the average e_ c l_ "ear_ it•q "i <-h 1986_ Wh(';_ of a species a_d ."a 1 *1%¢i'%1{v _C'¢er.>al Derision-support such landscape [Js{l d_e anal 5 .>is ,,vouh:t qulekly Decisioo models [_ [)MI %retied alld 5_v'I{1 level ,)racliea_ needed. normuas_ oo[ll all lhe ecc_Iot.lcal- affected, Some ,-. "]" ,,_sitkm arm ins* ct population Obviously arc also may exisl for the llfe span last _ dm commum_ or hand, entia the life poputa- sediment potentially _,\ h_h "_ _.dH _vtsr_v i_111, throu_m when "life span" ,IV._I qhl+'HhI narve_,ung activity even g _H',CI'.¢ c a}:n*m> ° .-d, abili_h,q o_ re:ee_erafloo flow- reported than a timber change CC{/>V rode operate 10 years, froi'a one to enmilk era of time proces:',e_ same t!u actionsbeinv _'_amlcs a{ the watershed time-span of me t.].!{ a _._::_-,_ _'S H/U4[ seem species). as aggregates j plans. survives 0991) dlhl oft ti_e proces_ .}t 1 uowetlves cue management example, c*.. " tm- I_ccd_ _f one con_ c'rn:-, m plannieL;-f might of the average Wilson d_l{ of fores_ even shor_ _i'iJ% lg_e fUl biodh'ersiW tl- IC r- HFt'illV'I1¢g >v<uc con_ldvratk)ll_, >:gnificanl • .,,,. b_'m ,- U4_d re*o_umm [l<l_a hal:dlin ecoloitoical Managemell._ dt)pr{}.lcr_ .lDi[d{ calf _.}--. ;l'CIql -_ddr_>-.: I_ ,'.hql[_rv { I%'olt(. ]k,:_i}]_l{l_ll b_*{'tlH/ }t_ ur 51!1" ' _',_!},1 {irl_'*_ __iu m,h'_/ Ecos_,'g_,il late- n rlll{'_ thus an e_er differeot with time-span a species period of Ecosystem !v ,l>stlrrlm_ plan- a I00-year associated applie_bility into exist chose .q.,pro,u I/_'Ct'%%O+V dress forexanlple, impacts _,'itdlife and ]0Df_-teri't_ afjctlcies c( r s sten arid ,_if_ng Individual nMIJstic is a relatively, evob.,es of ecological . ¢{tq_t?_l_llll_.. oll t_u al(hotl_!, a _ _I{1"-. • v .lu[=1]] dIh.r rc_ klll'v iY1U<4t {*Hq [h_ H LIP/* __L!I_IlllI_. mw {Hilt'> .tie ,1 _',';_l] .!r_tl varv _{,ar._v !llh.r ,o viability ()i _. _t_p_h '_%"._1'1 Ct{).,V:D[,OH l!IdKId_'t'H]t'{_( adctJud_e Or. _. t,{ al, levi mak{i_,.'. ._ :r ['))4_i [_t!?! [ [(li.,_i!,om c.111 v_-'Ct UdM', q h. ttq Managers population a bhmd as 1993) of most species )ears. questiou_. ll lh.1{ 7(l¢$pv'ct,_; the contex_ Ehrlich v{- .'!-._-:_,_lc/'_._'!,llc.-, _,-,. flre*i¢I_a,-s_lil*cF_l},, nl_/l o.li_ItHiu tile afeaq ]ar,_er e×{ent, (|retest time Thtls. firqt diversity r_'!-,t!!_ kJH/CI ' ..... lIldVIhlt,'c __I'IqV>;{CIU <malvsesMr vib actual 100 .ve'_rs _t r/alJ a[_proxtloatu ev,.,ll on h_rrsh.; aft,2. _{ibt_h Viability PCrFIvICI" { II!!_'M_UI-. o ts'eJ] .. .,,, ";e d{ld [lk_[iulat{(Hi lo_x¢ [_.l_'o,_r/:a_>'_ x.-2 than ('al_adl0,_l the PacificN0r[hwest, lvvels " ' .lo mana}Semont :m_bvr-har,,'est V ]dF}'_¢q" ect2s;Jster_ reflects ,.IS _: t _/_'r I(_qeH and Lye dr'lee,milled for a_se4sb_:{ decbsion . "c'. a haIe lc,'_l)ol'_[ a tim_,-span 0_i- 335 '-H_.ic! ,.l}_isre prJate scah>, ca{_ the {_[ elf Mai_taini_} _:iJres:; a },st ' (hy<4elV .It a_la[l, _r rt_qlail'cmeilb; t_lus[ be dddl-e_._, • to {p,{s speciesData oi1 hare {!I/_Ft ";}_t'v[t'.; into q [of ]. }HI' U]<_v.'sh(*e thc4t' 4 .u'ea oveF b}' _5"I]x _xo}_tlld{iOllS. _..:.,red .'.CLIF I '• _.i_l.ll{ei' thll'e q;_ ._+','-!l/}e i_dl'e }/,_'.a!_l >,'d .1{ _c,_l. v q app_o?rbltu r: .!tliFed effo!_ (t*rlqikicFat{o/1 \r{' pi2;/I Pc*_u alh[{_oxvt}_L'VI't'I4!C{Opt_}'U- {I_ a _altlcb .IJk'qUd{d t., i'__!i'C -.'u_;t / till!< the planning 51]_X_!IOC XI(" ' _ _,_ .mec_e.! O_ ";I/i_D{',_I_I*. ]a..Ugillf{ 2}-i o_l_qe_.'c ,_ c! Dimensions nlallagellleFlt the extent t;t._ :,/_(TLzld process of the planning ; ¢' 3<_I(+';_"_'_ .... include: hmdseape; !_ _i7_ 5'_ 336 • I.B. Haufler et al,/Scale Considerations for EcosystemManagen_ent • file appropriate ruaoiuthm for mappir G or tiara cob lection; tl'_e planning timc-sF, aa; and Boi,_c Cascade Corp., pcrs, comm.) V';itbin each of {i:,.,sv p!anning land,.capc>, an eco._yqcm diversity matrb, (t laufler 1994, 1995, I Lmth, r et al. I996) ;,,'as then • the time-span develupecl ecosystems. 4. t for an historical perspective Extent of Planning Landscape Io characterize and quantify the forested This matrix provMes for the quantification of ecologicalland units within ti_eplanning landscape. An additional criteria for delineating planning land- One of the first steps in ecosystem management, following an initial identification of the participants and management objectives, is determining the extent a _d bou _darv(ies) of he p a ruing landscape (Ftaufler scapes is that ecological land units within the landscape should be consistent enough throughout the landscape that they have an acceptable level of variability for key habitat variables or characteristics (Roloff et al. 1996). This involves considering the appropriate size of the landscape, and the boundary criteria. " tiaufler et el. (1996: 20l) listed the following as criteria 1994). In other words, all stands that comprise an ecoIogicalland unit should have similar enough compositiOl*t,structure, or other characteristics so that habitat for delineating variables that describe the unit have small enough ance for determining habitat quality or quantity varifor a species. Other with ecological • Similar biogeoclimatic potentials. • Similarhistorical vegetation boundaries: conditions disturbance structures that influence site regin'msthalinfluence management initiatives, different objectives or organizational structures, used different scales. The Federal government and species compositions, " Adequatdy sized landscape ranges of habitat conditions ecosystem eated the Interior to provide sufficient to assure population Cob.reibis Basin Ecosystem meat Project as a planninglandscape management assessment, focusing have delin- Manage- for an ecosystem on the Federal land maintenance of the majority of native species that historically occurred in the planning landscape, ex- holdings included eluding certain species such as megafauna. Megafauna or species with low population densities will require analyses at broader scaIes where contributions from landscapes are aggregated to address the scale gradient, the Watershed Analysis tion Team (1995) recommended conducting analysesbasedonwatershedsof4500-52,000hainsize. No single scale exists for describing population patterns or diversity (Levin 1992, Noss t990). The inherent complexity of landscapes results in a mozaic of both micro- and macro-site conditions that provide • Recognition maintenance of these species, of maximum size to avoid practical op- (Quigley et al. 1996). The assessment area more than 58 million ha. At the other end of Coordinaecosystem ecosystem erational limitations in terms of data management, implementation restrictions, and number of cooper- for the range of patterns apparent at different scales. Turner et el. (1994: 76) stated "View the Iandscape as a ating whole and pattern at multiple Ecomap landowners necessary (1993) and Maxwell for successful plans, et al. (1995) provide ahier- use landscape-level indices to measure scales. Do not focus solely on single, archical classification for boundary determination that can be used to define a plarming landscape. Haufler et al. (1996), using the above criteria and classification, advocated using the section or aggregates of subsections simple concepts like patches and corridors, and recognize that these concepts are scale-dependent." These views are not inconsistent with a hierarchically based delineation of landscapes for planning purposes.- level (equivalent to Bailey's subregions (Bailey 1995, 1996)), to provide an appropriate landscape size to meet ecolo_cal objectives while being operationally functional. In Idaho, Haufler et al. (1996) described the When a planning landscape is delineated, it should contain various descriptors of ecosystem complexity within the planning landscape, and allow interpretation of this complexity into larger-size areas m the Idaho Southern Batholith aggregation of subsections within the Idaho Batholith hierarchical classification. Most past management political and ownership 1994). In Washington sections was selected landscape comprised of an containing 2.3 million ha Section (McNab and Avers State, an aggregation of subto delineate the 1 1 million ha decisions. ecosystem planning has utilized legal boundaries as the basis for Although mese boundaries remain critical. management has added new ecological cri- Central East Cascade planning landscape (D. Volsen, Boise Ca-cade Cort_ pers. co n _ t In Minnesota, the entire Northern Minnesota/Ontario I eatlands Section teria to _and managemcnl planning. -!he<_ new criteria require tne consideratic _ al'td Idel/!ificdt{o_ ef coo[ogical aoundanes ann scales 1he soaai and economic was identified as a planning landscape for an ecosystern management initiative in that state lB. Kernohan, objectives of an ecosystem incorporate the ecological managementinitiativemust boundaries of the landscape Biological and Ecological DimensioBs pi._rmin_;unit:bu{_i]l usua!ivret]ect _b, poiihc_! stiuc{ures, and soci/[ economJcmilrkinfluences. ,\l! of a sbecics rvsokldon 337 of concer_ {o identify becat_se of ,:1 lack of sufficient the presence of suitable habitat. these .opcrab._at multipht-spatia! scales, For t._xample, a local community will have many componcnb of its In a sindlar example, Capon el ,_,l.(1994) compared Hie nlappingresohltion used by a Gap analysis project quality of life influenced b? the surrounding landscape. The surroundh_g landscape _ill largely deternline the scenery, recre_iionaJ opportLmitJes, oppor tu- in Vermont (I00 ha pix{'ls) to a liner scale resolution [hat mapped stal_ds to an average size of 9.5 ha. They foui1d that with the finer scale resolution there were 68 irides for firewood cutting wella'vcomme" a ex raco connnunity types on a 62,000-ha study analyzed witl_ species habitat models or mushroom picking, as Iost pdor oc c m_iv.c- area that were to support 98 dity-based industries. This same landscape will have addffional ob}ectives placed oll it by state authorities to meal objectives such as water quality standards. Addi- bird species. Usinga Mmilaranalysis a6 of the 68 commumty types were the 98 bird species were retained. tional national priorities for wilderness, mineral v,xlaloration, or other objectives may override local objectives. Desires at the local level for commoditybased industry are dependent on the economics of scale of resolution can Dad to different and often mJs* leading results of both available ecosystems and associated species. On the other hand, using data at too fine a scale can global markets. Conversely, there is the possibility that local restrictions on condlnodity extraction may raise c<_sts of a loca_ supply of commodities to h_gh enough overwhdm data storage and analysis capabilities for most planners. One landsat thematic mapper scene (185 km x 170 kin) for 7 bands ata 30 m pixd resolution kvels lhal supply is shifted to more distant sources, Whether or nol this happens depends upon a complex ,t of economk: factors, but it has the potential to 'export" emqronmenta[ problems to other places with requires 2,I4.3 megabytes of computer memory (C. Campbell, Boise Cascade Corp., pets. comm.). With current technologies leading to capabilities of a l-m pixel resolution, with potentially 900 times the data less stringent environmental safeguards, Meshing the social and economic _v-it h the biological and physical worlds remains a major challenge facing resource managers. Significant advances have been generation of a 30-m pixel, the data support needs can become staggering. As computer speed and data handlingand storage capabilities expand, thesebarriers may disappear. At the present, however, real limitations of made in integrating these disciplines under the general rubric of ecological economics (Constanza etal. 1991). In this emerging science, great importance is attached to the interaction of environment and economics and hardware and software relative to the planning landscape area exist and must be recognized. Another example of resolution delineation was discussed by Schneider (1994: 27). He stated "The length to themes synthesis, of the seacoast that measured 4,2 common to our chapter such as multi-scale hierarchical theory, and interconnections, Resolution Issues for Mapping with the Gal:_data, kIs, and ordy 6,' of -fhus, too coarse a as measured on a map will differ from by pacing along the beach because the map measurenlents are at a much coarser scale than pacing. The customary view of this difference is that thebeachhasatruelengthandthatmeasurementwith a meter stick is closer to the true value than measure- or Data Collection ment with a larger unit, such as a kilometer stick. But The resolution of the mapping units and data used in ecosystem management can have a significant influonce on the conclusions of an ecosys_tem analysis. For example, Gap Analysis has used a fairly coarse scale (1 how far do we take this? Should we say that measure. ment with a meter stick is also inaccurate, and that a centimeter stick must be used instead? How small a stick is necessary to obtain the "true" length?" km pixel) it1 some of the state analyses. This means that each pixet can be assigned only a single vegetation or ecosystem characteristic. At this resolution, plant For stand delineation or measurements, similar decisions must be made. Fine-scale dafa, such as a l-m pixelresolution, theoreticallycandistinguishal:rngap communities that typically occur in relatively small patches; for example willow (Salix spp.) along riparian zones, will never occur on a map of vegetation types, S>_ecies dependent on such Lqantcommunities such as the yeliov, ",_arbler (De_dm!c'a petechin) in much of the ',",estern v. >. will not be ,. LD&IUZt._I as havin_ any in canopy coverage in a stand Of trees. Should all of these gaps be mapped out as separate stands? For most purposes, this would present _oo fine a resolution of a !andscape to interpret relative to mapping _ f 'ben ogeneous" stands. At aome fine scale of resolution, addit:.:.,nal precision ma_ be grealer thin that discerned by a available species habitat, even though relatively significant amountsof habitat may exist. Thus, usingaverycoarse scale of analysis, yellow warblers might be identified as of interest, if a fine filter assessment utilized. For example, (Cervus elaphus) would is being it is very unlikely that an elk respond to a 1-m gap in canopy 338 J,B. Haufler er al.IScale Considerations for Ecosystem Management coverage, t oweve a vole (Alicrotas spp.) might select a :0-m patch of grass in an und,erstory I", hat then is time-span for animals that are both diurnally and nocE_rmlllv active can }tad to ii_accLlraic, descriptions appropriate, mappii'_g of i0-m gaps, 5L)-m gaps, I-ha ,,>perdngs, or 5-ha epeni_'_gs? The larger the clisccmti- of habitat use and in_portance, scale, vegetation structure, nuiLy ic_the vegetation that is accepted, the greater wilI be the variance around parameters for descriptions of status, and other withh_ a season, stalrds. The finer the resolutiml, ttae more homogeneous the overall star_d delir_eations, up to a point where temporal patterns rnay not be consistent even in fairly local envirorm_ents depending on influences such as additionaI :vithin o elevation, temporal precision is actuaEy sampling variation e'w se homogermc us s a d conditions At a different composition, temporal nutrient factors change seasonally, and even as plants grow and senesce. These aspect, shade, and soil moisture. At a longer scale, the vegetation being sampled will The concept of inilaimal area of a stand (MudlerDombois and Ellenberg 1974, l_;arbour et al. 198(1) has co_siderab]e relevancy to this resolution question, Thus, resolution of data and mapping precision are change annually with growth and maturation of stands, and successional change. At longer time scales, differences haxe keen noted beeween ecological time and evolutionary time. Schneider (t994: 28) disting- critical considerations in classifying and describing ecosystem management landscapes. The specific use of ihe classification will help to identify an appropriate ulshed these as Ew.Hutmnary time operates on a longer time scale, over which charges in gene frequer<y can be described as trends, rather than a r_oisy coming resolution. The resolution of data and mapping is Ltstlally set by what is available within a plannir'_g ,_d_et with little consideration given to the assess- and going of alleles. Ecological time operates on a shorter time scale, over which changes in population size occur with lit le or no change m gene frequency/' meat or consequences of using tire selected scale. Resolutior_ considerations also operate for temporal components of ecosystem i:aar, agemerLt. Ir_mordtoring or data collection, the sampling intensity or irLterval should consider the periodicity of the process or phen- Ti_e significance of all of these temporal effects or_ the information being collected by the sampling or monitoring should be consklered in samptir_g designs. 4,3 Time-spans for Future Planning omena being sampled or monitored. For example, measurement of humidity in riparian zones in the Western United States reveals more variability on a Maintaining biological diversity and ecological processes involves considering time frames that are often hourly basis (Fig. 2) throughout a day, than variation from different locations at any one point in time (R. Daneby, Boise Cascade Corporation, pers, comm.), far beyond traditional planrdng horizons, Genetic components of biological diversity may involve the analysis and planning for multiple generations of a Thus, im,'estigations of factors ic_fluencing humidity in riparian zones would need to account for the temporal chm_ges in humidity throughout a day in any mean- species to assure that adequate heterozygosity of gene pools are maintained. Such time frames are beyond the practical realm of resource management decisions, yet ingful analysis of site effects. Similarly, habitat use by many animals is strongly influenced by daily activity patterns, Beyer and Haufler (1994) displayed how failure to monitor habitat use throughout a 24-hour ecosystem managers must factor these long-term concerns into the planning process, Another example of the importance of temporal scales in ecosystem management invoh'es the exchange !!} _o _ _o [. __0o_ 30-}. I ._ Z LT_mL-_ap2ZJ f _1_ f 7 _. ,_ , _ ...........-- _, _ ,_ * g _ ,_",-_ _ _"' g ,,,° _.___"__ r_,_,,I_,_} Fig, 2. Graph of relative humidity (RH) recorded hourly at two distances from a stream in Western Oregon. R. Danehy, Boise Cascade Corporation, unpublished data. of genetic information and provisions for metapopulations of a species. Noss and Cooperrider (1994) and Harris and Gallagher (1989) discussed the importance of maintaining corridors that allow connectivity of similar habitat, such as old growth, to facilitate dispersal and genetic interchange, They felt demographic and environmental stod'_asticity among that this was important to avoid problems with inbreeding or stochastic population fluctuatior_s that could disrupt or extinguish metapopulations. This concept views the landscape as a static condition, where metapopulations aI'e con inuouslv, linked by. corridors of similar habiiat conditior,. Old gro',v_h corriatq - '-'_" S would provide connectivity among late successional stands in a laadscape, assuming animals used the established corridors, but they would also isolate earlier Biologicaland EcologicalDimensions ';uccessiorta! -;lands in the landscape, as it is impt, ssible {_.provide c=m_ectivity of all late s_._ccessio_aldcl',e_d...nt mctapc_pulatlous and early succes.4onal rectapopulation o, at the same time. While dispersal capabilities of old growth dependent versus early _,uccessional dependent species have not beevt extensiv,ely examined, metapopulatior, considerations point to the imi'ortance of addressir G all c_,_:necti,,ity co_cerns, t3y incorporath G a temporal scale inlo the p!an, com_ectivity of diverse populations at approprlale time intervals to protect against inbreeding c;,_woms ear_ be factored it, to the plan. Camp et al. (1997) and Oliver et al. (1997) diacussed a landscape analvsi_ that showed dynamic shifts over time of refugia for early or late successional species, and that through changing landscape configurations, cormectivity of alI metapopulatim_s can be achieved. Thus, lemporaI consideratior, s can provide criticallinkages in landscape planning designs. .,',.nother consideration for the planning time-span is the duration of the plmu'dng horizon, relative to the duration o f the disturbance regimes of the primary ecosystems in the plannir_g landscape. As mentioned previously, returndntervals for fire disturbance can range from less than 25 years to over 1000 years (Agee I993). Tides cycle more frequently than daily. Major flood oventa may occur at very irregular cycles, but aquatic ecosvstems may take hundreds of years to recover. Planning for 1000 years is unrealistic from a pragmatic managemer_t standpoint. Yet, the sigrdficance of 1000-year disturbartce intervals should be factored into ecosystem mar, agement plans for such ecosystems, without overlooking the importance of the more frequent, often, less severe, disturbances. At very long time-spans (i.e., >.1000 years), the effects of shifts in species ranges, an.d climatic events such as global warming or cooling, could produce changes in species interactions and competitive advantages, and change the basic composition and structure of ecological communities. Some would use such information to argue that any attempts to characterize or classify ecosystem compositions, structures, or distributions are inappropriate, However, the necessity of providing a reasonable projection of ecological outputs from a planning activity overrides these broader temporal scale views of ecosystem dynamics. 339 _f variability is being defined? I fuman altoratiort _,f natural disturbance regime'; has been dramatic over the last 100 2il0 year_.. Even priur to this, indigenous populatiorLs were significantly influencing ecosystems to varying degrees. With some disturbances occurring at intervals of 500+ years, range of variability can becon',e intermeshed with shifting species distributicms and climatic changes, as .!iscussoJ above. Ecosys_ei'o mauagement must factor ill an understanding of the influer, ces of historical disturbances on the occurrence, structure, aud functioning of compoherd ecosvsteros in the landscape, and undorstaud the relationship of these historical disturbances with recent anthropogenic disturbance. Each landscape must be evaluated as to the appropriate reference timeframe for an understanding of historical disturbance regimes. In the ",Western United States, an historical perspective might focus on a time-span of 100.400 }'ears ago (Steele I994). In the Eastern United States, because of the earlier extent of dramatic anthropogenic influences, the appropriate time-span for analysis and quantification may be from 200-400 years ago. Incorporating historical perspectives into ecosystem management hassevere restrictionsffomavailabilityof data. Typically, forests in drier landscapes have preserved more stumps acLdlogs that cau be used for dendrochronology studies, but in wetter environmer, ts, sources of data may be very restricted. Morgan et al. (1994) discussed sources of information on historical disturbance regimes. 5 SCALE RECOMMENDATIONS All efforts at ecosystem management at a landscape scale are new approaches, and as such, should be viewed as experimental and adaptive programs. This is not to imply that landscape approaches are not based on the best available information, or that they are in any way inappropriate management directions, but rather, thai their results should be monitored and adjusted as needed. Scale recommendations fall directly into this category. Little empirical data exist as a direct basis for designating appropriate scales. However. various recommendations can be propose<_ mat may serve asinitial targets for adaptive management. Tire extent of an ecosystem managemem initiative needs to balance the various obiectwes ann constraints, Historlcal Time-span Considerations as discussed previously The secnon levelor aggregates of sub-secnons v,'ithit; Ecomap 1993) seems m be a Perhaps less ominous but equally challenging is d,_.fining a:: appropriate historical perspective to use in ecosystem management, To meet ecologicalobjectives, understanding historical ranges of variability can provide important reference points. However, what range reasonablebal_,r, ceofrnicdnum*xzetomeetecological ok,jectiv'-*s with a maxzmum slze to mam_ a:n an acceptable amount of variability in ecological communities and to involve partnerships and data compilation. Terrestrial components, such as cells within an eco- 4.4 3't0 ].B. Haufler et al,/Scale Considerations for Ecosystem Hanagement system diversity matrix (Hauf/er et al. 1996), should have acceptable levels of variance at this scale, with most of the biodiversity of the landscape occurring in maintainable populations. Aquatic components should also be able to aggregate to this scale, with watersheds as one level of identifiable units that can aggregate up to the landscape level (Bailey I996). This extent of a landscape should also allow data to be collected and analyzed at resolutions that are sufficiently finegrained to meet the needs of fine filter assessments, Resolution of maps and data collection should be detailed enough to meet the desired objectives, but allow for compatibility with available storage and analysis systems. Landsat imagery at 30-m pixels can meet the needs of many objectives, but may not be detailed enough for some fine filter assessments. It also lacks the ability to discern many kinds of information that may be needed in ecosystem management including understory characteristics, soil typing, and stream classifications. Stands should be mapped at resolutions that provide sufficient description of cornmunity and habitat features to allow for all components of biodiversity to be accoun ted for. If resolutions are too coarse, then components of biodiversity can slip through the heterogeneity of stand conditions in the mapping, and ecological objectives may not be met. Even mapping resolutions of 5-10 ha will not typically identify many small or linear habitats, such as narrow probabty more reasonable to target ecological conditions that are oxpected to be needed to meet ecological objectives, and assure that short-term plans provide for the capability of prm,iding these conditions in the future. Thus, plans should strive to meet shortterm specific objectives, and assure that longer-term objectives are not precluded. Historical perspectives of ecosystem management are well summarized by Morgan et al. (1994). They felt that the historical ranges of variabUi ty of significance to ecosystem management should be "assessed over a time period characterized by relatively consistent allmatic, edaphic, topographic, and biogeographie conditions" (1994: 94). For inland forests in the Western United States, Steele (1994) recommended a time interval of 100-400 years for defining historical disturbance regimes. In other areas this time interval may need to start further back to factor in the earlier influences of European settlement. bands of riparian vegetation. Such linear habitat may be the primary habitat of species such as the previously mentioned yellow warbler. Too detailed a resolution may not allow functional homogeneous units to be mapped in a landscape. The appropriate mapping resolution for a planning activity must be carefully evaluated relative to the full suite of management objectives. If the desired level of resolution cannot be obtained at present due to budget or technological limitations, then the potential implications of this should be clearly identified and stated. Planning time-spans should reeogmze degrees of expectations at increasing time intervals. Relatively detailed plans are often expected for the immediate future (e.g., 10 years). Less detailed plans, that still prescribe specific targeted conditions and their loca- 6 CONCLUSIONS 1. Scale considerations are a critical component in all ecosystem management efforts, and include the extent of the planning landscape, the resolution of mapping and data collection, the time-span for the planning horizon, and the time-span for an historical perspective. 2. No one scale will meet all objectives of ecosystem management. Rather, appropriate scales must be 3. 4. knowledge, and technologleswillundoubtedlycharGe dramatically over the next 20 years makes unrealistic the expectation that detailed plans will remain in effect for long time periods. For longer time periods, it is L The spatial extent of planning landscapes must be large enough to address adequately population viability, biodiversity, andothersuchcomponents of ecological objectives, but not be so large as to cause either too much variance in delineated ecological communities within the landscape, or make infeasible the building ofcoflaborative partnerships or databases. The section level of Ecomap t1993L or aggregates of subsections, may be an example of this balance. tions on the ground, might be expected for a 2050-year horizon. Plans for longer than 50 years tend to portray trends for the conditions that need to be present, and descriptions of how they will be provided, but not to the same degree of specificity as for the shorter time frames. The realization that demands selected for the various objectives, and linkages among these scales identified. Analyses at different scales, or at the same scale but in different landscapes, can lead to significantly different conclusions. Thus. many ecosystern management relationships are scale and/or landscape dependent. - The resolution of mappmgand data q_ou!d be de- tailed enougil to allow for the identification of landscape mapping units (e.g., stands, stream reaches) that can provide descriptions of the habb tat requirements of species, but allow for a reason- ; < Biological and EcoLogicalDimensions able identificatlon of homogeneous conditions for planning. Pixel sizes of 30 m, oi" mapping resolutions of approximately 2 ha rnay balance these needs 6. for many Planning Costanza, time-spa is should focus for short-term all manage- on providing objectives, while also providing for conditions to be produced or maintained to meet long-term objectives. The duration of successional trajectories and disturbance regimes 7. must be factored Historica! perspectives into planning time-spans, must time-spans address that allow for historical disturbance regimes to be considered prior to dramatic anthropogenic alteration, but balance this with the length of time that data on these disturbances can be generated. In the inland forests of the Western United States, a 100-400-year (Steele 1994). perspective may be appropriate ACKI_IOW[,EDGEI_ENT$ A number of people have provided useful guidance and input in the development, writing, or editing of this paper. 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