College of Arts and Sciences Calendar of Deadlines for Faculty Actions

College of Arts and Sciences
Calendar of Deadlines for Faculty Actions
AY 2015-2016
(Please consult with your department for Rank & Tenure Committee and Department Chair internal deadlines)
Deadline Reappointment Action for Pre-Tenure Review
9/28/15 Department Chair forwards files to Faculty Personnel Coordinator, Lauren Pav
10/21/15 College forwards file to CFA
Deadline Applications Files for Term Faculty Seeking Promotion to the Rank of
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor
9/28/15 Department Chair forwards files to Faculty Personnel Coordinator, Lauren Pav
10/21/15 College forwards file to CFA
Deadline Applications for Sabbatical Leave, Research Leave and Leave without Pay
10/12/15 Department Chair forwards files to Faculty Personnel Coordinator, Lauren Pav
10/30/15 College forwards request to DAA
Deadline Applications for Term Faculty seeking a Multi-Year contract without
promotion; Applications for Term Faculty seeking renewal of a Multi-Year
contract without promotion; Applications for submitting files for initial term
faculty multi-year appointments or for renewal of term faculty multi-year
appointments on the Professorial Lecturer track, with promotion
10/12/15 Department Chair forwards files to Faculty Personnel Coordinator, Lauren Pav
11/6/15 College forwards file to DAA
Deadline Reappointment Action with Tenure and Promotion
11/30/15 Department Chair forwards files to Faculty Personnel Coordinator, Lauren Pav
1/13/16 College forwards file to CFA
Deadline Completing Data Entry for Calendar Year 2015 into FARS
1/29/16 Faculty Update Directly through FARS; No Submission to CAS
Deadline Promotion of Tenured Faculty
1/25/16 Department Chair forwards files to Faculty Personnel Coordinator, Lauren Pav
2/17/16 College forwards file to CFA
Deadline Renewal of One-Year Term Faculty Contracts
2/29/16 Department Chair forwards files to Faculty Personnel Coordinator, Lauren Pav
3/27/16 College forwards file to DAA