Call for Papers: University of Nottingham, 28-30 April 2017 Description

Call for Papers: Lavender Languages & Linguistics 24
University of Nottingham, 28-30 April 2017
The Lavender Languages & Linguistics conference series has a rich history of
examining language use and representation in relation to lesbian, gay, bisexual,
trans* and/or queer life, as well as language and sexuality more broadly. In April
2017, LavLang will be held in the UK for the first time, having been hosted
annually by American University (Washington, D.C.) since 1993. We anticipate
that, by bringing LavLang24 to Europe, more students and scholars with an
interest in language and sexuality will be able to join our conversation.
Keynote speakers are: Dr Helen Sauntson, York St John University (UK), and
Professor Paul Baker, Lancaster University (UK). The conference will also
include remarks on the past and future of language and sexuality research by
Professor William Leap, American University (USA).
The conference series proudly maintains a "no attitude" atmosphere, which will
continue at LavLang24 in Nottingham: all attendees should feel welcome in what
will be a supportive and collaborative space.
Call for papers
We invite abstracts for presentations which explore both macro and micro
contexts, but which acknowledge the need to position research into site-specific
practices within broader contexts of social, cultural and linguistic theory. Papers
will be presented in English, but research on all linguistic contexts is welcomed
and encouraged. Possible topics include, but are by no means limited to:
Language, sexuality and pedagogy
LGBTQ+ discourse
Literary and media representations of LGBTQ+ life
(Anti)homophobic and transphobic discourses, and other languages of
Pornography and/or the language of desire
Queer linguistics and (hetero/homo)normativity
Variationist approaches to LGBTQ+ language/identity
Intersectionality, language, and sexual identity
Language, sexuality, and affect
Abstracts are invited for individual papers, poster presentations, and panels.
Panel organisers are responsible for the invitation and selection of abstracts, and
the submission of a panel proposal: there should be between 4-8 papers included
in a panel. You are welcome to advertise a call for submissions to your panel via
our website, where we will have a section entitled ‘Sessions under development’;
please contact to arrange this.
All abstracts should be no more than 250 words. Proposals for panels should
include an overall abstract (also 250 words) as well as titles and abstracts for all
intended panel members. All paper presentations, including those within panels,
will be a maximum of 20 minutes.
Deadline for individual abstracts and panel proposals: 3rd October 2016
Abstract submissions will open in June 2016 via our website
Follow us on & (using the
hashtag #LavLang24). For information about the event, contact