AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Timothy Seung-chul Lee for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Science presented on April 19, 2012 Title: Patterns of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities and Habitat Associations in Temperate Continental Shelf Waters of the Pacific Northwest Abstract approved: Sarah K. Henkel Macroinvertebrates constitute the backbone of megafaunal communities in benthic ecosystems around the globe. Many macroinvertebrates have vital roles in benthic ecosystems, ranging from enhancing habitat complexity to providing staple food sources for other organisms. Regardless of how familiar macroinvertebrates are to the general public, very few studies have attempted to describe benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages across large spatial scale in the continental shelf waters of the Pacific Northwest. This study describes different subtidal macroinvertebrate assemblages off Washington and Oregon based on species-substrata associations and the key species that distinguish one assemblage from another. Two data sets were used for this study: underwater footage collected by the submersible Delta during 1993-1995 geological surveys, and footage collected by the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Hammerhead during macroinvertebrate surveys in late summer 2011. Footages from these surveys were used to document species-substrata associations and distinguish different assemblages based on species composition similarities and dissimilarities. In addition, I determined if a specific group of invertebrates, Asteroids (Echinodermata), were useful in explaining different assemblage patterns, after all other environmental parameters were taken into account. Findings of this study can be used not only to shed light on the structure of macroinvertebrate communities in the Pacific Northwest, but also as baseline data for future research on the direct and indirect effects of potential offshore installations on macroinvertebrate communities across the continental shelf waters. ©Copyright by Timothy Seung-chul Lee April 19, 2012 All Rights Reserved Patterns of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities and Habitat Associations in Temperate Continental Shelf Waters of the Pacific Northwest by Timothy Seung-chul Lee A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented April 19, 2012 Commencement June 2012 Master of Science thesis of Timothy Seung-chul Lee presented on April 19, 2012 APPROVED: Major Professor, representing Environmental Science Director of the Environmental Sciences Graduate Program Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Timothy Seung-chul Lee, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I sincerely thank my major advisor, Sarah Henkel, for her continuous dedication, support, insight, guidance, and confidence towards successful completion of this project. I also thank Bruce Menge and Sally Hacker of Department of Zoology for their additional recommendations on making this project shine. This project was funded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Mamie Markham Research Award. I thank George Boehlert for his assistance in my graduate studies. I thank Chris Goldfinger of College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences for allowing me to access the archived tapes of historical submersible dives. In addition, I thank Morgan Erhardt and Chris Romsos for providing space and additional tools to successfully complete invertebrate surveys of historical submersible dive videos. I thank Marine Applied Research & Exploration and the crew of R/V Pacific Storm for providing all the necessary equipment and resources for the successful completion of ROV survey in 2011. I also thank Brian Tissot of Washington State University Vancouver for providing his patience, enthusiasm, and thorough guidance during the substratum type and invertebrate classification training. I thank my colleagues and friends for their company and being always available to communicate with. And finally, I thank my parents and my brother for their perpetuating love, support, and dedication that always bolstered me to maintain my confidence and optimism at every obstacle. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER I: Characterizing Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Continental Shelf Habitats of the Pacific Northwest .............................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 2 MATERIALS & METHODS .......................................................................................... 6 Study Sites ................................................................................................................... 6 Video Analyses ............................................................................................................ 8 Segment Area and Species Density ........................................................................... 12 Statistical Analyses .................................................................................................... 13 RESULTS ...................................................................................................................... 19 Invertebrate Count Summary..................................................................................... 19 Substrata and Depth Summary .................................................................................. 19 Taxon-Substratum Association.................................................................................. 20 Taxa Composition Similarities and Dissimilarities ................................................... 26 Best Subsets of Environmental Variables ................................................................. 30 DISCUSSION................................................................................................................ 32 Community Differences across Different Substratum Types .................................... 32 Environmental Variables ........................................................................................... 42 Management Implications ......................................................................................... 45 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 51 CHAPTER I FIGURES & TABLES ............................................................................. 59 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 78 Appendix A Table 1 Total raw count of macroinvertebrate taxa across all five sites in the Delta and ROV stations. .................................................................................. 79 Appendix B Figure 1 Substrata % proportions across five sites. .............................. 81 Appendix C Table 1 The mean depth (meters) of all stations (n = 45) across the Delta and ROV Hammerhead sites ............................................................................ 82 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page CHAPTER II: Investigation of Key Asteroid Echinoderms in Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages ...................................................................................................................... 83 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 84 METHODS .................................................................................................................... 90 BIO-ENV with Modified Matrix ............................................................................... 90 Pearson’s Correlation Tests ....................................................................................... 90 RESULTS ...................................................................................................................... 92 Descriptive Species in the Delta Stations .................................................................. 92 Descriptive Species in the ROV Hammerhead Stations ............................................ 93 Specific Relationships with Asteroid Echinoderms .................................................. 93 DISCUSSION................................................................................................................ 95 BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................... 102 CHAPTER II TABLES ............................................................................................... 105 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Distribution of Delta (n = 21) and ROV Hammerhead (n = 24) stations in Pacific Northwest’s continental shelf........................................................................................ 60 2. Distribution of ROV Hammerhead’s Gray Bank stations (n = 14), with tracklines (blue) overlaid across planned lines (yellow) ............................................................... 61 3. Distribution of ROV Hammerhead’s Siltcoos Reef stations (n = 10), with tracklines (red) overlaid across planned lines (yellow) ................................................................. 62 4. Taxon-substratum associations of Grays Bank 1994 stations surveyed by Delta in Correspondence Analysis ordination ............................................................................ 63 5. Taxon-substratum associations of Siltcoos Reef 1995 stations surveyed by Delta in Correspondence Analysis ordination. ........................................................................... 64 6. Taxon-substratum associations of Coquille Bank 1993 stations surveyed by Delta in Correspondence Analysis ordination. ........................................................................... 65 7. Taxon-substratum associations of Grays Bank 2011 stations surveyed by ROV Hammerhead in Correspondence Analysis ordination. ................................................ 66 8. Taxon-substratum associations of Siltcoos Reef 2011 stations surveyed by ROV Hammerhead in Correspondence Analysis ordination ................................................. 67 9. Distribution of Delta stations based on taxa composition similarities and dissimilarities on the 2-dimensional nMDS ordination plane .............................................................. 68 10. Distribution of ROV Hammerhead stations based on taxa composition similarities and dissimilarities on the 2-dimensional nMDS ordination plane .............................. 69 11. Proportions of different substrata across Delta assemblages identified by SIMPROF ..................................................................................................................................... 75 12. Proportions of different substrata across ROV Hammerhead assemblages identified by SIMPROF. See Table 6 for details on each assemblage’s stations. ....................... 76 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. List of taxa with highest contribution % in defining different macroinvertebrate assemblages across the Delta stations ........................................................................... 70 2. Dissimilarity % and the contribution (C%) of five most important taxa to the dissimilarity between any combinations of assemblages in the Delta stations............. 71 3. List of taxa with highest contribution % in defining different macroinvertebrate assemblages across the ROV Hammerhead stations .................................................... 72 4. Dissimilarity % and the contribution (C%) of five most important taxa to the dissimilarity between any combinations of assemblages in the ROV Hammerhead stations .......................................................................................................................... 74 5. Top ten sets of environmental variables that are most highly correlated with the invertebrate structure in the Delta and ROV Hammerhead stations based on the BIOENV results ................................................................................................................... 77 6. Contribution % of all sea stars across all assemblages in both Delta and ROV Hammerhead datasets ................................................................................................. 106 7. Top five sets of environmental variables (with sea stars) that are most highly correlated with the invertebrate structure in the Delta and ROV Hammerhead stations ............ 107 8. Pearson’s Correlation Test results between the influential sea stars and the invertebrate taxa of interest at p = 0.05 significance level. ............................................................. 108 DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to the memory of my grandmother, Choi Sun-hee, who inspired me to always be optimistic and to have tenacity to fulfill my goals. CHAPTER I: Characterizing Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Continental Shelf Habitats of the Pacific Northwest 2 INTRODUCTION Habitat heterogeneity is a major driver influencing variability in abundances and diversity of marine species from intertidal to deep-water reefs (Benedetti-Cecchi and Cinelli 1995; García-Charton et al. 2004). In marine environments, habitat heterogeneity is driven by various abiotic and biotic factors, including but not limited to temperature, depth, substratum type, and organic matter (Power 1992; Benedetti-Cecchi and Cinelli 1995; Archambault and Bourget 1996; Ramirez-Llodra et al. 2010). Habitat heterogeneity has been attributed as a major driver of increasing complexity of biological communities; it can support global species diversity through the increase of niche availability with different biological and physical factors (García-Charton et al. 2004; McClain and Barry 2010). By increasing community complexity, habitat heterogeneity can influence the formation of distinct assemblages based on different species compositions (CerameVivas and Gray 1966; Stewart 1983). In continental shelf waters, invertebrates can form into distinct assemblages across a diverse range of habitats influenced by habitat heterogeneity (Cerame-Vivas and Gray 1966; Stewart 1983; Weston 1988). Previous studies on the North American continental shelf waters of the Pacific Ocean have described different invertebrate assemblages influenced by heterogeneity of different substrate types (Allen and Moore 1996; Allen et al. 1997; Allen et al. 1998; Stull et al. 1999; Strom 2006; Tissot et al. 2006; Hixon and Tissot 2007). Macroinvertebrates are characterized as epifaunal species. These invertebrate are grouped into two categories: sessile, or invertebrates with little to no motility (i.e. sponges, gorgonians, corals), and motile, or invertebrates capable of movement (i.e. sea 3 stars, sea cucumbers, arthropods, and sea anemones) (Stein et al. 1992; Strom 2006; Tissot et al. 2006; Tissot 2008). Macroinvertebrates are known for their vital functional roles in marine benthic ecosystems across the globe. In some parts of the world such as the North Sea, macroinvertebrates were observed to be critical contributors in nutrient cycling, detritus composition, and food source for fish predators of higher trophic levels (Reiss et al. 2009). In intertidal habitats, macroinvertebrates serve as a vital link of energy flow between the primary consumers and large predators (Ricciardi et al. 1999). Macroinvertebrates have also been identified as indicators of the overall productivity of benthic ecosystems (Cusson and Bourget 2005). In addition, macroinvertebrates can play important roles in increasing complexity of physical habitats and facilitating greater diversity. Large sized, structure-forming macroinvertebrates such as sponges, corals, crinoids, and basket stars have been suggested to provide shelter and additional resource for both fish and other invertebrates by increasing the availability of microhabitats through their large surface area for settlement of other organisms (Tissot et al. 2006). In the Pacific continental shelf waters of North America, several macroinvertebrate distribution studies, mainly off southern California, have indicated that different invertebrate assemblages can be distinguished based on the physical structure of the habitats. Habitats composed of high-relief rocks were associated with greater densities of sessile and structure-forming macroinvertebrates including sponges and gorgonians, which in turn attracted more macroinvertebrate species and thus enhanced greater diversity; alternatively, low-relief habitats composed of fine sediments were associated with motile macroinvertebrates including sea stars, crustaceans, bivalves, and 4 sea cucumbers (Allen and Moore 1996; Allen et al. 1997; Stull et al. 1999; Strom 2006; Tissot et al. 2006). Although the sessile macroinvertebrate communities at selected sites on the continental shelf margins off Washington and Oregon were reviewed by Strom (2006), no studies have yet assessed the macroinvertebrate assemblages in the shelf habitats off Washington and Oregon by encompassing an entire macroinvertebrate community of both sessile and motile types. Macroinvertebrates are also indicative of the general condition of benthic ecosystems, particularly before and after effects caused by trawling, dredging, and other anthropogenic impacts (Watling and Norse 1998; Norse et al. 1999; Hixon and Tissot 2007; Tissot et al. 2007). Due to the deficiency of information regarding macroinvertebrate assemblages off the Pacific Northwest, and the role of invertebrates in benthic ecosystem health, describing community patterns in macroinvertebrate assemblages and evaluating the current status of Pacific Northwest’s inner benthic continental shelf habitats is valuable. Furthermore, the study of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage patterns also can be used as baseline data for the regulation of potential seafloor-disturbing anthropogenic activities in the Pacific Northwest and beyond (Watling and Norse 1998; Norse et al. 1999; Strom 2006). In order to shed light on continental shelf macroinvertebrate assemblages, I will address the following three main objectives for this study: i. Describe different macroinvertebrate communities based on different substratum types 5 ii. Describe similarities and dissimilarities between different macroinvertebrate assemblages iii. Find the appropriate set of environmental parameters that best explain the macroinvertebrate assemblage patterns These objectives will be addressed using 21 underwater transects surveyed by the manned submersible Delta in early to mid 1990s, and 24 underwater transects surveyed by the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Hammerhead in 2011. 6 MATERIALS & METHODS Study Sites Historic dives of the 1990s In the early to mid-1990s, geologists of Oregon State University surveyed the seafloor of the Pacific Northwest’s continental shelf waters off the coast of northern Washington to northern California. Their major objective was to study topographic features. The geologic surveys were conducted using a manned-submersible Delta, which was equipped with a Hi-8 camera attached on the starboard side. The camera of Delta was equipped with two sizing lasers 20 centimeters apart. The Delta also was equipped with sensors that continuously measured the depth (meters) and temperature (Celsius) every second. I reviewed the historic geologic surveys that had not been previously reviewed for invertebrate counts and identification three sites distributed across different latitudes and a diverse range of benthic habitat structures based on substratum type, depth, and temperature within and among sites. These three sites were Grays Bank (off Grays Harbor, Washington; these stations were sometimes analyzed separately into Deep & Shallow) from September 1994, Siltcoos Reef (off Charleston, Oregon) from September 1995, and Coquille Bank (off Bandon, Oregon) from September 1993 (Figure 1). A total of 21 dives, or stations, were reviewed across these three sites: four stations at Grays Bank Deep, two stations at Grays Bank Shallow, seven stations at Siltcoos Reef, and eight stations at Coquille Bank. Grays Bank stations encompassed a wide depth range of 50 – 310 meters (thus the rationale for breaking the area into two sub-sites: Deep and 7 Shallow), Siltcoos Reef stations were 98 – 120 meters, and Coquille Bank stations ranged 80 – 130 meters. 2011 ROV Hammerhead Dives From August 24 to September 3, 2011, benthic macroinvertebrates were surveyed at two sites using the R/V Pacific Storm. The two sites were Grays Bank (off Grays Harbor, Washington), and Siltcoos Reef (off Charleston, Oregon). For this survey, the Grays Bank stations were selected so that they fell in an area between the two previously surveyed areas from early 1990s (Grays Bank Deep and Grays Bank Shallow). As for Siltcoos Reef, many of the stations overlapped with the Siltcoos Reef stations surveyed by Delta in 1995 (Figure 1). The remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Hammerhead, a modified deep-ocean Phantom, was used to survey habitat and macroinvertebrates at these two sites. The Hammerhead is equipped with two cameras attached at the front of the ROV; one faces downward and is perpendicular to the sea surface, while the other faces outward, angled roughly 30 degrees from the dorsal surface of the Hammerhead. Unlike the Delta, the sizing lasers on the camera facing outward are 10 centimeters apart, while the sizing lasers on the camera facing downward are 13 centimeters apart. The ROV Hammerhead was equipped with a CTD instrument that measured depth (meters), temperature (Celsius), and salinity (PSU) every second. It was also equipped with a navigation instrument that measured the latitude and longitude every second. In total, twenty-four stations were surveyed across Grays Bank and Siltcoos Reef: fourteen stations at Grays Bank, and ten stations at Siltcoos Reef. The Grays Bank stations 8 encompassed a depth range of 55 – 80 meters, and the Siltcoos Reef stations encompassed a depth range of 100 – 120 meters. Each station was comprised of three transects. Each transect was approximately 250 meters long. At each station, these transects were separated in parallel by 250 meters apart (Figures 2, 3). Video Analyses I reviewed a total of 23 Hi-8 tapes that contained footage of 21 stations across Grays Bank, Siltcoos Reef, and Coquille Bank from the historic Delta dives. I also reviewed a total of 12 DVD discs that contained footage of 24 stations across Grays Bank and Siltcoos Reef from the 2011 ROV Hammerhead dives. Each Delta station video was watched three times using the following procedure: i. Substratum Identification: Substratum segments were identified based on the grain size class and relief level, as proposed by Stein (1992). Each substratum type was coded with a single letter: T for pinnacle, R for ridge rock, F for flat rock, B for boulder, C for cobble, P for pebble, G for gravel, S for sand, M for mud, and U for unconsolidated, or substratum unable to be classified. Pinnacles are the largest grain size class characterized by relief ≥ 3 meters with substratum angle ≥ 80 degrees. Ridge rock is the second largest, characterized by relief ≥ 1 meter with substratum angle 30 – 80 degrees. Flat rock is the third largest, characterized by less than 1 meter relief and substratum angle of less than 30 degrees. Boulders are classified as 25 cm – 1 m in diameter. Cobbles are 6.5 – 25.5 cm, pebbles 2 – 6.5 cm, gravel 0.4 – 2 cm, and sand and mud less than 0.4 9 cm in diameter (sand is lighter in color than mud and usually found in shallower waters). Each substratum segment was coded with two letters, the first letter indicating a primary substratum (comprising 50-80% of the segment), and the second letter indicating a secondary substratum (comprising 20-50% of the segment). If the substratum segment was comprised of two substrata in equal proportions, then the segment was coded with the first letter indicating the substratum with larger grain size. For example, if a substratum segment had equal proportions of boulder and mud, this segment was named BM, since the boulder has larger grain size diameter than the mud. If a substrata segment was composed of a substratum that covered over 80% of the segment, then the segment was coded with two same letters; for example, if mud composed over 80% of the segment, the segment was labeled MM. The start and end times of each substratum segment were recorded. The start time of the segment was recorded as soon as the sizing lasers touched the segment, and the end time of the segment was recorded as soon as the sizing lasers touched the next different substrata segment. ii. Sessile Invertebrate Identification: Sessile invertebrates were identified using color images from invertebrate guidebooks. These guidebooks include the “Invertebrate Classification Guide and Central California Invertebrate Guidebook” by Tissot(2008), “Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest” by Lamb & Hanby (2005), “Brittle Stars, Sea Urchins, and Feather Stars of British Columbia, 10 Southeast Alaska, and Puget Sound” by Lambert (2007), and “Pacific Reef & Shore: A Photo Guide to Northwest Marine Life” by Harbo (2003). In addition, images of various invertebrates were browsed in Google search engines to familiarize myself with the diverse morphological forms of sessile invertebrates. Many sponges and gorgonians were extremely difficult to identify to the lowest taxonomic classification without actual specimens, and thus were only characterized based on their morphology (i.e., branching sponge, shelf sponge, foliose sponge, and branching red gorgonian). Studies of identifying marine invertebrates in the past have suggested a size of ≥ 5 cm threshold to distinguish macroinvertebrates from micro-invertebrates (Riedl 1971; Tissot et al. 2006). Through many hours of footage reviews, I also found the 5 cm to be a useful threshold in determining at which minimal size can the invertebrates clearly be distinguished, counted, and identified at the lowest taxonomic classification. Therefore, during the footage analyses, all sessile invertebrates ≥ 5 cm were counted and identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level. iii. Motile Invertebrate Identification: Motile invertebrates were identified using the same guidebooks from the sessile invertebrate identification. In addition, the “Sea Cucumbers of British Columbia, Southeast Alaska, and Puget Sound” by Lambert (1997) and the “Sea Stars of British Columbia, Southeast Alaska, and Puget Sound” by Lambert (2000) were used to accurately identify Echinoderms. Like the sessile invertebrate identification, images of various motile invertebrates were browsed in Google search engines to familiarize myself with the diverse 11 morphological features that each motile invertebrate species can exhibit. Some species such as Henricia spp. and Pandalus sp. were only identified to genus, since many species in these genera have greatly overlapping morphological features, and are difficult to distinguish without the actual specimens to be analyzed under microscope. During the footage analyses, all motile invertebrates ≥ 5 cm were counted and identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level. In the Delta videos, the “on-transect” designations were used to lessen the effects of changing transect widths by variation of seafloor elevations and the height of the submersible off the seafloor. Determining an estimated transect width for Delta station footage could be challenging because the camera, attached to the starboard side of the submersible, provided an oblique view of the transect. The oblique view causes the transect width to change with variations of seafloor relief and height of the submersible off the seafloor (Strom 2006). For instance, if the entire screen was included in the transect width, the actual transect width would be smaller when viewing a high-sloped formation than a relatively flat surface. Therefore, during video analyses, the “ontransect” was defined as the seafloor that appeared below the two sizing lasers on the screen. Thus, substratum segment identification was based on the seafloor characteristics appearing below the lasers. Likewise, only the invertebrates appearing below the lasers were counted and identified to their lowest possible taxonomic level. Based on the average height of the camera off the seafloor and the distance between the sizing lasers and the submersible, the width of transect in Delta stations was estimated at 2 meters. 12 In the ROV Hammerhead footage, both the outward and downward facing cameras were used to identify substrata segments. Since one camera was always facing downward at a fixed angle from the vehicle, directly facing the seafloor, all footage of the ROV Hammerhead stations viewed by the downward-facing camera were considered “on-transect”. While I used videos from both cameras to accurately identify the invertebrates to their lowest taxonomic level, I used the downward camera to count the invertebrates. Each invertebrate entry was accompanied with a time code that was used to determine in which substratum segment a particular invertebrate was found. During the viewings of ROV Hammerhead station footages, the protocol for substrata classification was identical to the protocol used for Delta footages, but steps ii and iii were combined for a total of two viewings per station. The ROV Hammerhead stations encompassed much thinner transect swaths than those covered by Delta, thus making counting both types of invertebrates simultaneously easier, as fewer invertebrates were encountered on per-second basis. Segment Area and Species Density The Delta moved at an average speed of 0.75 knots, or 0.38 meters/second (Strom 2006). With the transect width designated as 2 meters, the substratum segment area was calculated using the following equation: Segment Length (meters) = Total time of the segment (seconds) * 0.38 meters/second Density of each invertebrate species per station was calculated using the following equation: 13 Density (number/meter2) = # (number of invertebrates on-transect) / [Length (meters) * Width (2 meters)] The ROV Hammerhead was equipped with a navigator beam that was used to calculate the transect width and approximate distance traveled every second. Based on the transect width per second and the distance it traveled from the previous second, the transect area covered was also recorded every second. Each second’s transect area entry recorded how much area it covered from the previous second. Therefore, the area of each substratum segment was calculated simply by adding all area entries from one second after the start time of the segment to the end time of the segment. The density of each species per station was calculated simply by dividing the sum of a particular invertebrate species count by the total station area that ROV Hammerhead covered. Statistical Analyses To address my objectives, I used four types of statistical analyses: Correspondence Analysis, Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (nMDS), Similarity of Profile (SIMPROF), Similarity of Percentage (SIMPER), and Biota-Environment Association (BIO-ENV). These analyses were performed for the Delta and ROV Hammerhead datasets separately. My matrices for the Correspondence Analysis were composed of species densities per each substratum type. For nMDS, SIMPROF, SIMPER, and BIO-ENV, my biota matrices were composed of species densities per sample unit, or station. BIO-ENV also used an environmental matrix that was composed of substrata proportion, depth, temperature, salinity, and latitude measures per sample unit, or station. 14 Correspondence Analysis Correspondence Analysis is an ordination method that is popular among community ecologists and is used to determine how organisms are distributed across ecological gradients (McCune and Grace 2002). Correspondence Analysis uses repeated weight averages to evaluate species densities, diversity, loadings, and other scores (McCune and Grace 2002). Unlike many statistical analyses that require the assumption that species are normally distributed across environmental gradients, Correspondence Analysis does not require such assumptions. Correspondence Analysis plots the sample units and species in an ordination plane and enables the ecologists to assess the invertebrate and sample unit gradients along two axes. Correspondence requires a matrix, which usually consists of species abundances per habitat. My main matrix for the Correspondence Analysis had species as the rows and different substratum type as the columns. Each cell had the species’ density (#/m2) in the corresponding substratum type. Five substratum-species density matrices were created, each representing the following sites: Grays Bank 1994, Grays Bank 2011, Siltcoos Reef 1995, Siltcoos Reef 2011, and Coquille Bank 1993. Thus five Correspondence Analyses were performed. Before running the analyses, each substratum-species density matrix was square-root transformed to normalize the density distributions. Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (nMDS) is a popular ordination method that is considered well-suited for biota data that are arbitrary, nonnormal, discontinuous, or 15 questionable (McCune and Grace 2002). The concept of nMDS was first introduced by Shepard and Kruskal for psychology applications (Shepard 1962). The advantage of nMDS is that unlike other ordination methods, it is a trial-and-error method that avoids any assumptions of linearity among variables. Therefore, it relieves the zero-truncation problem (unknown effects of environmental gradients on species because the species is absent from that gradient region). The nMDS creates a 2-dimensional configuration, or “map”, of sample units based on their similarity ranks; this configuration displays the sample units’ association with one another based on the species composition similarities and dissimilarities between the stations. Another special feature of the nMDS is a measure called “stress”. Stress measures the amount of scattering, or how many movements the data points must make in order to achieve monotonicity, a final destination that nMDS tries to approach (McCune and Grace 2002). The higher the stress is the greater movements that the data points in nMDS have to migrate in order to achieve monotonicity. Therefore, a high-stress result in an nMDS test is an indicator that the nMDS plot is dangerous to interpret, and possible data adjustments might be necessary before running the nMDS(McCune and Grace 2002). Many biostatisticians have different interpretations of desired stress threshold, but for this analyses, I have used the stress ranges proposed by Clarke and Warwick (Clarke and Warwick 2001). Clarke and Warwick suggest that a stress less than 0.3 indicate the minimal useful configuration. My matrix for nMDS had rows representing each station, and columns representing each invertebrate taxon. Each cell had the taxon’s density to a corresponding station, or sample unit. 16 Two separate nMDS analyses were run to address this objective, one for the Delta biota dataset and another for the ROV Hammerhead biota dataset. The Delta biota dataset was composed of 21 rows, or stations, and 59 columns, or taxa, with each cell representing each taxon’s appropriate density per station. The ROV Hammerhead biota dataset was composed of 24 rows, or stations, and 59 columns, or taxa, with each cell representing each taxon’s appropriate density per each station. Before running the nMDS, each biota dataset was square-root transformed to downweigh the overly abundant species and add more weight to less common species. The transformed data were then converted to triangular resemblance matrices of similarities between every pair of stations using the Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient. Similarity of Profile (SIMPROF) The Similarity of Profile test, commonly known as SIMPROF, is an analyses package that is available in PRIMER 6th Version (Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research). SIMPROF is often used by ecologists to distinguish species assemblages based on the similarity and dissimilarity of species compositions between sample units. SIMPROF looks for statistically significant evidences of clusters of sample units, and based on these evidences, it forms different sample unit groups based on their species composition similarities (Clarke and Warwick 2001). The same biota matrices used for nMDS were also used for SIMPROF. I used SIMPROF to address the following objective: 17 These datasets were also square-root transformed and converted to the resemblance matrices of similarities between every pair of stations using the Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient. The results of SIMPROF were superimposed with nMDS by overlaying the sample unit group symbols over the sample unit points on the nMDS 2dimensional configuration. Similarity of Percentage (SIMPER) The Similarity of Percentage Test, commonly known as SIMPER, is also an analysis package that is available in PRIMER 6th Version (Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research). SIMPER analyzes individual species’ contributions to distinguishing a particular sample unit group, or assemblage, from other assemblages (Clarke and Warwick 2001). SIMPER also lists the species that contribute to dissimilarity between every possible combination of sample unit group pairings. In every sample unit group and every possible pair of sample unit groups, it lists the species in decreasing order of contribution to similarities or dissimilarities. SIMPER uses the sample unit groupings that were distinguished from the SIMPROF analysis. For each sample unit group, SIMPER also lists the average similarity percentage to indicate the overall similarity of species compositions between the stations within a particular group. I used SIMPER to address the following objective: In order to determine the species that were primarily responsible for similarities and dissimilarities between sample unit groupings, I used a 90% cutoff of total average similarity within stations and total average dissimilarity between stations. 18 Biota-Environment Association (BIO-ENV) The Biota-Environment Association (BIO-ENV) is also a package available in PRIMER 6th Version. The aim of BIO-ENV is to find a subset, or “best match” of environmental variables that best corresponds to the patterns of species assemblage. BIOENV lists the top ten subsets of environmental variables that exhibit the highest correlation coefficients, using the Spearman correlation method (Clarke and Warwick 2001). The same biota dataset used for nMDS and SIMPROF were used for this analysis. In addition, the environmental matrices were also used. I ran the BIO-ENV to address the following objective: A total of four matrices were used for this analysis: one biota and one environmental matrix for Delta and ROV Hammerhead each. Before running the analysis, the biota matrices were square-root transformed and converted to the resemblance matrix of every combination of stations using the Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient. In the environment matrix, all substrata percentages were log-transformed to give little more weight to the substrata proportions with very low percentages. After the substrata percentages were transformed, the entire environmental matrix was then normalized. 19 RESULTS Invertebrate Count Summary A total of 76 taxa representing seven phyla were found across all six sites surveyed by Delta and ROV Hammerhead (Appendix A). Phylum Porifera comprised the largest percentage with nearly 40% of all invertebrates counted, followed by Echinodermata which comprised over 30% of all invertebrates, and Cnidaria which comprised nearly 23% of all invertebrates. The most dominant Poriferans were branching sponges and shelf sponges, the most dominant Echinoderms were the crinoid, Florometra serratissima, and the red sea cucumber, Parastichopus californicus, and the most dominant Cnidarians were the branching red gorgonians and the white plumose anemone, Metridium farcimen (Appendix A). Substrata and Depth Summary A total of 18 and 22 different substratum types were found in the Delta and ROV Hammerhead stations, respectively. Overall, I observed a total of 23 different substrata (Appendix B). At Grays Bank Deep 1994, the four dominant substrata were mud-cobble (MC), mud-mud (MM), ridge-mud (RM), and ridge-ridge (RR). At Grays Bank Shallow 1994, the major dominant substratum type was MM. In Grays Bank 2011, the five dominant substrata types were flat-mud (FM), mud-gravel (MG), MM, RM, and RR. At Siltcoos Reef 1995, the three dominant substrata types were FM, MM, and RM. At Siltcoos Reef 2011, the three dominant substrata types were MM, RM, and RR. At Coquille Bank 1993, the two dominant substrata types were FM and RM (Appendix B). 20 The mean depth at Grays Bank Deep 1994 ranged from 167 – 204 meters (Appendix C). The mean depth at Grays Bank Shallow 1994 only ranged from 54 – 67 meters. The mean depth at Siltcoos Reef 1995 ranged from 108 – 119 meters, and the mean depth at Coquille Bank 1993 ranged from 85 – 125 meters. The mean depth at Grays Bank 2011 ranged from 55 – 79 meters, and the mean depth at Siltcoos Reef 2011 ranged from 103 – 116 meters (Appendix C). Taxon-Substratum Association Grays Bank 1994 There were three different clusters of substrata: (1) those that were primarily composed of mud and secondarily composed of other substratum types (mud-mud, MM, mud-pebble, MP, and mud-cobble, MC), (2) those that were primarily composed of flat rock (flat-mud, FM, flat-gravel, FG), and (3) those that were primarily composed of ridge rock (ridge-mud, RM, ridge-boulder, RB, ridge-gravel, RG, and ridge-pebble, RP, ridgeridge, RR) (Figure 4). Taxa that were associated with primarily mud group included both sessile and motile types such as gorgonians (single stalk red, branching red, single stalk white, branching white), Subselliflorae sea pen, the orange sea pen, Ptilosarcus gurneyi, the glassy tunicate, Ascidia paratropa, the basket star, Gorgonocephalus eucnemis, Cancer sp. crab, the orange tochui, Tochuina tetraquetra, sand rose anemone, Urticina columbiana, and the sea stars (the sun star, Solaster spp., rainbow star, Orthasterias koehleri, and the sand star, Luidia foliolata). 21 In the primarily flat rock cluster, the vermillion star, Mediaster aequalis, was associated with FM, and five taxa were associated with FG, which were the barrel sponge, the sunflower star, Pycnopodia sp., white-spined sea cucumber, Parastichopus leukothele, fragile pink urchin, Allocentrotus fragilis, and the velcro star, Stylasterias forreri. There were four taxa that appeared to be generalists between primarily mud and primarily flat substrata group. These four taxa were the blood star, Henricia sp., the unidentified snail, hermit crab, and the thorny star, Poraniopsis inflata. The primarily ridge-rock cluster (RM, RB, RG, RP, RR) was associated with the largest number of taxa relative to other substrata clusters. These taxa include sponges (branching, upright flat, unidentified, the gray moon sponge, Spheciospongia confoederata), the crinoid, Florometra serratissima, and the brown box crab, Lopholithodes foraminatus. Finally, the substratum mud-boulder (MB) and boulder-mud (BM) appeared to be distinct in their species composition. Only one species was associated with each substratum type: the white plumose anemone, Metridium farcimen, was associated with MB, and the orange encrusting sponge was associated with BM. Two taxa appeared to be generalists between flat rock group and MB. They were the swimming anemone, Stomphia coccinea, and the fish-eating anemone, Urticina piscivora. 22 Siltcoos Reef 1995 There were three major substrata groupings: primarily ridge rock, flat rock-mud, and mud-mud. The primarily ridge rock substrata group included ridge-boulder (RB), ridge-cobble (RC), ridge-mud (RM), ridge-pebble (RP), and ridge-ridge (RR) (Figure 5). Most taxa found in Siltcoos Reef 1995 were associated with this substrata cluster. These taxa were diverse, which included but were not limited to sponges (branching, foliose, shelf), gorgonians (branching red, single stalk red), burrowing anemone, U. piscivora, P. inflata, blood star, Henricia sp., cushion star, Pteraster tesselatus, the red sea cucumber Parastichopus californicus, and the squat lobster, Munida quadrispina (Figure 5). A few taxa were associated both with the rock cluster and the substratum flat rock-mud (FM); these taxa included foliose sponge, branching red & white gorgonians, S. coccinea, O. koehleri and the rose star, Crossaster papposus. Other species such as the blood star, Henricia sp., M. quadrispina, and the single stalk white gorgonian were more closely associated with FM. The M. farcimen, was loosely associated with FM but also showed some affinity for mud-mud (MM). Four taxa were more strongly associated with MM: Subselliflorae sea pen, L. foliolata, G. eucnemis, and the red octopus, Octopus rubescens. Finally, boulder-mud (BM) was distinct from any other substratum clusters. The BM was found isolated at the edge of ordination plane, away from all other substrata and species points. The only taxon that was associated with BM was Cancer crab. 23 Coquille Bank 1993 Unlike other sites, Coquille Bank had no substratum type that was so distinct from the majority of other substrata that it was located at the far end of ordination plane (Figure 6). However, three groups of substrata can be distinguished: the first group is mixed with primary ridge and primary flat rock, which included flat-cobble (FC), flat-flat (FF), flat-pebble (FP), ridge-pebble (RP), and ridge-mud (RM). A diverse array of taxa was associated with the first group. These taxa included but were not limited to sponges (branching, orange encrusting, upright), branching red gorgonian, U. columbiana, Subselliflorae sea pen, F. serratissima, P. leukothele, Henricia sp., P. inflata, and C. papposus. The second group was composed of mud with other low-relief substrata including boulders and cobbles, which included mud-boulder (MB), mud-cobble (MC), cobble-mud (MC), and mud-mud (MM). Only six taxa were associated with second group of substrata: the unidentified sponge, gorgonians (branching red, branching white, single stalk red), Solaster spp., and P. tesselatus. The third substrata group, ridge-ridge (RR) was closely associated with three taxa: S. coccinea, A. fragilis and the fat thorny star, Poraniopsis jordani. Five taxa were distribute at the far end of the ordination plane, but were more closely associated with RR than other substrata: these were the nipple sponge, Polymastia pacifica, U. piscivora, M. farcimen, unidentified snail, and A. paratropa. Two taxa were loosely associated with both FP and RR: burrowing anemone and S. forreri. 24 Grays Bank 2011 The vast majority of substratum types and species were tightly associated, forming a dense cloud (Figure 7); this dense cloud was composed of various taxa, including the single stalk red & white gorgonians, branching red & white gorgonians, branching and shelf sponges, O. koehleri, S. forreri, P. californicus, G. eucnemis, hermit crab, and L. foraminatus. While the vast majority of substratum types were tightly clustered, like the 1994 Grays Bank observations, mud mixed with grains of other size class (i.e. boulder-mud, BM, mud-cobble, MC, cobble-mud, CM, mud-gravel, MG) was somewhat separated from the flat and ridge-rock based substrata. The stubby rose anemone, Urticina coriacea, U. columbiana, and M. farcimen, were loosely associated with BM, MC, CM, and ridge-rock substrata. Cancer sp. crab was loosely associated with both MG and ridge-rock substrata, while the scallop was associated only with MG. The substratum gravel-gravel (GG) and mud-mud (MM) were plotted far apart from the major cloud of substrata & species points. The only species that was loosely associated with GG was S. coccinea, which appeared to have equally loose associations with GG and BM. The following species were loosely associated with both MM and ridge-rock substrata: L. foliolata, O. rubescens, T. tetraqueta, and the red ribbon worm, Tubulanus polymorphus. The only taxon that was tightly associated with MM was P. gurneyi. The light-edged ribbon worm, Cerebratulus californiensis, burrowing anemone, and Subselliflorae sea pen were at the edge of ordination plane away from all substrata types, but the substratum they were closest to was MM. 25 Siltcoos Reef 2011 There were four major substratum groups (Figure 8): one group that included mix of substrata primarily composed of ridge rock and substrata that were also composed of boulder. These substrata include ridge-cobble (RC), ridge-mud (RM), ridge-ridge (RR), flat-boulder (FB), mud-boulder (MB), and boulder-mud (BM). A great diversity of taxa were associated with this cluster, including but not limited to the sponges (branching and shelf), gorgonians (branching white and single stalk red), U. columbiana, U. coriacea, S. coccinea, Solaster sp., G. eucnemis, O. koehleri, slipper sea cucumber, Psolus chitinoides, P. leukothele, and M. quadrispina. Another substratum group was also composed primarily of ridge rock, but their secondary substrata were smaller grain size; these substrata were ridge-gravel (RG) and ridge-pebble (RP). The substratum mud-cobble (MC) was also closely associated with RG and RP. Only three taxa were associated with this group of substrata. RG was associated with A. fragilis, MC was associated with the foliose sponge, and RP was associated with the branching red gorgonian. Another group of substratum was composed of mud and other small grain size class. These two substrata were gravel-mud (GM) and mud-pebble (MP). The only taxon that was associated with this group was M. farcimen. The final substratum type was mud-mud (MM), which appeared distinct from all other substrata groups. The following taxa were loosely associated with MM and ridgerock substrata: Subselliflorae sea pen, orange sun star, Solaster paxillatus, L. foliolata, 26 and O. rubescens. Three taxa were only associated with MM: Pandalus sp. prawn, pink tritonia, Tritonia diomedea, and the scallop. Taxa Composition Similarities and Dissimilarities Delta Stations Most of the Siltcoos Reef and Coquille Bank stations were clustered tightly together within each site, while the Grays Bank stations exhibited greater degree of separation within that site compared to stations from other sites (Figure 9). The stress value of nMDS ordination was 0.11, suggesting that this is a useful ordination without risk of false inferences (Clarke and Warwick 2001). Seven significantly different station groups, or assemblages, were identified based on SIMPROF (Figure 9). No groups contained stations from more than one major site; however, assemblage G was comprised of two Grays Bank Deep and one Grays Bank Shallow station. Assemblage B had largest number of stations (seven Coquille Bank stations) followed by assemblage D (five Siltcoos Reef stations). Two assemblages had two stations each (assemblage A: GB-3417 and 3419, assemblage F: SR-3668 and 3670), and two assemblages had one station each (assemblage C: CB-3071, assemblage E: GB3415). Most of the highest characterizing species per assemblage, or the species with highest within-site similarity percentage (SIMPER analysis), were sessile taxa (Table 1). Most assemblages only had two to three taxa that together brought a within-similarity cumulative contribution greater than 60%. Assemblage A (71.16% average similarity) 27 was mainly characterized by F. serratissima, and sponges (shelf and unidentified). Assemblage B (70.41% average similarity) was characterized mainly by the branching sponges and F. serratissima. Assemblage F (85.81% average similarity) was mainly characterized by only one taxon, Subselliflorae sea pen: this taxon alone brought a within-similarity cumulative contribution of nearly 70%. Assemblage G (47.2% average similarity) was mainly characterized by white gorgonians (single stalk and branching) and Subselliflorae sea pen; these three taxa together brought a within-similarity contribution greater than 70%. Assemblage D (65.5% average similarity) was different in terms of characteristic taxa; unlike other assemblages, the contribution % was distributed in smaller percentages across more taxa, and thus more taxa were required to bring a within-similarity cumulative contribution to greater than 60%. These taxa also were more diverse; like in other assemblages, sponges (shelf and branching) and branching red gorgonians were also characteristic of this assemblage, but motile taxa including P. californicus, P. leukothele, and California lamb shell, Laqueus californicus were also characteristic. Assemblages C and E were not analyzed for contributing species by SIMPER, since they had only one station each. Most of the taxa that contributed largely to the dissimilarities between every possible pair of assemblages were sponges, gorgonians, crinoids, and sea pens (Table 2). The dissimilarities between nearly all assemblage pairs were largely characterized by sponges (branching and shelf), gorgonians (branching red, single stalk red, and single stalk white), and crinoid, F. serratissima. G. eucnemis, additionally contributed to dissimilarities between assemblage B and other assemblages. Additional species that 28 contributed to dissimilarity of assemblage E with other assemblages were Subselliflorae sea pen and M. farcimen. Finally, dissimilarities between assemblage F and other assemblages were mainly characterized by Subselliflorae sea pens, gorgonians (branching and single-stalk red and white), F. serratissima, and G. eucnemis. Although the majority of taxa that characterized dissimilarities were sessile types, there were few motile invertebrates that also contributed smaller dissimilarity percentages (Table 2). Dissimilarities between nearly all assemblage pairs were characterized by motile taxa including M. aequalis, P. californicus, P. leukothele, L. californicus, and L. foliolata (Table 2). Most of the average dissimilarity between every possible pair of assemblages was greater than 70%, except for the four assemblage pairs: A & D, B & C, B & D, and C & D (Table 2). ROV Hammerhead Stations The majority of Siltcoos stations were closely clustered together while the Grays Bank stations showed a greater degree of dispersion (Figure 10). This nMDS configuration had a stress of 0.08, which is less than 0.3, suggesting that this is a useful ordination without risk of false inferences (Clarke and Warwick 2001). Seven significant assemblages were identified based on SIMPROF (Figure 10). Three assemblages were identified solely within the Grays Bank stations, and three assemblages were identified solely within the Siltcoos Reef stations. The final group had three Grays Bank stations and one Siltcoos Reef station. 29 All assemblages were largely contributed by sponges and gorgonians, along with few sea stars and sea cucumbers (Table 3). Assemblages C, E, and F (73.17, 78.13, 74.81% average within-group similarity respectively) each were largely characterized by a mix of sponges (branching and shelf sponges), gorgonians (branching red, branching white, single stalk red, single stalk white), P. californicus, blood star, Henricia sp., and the L. foliolata. Assemblages D and G (74.09 and 37.86% average within-group similarity respectively) were slightly different from other assemblages in terms of major characteristic taxa (Table 3). Assemblage D was almost exclusively characterized by gorgonians (branching red, branching white, single stalk red, single stalk white), Subselliflorae sea pen, and M. farcimen. These six taxa together brought a cumulative within-group similarity greater than 70%. Assemblage G on the other hand had much fewer taxa that brought cumulative within-group contribution. While other assemblages required at least six to seven taxa to bring cumulative within-group similarity greater than 70%, assemblage G required only four taxa to bring its cumulative within-group similarity to this level. Four taxa contributing to greater than 70% within-group similarity in assemblage G were Subselliflorae sea pen, branching white gorgonian, S. coccinea, and L. foliolata. Aside from sponges (branching and shelf) and gorgonians, other sessile and motile taxa also contributed to characterizing each assemblage with smaller within-group similarity percentages (Table 3). These include Mycale sp. sponge and the funnel sponge, 30 Semisuberites cribrosa, U. columbiana, U. coriacea, S. forreri, P. tesselatus, and the giant pink star, Pisaster brevispinus. Assemblages A and B were not evaluated by SIMPER because they each had only one station (Figure 10, Table 3). Most of the dissimilarities between assemblages B, C, D, E, F, and G and other assemblages were largely characterized by sponges (branching and shelf), gorgonians (branching red, branching white, single stalk red, single stalk white), M. farcimen, Subselliflorae sea pen, P. californicus, and M. aequalis (Table 4). However, dissimilarities between assemblage A and other assemblages were most characterized by prawn Pandalus sp. Pandalus sp. was also a large contributor to dissimilarities in other assemblage pairs, including assemblages C & B, D & B, and F & B. M. quadrispina, also contributed largely to dissimilarities in two assemblage pairs (D & B, F & B). Of 21 possible different pairs of all assemblages, 14 pairs had average dissimilarity under 60%, while the remaining seven pairs had higher average dissimilarity ranging from 61 to nearly 85% (Table 4). Best Subsets of Environmental Variables Delta Stations The highest correlation between the macroinvertebrate community structure and the environmental variables was shown when only the proportion of mud-mud (MM) substrata was used (r = 0.799) (Table 5). The correlation dropped a bit when latitude was added (r = 0.779), and dropped even further when the proportion of ridge-mud (RM) was 31 added (r = 0.768). Replacing latitude with depth in the previous subset brought correlation down further (r = 0.76). ROV Hammerhead Stations The highest correlation between the macroinvertebrate community structure and environmental variables was shown when three variables were in a subset: gravel-gravel and ridge-mud proportions and temperature (r = 0.789) (Table 5). The correlation dropped very slightly when temperature was replaced with latitude (r = 0.788). The addition of ridge-ridge proportion (RR) to the first variable subset also brought correlation down slightly (r = 0.784), and replacing this temperature with latitude also decreased correlation coefficient as well. 32 DISCUSSION Community Differences across Different Substratum Types Throughout the five sites, two major communities can be distinguished based on the taxon-substratum associations and the assemblage descriptions: high-relief substratum types and low-relief substratum types. However, upon closer analysis of high-relief substratum types, finer details of taxon-substratum associations showed that although many of the taxa overlapped greatly across the majority of flat rock and ridge rock substrata, occasionally some taxon-substratum patterns showed that taxa associated with flat rock substrata were different from taxa associated with ridge rock substrata. Within low-relief substratum types differences were observed between communities associated with substrata primarily composed of mud and those primarily composed of gravel. Further,, the communities associated with substrata primarily composed of mud also were able to be distinguished among mud mixed with small grain size rocks, pure mud, and boulder-mud. In most cases, the majority of macroinvertebrate taxa were associated with highrelief substratum types. Substratum types composed primarily of ridge rocks were associated with the most diverse array of sessile and motile taxa, including various forms of sponges, gorgonians, crinoids, white plumose anemones, sea stars, and sea cucumbers. Substratum types primarily composed of flat rocks usually were associated with lower taxa diversity; unlike substratum types primarily composed of ridge rocks, the only sessile invertebrates associated with flat rocks were gorgonians. Aside from gorgonians, 33 most species associated with flat rocks were sea stars, sea cucumbers, white plumose anemone, and occasionally crustaceans. The great diversity of taxa associated with ridge rock substrata can perhaps be attributed to the physical complexity in primarily ridge substrata, because more physical complex substrata can bring greater variation in depth, temperature, nutrient transport, and can also be composed of variety of different elements (Taylor and Wilson 2003). Furthermore, these high-relief substrata can provide stable surfaces to support large diversities of sessile invertebrates, which, in turn, can also facilitate greater diversity and increase niches for other invertebrates by increasing the physical complexity (Tissot et al. 2006). Sessile invertebrates such as sponges, gorgonians, crinoids, and basket stars can provide shelter, refuge, and spawning grounds for other invertebrates, but also provide microhabitats for microinvertebrates, thereby increasing resource supply to host greater macroinvertebrate diversity (Strom 2006). The lower sessile invertebrate diversity in primarily flat rock substrata compared to primarily ridge rock substrata can be attributed to the overall lower physical complexity that primarily flat rock substrata have, which in turn would provide fewer niches than primarily ridge rock substrata, thus supporting less sessile invertebrate diversity. Motile taxa may be better adapted in flat rock substrata than sessile invertebrates because the motile invertebrates have ability to move between substrata of different relief, and thus possibly have the advantage of seeking resources from other substrata types if the conditions in flat rock are not favorable. The association between flat rocks and gorgonians also corresponds with the findings by Strom (2006) and Tissot et al. (2006), 34 which suggests that gorgonians may be well-adapted to lower-relief habitats, as long as they provide hard surfaces for gorgonians to attach to. Although most sites showed similarity of taxon-substratum associations within ridge rock substrata and flat rock substrata independently, one of the sites, Coquille Bank 1993, appeared to be unique because its flat-pebble (FP) and ridge-ridge (RR) appeared to be distinct from other primarily flat and ridge rock substrata based on taxonsubstratum associations with most of the invertebrates associated with FP and RR being motile types. Another site that appeared to be unique was Siltcoos Reef 2011, because its ridgegravel (RG) and ridge-pebble (RP) appeared to be dissimilar from other flat rock and ridge substrata based on its taxon-substratum associations. The uniqueness of RG and RP from other ridge substrata such as RC, RM, and RR may be attributed to the grain size of gravel and pebble. When these substrata are exposed to increasing current velocity and volume of water flow, certain volumes of pebble and gravel may be transported and carried across the ridge rock layer. The fragile pink urchin, Allocentrotus fragilis, was the only taxon that was associated with RG, possibly because it can avoid unfavorable conditions (i.e. conditions which gravel and pebble are transported across the reef in increasing volumes) through its motility. Branching red gorgonian was the only taxon associated with RP, possibly because they are more tolerant against the exposure to the movement of pebbles, whereas other sessile invertebrates might be more susceptible to damage. Perhaps the substrata RC and RM were not shown to be similar to RG and RP in terms of taxa associations, because the cobble might be too heavy to be transported by the 35 currents, and RM’s mud grains are possible too small to inflict damages on sessile taxa as these grains are transported across the reef. Across most of the sites, the substratum type mud-mud (MM) was particularly unique in its taxon-substratum association from other substratum types. MM was usually associated with very few taxa, most of which were motile. Few sessile invertebrates were observed on this substratum likely because of a lack of hard substrate for attachment – this is probably the main reason there are only motile, rather than the idea that motile can move to find favorable places. Pure mud has very low physical complexity and thus very low variation of depth and nutrient transport, which would provide fewer niches than high-relief substrata would, thus preventing pure mud from supporting large macroinvertebrate diversity. Many of macroinvertebrates that have advantage in pure mud would be motile, since these invertebrates have the capability to move between pure mud and other substratum types to seek favorable conditions if the conditions in pure mud become unfavorable. Most of the motile taxa I observed in mud habitats included the sand star, Luidia foliolata, the red octopus, Octopus rubescens, Cancer sp. crab, and in Siltcoos Reef 2011 particular, the Pandalus sp. prawn. However, one sessile invertebrate that was unique to MM was the Subselliflorae sea pen. These sea pens may provide pivotal roles in pure mud substrata because their sessile structure (composed of long stalk and peduncle buried in sediment) may enhance physical complexity in a habitat where naturally low physical complexity exists; furthermore, their filter-feeding strategies may allow them to retain nutrients from currents and gather plankton near the sediment, thus attracting motile invertebrates in a habitat of low niches availability 36 (Tissot et al. 2006; Greathead et al. 2007). One of the motile invertebrates that was usually strongly associated with pure mud was L. foliolata, which may find pure mud conditions most favorable since it often relies on its burrowing abilities to capture infaunal invertebrates (Mauzey et al. 1968; Lambert 2000). One unexpected finding was the association between the basket star, Gorgonocephalus eucnemis, and pure mud at two sites, Grays Bank in 1994 and Siltcoos Reef in 1995. G. eucnemis are known to be structure-forming species due to their large size, sessile feature, and complex branching morphology. Past study of the continental shelf margins off southern California found that G. eucnemis usually were associated with high-relief rocky substrata where more physical complexity exists (Tissot et al. 2006). My observations suggest that perhaps G. eucnemis also may have capabilities to adapt to fine-sediment habitats where there is low availability of hard rocky surfaces. The expansion of G. eucnemis across the mud substrata may add physical complexity in these regions where naturally low physical complexity exists; this can enhance greater habitat heterogeneity, which would attract greater diversity of macroinvertebrates. Mud mixed with other substrata such as gravel, pebble, and cobble were also dissimilar from other substrata based on taxon-substratum associations. Mixed mud substrata were usually associated with motile invertebrates including sea stars, anemones, and crustaceans. This also suggests the possibility that motile invertebrates are better adapted in these low-relief mixed mud substrata since they have the ability to move around between different substrata, and that these low-relief mixed mud provide few niches to support large sessile invertebrate diversity. However, the two sites Grays Bank 37 1994 and Coquille Bank 1993 showed that gorgonians also were associated with lowrelief mixed mud substrata; similar to the gorgonians’ association with flat rock substrata; it is also possible that gorgonians may be adapted to these low-relief mixed mud substrata since these habitats do provide limited hard surface for them to attach. This could indicate that gorgonians may be the most generalist of all sessile macroinvertebrates encountered in this study. One unique observation with mixed mud substrata was at Siltcoos Reef in 2011. The substrata mud-cobble (MC) and mud-pebble (MP) were associated with foliose sponge and the white plumose anemone, Metridium farcimen respectively. While gorgonians were suggested to be the sole sessile invertebrate type to be associated with mixed mud substrata across all sites, the foliose sponge’s associations with MC at Siltcoos Reef in 2011 suggest that foliose sponge also may have the ability to colonize moderate-size grains in low-relief mud substrata. However, since this was observed in only one site, this result cannot be inferred to the potential behavior of foliose sponges in other sites. The association between M. farcimen and MP could also suggest that they may adapt well with pebble substrata aside from boulder and other high relief substrata. The observations at two sites: Grays Bank in 1994 and Siltcoos Reef in 1995 showed that substrata composed of mud and boulder can be very dissimilar from other substrata based on taxon-substratum associations. M. farcimen and the orange encrusting sponge were associated with boulder-mud substratum at Grays Bank in 1994, while Cancer sp. was only associated with boulder-mud substratum at Siltcoos Reef in 1995. M. farcimen is particularly known for its large size and very dense colonies (Tissot 2008), 38 which would also help this species to outcompete other sessile invertebrates, while the Cancer sp. may have been associated with boulder because it may have been seeking boulders for shelter, and may be aggressive enough to outcompete other macroinvertebrates. However, these unique boulder observations were in only two sites; the boulder substrata at Siltcoos Reef in 2011 appeared to be very similar to other flat and ridge rock substrata, suggesting that boulders may also have enough niches to support large diversity of other macroinvertebrates. The boulder in Siltcoos Reef 2011 may have appeared to be similar to other flat and ridge rocks because of the close proximity between flat and ridge rocks and boulders. Thus, the uniqueness of boulders in Grays Bank 1994 and Siltcoos 1995 cannot necessarily be extrapolated to the uniqueness of boulders in other sites of the Pacific Northwest’s continental shelf. According to the observations at both Grays Bank and Siltcoos Reef in 2011, gravel appeared to be very dissimilar from other substrata in terms of taxon-substratum associations. At Grays Bank in 2011 pure gravel was solely associated with the swimming anemone, Stomphia coccinea, while the gravel-mud (GM) at Siltcoos Reef in 1995 was solely associated with M. farcimen. Pure gravel represents a substratum type that can support very few macroinvertebrate taxa; this is possibly due to the gravel being easily prone to frequent topographic changes caused by current patterns, which would cause rapid changes in hydrostatic pressures (Grant 1981). Thus, it may be that only the macroinvertebrates that can adapt to such rapid environmental changes can survive. Anemones are known to rely on attachment to gravel for protection against desiccation (Hart and Crowe 1977). S. coccinea may be a species that relies on these gravel beds for 39 survival and possibly have adaptation strategies that other invertebrates lack against a rapidly changing environment. As discussed earlier, M. farcimen have tendency to form into very dense colonies that would exclude other sessile invertebrates from colonizing, thereby facilitating reduction of macroinvertebrate diversity where they are present such as in the GM observed at Siltcoos Reef in 1995.. The final macroinvertebrate communities that can be described from the observations of these five sites were composed of generalists. These were motile invertebrates, and they were observed to be generalists between different relief levels of high-relief substrata, and also between pure mud and high relief, and pure gravel and high-relief. Between flat and ridge rock substrata, the generalists were largely composed of various sea stars, which suggest that many of these species may use their motile ability as advantage to seek new resources between flat and ridge rock substrata. Some of these generalists were anemones, including the fish-eating urticina, Uriticina piscivora, and the burrowing anemone; anemones are preyed on by sea stars (SUND 1958; Houtman et al. 1997), and this suggest the possibility that anemones are also migrating between flat and ridge rock substrata to seek additional shelter to avoid predation. The generalists between high-relief substrata and fine-sediment substrata (mud, gravel, etc) were few but included O. rubescens, the orange tochui, Tochuina tetraquetra, and the pink tritonia, Tritonia diomedea. The nudibranchs T. tetraquetra and T. diomedea are predatory and may be expanding their prey options between those available in fine-sediment substrata and highrelief substrata or to avoid competition with other predators, such as sea stars, in one substrata or the other (Mauzey et al. 1968). O. rubescens may be taking advantage of 40 their agile behavior to seek crustaceans and other prey between fine-sediment and highrelief (Laidig et al. 1995). One species that appeared to be a generalist between GG and mixed mud substrata was S. coccinea. S. coccinea may be dependent on mixed mud substrata because those substrata are more heterogeneous and thus provide more abundant prey sources, but also putting the S. coccinea at the risk of predation. When there’s a predation risk, S. coccinea can elicit a swimming response (SUND 1958; Ross and Sutton 1964). With this behavior, S. coccinea may be seeking refuge in GG, where no other macroinvertebrates can adapt. Summary Broadly, two major groups of substrata were observed to host different macroinvertebrate communities: high-relief substrata (composed of flat rock and ridge rock), and fine-sediment substrata (composed of mud, gravel, pebble, cobble, and boulders). It was observed that often, the high-relief substrata were associated with a diverse array of sessile taxa, including crinoids, sponges, and gorgonians. In turn, the sessile taxa appeared to enhance structural complexity, because a large variety of motile taxa were often associated with these high-relief substrata. However, a closer analysis showed that the communities of these sessile invertebrates sometimes differed slightly between ridge-dominated and flat-dominated substrata. While most of the sponges were associated with ridge-dominated substrata, gorgonians, on the other hand, were more of generalists since many were also associated with flat rock dominated substrata covered with fine sediment to the low-relief mixed mud substrata. From these results, a future 41 analysis could survey the high-relief substrata stations and other rocky habitats to mainly compare the assemblages based on level of relief. The fine-sediment substrata were often observed to be associated with motile taxa, including but not limited to sea stars, crustaceans, and molluscs. While most of these motile taxa overlapped between different types of substrata mixed with mud and other grain types (gravel, pebble, cobble), two types of mud substrata, the pure mud (MM) and boulder-mud (BM) often appeared to be unique from other fine-sediment substrata in terms of their taxa association. In addition, sedimentary substrata composed of gravel were also unique. While mud was often associated with Subselliflorae sea pen colonies along with few other motile taxa, gravel and boulder were usually associated with no more than one taxon. From these findings, a future step could aim to focus on surveying macroinvertebrates in fine-sediment substrata by covering a wide array of grain sizes from mud to boulder to observe the macroinvertebrate community patterns in larger spatial scale. The final conclusion of these taxon-substrate associations was that there usually were groups of taxa that were generalists across different substrata groups. Some species were generalists between MM and ridge-dominated substrata, while some were generalists between flat-dominated and ridge-dominated substrata. However, most of these generalists had one thing in common: they were motile. This finding brings a theory that motile invertebrates may be more advantageous for the success of future communities, since they can migrate to avoid unfavorable conditions but also can expand their populations to ensure that adequate progenies survive for subsequent generations. 42 Environmental Variables Delta Stations In the Delta stations, the availability of pure mud (MM) and ridge-mud (RM) were associated with an environmental variable subset that had highest correlation with macroinvertebrate community structure. The availability of pure mud and RM suggest that in the Delta stations, these two substrata types could be the most significant type of all substrata that distinguished different invertebrate communities based on their proportions. Pure mud and RM may have highest correlation because they comprise the largest proportion of all substratum types across all seven assemblages. However, according to the community descriptions across different substratum types, pure mud was described to be unique from other substrata based on the types of macroinvertebrates it was associated with, and perhaps this uniqueness that makes pure mud could be a possible reason why proportion of pure mud was highly correlated with macroinvertebrate community patterns. RM was highly correlated with macroinvertebrate community patterns, which indicates the possibility that many sessile invertebrates could prefer high-relief rocky habitats covered by fine sediments such as mud; as suggested by Strom (2006), some sessile invertebrates may prefer these rocky habitats rather than rocky habitats without any fine sediment cover, since there may be greater food availability for invertebrates; sessile invertebrates such as gorgonians may prefer these habitats because their drifting prey may also get trapped by sediment (Strom 2006). In addition, sediment cover could also indicate presence or absence of strong currents; rocky 43 habitats with no sediment cover might be indicative of fast currents, which could hinder the stability and survival of sessile invertebrates, while a thin layer of sediment might be indicative of slower water movement. Furthermore, RM might have been highly correlated because it was also associated with a large variety of taxa, both sessile and motile, suggesting that its proportion can determine differences of macroinvertebrate communities based on diversity. Latitude was also considered to be an important environmental variable, suggesting that macroinvertebrate communities in Pacific Northwest’s continental shelf do vary by different latitudes. This was likely apparent since the Delta stations were either off Grays Harbor Washington or off the coast of southern Oregon. In addition, the depth was also considered to be a correlated variable, although using the depth brought the correlation down. Depth was probably shown as an important variable simply because the depth range in Grays Bank Deep stations varied greatly, ranging from 50 – 310 meters, whereas the Siltcoos Reef and Coquille Bank stations had depths ranging from 80 to 130 meters. Thus, the depth might have been displayed because it helps distinguish the community in Grays Bank Shallow or Deep from the communities in other sites. ROV Stations In the ROV Hammerhead stations, the proportion of pure gravel (GG) and ridgemud (RM) were associated with an environmental variable subset that had highest correlation with macroinvertebrate community structure. This indicates that between the 44 stations in Grays Bank and Siltcoos Reef conducted by ROV Hammerhead, the proportion of pure gravel and RM may be able to distinguish different communities more significantly than other substrata types. Pure gravel likely had high correlation with community differences because the community in pure gravel was unique, and unlike any other; it was only associated with one taxon, S. coccinea, and no other substrata types were only comprised of these anemones. The RM was possibly selected for similar reasons with the RM in Delta stations. Results showed that temperature and latitude are interchangeable, since the correlations changed very little when a temperature or latitude was replaced by one another; this is likely due to the strong correlation between latitude and temperature in these sites, which are so far apart. Temperature was possibly shown as an influential variable, because subtle temperature changes may affect sessile invertebrate survival. Sessile invertebrates such as corals have been long identified to be susceptible to high mortality rates caused by high temperatures (Glynn and D’croz 1990). Other invertebrates such as gorgonians are known to be sensitive to temperature changes, since rise in temperature would stress the cells to the extent that they would not able to produce antifouling substances, and thereby leaving them vulnerable to predation (Cerrano et al. 2000). However, temperature was probably shown simply because temperature is strongly correlated with different latitudes. The great difference of latitude between Grays Bank stations and Siltcoos Reef stations could be why the latitude was also shown as an influential variable. Latitude is also known to be correlated with different phytoplankton productivities (Ricciardi et al. 1999). Thus, the difference of communities 45 between Grays Bank and Siltcoos Reef could also be attributed to the effects of different phytoplankton production that all invertebrates of every trophic level would ultimately depend on for survival. Management Implications Two studies set 15 years apart can be used to look at changes in invertebrates and considered in light of management changes. The 2011 survey sets a baseline for evaluating effects of future management decisions, since it provides the most recent data of macroinvertebrate community descriptions in the Pacific Northwest’s continental shelf waters. Many studies assessing anthropogenic impacts on benthic macroinvertebrates have been associated with trawling activities. Trawling equipments have been known to inflict long-term damages in high-relief environments by destroying slow-growing corals and gorgonians, thus reducing community complexity. Watling and Norse (1998) have compared this with the analogy of cutting down mature hard-growth trees in old forests; as the recovery of these deforested habitats will take years to centuries for full recovery, the same could be held true for benthic macroinvertebrate habitats. The 1998 gear restriction regulations (65 FR 221) placed limitations on types of trawl gear in the continental shelf waters to avoid damaging sessile invertebrates in rocky habitats, raising a hope that the complex communities of hard rocky habitats are protected from anthropogenic disturbances (PMFC 2000); however, this gear restriction did not mention anything about low-relief fine-sediment habitats being potentially protected from 46 trawling activities, suggesting that if such activities are taken place in these low-relief habitats, the low-relief fine-sediment substrata may be at a greater risk (Bellman et al. 2005; Strom 2006). The ROV Hammerhead surveys provide the most recent data of macroinvertebrate communities on the Pacific Northwest continental shelf. Unlike the historic Delta surveys, huge abundances of gorgonians were found in the ROV Hammerhead stations, and these were not just restricted in high-relief substrata but also lower relief covered by sediments. Gorgonians are known to be slow-growing and fragile and provide additional resources for other invertebrates by providing shelter, food, and microhabitats. Although the 1998 gear restrictions may provide gorgonian habitats with better protection from anthropogenic seafloor disturbances, nevertheless due to fragile state of gorgonians, it is important that habitats with assemblages characterized by gorgonians are described as accurately as possible to improve management decisions (Etnoyer and Morgan 2007). In addition, many Subselliflorae sea pens were found in fine-sediment substrata that were mainly composed of mud in both Grays Bank and Siltcoos Reef. Sea pens were also suggested to be slow-growing and are highly sensitive to trawling and other bottomdisturbance activities (Strom 2006; Greathead et al. 2007; Tissot et al. 2007). Sea pens are also considered a critical component of low-relief fine sediment habitats because these regions naturally have low physical complexity, but the colonies of sea pens may enhance structure and provide microhabitats, thereby serving important function in these habitats (Strom 2006; Tissot et al. 2006). These important functions of sea pens and the 47 possibilities of trawl usage in low-relief habitats off Oregon and Washington suggest that the healthy sea pen colonies observed in Grays Bank and Siltcoos could be susceptible to long-term damage if such activities are taken place as Tissot et al. (2007) observed absolutely no sea pens in trawled regions in their Coquille Bank study from 1990s. Aside from trawling, the continental shelf habitats composed of fine sediments are increasingly being considered as suitable regions for development of offshore wave energy. Little is known about the direct and indirect effects of the offshore wave energy installations on marine environment, but past studies of effects of offshore installations such as oil platforms have indicated that these installations can affect macroinvertebrate communities locally by providing surface for fouling invertebrates to establish, and in some cases, facilitating species invasions (Page et al. 2006). While these installations could protect a particular region from fishing and trawl-related activities, they would result in other alterations to the habitat such as increasing the physical complexity since the offshore installation device could act as artificial reefs with large surface area for new colonies of sessile invertebrates to establish (Wolfson et al. 1979). In addition, bringing new colonies of sessile invertebrates could also alter the ecological niches and change food web dynamics (Langhamer et al. 2009). Although the preferred wave energy installation sites are in low-relief fine sediment habitats, it is thought that as the currents flow around the platforms, greater volumes of sediments will be sent to water columns, possibly exposing nearby rocky habitats to increasing sedimentation. Increasing sedimentation in some coral reefs have shown to exert negative effects through smothering the colonies, such as reduced 48 recruitment, decreased net productivity, and decreased calcification (Rogers 1990). The stations in both Delta and ROV Hammerhead surveys showed that the continental shelf off Washington and Oregon has habitats with a wide diversity of physical features ranging from low-relief mud and gravel to high-relief rocky habitats and rocky habitats covered with fine sediment. Based on the past studies and speculations of what direct and indirect effects the wave energy installations would have on macroinvertebrate communities, it can be hypothesized that in the Pacific Northwest, the fine sediment habitats occupied by sea pen colonies and few other motile invertebrates (sand star and crustaceans) could face the greater change as the installations may bring new colonies of sessile invertebrates to settle in these artificial reefs. Along with these invertebrates, other species with adaptations to both hard-surface and fine sediment surfaces could arrive, potentially competing with locally native invertebrates such as sand stars and sea pens for food and other resources. If the rate of sedimentation on nearby reef increases due to offshore installation, this could pose a threat to nearby reefs composed of sponges, gorgonians, and crinoids, as their colonies could be smothered by increased sedimentation rates; these sessile invertebrates may be forced to adapt different survival strategies to maintain their viability in conditions with rapid sedimentation. With the increasing mortality of sponges and gorgonians, the overall community diversity in terms of macroinvertebrate numbers and taxa would also decline, whereas the diversity in finesediment regions where installations are established could experience greater invertebrate diversity through increased ecological niche availability. 49 CONCLUSION Of substratum types, two major substratum groups appear to be reliable indicators in determining different macroinvertebrate assemblages: moderate to high relief rocky habitats composed primarily of flat and ridge rocks, and low-relief fine sediment habitats composed primarily of small-size grain substrata including mud, pebble, gravel, and cobbles. While the majority of macroinvertebrate taxa, including both sessile and motile, often were associated with high-relief group, these taxa can also be differentiated across different kinds of steepness. The low-relief fine sediment group was most often associated with motile invertebrates, but through this study, it appeared that finesediment substrata composed mainly of mud, boulders, and gravel can yield unique invertebrate associations. As suggested by the taxon-substrata associations, the MM and RM, or high-relief rock with fine sedimentation, were more highly correlated with macroinvertebrate community patterns than other substrata types. Latitude was also shown as a reliable variable, indicating a possibility of existing latitudinal gradients of macroinvertebrate communities along the continental shelf. Although it is difficult to accurately speculate how the macroinvertebrate communities in the continental shelf off Oregon and Washington will be impacted by potential anthropogenic disturbances without selectively choosing stations based on before and after impacts, results of this study can be useful in predicting the community compositions of other unsampled regions, based on their topographic features. The Delta stations were collected in early to mid-1990s before important management changes (Strom 2006) while the ROV Hammerhead stations were collected after these changes, and provide the most up-to-date 50 view of macroinvertebrate communities in Washington and Oregon’s continental shelf. 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Blue circles and red triangles indicate taxa and substrata type, respectively. 63 Figure 5 Taxon-substratum associations of Siltcoos Reef 1995 stations surveyed by Delta in Correspondence Analysis ordination. Invertebrate densities were square-root transformed to alleviate density differences between substrata types. Blue circles and red triangles indicate taxa and substrata type, respectively. 64 Figure 6 Taxon-substratum associations of Coquille Bank 1993 stations surveyed by Delta in Correspondence Analysis ordination. Invertebrate densities were square-root transformed to alleviate density differences between substrata types. Blue circles and red triangles indicate taxa and substrata type, respectively. 65 Figure 7 Taxon-substratum associations of Grays Bank 2011 stations surveyed by ROV Hammerhead in Correspondence Analysis ordination. Invertebrate densities were square-root transformed to alleviate density differences between substrata types. Blue circles and red triangles indicate taxa and substrata type, respectively. 66 Figure 8 Taxon-substratum associations of Siltcoos Reef 2011 stations surveyed by ROV Hammerhead in Correspondence Analysis ordination. Invertebrate densities were square-root transformed to alleviate density differences between substrata types. Blue circles and red triangles indicate taxa and substrata type, respectively. 67 Figure 9 Distribution of Delta stations based on taxa composition similarities and dissimilarities on the 2dimensional nMDS ordination plane. Stations were superimposed with significantly different assemblages identified by SIMPROF. The invertebrate densities were square-root transformed and adjusted to the BrayCurtis similarity measure (GB = Grays Bank, SR = Siltcoos Reef, CB = Coquille Bank). 68 Figure 10 Distribution of ROV Hammerhead stations based on taxa composition similarities and dissimilarities on the 2-dimensional nMDS ordination plane. Stations were superimposed with significantly different assemblages identified by SIMPROF. The invertebrate densities were square-root transformed and adjusted to the Bray-Curtis similarity measure (GB = Grays Bank, SR = Siltcoos Reef) 69 70 Table 1 List of taxa with highest contribution % in defining different macroinvertebrate assemblages across the Delta stations. Results were based on the SIMPER 90%-cutoff results. The assemblages C and E were excluded from this analysis because they each had only one station. (GB = Grays Bank, SR = Siltcoos Reef, CB = Coquille Bank) Assemblage Stations A GB 3417, 3419 B CB 3060-3062, 3067-3071 D SR 3669, 36713674 F SR 3668, 3670 G GB 3416, 34203421 Avg. Top Contributors Similarity Florometra serratissima Shelf Sponge Unidentified Sponge Foliose Sponge Pandalus platyceros 71.16 Allocentrotus fragilis Mediaster aequalis Branching Sponge Parastichopus leukothele Poraniopsis inflata Branching Sponge Florometra serratissima Mediaster aequalis 70.41 Branching Red Gorgonian Parastichopus californicus Gorgonocephalus eucnemis Henricia sp. Parastichopus californicus Branching Red Gorgonian Laqueus californicus Parastichopus leukothele Shelf Sponge Branching Sponge Foliose Sponge 65.5 Mediaster aequalis Henricia sp. Subselliflorae Pteraster tesselatus Burrowing Anemone Single Stalk Red Gorgonian Spheciospongia confoederata Subselliflorae 85.81 Luidia foliolata Gorgonocephalus eucnemis Single Stalk White Gorgonian Subselliflorae Branching White Gorgonian 47.2 Luidia foliolata Unidentified Sponge Mediaster aequalis Allocentrotus fragilis Contribution Cumulative % % 23.62 23.62 21.29 44.91 16.49 61.40 8.61 70.01 4.95 74.96 3.99 78.95 3.21 82.16 3.10 85.26 2.98 88.24 2.27 90.51 38.70 38.70 24.48 63.18 7.74 70.92 6.56 77.48 6.06 83.54 4.78 88.32 2.57 90.89 14.05 14.05 13.69 27.74 11.89 39.63 10.44 50.07 8.91 58.98 5.78 64.76 4.74 69.50 4.23 73.73 4.17 77.90 4.00 81.90 2.57 84.47 2.14 86.61 2.11 88.72 2.00 90.72 69.61 69.61 12.71 82.32 11.69 94.01 50.12 50.12 13.39 63.51 8.44 71.95 7.19 79.14 4.68 83.82 3.81 87.63 3.34 90.97 A Species Br Sponge F. serratissima Sh Sponge Un Sponge BR Gorgonian Dissimilarity % Sh Sponge F. serratissima BR Gorgonian Un Sponge SSR Gorgonian Dissimilarity % F. serratissima L. californicus Un Sponge Sh Sponge BR Gorgonian Dissimilarity % F. serratissima Sh Sponge Un Sponge Fo Sponge Bu Anemone Dissimilarity % F. serratissima Subselliflorae Sh Sponge Un Sponge Fo Sponge Dissimilarity % F. serratissima Sh Sponge SSW Gorgonian Un Sponge Subselliflorae Dissimilarity % C D E F G B Assemblage 16.87 12.54 9.46 9.03 5.51 83.4 16.5 14.47 11.98 10.41 4.86 98.81 20.54 14.88 12.95 6.04 4.6 96.5 14.67 12.02 9.61 7.43 7.04 69.38 13.13 12.19 11.93 9.53 6.92 74.5 C% 26.83 9.73 8.59 6.95 5.54 71.78 B Br Sponge F. serratissima SSW Gorgonian BR Gorgonian P. californicus Dissimilarity % Br Sponge F. serratissima Subselliflorae BR Gorgonian M. aequalis Dissimilarity % Br Sponge F. serratissima BR Gorgonian M. aequalis P. californicus Dissimilarity % Br Sponge F. serratissima L. californicus G. eucnemis M. aequalis Dissimilarity % Br Sponge F. serratissima M. aequalis P. californicus G. eucnemis Dissimilarity % Species 29.83 20.6 7.58 4.95 4.54 88.08 30.86 21.62 10.8 5.93 5.59 93.31 34.02 23.87 6.52 6.16 5.16 97.16 29.79 21.05 9.8 4.56 3.9 68.23 35.85 21.34 5.99 5.05 4.81 66.18 C% C SSW Gorgonian BR Gorgonian SSR Gorgonian F. serratissima Subselliflorae Dissimilarity % Subselliflorae BR Gorgonian SSR Gorgonian F. serratissima P. californicus Dissimilarity % BR Gorgonian SSR Gorgonian F. serratissima P. leukothele Branching Sponge Dissimilarity % L. californicus P. californicus SSR Gorgonian Sh Sponge BR Gorgonian Dissimilarity % Species 17.03 16.54 9.79 8.39 6.6 74.02 22.22 18.46 10.7 9.08 5.6 88.14 24.83 14.4 12.22 7.53 4.55 89.08 19.31 9.54 8.61 7.48 6.39 55.97 C% D L. californicus SSW Gorgonian P. californicus BR Gorgonian P. leukothele Dissimilarity % Subselliflorae L. californicus BR Gorgonian P. californicus P. leukothele Dissimilarity % L. californicus BR Gorgonian P. californicus P. leukothele Sh Sponge Dissimilarity % Species 14.31 12.24 8 7.25 5.63 81.07 14.95 14.83 8.95 8.38 6.58 89.24 16.97 10.45 9.79 7.75 6.79 96.24 C% E SSW Gorgonian Subselliflorae BW Gorgonian M. farcimen Un Sponge Dissimilarity % Subselliflorae G. eucnemis L. foliolata O. rubsecens M. farcimen Dissimilarity % Species 27.82 14.82 6.85 5.71 4.83 87.79 66.57 11.72 5.47 2.99 2.44 77.88 C% F SSW Gorgonian Subselliflorae BW Gorgonian M. farcimen G. eucnemis Dissimilarity % Species 23.38 21.18 5.78 5.18 5.15 73.27 C% Table 2 Dissimilarity % and the contribution (C%) of five most important taxa to the dissimilarity between any combinations of assemblages in the Delta stations. Results were based on SIMPER’s 90%-cutoff (Anemone, gorgonian, and sponge abbreviations: Br = branching, Bu = burrowing, BR = branching red, BW = branching white, Fo = foliose, Sh = shelf, SSR = single stalk red, SSW = single stalk white, Un = unidentified). For the complete genus names, refer to Table 1. 71 72 Table 3 List of taxa with highest contribution % in defining different macroinvertebrate assemblages across the ROV Hammerhead stations. Results were based on the SIMPER’s 90%-cutoff results. The assemblages A and B were excluded from this analysis since they each had only one station. Assemblage C Stations SR 2-4, 68, 11 Avg. Similarity 73.17 Top Contributors Shelf sponge Branching Red Gorgonian Parastichopus californicus Branching Sponge Single Stalk White Gorgonian Branching White Gorgonian Mediaster aequalis Metridium farcimen Pandalus sp. Parastichopus leukothele Single Stalk Red Gorgonian Henricia sp. Gorgonocephalus eucnemis Stylasterias forreri Ophiacantha sp. D E GB 5, 7 GB 16-18 74.09 78.13 Subselliflorae Branching Red Gorgonian Branching White Gorgonian Single Stalk Red Gorgonian Single Stalk White Gorgonian Metridium farcimen Shelf Sponge Branching Sponge Luidia foliolata Parastichopus californicus Semisuberites cribrosa Stomphia coccinea Henricia sp. Branching Red Gorgonian Branching Sponge Metridium farcimen Shelf Sponge Single Stalk Red Gorgonian Parastichopus californicus Henricia sp. Urticina columbiana Mycale sp. Single Stalk White Gorgonian Stylasterias forreri Semisuberites cribrosa Contribution Cumulative % % 15.25 15.25 11.53 26.78 8.44 35.22 7.94 43.16 7.85 51.01 7.05 58.06 6.62 64.68 6.33 71.01 3.99 75.00 3.07 78.07 3.06 81.13 2.88 84.01 2.74 86.75 2.14 88.89 1.57 90.46 28.46 28.46 11.96 40.42 10.02 50.44 7.99 58.43 6.05 64.48 5.60 70.08 4.89 74.97 3.61 78.58 3.44 82.02 2.66 84.68 2.43 87.11 2.17 89.28 1.73 91.01 12.99 12.99 12.27 25.26 10.53 35.79 10.45 46.24 6.19 52.43 5.82 58.25 5.72 63.97 5.37 69.34 4.28 73.62 4.16 77.78 2.50 80.28 2.48 82.76 73 Table 3 (Continued) Assemblage Stations Avg. Similarity E GB 16-18 78.13 F GB 8, 1013, 15 74.81 Top Contributors Ascidia paratropa Pteraster tesselatus Branching White Gorgonian Piaster brevispinus Branching Red Gorgonian Single Stalk Red Gorgonian Branching Sponge Shelf Sponge Single Stalk White Gorgonian Branching White Gorgonian Parastichopus californicus Semisuberites cribrosa Metridium farcimen Henricia sp. Urticina columbiana Mycale sp. G GB 3, 9, 14, SR 9 37.86 Stylasterias forreri Pteraster tesselatus Stomphia coccinea Ascidia paratropa Subselliflorae Luidia foliolata Stomphia coccinea Branching White Gorgonian Urticina columbiana Single Stalk White Gorgonian Urticina coriacea Contribution Cumulative % % 2.42 85.18 2.38 87.56 1.90 89.46 1.76 91.22 18.37 18.37 12.12 30.49 9.63 40.12 8.12 48.24 7.25 55.49 6.43 61.92 4.26 66.18 4.06 70.24 4.05 74.29 3.68 77.97 3.32 81.29 2.48 83.77 2.26 86.03 1.57 87.60 1.45 89.05 1.37 90.42 45.01 45.01 14.83 59.84 9.19 69.03 5.97 75.00 5.18 80.18 5.09 85.27 4.76 90.03 A Species Pandalus sp. M. farcimen BR Gorgonian M. quadrispina BW Gorgonian Dissimilarity % Pandalus sp. M. farcimen Sh Sponge BR Gorgonian P. chitinoides Dissimilarity % Pandalus sp. M. farcimen Subselliflorae BR Gorgonian P. californicus Dissimilarity % Pandalus sp. M. farcimen Br Sponge SSW Gorgonian Mycale sp. Dissimilarity % Pandalus sp. M. farcimen SSR Gorgonian Bu Anemone S. cribrosa Dissimilarity % Pandalus sp. M. farcimen BR Gorgonian P. californicus SSW Gorgonian Dissimilarity % C D E F G B Assemblage 29.18 13.73 9.54 4.48 4.41 79.46 35.18 13.46 4.89 3.39 2.93 51.12 31.97 7.84 5.24 3.25 3.25 54.75 34.1 13.07 10.81 3.42 3.3 57.25 35.26 13.16 7.8 4.45 2.66 42.22 C% 31.67 14.71 10.63 4.77 4.4 44.71 B SSW Gorgonian Pandalus sp. BW Gorgonian Sh Sponge Subselliflorae Dissimilarity % BR Gorgonian Pandalus sp. SSR Gorgonian Br Sponge M. quadrispina Dissimilarity % Pandalus sp. BR Gorgonian Br Sponge BW Gorgonian SSW Gorgonian Dissimilarity % Subselliflorae Pandalus sp. BR Gorgonian SSW Gorgonian M. quadrispina Dissimilarity % BR Gorgonian Sh Sponge Pandalus sp. Br Sponge P. californicus Dissimilarity % Species 11.87 11.04 10.84 6.82 6.57 71.32 13.47 12.07 9.55 6.3 5.23 52.8 9.57 8.68 8.51 7.12 6.48 64.24 17.44 13.73 7.86 7.27 5.95 52.05 11.8 11.16 7.66 6.23 6.18 39.32 C% C Sh Sponge BR Gorgonian P. californicus Subselliflorae Br Sponge Dissimilarity % Sh Sponge SSR Gorgonian Pandalus sp. BR Gorgonian M. aequalis Dissimilarity % Pandalus sp. Br Sponge BR Gorgonian BW Gorgonian U. columbiana Dissimilarity % Subselliflorae Sh Sponge Pandalus sp. P. californicus M. aequalis Dissimilarity % Species 12.56 10.33 6.84 6.34 5.74 80.6 8.65 8.06 7.3 7.24 4.93 42.53 6.68 5.96 5.7 5.42 4.95 45.05 16.65 10.74 6.37 5.46 5.38 53.6 C% D Subselliflorae BR Gorgonian BW Gorgonian SSR Gorgonian SSW Gorgonian Dissimilarity % Subselliflorae BR Gorgonian Br Sponge SSR Gorgonian BW Gorgonian Dissimilarity % Subselliflorae Br Sponge Sh Sponge M. farcimen BW Gorgonian Dissimilarity % Species 14.13 13.76 8.87 8.03 5.84 61.65 22.8 8.78 8.21 5.62 4.4 41.88 18.69 10.62 6.76 6.34 5.93 53.03 C% E BR Gorgonian Br Sponge Sh Sponge M. farcimen Subselliflorae Dissimilarity % M. farcimen BW Gorgonian Br Sponge BR Gorgonian SSR Gorgonian Dissimilarity % Species 11.37 10.3 8.52 7.72 7.5 84.99 9.82 7.94 7.46 7.4 6.48 30.81 C% F BR Gorgonian SSR Gorgonian Br Sponge Subselliflorae Sh Sponge Dissimilarity % Species 15.4 9.44 7.62 7.27 6.33 78.42 C% Table 4 Dissimilarity % and the contribution (C%) of five most important taxa to the dissimilarity between any combinations of assemblages in the ROV Hammerhead stations. Results were based on SIMPER’s 90%cutoff results. For the anemone, gorgonian, and sponge abbreviations, refer to Table 4. For the complete genus names, refer to Table 1. 74 G F E D C B A 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Figure 11 Proportions of different substrata across Delta assemblages identified by SIMPROF. See Table 3 for details on each assemblage’s stations. 0% BM FB FC FF FG FM FP MB MC MM MP RB RC RG RM RP RR 75 G F E D C B A 0% 40% 60% 80% 100% Figure 12 Proportions of different substrata across ROV Hammerhead assemblages identified by SIMPROF. See Table 6 for details on each assemblage’s stations. 20% BB BM FB FC FF FG FM FP GG GM MB MC MG MM MP PM RB RC RG RM RP RR 76 77 Table 5 Top ten sets of environmental variables that are most highly correlated with the invertebrate structure in the Delta and ROV Hammerhead stations based on the BIOENV results. All taxa densities were square-root transformed, and all the environmental data were normalized (after substrata percentages were log-transformed). Dataset Delta ROV Hammerhead Environmental Variables MM MM, Latitude MM, RM, Latitude MM, RM, Depth BM, MM, Latitude MM, RM, Temp BM, MM, RM, Latitude MM, RM, Depth, Latitude BM, MM, RM, Depth MM, MP GG, RM, Temp GG, RM, Latitude GG, RM, RR, Temp GG, RM, RR, Latitude RM, Temp GG, RM, RR, Depth RM, Latitude MG, MM, RM, RR, Temp GG, MM, RM, RR, Temp GG, MM, RM, RR, Latitude Correlation Coefficient 0.799 0.779 0.768 0.76 0.744 0.739 0.731 0.727 0.726 0.726 0.789 0.788 0.784 0.781 0.777 0.777 0.774 0.767 0.764 0.763 78 APPENDICES 79 Appendix A Table 1 Total raw count of macroinvertebrate taxa across all five sites in the Delta and ROV stations. Includes total counted (n = 169,856), and each taxon’s % contribution to the total count (GB = Grays Bank, SR = Siltcoos Reef, CB = Coquille Bank). Note that GB Deep and Shallow were represented separately. Phyla Taxon GB Deep 1994 PORIFERA Anthomastus ritteri Barrel Sponge Branching Sponge Foliose Sponge Halichondria panicea Mycale sp. Orange Encrusting Sponge Phakellia sp. Polymastia pacifica Semisuberites cribrosa Shelf Sponge Spheciospongia confoederata Unidentified Sponge Upright Flat Sponge 6 72 225 1 4 1369 14 1084 22 CNIDARIA Branching Purple Gorgonian Branching Red Gorgonian Branching White Gorgonian Burrowing Anemone Cribrinopsis fernaldi Dromalia alexandri Metridium farcimen Ptilosarcus gurneyi Single Stalk Purple Gorgonian Single Stalk Red Gorgonian Single Stalk White Gorgonian Stomphia coccinea Stylaster californicus Subselliflorae Urticina columbiana Urticina coriacea Urticina piscivora 1 110 324 866 15 425 1 12 ECHINODERMATA Allocentrotus fragilis Ceramaster patagonicus Crossaster papposus Dermasterias imbricata Florometra serratissima Gorgonocephalus eucnemis Henricia sp. Hippasteria spinosa Luidia foliolata Mediaster aequalis Ophiacantha sp. Ophiopsilla californica Orthasterias koehleri Parastichopus californicus Parastichopus leukothele Pisaster brevispinus Poraniopsis inflata 145 2561 3 18 2 18 113 7 5 10 89 25 GB GB SR SR CB Total # % of Shallow 2011 1995 2011 1993 of indiv. total 1994 1 1 0.00 4 10 0.01 - 3158 273 1008 52513 57024 33.57 45 234 29 50 583 0.34 1 0.00 430 430 0.25 4 3 11 0.01 22 22 0.01 6 6 12 0.01 338 1 339 0.20 - 2021 624 4085 8099 4.77 51 65 0.04 1 32 23 1140 0.67 10 3 35 0.02 Total no. of Poriferan individuals 67772 39.90 Total no. of taxa 14 7 51 6794 1378 3698 2635 5 1161 - 1303 14 4 138 145 12 10 2 251 1627 27 1740 3252 66 9 1 15 2090 31 214 268 947 1148 2 1765 2 679 18 95 72 1 29 2385 1684 146 26 5 554 9 3 88 2 2 1 2 18 1 Total no. of Cnidarian individuals Total no. of taxa 1 61 - 4 5 2 35 589 88 91 318 9 775 2 71 - 3 6 252 56 125 3 125 185 6 11 1128 647 13 3 37 1 37 21 1 14 35158 187 1429 170 263 7 5 23 80 705 1726 61 17 149 1251 1398 300 198 2 17 7 0.00 14557 8.57 2593 1.53 623 0.37 10 0.01 2 0.00 6897 4.06 75 0.04 1 0.00 2618 1.54 4728 2.78 881 0.52 1 0.00 4695 2.76 571 0.34 93 0.05 34 0.02 38386 22.60 17 190 4 69 3 37985 1710 1165 17 395 2820 392 5 196 4552 1236 71 57 0.11 0.00 0.04 0.00 22.36 1.01 0.69 0.01 0.23 1.66 0.23 0.00 0.12 2.68 0.73 0.04 0.03 80 Appendix A (Continued) Phyla Taxon ECHINODERMATA Poraniopsis jordani Psolus chitonoides Psolus squamatus Pteraster militaris Pteraster tesselatus Pycnopodia sp. Solaster dawsoni Solaster endeca Solaster paxillatus Solaster sp. Stylasterias forreri GB Deep 1994 5 135 22 1 19 GB GB SR SR CB Total # % of Shallow 2011 1995 2011 1993 of indiv. total 1994 4 9 0.01 35 8 27 70 0.04 135 0.08 3 3 0.00 123 40 7 3 173 0.10 8 43 15 7 95 0.06 24 2 26 0.02 4 4 0.00 4 4 0.00 1 2 1 14 19 0.01 134 12 88 13 266 0.16 Total no. of Echinoderm 51671 30.42 Total no. of taxa 28 CHORDATA Ascidia paratropa 1 121 1 3 4 Total no. of Chordate individuals Total no. of taxa 130 130 1 0.08 0.08 MOLLUSCA Dirona albolineata Laqueus californicus Octopus dofleini Octopus rubescens Mud Scallop Tochuina tetraquetra Tritonia diomedea Unidentified Snail 1 3 1 - 6544 5 16 5 3 4 9 1 4 7 3 1 Total no. of Mollusc individuals Total no. of taxa 1 6544 5 24 13 13 3 4 6607 8 0.00 3.85 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 3.89 NEMERTEA Cerebratulus californiensis Tubulanus polymorphus - 1 3 Total no. of Nemertean individuals Total no. of taxa 1 3 4 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 ARTHROPODA Cancer sp. Hermit Crab Lopholithodes foraminatus Munida quadrispina Pandalus platyceros Pandalus sp. 2 28 110 - 7 14 5 9 1 41 8 1 12 1 1 210 - 4836 Total no. of Arthropod individuals Total no. of taxa 35 52 42 211 110 4836 5286 6 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.12 0.06 2.85 3.11 GRAND TOTAL NO. OF INDIVIDUALS 169856 76 GRAND TOTAL NO. OF TAXA 100 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Figure 1 Substrata % proportions across five sites. Abbrev: GB = Grays Bank, SR = Siltcoos Reef, CB = Coquille Bank. Note that GB Deep and Shallow were represented separately. CB 1993 SR 2011 SR 1995 GB 2011 GB Shallow 1994 GB Deep 1994 BB BM CM FB FC FF FG FM FP GG GM MB MC MG MM MP PM RB RC RG RM RP RR 81 Appendix B 82 Appendix C Table 1 The mean depth (meters) of all stations (n = 45) across the Delta and ROV Hammerhead sites (GB = Grays Bank, SR = Siltcoos Reef, CB = Coquille Bank). Delta Site Station Mean Depth GB Deep 1994 3417 191.72 3419 204.01 3420 167.12 3421 167.33 GB Shallow 1994 3415 54.49 3416 67.10 SR 1995 3668 108.71 3669 109.11 3670 119.90 3671 109.32 3672 114.00 3673 112.08 3674 109.24 CB 1993 3060 98.20 3061 85.19 3062 88.13 3067 94.51 3068 90.19 3069 93.24 3070 97.83 3071 125.62 ROV Hammerhead Site Station Mean Depth GB 2011 3 72.82 5 75.24 7 79.31 8 75.15 9 69.18 10 78.94 11 66.07 12 62.96 13 77.33 14 76.29 15 64.83 16 57.88 17 55.84 18 56.84 SR 2011 1 113.14 2 111.36 3 116.34 4 105.91 6 105.06 7 103.70 8 104.18 9 110.47 11 103.00 12 104.12 83 CHAPTER II: Investigation of Key Asteroid Echinoderms in Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages 84 INTRODUCTION Asteroid Echinoderms, or sea stars, are one of the most familiar benthic motile macroinvertebrates. Sea stars have a wide array of morphology, function, life history, and dietary characteristics (Paine 1966; Dayton 1971; Dayton et al. 1974). In some intertidal communities, sea stars are one of the most abundant benthic predators (Jalbert et al. 1989; Himmelman 1991). Studies of sea stars have demonstrated their influential roles in community ecology; one of the most widely known role is the “Keystone Species” of Pisaster ochraceus (Paine 1966). In terms of dietary habits, some species are specialists, such as Solaster dawsonii, which prey on other sea stars, and Solaster stimpsonii, which feed primarily on Holothurians (Mauzey et al. 1968). Others are generalists, such as Pycnopodia sp., Mediaster aequalis, and Pteraster tesselatus (Menge 1972; Mauzey et al. 1968). Currently in the Pacific Northwest, very few studies are available about sea star ecology and distributions away from intertidal habitats. Most of these studies take place in Puget Sound. Mauzey et al. (1968) provided a study of observed behavioral traits such as feeding habits of each sea star that is commonly found in Puget Sound, while Birkeland (1974) provided a study of orange sea pen Ptilosarcus gurneyi and seven of its predators in Puget Sound, five of which were sea stars. Both Mauzey et al. (1968) and Birkeland (1974) have found that sea stars greatly vary between species in terms of capturing prey. Furthermore, of the sea stars that were observed, many were known to change their diet by seasons, while species that were widespread across diverse range of habitats were known to feed on different prey item per habitat. 85 In an attempt to reduce uncertainties of the role of sea stars in Pacific Northwest continental shelf waters, my goal is to determine if particular sea star species exert influence on the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage patterns in Pacific Northwest continental shelf waters. Thus I addressed the following objectives: i. Determine if there are sea star species that are potential candidates of being descriptive in describing macroinvertebrate assemblage patterns ii. Determine if these sea star species are indeed descriptive species, after taking account of all the other available environmental variables iii. Investigate species-specific associations based on life history and behavior To address these objectives, I used the sea stars were found to be significant contributors to macroinvertebrate assemblages in both Delta and ROV Hammerhead datasets from Chapter 1. To address the third objective, specifically, I have made the following hypotheses for sea stars that appear in more than one assemblage across both Delta and ROV Hammerhead datasets in Chapter 1. These hypotheses are the following: Henricia spp: Although little knowledge exists about the ecology and life history of species in this genus, based on past laboratory observations of Henricia leviscula and Henricia sanguinolenta morphology, the blood star, Henricia, appears to primarily feed on sponges (Mauzey et al. 1968, Lambert 2000). Some Henricia species have been found with remains of small sponge colonies in their stomach folds, thus indicating that they may contribute tissue damage and potential mortality to sponge colonies (Mauzey et al. 1968). Furthermore, the damage on sponge tissues inflicted by Henricia spp. could make these damaged sponges susceptible to further tissue damage and increased likelihood of 86 breakage in turbulent currents and high-wave action caused by storms (Sheild and Witman 1993). Therefore, I hypothesized that the densities of Henricia spp. would be inversely correlated with the densities of Branching Sponges, since the branching morphology of these sponges could make them more vulnerable to breakage and other damages caused by strong currents after their tissues have already been damaged by Henricia spp. Luidia foliolata: The sand star, Luidia foliolata, is a species that primarily inhabits soft substrates (Lambert 2000). It is known for the five long arms and dull grey or brown coloration that often blends well with the surrounding environment (Lambert 2000). It is also known for its behavior of burying in soft substrates; although the mechanisms for burrowing are not well known, it is known that this species' tube feet are long and versatile enough to disturb the silty substrate (Mauzey et al. 1968). The soft substrate habitats along west coast of the North America often are occupied by colonies of white sea pens belonging to the suborder Subselliflorae (Strom 2006). Sea pens are often susceptible to damage caused by physical disturbances of habitats since the axial rod of sea pens are usually brittle (Greathead et al. 2007). Since one of L. foliolata's traits is its burrowing ability, I hypothesized that greater densities of these sea stars would reduce white Subselliflorae sea pen colonization, since the burrowing behavior could be responsible for substrate disturbance that causes sea pens' inability to secure in sediment. Thus I hypothesized that the densities of L. foliolata would be inversely correlated with the densities of Subselliflorae sea pens. 87 Mediaster aequalis: The vermillion red star, Mediaster aequalis, has one of the most opportunistic diets of any sea stars; its diet consists of sea pens, sponges, algal materials, and detritus (Birkeland 1974, Mauzey et al. 1968). In some places, such as the Gabriola Passage in British Columbia in December, about 56% of M. aequalis were observed feeding on detritus (Lambert 2000). It is also a widespread species that inhabits habitats of various grain sizes, ranging from high-relief rocks to pebbles (Lambert 2000). Another common echinoderm present throughout the hard-substrate habitats of the Pacific Northwest is the red sea cucumber, Parastichopus californicus (Lambert 1997). P. californicus primarily feeds on organic matter and detritus as it roams across the seafloor and inserts the organic matter with its tentacles (Lambert 1997). From past literature about dietary preference similarity between the M. aequalis and P. californicus, it appears that their prey resources overlap greatly, thus leading to the possibility of resource competition between these two species. Thus, I hypothesized that the density of M. aequalis across different stations would be inversely correlated with the density of P. californicus. Pteraster tesselatus: The cushion star, Pteraster tesselatus, is characterized by short puffy arms, broad disc, and overall, a fat, rotund structure; it is particularly known for its ability to excrete slime upon disturbance (Lambert 2000). A few studies in the past have observed P. tesselatus consuming sponges that are small and encrusting in morphology (Mauzey et al. 1968). This could be attributed to their morphology, since their short puffy arms may limit their movement flexibility, thus preventing them from successfully clambering and attacking sponges of branching morphology. With this in 88 mind, I hypothesized that there would be negative correlation between the densities of P. tesselatus and the shelf sponge, since shelf sponges were distinguished from other sponges based on their relatively flat surface as opposed to branching morphology that other sponges had, thus making these sponges a possible favorable target for P. tesselatus. Stylasterias forreri: Many studies in the past have indicated that sponge colonies are subjected to fish predation (Ruzicka and Gleason 2008). Studies of temperate reefs around the world have suggested possible changes in sponge diversity and richness structure affected by spongivorous fish predation (Ruzicka and Gleason 2009). In some cases, fish predation on sponges has shown to limit sponge growth forms over time, which could potentially weaken their internal structures and increase their vulnerability to other threats (Loh and Pawlik 2009). The velcro star, Stylasterias forreri, is a species that inhabits hard substrata and reefs, and it usually feeds on bivalves, chitons, and sponges (Lambert 2000). However, S. forreri is special in that it feeds on motile prey such as fish by capturing them with pedicellariae (Robilliard 1971). The dorsal surface of S. forreri is covered with thousands of crossed pedicellariae that immediately activates upon contact; these pedicellariae are equipped with sharp hooks and act like pincers, grasping the motile prey with vice-like grip (Chia and Amerongen 1974). The S. forreri is often wellblended against background, and some observations have recorded fish being captured as it mistakes the dorsal surface of S. forreri as rocky substratum (Chia and Amerongen 1974). Therefore, I hypothesized that there would be a positive correlation between the densities of S. forreri and the Shelf Sponge, since the increasing presence of S. forreri would lead to increasing predation on spongivorous fish, thus indirectly protecting the 89 sponge colonies. I selected the Shelf Sponge since its relatively flat morphology in the reefs would allow predatory fish to approach closer to the rocky substratum surface, thus increasing the possibility of their contact with the S. forreri. 90 METHODS BIO-ENV with Modified Matrix The sea stars that appeared in the top 90% contributing list per station group (SIMPER analysis) were removed from the biota matrix for each dataset and added to the environmental matrix as possible explanatory variables. After moving the sea stars, the Delta biota matrix had 54 species, and the environmental matrix had total of 26 environmental variables: 18 different substratum percentages, depth (meters), temperature (Celsius), latitude, and the densities (#/m2) of five sea star species. After moving the sea stars, the ROV biota matrix had 54 species, and the environmental matrix had total of 32 environmental variables: 22 different substratum percentages, depth (meters), temperature (Celsius), Salinity (PSU), latitude, and the densities (#/m2) of six sea star species. To determine if sea stars are indeed descriptive species in describing different assemblage patterns after accounting for all other available environmental parameters, I ran a BIO-ENV procedure, available in PRIMER 6th Version (Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research) once each per dataset (Delta and ROV Hammerhead). Before running the BIO-ENV, for each environmental matrix, the substrata percentages were log (x+1) transformed, and the sea star densities were squareroot transformed before the entire environmental data was normalized. Pearson’s Correlation Tests After determining which sea stars were influential species in determining invertebrate assemblage patterns after all the other environmental variables have been 91 accounted for based on the BIO-ENV results, I investigated whether there were potential species-specific relationships between these sea stars and a selected invertebrate species that possibly face direct or indirect effects based on the sea star’s dietary behavior and life history using the limited information from past peer-reviewed literature. I tested each hypothesis with the Pearson’s Correlation Test at p = 0.05 significance level. All densities were square-root transformed before running the tests. 92 RESULTS Descriptive Species in the Delta Stations Five Asteroid Echinoderms were identified as descriptive candidates in characterizing invertebrate communities of Delta stations, since they made part of the 90% contribution in distinguishing assemblages. These five species were the blood star, Henricia spp., sand star, Luidia foliolata, vermillion red star, Mediaster aequalis, thorny star, Poraniopsis inflata, and slime star, Pteraster tesselatus (Table 6). When the five Asteroid Echinoderms were added to the environmental matrix, the result of best environmental variable subsets that explain the invertebrate community (minus five Asteroid Echinoderms) was different from the environmental subsets obtained without accounting for Asteroid Echinoderms in the environmental matrix (Table 7). The variable combination that exhibited the highest correlation with squareroot transformed minus Asteroid Echinoderm invertebrate community structure were boulder-mud (BM), mud-mud (MM), ridge-mud (RM), depth, latitude, L. foliolata, M. aequalis, Henricia spp., and P. tesselatus (r = 0.792). The correlation dropped slightly when the P. tesselatus was removed from the variable combination (r = 0.789). Thus, after the environmental variables BM, MM, RM, depth, and latitude were taken into account, L. foliolata, M. aequalis, Henricia spp., and P. tesselatus were the Asteroid Echinoderm species whose densities were correlated with the overall structure of the benthic macroinvertebrate communities in stations surveyed by Delta. 93 Descriptive Species in the ROV Hammerhead Stations Six Asteroid Echinoderms were identified as descriptive candidates in characterizing invertebrate communities of ROV Hammerhead stations, since they made part of the 90% contribution in distinguishing assemblages. These six species were Henricia spp., L. foliolata, M. aequalis, giant pink star, Pisaster brevispinus, P. tesselatus, and the velcro star, Stylasterias forreri (Table 6). When the six Asteroid Echinoderms were added to the environmental matrix, the correlation between the variable subsets and the invertebrate community structure (minus the six Asteroid Echinoderms) was highest when the environmental variable subset was composed of GG, RM, latitude, L. foliolata, and S. forreri (r = 0.855) (Table 7). Thus, after the variables GG, RM, and latitude were taken into account, L. foliolata and S. forreri were the Asteroid Echinoderm species whose densities were correlated with the overall macroinvertebrate community structure in the stations surveyed by ROV Hammerhead. Specific Relationships with Asteroid Echinoderms Based on the past literature about the life history and feeding traits, I proposed the following hypotheses about the sea stars that were considered influential drivers of invertebrate community structure patterns. Briefly, they were the following: i. Henricia sp. densities will be negatively correlated with the densities of Branching Sponge. 94 ii. L. foliolata densities will be negatively correlated with the densities of Subselliflorae sea pen. iii. M. aequalis densities will be negatively correlated with the densities of California Sea Cucumber Parastichopus californicus. iv. P. tesselatus densities will be negatively correlated with the densities of Shelf Sponge. v. S. forreri densities will be positively correlated with the densities of Shelf Sponges. The null hypothesis was rejected for all Pearson’s correlation tests except one (correlation between P. tesselatus and the shelf sponge) (Table 8). Five Pearson’s correlation tests did have significant results with positive correlations greater than 0.6 except the correlation between S. forreri and the shelf sponge (r = 0.58). In terms of the individual hypotheses for each sea star species, no hypothesis was met except for the test between S. forreri and the shelf sponge, although the correlation was only slightly over 0.5 (Table 8). In the original hypotheses, four species were speculated to be negatively correlated with the invertebrate of interest, but their hypothesis were rejected by the Pearson’s correlation test, which showed that all correlations were positive, opposite of what was predicted. The highest correlation was between L. foliolata and Subselliflorae sea pen in ROV Hammerhead dataset (r = 0.71), and the lowest correlation was between P. tesselatus and the shelf sponge (r = 0.29). 95 DISCUSSION This study has indicated that with all other environmental variables taken into account, a selected number of sea stars species are correlated with benthic macroinvertebrate community patterns on the Pacific Northwest continental shelf. In the Delta dataset, four species were identified to be descriptive. The importance of the sand star, Luidia foliolata, can be attributed to its close association with the substratum type mud-mud (MM), which was determined to be one of the most important environmental variables explaining different macroinvertebrate assemblage patterns. The close association between MM and L. foliolata could suggest that mud habitat with L. foliolata is even more unique, and the combination of MM and L. foliolata can provide better views of patterns of assemblages residing in habitats dominated by mud. Furthermore, its percent contribution was particularly high in assemblage F, an assemblage that was mainly characterized by Subselliflorae sea pen, also a MM associated species. The association of both the sand star and the Subselliflorae sea pen with mud habitats is likely what lead to the high correlation between these species in the Pearson’s test. The blood star, Henricia spp., was also identified to be correlated with overall invertebrate patterns, and this can be attributed to the fact that they were characteristic species in two assemblages that mainly consist of Siltcoos Reef and Coquille Bank stations. Coquille Bank and Siltcoos Reef stations were geographically in close proximity, and since the Henricia spp. was not a characteristic species in other three assemblages, Henricia spp. might have been selected because it is indicative of latitudinal differences in invertebrate communities. The vermillion star, Mediaster aequalis, was also selected, primarily 96 because it had the most widespread distribution of all five sea stars, and it was an important characteristic species in assemblages that were distributed across all Grays Bank Deep & Shallow, Siltcoos Reef, and Coquille Bank stations, potentially indicating its correlation with a community of generalists. Finally, the cushion star, Pteraster tesselatus, was possibly shown as a descriptive species, because it was an important characteristic species only in an assemblage which consisted of five Siltcoos Reef stations. The presence of P. tesselatus at Siltcoos Reef but not elsewhere could suggest similar latitudinal variance as implied by Henricia spp. However, unlike Henricia spp., P. tesselatus was not present in Coquille Bank. The absence of P. tesselatus in Coquille Bank could also be associated with different rock material composition that may contribute to distinct macroinvertebrate assemblages between Siltcoos Reef and Coquille Bank stations. Another reason for the absence of P. tesselatus at the Siltcoos Reef could be that this species is even more latitudinally confined. Unlike the for Delta stations, for the ROV survey only two sea star species were shown as descriptive species of general macroinvertebrate assemblage patterns. These two species were L. foliolata, and the velcro star, Stylasterias forreri. L. foliolata was once again shown as descriptive, because it is a species that is indicative of low-relief fine sediment habitats, such as those primarily composed of mud. Habitats composed of low-relief mud are known to have very distinct invertebrate communities in comparison to habitats composed of high-relief rocky types. The latitude was also shown to be an important variable in the subset with highest correlation. S. forreri was possibly shown as 97 an influential species because it was widely distributed in many stations across both Grays Bank and Siltcoos Reef. In the Delta stations, all correlation tests were significant except the test between P. tesselatus and shelf sponge. Perhaps Henricia spp. was positively associated with branching sponges, since it is possible that they would prefer feeding on smaller encrusting sponges and zoanthid anemones that were not quantified by this study (Mauzey et al. 1968). If Henricia spp. greatly depends on branching sponges for food source, it would mean that they would have to climb onto branching structure of the Poriferan to digest their outer tissues. Crawling onto these sponges would mean greater exposure to currents, thus putting the Henricia spp. at risk of being swept away. Furthermore, it might be energetically unfavorable for the Henricia spp. to climb onto a branching sponge. L. foliolata was positively correlated with Subselliflorae sea pen instead of negative as hypothesized, because this might suggest that their burrowing behavior may not occur at minimal intensity and frequency to actually uproot Subselliflorae sea pens from the sediment. Likewise, it may be possible that the Subselliflorae have peduncle with muscles that are strong enough to adhere to the sediment, and resistant to burrowing disturbance caused by L. foliolata, if such burrowing activities do occur adjacent to the sea pen. The vermillion star M. aequalis was positively correlated with red sea cucumber P. cailfornicus, contrary to the hypothesis. Although carrion and other decaying matter do make up large portion of M. aequalis diet, M. aequalis are also known to be formidable predators (Birkeland 1974). Their diet is also known to change by season (Mauzey et al. 1968; Birkeland 1974). Perhaps the resource 98 partitioning in high-relief rocky habitats were M. aequalis and P. californicus cohabit is well-balanced so that the two species can avoid interspecific competition. The cushion star, P. tesselatus, was the only species whose null hypothesis for Pearson’s correlation test was not rejected. P. tesselatus is known to feed on encrusting sponges, or the sponges that cover rock layers without any particular morphological features (Mauzey et al. 1968). Shelf sponges, although not branching, are usually flat, but sometimes come with various morphological features that are sometimes pointed, crested, bent, etc. Since P. tesselatus are fat, rotund, and have short stubby arms, an attempt to clamber over a pointed shape of shelf sponge may be highly energetically unfavorable for P. tesselatus; thus they may be feeding primarily on encrusting sponges rather than other Poriferans. Since quantifying encrusting sponges is very difficult, mainly because often they are difficult to distinguish from bare rock surface, it was possible to make observations of these organisms at the Delta stations to explore this hypothesis. In the ROV Hammerhead dives, the correlation tests for both L. foliolata and S. forreri were positive. The same explanation for the correlation test result between sand star L. foliolata and Subselliflorae sea pen in Delta dives can also be applied to the correlation test results in ROV Hammerhead dives. The correlation test between S. forreri and the shelf sponge was the only correlation test that met the hypothesis, although the correlation was low. The limited literature that has been published about S. forreri suggest that they specialize in preying on fish (Robilliard 1971; Chia and Amerongen 1974; Lambert 2000). However, Lambert (2000) stated that S. forreri alsofeed on sponges, suggesting that these species may feed on sponges as much as they 99 prey on fish, hence the low positive correlation between their densities and the densities of shelf sponges. Sea stars mainly exert their influence in community heterogeneity and diversity through their feeding rate, prey selection, and other foraging strategies (Gaymer et al. 2004). Many sea stars have diverse feeding strategies among species and across seasons; it is also possible that in one particular season, the sea stars would consume a prey in lower frequency than they would consumer another prey species in a different season (Birkeland 1974). The differences of influence that sea stars can exert on community diversity also could depend on the habitat they primarily inhabit. In this study, three out of five sea stars: Henricia spp., P. tesselatus, and S. forreri were associated with highrelief rocky habitats. These three species may be attracted to higher-relief rocky habitats due to food availability, substrata, and shelter provided by sponge and gorgonian colonies. Their predation of sponges and other organisms depending on the sponge colonies could be playing a significant role in maintaining energy flow between organisms of different trophic levels, since their predation may prevent one organisms taxa from becoming too abundant, just as Pisaster ochraceus has demonstrated with its predation behavior in intertidal habitats (Paine 1966). The sand star, L. foliolata, was identified as a characteristic species because they are associated with fine sediment habitats, which have many fewer associated taxa than high-relief habitats. Mauzey et al. (1968) observed that L. foliolata have a diverse diet that consists of various small Holothurians, bivalves, and even crustaceans. Since it is known to capture its prey by digging into substrata, it can be inferred that L. foliolata 100 mainly feeds on small infaunal invertebrates that usually cannot be observed in research using underwater submersibles. Therefore, L. foliolata’s actual influence on community diversity may be reflected on the infaunal invertebrates rather than epifaunal macroinvertebrates. Finally, M. aequalis could be influencing macroinvertebrate community diversity through their highly varied diet. Mauzey et al. (1968) found that along with detritus, M. aequalis also feeds on wide array of prey including but not limited to sponges, algae, nudibranchs, sea pens, diatoms, dinoflagellates, hydroids, and bivalves. This opportunistic behavior could make the M. aequalis responsible for community diversity declines if they inhabited a low-relief fine sediment habitat with relatively low macroinvertebrate diversity to begin with (i.e. a mud habitat occupied by sea pens and several other macroinvertebrate taxa). Sea stars undoubtedly have potential to influence the abundance and distribution of various prey species (Menge 1972; Gaymer et al. 2004). Their ability to influence overall community is determined by wide range of factors, including prey species preferences (by age, habitat, etc.), prey size preference, prey capturing strategies, and prey consumption percentages (i.e. whether they consume all the prey remains or leave carrion for other species to scavenge). 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Luidia foliolata Mediaster aequalis Pisaster brevispinus Pteraster tesselatus Stylasterias forreri Delta Assemblages B D F 2.57 4.17 12.71 7.74 4.23 2.57 ROV Hammerhead Assemblages D E F 1.73 5.72 3.68 3.44 1.76 2.38 1.57 2.5 2.26 G 14.83 - G 7.19 3.81 - Table 6 Contribution % of all sea stars across all assemblages in both Delta and ROV Hammerhead datasets. These species were found within SIMPER’s 90% cutoff results. The hypotheses were made for only the species that occurred in more than one assemblage. 106 ROV Delta Dataset Environmental Variables BM, MM, RM, Depth, Latitude, L. foliolata , M. aequalis , Henricia sp., P. tesselatus BM, MM, RM, Depth, Latitude, L. foliolata , M. aequalis , Henricia sp. BM, MM, RM, RR, Depth, Latitude, L. foliolata , M. aequalis , Henricia sp., P. tesselatus BM, FM, MM, RM, Depth, Latitude, L. foliolata , M. aequalis , Henricia sp. BM, FM, MM, RM, RR, Depth, Latitude, L. foliolata , M. aequalis , Henricia sp., P. tesselatus GG, RM, Latitude, L. foliolata , S. forreri GG, RM, Temperature, L. foliolata , S. forreri RM, Latitude, L. foliolata , S. forreri GG, RM, Latitude, L. foliolata GG, RM, Temperature, S. forreri Correlation Coefficient 0.792 0.789 0.787 0.787 0.782 0.855 0.845 0.843 0.842 0.839 Table 7 Top five sets of environmental variables (with sea stars) that are most highly correlated with the invertebrate structure in the Delta and ROV Hammerhead stations. Results were based on the BIO-ENV results, after the sea stars were removed and added to the environmental matrix. All taxa densities were square-root transformed, and all the environmental data were normalized (after substrata percentages were log-transformed). For the full species names, refer to tables 1, 3, and 5. 107 ROV Delta Dataset Asteroid Echinoderm Henricia sp. Luidia foliolata Mediaster aequalis Pteraster tesselatus Luidia foliolata Stylasterias forreri Species Compared Branching Sponge Subselliflorae Parastichopus californicus Shelf Sponge Subselliflorae Shelf Sponge Correlation Coefficient 0.69 0.63 0.69 0.29 0.71 0.58 t 4.17 3.49 4.13 1.32 4.73 3.35 df 19 19 19 19 22 22 p-value < 0.001 0.002 < 0.001 0.2015 < 0.001 0.003 Table 8 Pearson’s Correlation Test results between the influential sea stars and the invertebrate taxa of interest at p = 0.05 significance level. 108