ITU-T Workshop on Multimedia in NGN P2P Telecom Solutions Ning Zong Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication Union Telecomm Service Evolution Any-Access Browsers Media service Web Pages HTTP Text-based Applications Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 dHeTTP iMoVoIPRTP WAPRTSP Multimedia Applications International Telecommunication Union 2 C/S Service Model Users In A Users In C Network Contents In E Users In B Concurrent Users In D requests bring server high burden. High device investment are required to deploy more servers. Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication Union 3 What’s P2P Clients are organized in a peer-to-peer manner, i.e., they share information with each other, thus reduce the burden of server. Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication Union 4 P2P Service Model Users In C Users In A Network Contents In E Users In D Users In B Content burden. sharing among peers reduces server’s Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication Union 5 Internet P2P (1/2) BitTorrent Fully make use of Internet resources such as PC capabilities, network bandwidth, etc. Do not have carriers’ sensorship – NOT manageable. Do the best to provide service – CANNOT guarantee QoS. All customers are same – CANNOT enable CoS. Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication Union 6 Internet P2P (2/2) SKYPE SKYPE High High customer customer volume volume Lowcarrier carrier Low revenue revenue Internet Voice Network 宽带 Resource 技术 Marketing Stream Media Fullof ofnonnonFull manageable manageable P2Pflows flows P2P PPLIVE PPLIVE P2P based services reduce the carriers’ ARPU. Carriers’ networks are full of non-manageable P2P flows. Customer volume increases, carrier’s revenue decrease. International Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 Telecommunication Union 7 Telecomm P2P Req. (1/3) Service Requirements Multimedia services bring servers high burden in conventional C/S service model. P2P service model effectively reduce the server’s burden by sharing contents among clients. 9P2P helps reducing the investment of deploying multimedia services. Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication Union 8 Telecomm P2P Req. (2/3) Carrier Requirements Internet P2P consumes large amount of carrier’s resources, but without carrier’s sensorship. Carrier can attract more subscribers by deploying and operating their own P2P services. 9Telecomm P2P help protecting the carrier’s investment and increasing carrier’s ARPU. Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication Union 9 Telecomm P2P Req. (3/3) Customer Requirements Internet P2P only does the best to provide services, i.e., no QoS guarantee, no CoS. Carrier can provide effective end-to-end QoS and CoS by operating their own P2P services. 9Customers require telecomm level P2P solutions with improved user experience. Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication 10 Union Telecomm P2P Solutions (1/3) Client SIP UA behind NAT SIP UA on Overlay Mobile SIP Terminal G/W PSTN P2P Overlay Network SIP Proxy / Registrar STUN/TURN Server Conventional SIP Terminal P2P overlay makes current SIP network more flexible, more scalable, more robust and reduces the cost of deploying network. Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication 11 Union Telecomm P2P Solutions (2/3) P2P Overlay on WAN P2P Overlay on MAN P2P overlay reduces the burden of content server in IPTV content delivery system, and with the local/inter-domain structure, reduces the cross-domain flows. Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication 12 Union Telecomm P2P Solutions (3/3) Separation of P2P function/service 9Common P2P platform supports various services. 9P2P platform implements content routing, content transportation, etc. 9Services don’t care how P2P platform works. Separation of P2P control/data plane 9P2P control plane implements content routing, peer administration, etc. 9P2P data plane implements content transportation, traffic management, etc. Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication 13 Union Telecomm P2P Standardization IETF - P2PSIP 9P2P technique is utilized to manage SIP procedure based on distributed SIP functional entities. 9Issues such as protols between peers, security and NAT traversal are considered. DSL Forum - ARCH 9P2P issues are addressed in WT-144 as one of general requirements for access network. Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication 14 Union Thank You Email: Tel: +86 25 84565469 Web: Multimedia in NGN Geneva, 10-11 September 2007 International Telecommunication 15 Union