Toolkit on Assessment Framework for Environmental Impacts of the ICT Sector

Toolkit on Assessment
Framework for
Environmental Impacts of
the ICT Sector
Yong-Woon KIM
ETRI, Korea (Republic of)
Committed to Connecting the World
Contributors & Collaborators
Yong-Woon KIM (ETRI, Korea)
Tom Baumann (GHG Management Institute/ClimateCHECK)
Hans Otto Scheck (Nokia Siemens Networks)
Susanna Kallio (Nokia Siemens Networks)
Cristina Bueti (ITU)
Erica Campilongo (ITU)
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
 The assessment framework intends to help the ICT sector
 various environmental management standards and guidelines that
could apply to it;
 the interaction of these standards and guidelines when applied to
the same assessment target and criteria, and
 the relationships between the standards and guidelines when
viewed as part of an assessment framework table.
 This assessment framework aims to provide:
 an overall view of most assessment targets and assessment
criteria, and
 a description of the relationships between assessment targets and
assessment criteria to help understand:
 their application; their inter-dependencies; where they are
complementary; where they supplement each other; how they
might be competitive.
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
Document contents
 Introduction to objectives and target audience
 Review of relevant standards and guidelines (ITU-T, ISO
TC 207, GHG Protocol Initiative, IEC TC 111, BSI, JRCEC, JRC-IES, ETSI and IAASB)
 Assessment framework in terms of assessment criteria
and assessment targets
 Standards map in terms of type, compliance, voluntary
and geographic scope
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
 ITU-T L.1410, Methodology for environmental impact
assessment of ICT goods, networks and services
ITU-T L.1420, Methodology for energy consumption and
greenhouse gas emissions impact assessment of
information and communication technologies within
ITU-T L.1430, Methodology for environmental impact
assessment of ICT projects
ITU-T L.1440, Methodology for environmental impact
assessment of ICT within cities
ITU-T L.1450, Methodology for environmental impact
assessment of ICT within countries
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
ISO TC 207 (1/2)
 ISO 14021, Environmental labels and declarations – Self
declared environmental claims (Type II environmental
ISO 14024, Environmental labels and declarations – Type I
environmental labelling – Principles and procedures
ISO 14025, Environmental labels and declarations – Type
III environmental declarations – Principles and procedures
ISO 14040, Environmental management – Life cycle
assessment – Principles and framework
ISO 14044, Environmental management – Life cycle
assessment – Requirements and guidelines
ISO 14064-1, Greenhouse gases – Part 1: Specification
with guidance at the organization level for quantification
and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
ISO TC 207 (2/2)
 ISO 14064-2, Greenhouse gases – Part 2: Specification with
guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and
reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions and removal
ISO 14064-3, Greenhouse gases – Part 3: Specification with
guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas
ISO 14065, Greenhouse gases – Requirements for greenhouse
gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation or
other forms of recognition
ISO 14066, Greenhouse gases – Competency requirements for
greenhouse gas validation teams and verification teams
ISO 14067, Greenhouse gases – Carbon footprint of products
ISO/TR 14069, Greenhouse gases – Quantification and
reporting of GHG emissions for organizations (Carbon footprint
of organization) – Guidance for the application of ISO 14064-1
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
GHG Protocol Initiative
 A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard
 Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting
Standard – Supplement to the GHG Protocol corporate
accounting and reporting standard
 The GHG Protocol for project accounting
 Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard
 ICT Sector Guidance to support the GHG Protocol Product
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
IEC TC 111
 IEC/TR 62725, Analysis of quantification methodologies
for greenhouse gas emissions for electrical and electronic
products and systems
 IEC/TR 62726, Guidance on quantifying greenhouse gas
emission reductions from the baseline for electrical and
electronic products and systems
 IEC 62430, Environmentally conscious design for electrical
and electronic products
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
 PAS 2050, Specification for the assessment of the life cycle
greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services
 PAS 2060, Specification for the demonstration of carbon
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
 ILCD Handbook: Analysis of existing Environmental Impact
Assessment methodologies for use in Life Cycle Assessment
ILCD Handbook: General guide for Life Cycle Assessment –
Detailed guidance
ILCD Handbook: General guide for Life Cycle Assessment –
Provisions and action steps
ILCD Handbook: Framework and requirements for Life Cycle
Impact Assessment models and indicators
ILCD Handbook: Review schemes for Life Cycle Assessment
ILCD Handbook: Specific guide for Life Cycle Inventory data
ILCD Handbook: Reviewer qualification for Life Cycle Inventory
data sets.
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
 Environmental footprint of products
 Environmental footprint of organizations
July 2011
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 ETSI TS 103 199, Environmental Engineering; Life
Cycle Assessment (LCA) of ICT equipment, networks
and services; General methodology and common
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
 ISAE 3410, Assurance Engagements on
Greenhouse Gas Statements
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
Assessment framework (1/5)
 Assessment targets
 Product
 Organization
 Project
 City
 Country
 Assessment criteria
 Inventory
 Carbon footprint
 Life cycle assessment (LCA):
 ICT enablement accounting
 Product eco-design
 Labelling by evaluation
 Validation and verification
July 2011
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Assessment framework (2/5)
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Assessment framework (3/5)
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Assessment framework (4/5)
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July 2011
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Assessment framework (5/5)
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
Standards map (1/4)
 Identification factors
 Programmes, Standards, or Guidance
 Compliance or Voluntary
 Geographic scope
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
Standards map (2/4)
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
Standards map (3/4)
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
Standards map (4/4)
July 2011
Committed to Connecting the World
More information
 Contact:
 Yong-Woon KIM
 Cristina Bueti
July 2011