•t • No.PERlAP)-C-B(12)-1/98 Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Personnel(AP-III). The Secretary(Pers.) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. 1. All the Financial Commissioners/Commissionerscum-Secretaries/Secretaries/Joint Secretaries/ Deputy Secretaries/Under Secretaries to the Grvernment of Himacha.l Pradesh. 2. the Divisional Commissioners, Shimla/Kan~ra and Mandi, H,lmachal Pradesh. 3. All Heads of Departments in Himachal Pradesh. 4. All Deputy Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh. 5.· All the Chairmen/Manal?;in~Directors/ Secretaries/Re~istrars of all the Public Sector Undertakin~s/Corporations/Boards/ Universities etc. in Himachal Pradesh. Reservation roster- Post based-Implementation of Supreme Court Jud~ement in the case of R.K. Sabharwal Vs. State of Punjab and enhancement of reservation in services for Other Backward Classes. ******* Jai Hind. I am directed reservation in direct recrui~ment for Other Backward Classes in respect of Class-I & II posts/services from 10% to 12% and in respect of & IV posts/services from 15% to 18% respectively vide Class-III December, 1997 and in reference to the instructions issued Government re~ardin~ determination of Roster Points 8.11.1994 and ~0.PER{AP}-C-F(4)-1/96, dated 16.5.1996, of determinin~ the Scheduled Tribes ana reservation has been proyided under Article etc. the the vide question roster points on this acccunt to Other Backward Classes as ~ell as to all other reserved cate~ories Castes, by 16(4) of the Oth2r Backward accordin~ to Constitution viz.; Scheduled Classes to whom the "Vertical R.eservation" of and India to the Ex-Seni icemen. Chi Idren/Grand Children of Freedom Fie:hters, Physical~ handjc;}"rl1)O~lnet'sons, Const i tutiol"!, Antodaya"/IRDP etc. under Article 16(1} of the which is treated as "Horizontal reservation" and also case of R.K. Sabharwal Vs. State of Pu~jab as well Vs. Ministry of as J.C. Railways has held that the reservation of jobs for the backward classes BC/BT/GBC should apply to posts reserved cate~ories are to b~ filled by appointment of the respective Mallick and not persons to from category so as to maintain the prescribed percenta~e of reservation. reserved cate~ories, who are appointed on the basis of merit--and not on account of reservation-- are not to be counted towards the Quota meant for reservation. accordingly. All the concerned authorities are, therefore, requested to prepare the respectiye rosters based on the principles in the Explanatory Notes ~iven in elaborated Annexure-A to this letter and illustrated in the Model Rosters annexed as Annexure-'B' and 'e' each in bvo parts with Appendix to it and for promotional posts as per rosters for Annexure-'D' with Appendix. promotions, there shall be separate direct recruitment and for promotions; The number of pcints in the roster shall be equal the an~l number of posts in the cadre. In case there is increasE:' or decrease in future. the to rosters shall the be cadre strength In expanded/contracted @ Cadre, for the particular purpose ~rade recruitment and rules. of rosters, shall Thus, shall mean a cOIDorise the number of in a cadre of, say; 200 posts, where the recruitment rules prescribe a of 50:50 for direct recruitment and ratio promotion, two promotion (when reservation in promotion applies) each comprisin~ 100 points shali be drawn up on the lines of the respective model rosters; Since reservation does ( where deputation/transfer, the recruitw~nt I prescribe a percenta~e of posts to be fiIled method, by such posts shall be excluded while prep2ri~g the ros tc'rs ; In small cadres of upto 13 the P08t5, method prescribed for preparation of rosters does not permit' reservation to be made for all the three cate~oriesE concerned author,ities mar consider Rroupin~ of posts in differe~t cadres I accordance subject. with In the the such existin( event it ~roupin~, instructions is Dot the on the possible enclosed to rosters I for posts may be principles of operatin~ these rosters fQllowed. are Th~ explained in the explanaton~ notes. At the stage of initial operation,o! a roster, it \dll be necessary to adjust the existin~ appointme::(,sin the 1'oster. This will also help in identifying the excesse,s/ii;l-lorta~es: )f' any, in the respective from the earliest categories in appointment the cadre. 1his may be ,done startin~' / . and makim( an " appropriate remark/ " ' utllised by SC/ST/OBC/Gen.etc",as ' '... J . f the case may be~a~alns~ ~acl pOln~ in the rosters as explained in the explanatory nor,esap~0'ndedto model rosters. candidates notd . ue t0 In makin~ these ~djustments, .ppointment~ the of belon~ing to SCs/STs/OBCs which wPr$ m:1de on merit (and J+ol'ardsreservatl'o'n so re3e~va t') Ion are not to be GOuntf'£L. - ~ , ~;trL---r.-~ ® direct recruitment is concerned. initiate immediate action to prepare rosters and operate them accordin~ to these ~uidelines. December, 1997 when the percenta~e reservation was enhanced to the OBCs. However, where selections have already been finalised they need not be disturbed and the necessary adjustments in such cases made may be in future. In other cases, recruitment may be withheld till the revised rosters are brou~ht into operation and recruitment effected in accordance Hith these instructions. and also brought to the notice of all concerned for compliance. Yoursl f ai thfully, l , ~)~ ~ Secretary(Pers.) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. Endst.No.PER(AP)-C-B(12)-lj98,Dated Shimla-171002,the 20thAu~ust,98 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Secretary, H.P. VidhariSabha,Shimla-171 004. The Re~istrar, Hi~h Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-171 001. The Re~istrar, H.P. Administrative Tribunal, Shimla-171 002. The Secretary, H.P. Public Service Gommission, Shimla-171 002. All Section Officers in Himachal Pradesh, Secretariat, Shimll:!.-171002. 6. 250 copies for J. /4: '1~1A J.,t;: II Under Secretary(Pe s~tbJlh~~ Government of Him ch~. I determine the entitl~ment of different cate~ories with re~ard to the quota reserved for them.They are not. to determine seniority. cate~ories is to be kept within the prescribed percenta~e of reservation and the total reservation should in no case exceed 50% of the cadre. preparation by a of roster, it shall comprise posts required to be filled particular mode of recruitment in terms of the applicable recruitment rules. To illustrate, in a cadre where the recruitment rules comprisin~ 100 points posts, prescribe n ratio of 50:50 for direct recruitment and promotions, the roster for direct have 200 recruitment shall and that for promotion shall have 100 points- thus makin~ a total of 200 . . As indicated in the a roster is to multiplY' each percenta~es of reservation for The' point reserved at both resen<=:!dpl)lnt has em. rj,.::'put.at the roster, post different by the method the ~eserved for prescribed cate~ories. h'hich the muItipIe for a communi t;:obtains a complete cate~ories. Annexure-'B' model SC £;OIle ion, .-whe:l"e. Thus, & ST a: get point No.14, entitled. in the roster However, since earlier to se, point Ko.l·1 has been reserved rules prescribe at for ST a percep.ta~e of posts to be filled b~ this methcd, the correspondin~ proportion of posts should be.excluded while drawin~ up the rosters. 8. It would be noted that at the end of the roster, "squeezin~" has been done for the reserved cateJ:\"ories to reach number of posts to the be reserved for them without violatin~ the 50% limit ,laid down by the Courts. While dra~in~ up rosters, the cadre controllin~ authorities should similarly "squeeze" the last roints of the rostet. Such sQueezin~ may not, however, be done where it would violate the rule of 50%. 9. .Whenever there is any increase cadre stren~th, the roster shall be or decrease the correspondin~ly expanded or contracted. The same will also apply whenever there is recruitment in a cban~e in rules \~hichaffects the proportion of posts to be filled by a particular mode of recruitment. 10. The roster is to be replacement and not words, the points applies are as at fixed a on the principle of "runnin~ account" as hitherto. In other which as operated per reservation for different cate~ories the and vacancies caused roster by retireme~t etc. of p~rsons occupyin~ those points shall be filled by ~ appointment of persons of the respective cate~ories. 11. While operatin~ the roster, persons belon~in~ to communities for whom reservation has been made, but who are appointed on med t and not oh'ingto reservation! should not be shown against reserved points. They will occupy the unreserved points. 12. In the case of small cadr~s ~upto 13 posts), all the posts shall be earmarked on the same pattern as based the rosters. cate~ory incumbents of Qe;ainst the relChnt Initial for which posts cadre recruitment a~ainstthese the shall post be by strenl?;thas ros..ter,care in Fill have is the applicable. R~placement such of as shown horizontally While operatine; the to be taken to ensure that on no occasion ~he percenta~e of reserved cate~ory candidates If post posts shall be by earmarked. rotation model exceed 50%. a :::ituation occurs at an~rtime, the relevant reserved point occurrin~ as a r~sult of rotation will be skipped. (§) appointments the roster. This may . \ . . '. ' .. each a~ainst made ; point Thus, if the earlier appointee in the c.adre happens to be a candidate belon,g;in~to th~.Scheduled Caste:s, a~ainst.point' No.1 of the th~"re~ark "utilised by st" shall be ent~r~d. If the next appointee is a general category candidat~."t.he .. ,renia!~k !~utiI ised ... ··:,ca:.t:e·~ory"·.-· shall'be t :; ~ ~. J' niaqe a'~ainst point No.2 by ~eneral and so on and so forth • .\ ~tf·i:(all makin~ roster, app6intments are ad.ius'ted in these ad.ius.tments, SC/ST/OBC th~ resDecti \'e rosters. In Gandjdates on merit, in direct re-9.ru:itment,. shall be treated as general category candidates. tally should. he representationaf the" c~dri. If made ,·,to determine there uercentages such is an excess of representatioti of any of the or'if the total representation of recruitment. Vacancies to actual appointees belon~in~ to the differeni categories in reserv~dcategories, belon~in~ the arising; from cate~ories shall retirement be the etc.of filled reserved candidates by appointment of candidates belongin~ to the cate~ories to which the relevant roster points, against which the excesses occur, belong. happen that the actual number of promotees and direct recruits in the cadre does not correspond to the number of respective reservation roster. For posts earmarked in 'the the purpose of calculations of representation of reserved cate~ory in a cadre, total of promotees and direct recruits may be taken. Rectification of -the representation - .. as per prescribed percehta~e by theorescribed mode of recruitment at the earliest Dossible should howe,'er be the 1'1;0a1, ~ ANNEXURE-fiB" OBJECTIVE;- REPRESENTATION OF EACH OF THE RESERVED G.4l'E"G0!1·Y SHOULD AT NO POINT OF TINE EXCEED THE RESE/lfATIOJ,: PRESCRIBED FOR IT. MODEL ROSTER .OF RESERVATION WITH REFERENCE TO POSTS FOR DIRECT RECRUITMENT ON ALL INDIA BAsIS BY OPEN COMPETITION, IN RESPECT OF CLASS- I AND II POSTS/SERVICES. VERTICAL RESERVATION:- SCHEDULED CASTES =J.. 5% II) SCHEDULED TRIBES =7 • 5% III) OTHER BACKWARDS =12% 1) CLASSES Sl. No.of post 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. .14.· 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. .22. 23 .. 24. 25. 26 .. 27. 28. 29. SC. @15% 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.90 1.05 1. 20 1.35 1.50 1. 65 1.80 1. 95 2.10 2.25 2.40 2.55 2.70 2.85 3.00 3.1.5 3.30 3. ,15 3.60 3.75 . 3.90 'l.Q0, 4.20 4.35 30. L50 31- 4.65 32. 33. 34. -L80 4. f.~5 'H; 5.25 36. 37. 38. 39. 5.40 diJ. 5.10 5.55 S.70 b.85 ST @7.5% .. 0.075 0.150 '0.225 0.300 0.375 0.450 0.52·5 0.600 0.675 0.750 0.825 0.900 0 ..975 1.050 1.125 1. 200 1. 275 1.350 1. 425 1.500 1. 575 1. 650 1. 725 1.800 1.875 1.950 2.025 2.100 2.175 2.L~O 2.32~ 2. VJO 2.475 2.550 2.625 2.700 2.775 2.850 2.925 OBC @12% Cate~ory fDr which the post Fhould be earmarked. 0.12 0.24' 0.36 0.48 0.60 0.72 0.84 0.96 1.08 1. 20 1. 32 1. 44 1. 56 1.68 1.80 1. 92 2.04 2.16 2.28 2.40 UR U~ UR .. DR UE UR SC-1 UR 03C-1 LIR UR UR UR ST-1 SC-2 U~ OBC-2 DR UR. SC-3 2.52 UR 2.64 2.76 2.88 3.00 3.12 3.24 3.36 3.48 3.60 UR 3.72 3.8~ 3.96 ,~. 08 .:l.'lO 4.32 4.44 4.56 4.68 UR UR. OBC-3 5T-2 8C-4 " DR " '" UR UR lJR. DR OBC-4 5C-5 UR , OR , UR DR ST-3 ;C!Ov:;iIJ{. - ~9J------ ED 40. 41. 42. 43. H. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 6l. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. ri. 78. 79. 80. 8l. 82. 83. 34. 85. 86. 87. 83. 6.00 6.15 6.30' 6.45 6.60 6.75 6.90 7.05 7.20 7.35 f.50 7.65 7.80 7.95 8.10 8.25 8.40 8.55 S.70 8.85 9.00 9.15 9.30 9.45 9.60 9.75 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.50 10.65 10.80 10.95 11.10 11. 25 11. 40 ll. 55 11. 70 1l.85 12.00 12.15 12.30 12.45 12.60 12,75 12.90 1~.O5 J.3.20 89, 13.35 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 13.50 13.65 13.80 99. 3.000 3.075 3.150 3.225 3.300 3.375 3.450 3.525 3.600 3.675 3.750 3.825 3.900 3.975 4.050 4.125 4.200 4.275 4.350 4.425 4.500 4.575 4.650 4.725 4.800 4.875 4.950 5.025 5.100 5.175 5.250 5.325 5.400 5.475 5.550 5.625 5.700 5.775 5.850 5.925 6.000 6.075 6.150 6.225 6.300 6.375 6.450 6.62E> 6.600 6.G7S 6.750 ~ ..S"b _2 ~ 4.80 -1.92 5.04 5.16 5.28 5.40 5.52 5.64 5.76 5.88 6.00 6.12 6.24 6.36 6. ·18 6.60 6.72 6.84 6.96 7.08 7.20 7.32 7.44 7.56 7.68 7.80 7.92 8.04 8.16 8.28 8.40 8.52 8.64 8.76 8.88 9.00 9.12 9.24 9.36 9.48 9.60 9.72 9.84 9.96 10.OS 10.20 10.32 10.44 10.56 10.63 J.i)~80 J~ . : u. fj.900 11.04 13. ~i6 6.9'-'-5 1-!.10 7.050 7.125 7.200 11.16 11. 28 11. 40 11. 52 11. 64 11.76 11.88 14.25 14,·W 14. 5~, 14.70 1~1.85 7~275 7.350 {,425 ~# I 3C-6 UR OBC-5 DR UR DR UR 5C-7 C:R UR OBC-6 UR lJR 8T-·1 SC-8 UR OR UR UR OBC-7 8C-9 OR DR DR UR OBC-8 8T-5 8C-1O DR UR UR UR lJR UR 3C-l1 OBC-9 UR DR DR 5T-6 5C-12 DR DR UR OBC-10 UR UR 8C-13 UR UR DR UR OBC-11 8T-7 8C-14 DR UR DR UR OBC-12 ~1ci- ----- ® .-/ 24.00 160. 161. 24.15 162. 24.30 163. 24.45 164. 24.60 165. 24.75 166. 2A.90 167 ..~. 25.05 1$8.. ':25.20 169'; 25.35 170. 25.50 171. 25.65 172. 25.80 173. 25.95 174. 26.10 175. 26.25 176. 26.40 177. 26.55 178. 26.70 179. 26.85 180. 27.00 181. 27.15 182. 27.30 183. 27.45 184. 27.60 185. 27.75 186. 27.90 187. 28.05 188. 28.20 189. 28.35 190. 28.50 191. 28.65 192. 28.80 193. 28.95 194. 29.10 195. 29.25 196. 29.40 197. 29.55 198. 29.70 . 199. 29.85 200. 30.00 '. 12.000 19.20 12.075 12.150 12.225 12.300 12.375 12.450 12.525 12.600 12.675 12.750 12.825 12.900 12.975 13.050 13.125 13.200 13.275 13.350 13.425 13:500 13.575 13.650 13.725 13.800 13.875 13.950 14.025 14 .100 14 .175 14.250 14.325 14.400 14.475 14.550 14.625 14.700 14.775 14.850 14.925 15.000 19'.32 19.44 19.56 19.68 19.80 : 19.92 20.04 20.16 20.28 20.40 20.52 20.64 20.76 20.88 21. 00 21. 12 21. 24 21.36 21. 48 21. 60 21. 72 21. 84 21. 96 22.08 22.20 22.32 22.44 22.56 22.68 22.80 22.92 23.04 23.16 23.28 23.40 23.52 23.64 23.76 23.88 24.00 * To allot requisite number of posts 50%. ~C-t4 UR UR UR UR UR OBC-20 SC-25 UR UR UR DR UR ST-13 SC-26 OBC-21 UR UR DR UR SC-27 UR UR UR OBC-22 UR ST-14 SC-28 DR UR UR UR OBC-23 UR SC-29 UR DR UR OBC-24* ST-15* SC-30* without violatin~ ® rule of If in any cadre, in proportion to the reservation percenta!;{e, the quota of 8n:v reserl'ed cate.!for.v comes to .50 or above then one post may be ~iven to that category by makin.ffnecessar.v adjustment so as to ensure adequate representation to that 'category in relation to the prescribed percenta!fe. HORIZONTAL il Ex-serviceme~ =15% RESERVATION ii) Children/Grand Children of Freedom Fi~hters. iii) Physically Handicapped = 3% (Blind) Only in Education Department to the posts of Lecturers in Music (Colle~e Cadre).Class-I. = 2% EX-Servicemen. (15%) = 8,16,21,28,35,41,48,54,61,68,79,84, 88,94,97,108,116.121,128,135,141,148. 154,161.168,179.184,188,194 and 197. Children/Grand Children of Freedom Fi~hters.(2%)= Physically Handicapped (Blind) (3%) = Only in Education Deptt. to the posts of Lecturers in Music (Colle~e Cadre), Class-I. . SECOND APPENDIX TO ANNEXURE-'fB" DIRECT RECRUITMENT ON ALL INDIA BASIS BY OPEN COMPETITION Model Roster for cadre stren~th upto 13 posts Cadre Initial Stren~th Recrui - -------------------------------tment 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 1. 2. " 4. ,j • 5. 6. ,.., I. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. NOTE: UR DR UR DR DR DR SC UR OBC UR DR UR UR 1. UR DR DR DR UR se UR OBC UR cR UR UR UR .UR UR UR DR UR SC UR UR se OBC DR OBC UR DR UR L'R DR CR S1 DR T·Q ,-> •••••• UR. UR SC UR OBe UR UR UR DR UR rR ::.<.e UR UR SC VR OBC UR SC DR OBC DR DR UR UR ST UR OBC UR DR UR VR 8th 8th 10th 11th 12th 13th OBC UR UR UR UR ST UR UR UR UR UR UR UR DR UR UR ST ST ST ST ST ST 8T 81 roster is to be For cadres of 2 to 13 posts the Strell2;th tjl";' read from entry 1 under column Cadre till the ItLSt the last post and then horizontally Urn entry in the horizontal ro\~ i.e. like L 2. All the posts of the cadre are to be earmarked for the cate~ories shown under column l~itial appointment. While initial fillin~ up will'Le by the earmarked cate~ory, the replacement a~ainst allY of the post in the cadre shall be by """;tation as shown horizontally a~ainst the last post of the cadre. 3. The relevant rotation by the indicated reg~rved cate~ory could be skipped over if it leads to ~0re than 50% representation of reserved cate~orY· 4. The reservation provided to other reserved cate~orY under "Horizontal Reservation" (Article :6 (1 ) of the Constitution) viz; Ex-servicemen, Children Grand Childl'en of Freedom Fighters and Physica])Y H:.tndj caPiJzJ (Blind) or ly in Education Departm~ ~o the posts of Lecturers in Music (Colle~e ~tlrel, Class-I, .may also be £;iven reservation ke... .ping in vie\>'their percentage reservation, if fa.1(upto the cadre stren2;th of 12: posts. ' I '~'-rd,---P--Iltj- -- ST ® ANNEXURE-"e" OBJECTIVE:- REPRESENTATION OF EACH OF THE RESERVED CATEGORY SHOULD AT NO POINTfTIME EXCEED THE RESERVATION PRESCRIBED FOR IT. 81. 8C 8T No.~f @22% post, @5% '~ 1. 2. 3. 4.. 5. 6. 0.22 .:!. •• 0.44 0.66 0.88 1.111 " :-, 7. 1. 54 1. 76 1. 98 2.20 2.42 2.64 2.86 3.08 3.30 3.52 3.74 3.96 4.18 4.40 4.62 4.84 5.06. 5.28 5.50 5.72 5.94 6.16 6.38 6.60 6.82 7.04 7.26 7.48 7.70 7.92 8.14 8. 9.. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. '29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 3~. 39. 1 n,) 1..J!... 8.3G b'5'8 J ,_., .. J. ., '0..05 l 0'.10 'J,: o .:15 1 ~ O. ::0' :'1 L:. ,', ~ ::J , " 1.J .,. f , 0.54(1. 7~ . --- .-1.. •. J - '. --:UR, . - ';," I ! 1 11 l1"-,P '.~ 'T ~ ..; .1."" ; ~F J {~ C 90 c "0. 30~ ',',.;0',1;08, 0.35 : ~ . 1.26', , , 0.40. .. ..•..~ 1.44 0.45 0.50~ 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85' 0.90 0.95 1. 00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1. 20 1. 25 1. 30 1. 35 1.40 1. 4-5 1. 50 1. 55 1. 60 1. 65 1. 70 1. 75 1.80 1.85 1.90 J. 96 , ,. , 'j: '- 0 L.:l6'; . :,,, - , : 0 • 1'8; - 1. 62 '1.,80 ," ,i' 1. 98 2.16 -2.34 2.52 2'.702.8B '3.0.6, 3.24 3.42 3.60 3.78 3.96 4.144.32 4.50 4.68 4.86 5.04 5.22 5.40 5.58 5.76 5.94 6.12 6.30 6.48 6.66 13.84 ?-/a,t .of~_ . . ! • .UR If' T DR SC-2 DR OBC-2 UR I'''' SO-3 • I UR UR OBC:""3 Ur, 5C-4 ST-1 UR OBC-4 SC-5 tlR UR DR OBC-5 SC-6 Pit DR UR ::;C-7 VR OBC-6 m UR SC-8 ua oae-7 . f' , .i @ -l0. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. SO. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.> 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 9192. 93. 94. 95. 9S. 8.80 9.02 9.24 9.46 9.68 9.90 10.12 10.34 10.56 10.78 11.00 11. 22 11.44 11.66 11.88 12.10 12.32 12.54 12.76 12.98 13.20 13.42 13.64 13.86 14.08 14.30 14.52 14.74 14.96 15.18 15.40 15.62 15.84 16.06 16.28 16.50 16.7216.94 17.16 17.38 17.60 17.82 18.04 18.26 18.48 18.70 18\92 19.14 19.36 19.58 19.80 20.02 20.2.J: 20. -j.S 20,68 20.90 ~1.12 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75 2.80 2. BE, 2.90 2.95 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.30 .. : 3.3E. 3.40 3.45 3.50 3.55 3.60 3.65' 3.70 3.75 3.80 3.85 3.90 3.95 4.00 4.05 4.10 4.15 4.20 4.25 4.30 . 4.35 4.40 4.45 .J.50 4.55 4.60 4.65 4.70 1 '-f • ~- (;J 9/. 98. 2} • _~1 2L 56 ·1.80 L85 :1.90 99. 21.715 4.96 '. 7.20 7.38 7.56 7.74 7.92 8.10 8.28 8.46 8.64 8.82 9.00 9.18 9.36 9.5/1 9.72 9.90 10.08 10.26 10.44 10.62 10.80 10.98 11.16 11.34 11.52 11.70 11.88 12.06 12.24 12.42 12.60 12.78 12.96 13.14 13.32 13.50 13.68 13.86 14.04 14.22 @ 3T-2 SC-9 DR PR 1..!R OBC-8 5C-10 DR DR OBC-9 5C-ll UR DR UR UR 8C-12 OBC-I0 VR DR UR "S'C-Ig 8T-3 OBC-ll DR SC-14 TJR DR OBC-12 DR 8C-15 DR UR OBC-13 8C-16 UR DR DR OBC-14 SC-17 UR 14.40 ST-4 14.58 14.76 14 .94 15.12 15.30 15.48 15.66 15.84 16.02 16.20 UR IS. ~-,8 5C-20 16.56 16.74 16.92 17.10 17.28 17.46 17.64 17,82 SC-18 UR OBC-15 DR UR 8C-19 DR OBC-16 UR UR UR UR OBC-17 SC-21 UR ST-5 OBC-18 ~lP~--p 16/- ---- @ 100. 10l. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141142. 143. 22.00 22.22 22.44 22.66 22.88 23.10 23.32 2~L 54 23.76 23.98 24.:::0 2·L42 24.64 24.86 25.08 25.30 25.52 25.74 25.96 26.18 26.40 26.62 26.84 27.06 27.28 27.50 27.72 27.94 28.16 28.38 28.60 28.82 29.04 29.26 29.48 5.00 5.05 5.10 5.15 5.20 5.25 5~30 5.35 5.40 5 ..J~, 5.50 5.55 5.60 5-.65 5. 're 5.75 5.80 '5.85 "5.90 5.95 6.00 6..05 6.10 6.lE· 6.20 6.25 6.30 6.35 6.40 6.45 "6..50 6.55 @ 18.00 18.18 18.36 1-8.'54 : 18."i2 18.90 SC.-22 OR IJR '19.08 OBC-19 19.2f:i 19.014 DR 19.62 DR DR UR SC-23 UR 8C-24 19.80 19.98 20.16 20.3-! 20.52 DR OBC-~O FR 20. TO 20.88 ~i.06 21.24 21. 42 21.60 21. 78 ; 21. 96 22.14 22.32 22.50 22.68 22,86 : 23.~04 23.22 23.40 23.58 23.76 23. 9·1 24.12 SC-25 DR DR OBC-21 UR 5C-26 3'1'-6 UR bBC-22 8C-27 tilt UR U~ OBC-23 ,8C-28 'UR UR UR SC-29 L~" no -(U 6.60 6.65 6;70 6.75 ~9~92 :50.14 -6.80 6. BE· 30.36 6.90 24.84 lJR 30.58 30.80 31.02 31. 24 6.95 25.02 25.20 25.38 OBC-26 ST-i SC-31 UR 31. ~G 7.00 7.05 7.10 7.15 DR OBC-24 24.30 2L 48 UR 24.66 8C-30 25.56 DR : 31. 68 31. 9J 7.20 ~ ?f • -' ';) 25.74 25.92 26.10 32.12 7.30 26.28 32.34 7.35 7.40 26.46 3Z.78 33, Gr) '7.:15 ,.,~ Q') 7.50 33.ZZ. r- '27,00 .18 '3:J.4<1 33. U' 7.60 i.G6 ,.,,... -4 L I • t:. 15"1. 33.8B 15.) " J J, ~ 0 ~ ,"., 7.70 -; . '[ ~ f • hl_1 ~8.08 OBC-28 "(. E~, 7.90 7.95 ;8.26 28.·U CR 28.62 UR ~~ ---P-I 14A. H~•. 146. 1-n. 148. 1-19. 150. 151. 152. •• - r) ID,j. ;~6~ Hi. 1';~: . "" ;: !", J.J~. :32.5C ) -.J - , • - 54 34.7G '1,~. ~H. ~;8 ! ':.v. -f j 26.6·! ~~, d.:- DR DR OBC-26 5C-32 UR UR OBC-27 SC-J3 n' !...i UR :::7.36 27.72 DR UR UR 27.90 3('-34 UR - ._--- NOTE:- If in anv cadre, in proportion to the reservation percentae'e, the auo¥a of any reserved cate![or,v comes to .50 or a.bove then one post ma,V be fi{iven to that cate![ory bv makin,f{ necessary adJustment so as to ensure adequate representation to that cate~ory in relation to the prescribed percentaJ;fe,' \~ ® @ FIRST APPENDIX HORIZONTAL RESERVATION TO ANNEXURE-fiG" i) Ex-servicemen ii) Children/Grand Children of Freedom Fi~hters. iii) Physically Handicapped =15% = 2% iv) ~ntodaya/I.R.D.P. = 7,14,21,27,33,40,47,54,60,67,74,81, 86,94,100,107,114,121,127,133,140, 147,154,160,167,171,181,186,194 & 200. Children/Grand Children of Freedom Fi~hters.(2%) PhysicaLLY Handicapped. (3%) = 30,73,97,130,173 = 8,15,22,28,36,42,48,50,56,61,68,77, 83,90,96,108,115,122,128,136,142, 148,150,156,161,168,177,183,190 & 196. & 197. ~/A, 1?-If·---- ~fodel Roster for Direct recruitment for cadre stren~frtfupto 13 posts in respect of Class-III and IV posts/services where recIUitment is made on a local or re~ional basis. ------ - REPLACEMENT ! Cadre Initial Strens;th Recruitment 1st ,,-_..1.- 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9til 10th,'11th 12th 13th UR SC OBe DR UR DR SC SC OBC DR DR OBC UR UR DR OBC OBC UR SC VR se UR OEe DR ~" ~'-' DR DR se UR OBC DR SC VR. UR UR UR SC UR OBC DR S'., L' SC FR DR {jR DR SC UR OBC UR SC 5. sc 6. I. OBC DR VE {jR DR SC OBC UR DR DR 8. I:P '-.U. 1''') .....11.: cr' lJR esc 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. lJR ,~( ..)1- lR OBe DR GBe L'~\ CR se Cf"' ,-,v 2. 'J "'. ,!, DR DR UR DR DR DR UR SC OBe DR . se \!" PH OEe OBe TIP \...:..\. rR sc 1. NO. .• i. uL OBC [R SC r • Sc se For cadres of 2 to 13 Dosts the roster is to peread from entry 1 under c~lumn Cadre Strength 5~1l the last post and then horizontally till the ,;ast . ·~"'t.l entry in the horizontal raw I.e. lIke L' " All the nosts of the cadre are to be ~ ' earmarkedl ' 1 for the cate~ories shown under column initj~ appointment. While initial fillin~ up will be by 1 - ref-l 1acemen t agal,'"" ·_~t anv Lle earmar 1<ed cate~ory tlle .-of the post in the cadre shall be by ~tatl~n as shown horizontally against the last F~t of t le cadre. I relevant rotation bv tIle indicated reserved cate~on- could be skipped'orer if it le~ to more than 50% representatioi1 of reserved cat~n'. Tlle The reservati on proy ided to other reserved ca te<1,o;1under "Horizontal Reservation" (Arti;le 16( 1 )of t;e 1- t·lon,'j VIZ; 'E . e,o~st'IvU ,x-ser:'lcemen, v~'" Idl'eJl I' G·iltnd Iv ChIldren of Freedom FH?;hters aJld PJns~va~.,,/ Handicapped may also be ~iven rfservation ~€'ePlfl .In VIew . h· -+- . ..' fall t ell' percenta~e reservD~lon, l~ - u the cadre strength---D1'---l.3...pos.t.s '.--' a l' - " • _.~ ",.., ~L' UR se SC ® ANNEXURE-"n" FOR PRmfOTION IN RESPECT OF ALL CLASSES OF POSTS i.e. III & IV Prescribed Percenta~e CLASS -I, II. of R.eservation:- Scheduled Casles= 15 % Scheduled Tribes= 7 _ 5% OBJECTIVE:-REPRESENTATION OF EACH OF THE RESERVED CATEGORY SHOULD AT .v0 POINT OF TINE EXCEED THE RESERVATION PRESCRIBED FOR .IT . NODEL ROSTER OF RESERr':4TION WITH REFERENCE TO POSTS 81. No. Share of entitlement of post SC @15% ST @7.5% Cate?;ory for I<·Jiich the post sbolfld be earmarked. 1. ., 0.075 0.150 DR O. ;>;25 O •.300 UR ~ . ') '...I • .J. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. a6. 37. 38. 0.15 O. ~,O 0.45 0.60 0.'75 0.90 1.05 1. 20 1. 35 1. 50 1. 65 1.80 l!R DR 0.375 0.450 0.525 0.600 0.6'75 0.'750 0.825 0.900 0.975 1.050 1.125 1.200 1.275 1.350 1.425 1. 500 1.575 1. 650 1. 725 1.800 1.875 1.950 2.025 2.100 2.175 ·LSO 3T-; UR 2.250 4.65 4.80 4.95 5.10 l'R 2.325 2.400 2.475 2.550 2.625 2.700 2.775 2.850 1. 95 2.10 2.25 2.40 2.55 2.70 2.85 3.00 3.15 3.30 3.45 3.60 3.75 3.90 4.05 4.20 4.35 5.25 5.40 5.55 5.70 UR UR 3C-1 UR UR UR UR UR UR 3T-1 SC-:! Un VR UR UR SC-3 DR PR DR UR UR UR 3C-4 :JR UR UR UR 3C-5 UR UR DR ;(}y-".ft. ---1L ctI!---- @ :39. 40. 4142. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 5-L 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 6162. 63. 64. 61': a. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. il. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 8')t... • 33. 8-L 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 9 t... • 93. 94. r, 5.85 6.00 6.15 6.30 6.45 6.60 6.75 6.90 7.05 7.20 7.35 7.50 7.65 7.80 7.95 8.10 8.25 8.40 8.55 B.70 8.85 9.00 9.15 9.30 9.45 9.60 9.75 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.50 10.65 10.80 10.95 11.10 11. 25 11.40 11.55 11. 70 11.85 12.00 12.15 12.30 12.45 12.60 12.75 12.90 13.05 13.20 13,35 U.50 1~~.f)5 13.80 UR ST-3 2.925 3.000 3.075 3.150 3.225 3.300 3.375 3.450 3.525 3.600 3.675 3.750 3.825 3.900 3.975 4.050 .J, 125 4.200 4.275 4.350 4.425 4.500 4.575 4.650 -1.725 4.800 4.875 4.950 5.025 5.100 5.175 5.250 5.325 5.400 3C-6 ,. DR DR UR DR DR 8C-7 DR DR DR DR UR JjR SC-8 ST-4 UR DR DR CR UR 8C-9 DR L;R UR UR DR. DR SC-lO ST-5 UR CR UR 5.475 UR 5.550 5.625 5.700 SC-11 CR 5.775 5.850 5.925 6.000 6.075 6.150 6.225 6.300 6.375 6.450 6.525 6.600 6.675 6.750 6.825 Ei.900 UR UR UR DR ST-6 8C-12 llR UR DR UR UR 3C-13 UH DR DR CR PH UR 13.95 l~,lQ 6.975 93. 14, ::;5 /,125 8C-14 ST-7 96. 97. 98. 1-1.40 7. 200 DR 1'1~55 7. 75 UR 50 PR h.7(l 7.0::',0 ~ ; . @ ~-;t£o ---P--:LJ)- -----. --~ NOTE:- ~ in proportion to the resen'l!:ion If in an.v c3dre, percentap:e, the quota of an,t- resertred cate!{ory comes to .50 or above than one DOS t may be ~'i t'en to tha t ca te~·or.v bX makin!{ necess~r.r adjustment so as to ensure adequate reprl.>sentat ion to thtit c3ter:{01T in relation to the prescribed percentaife. . ~ .' - .,.~-~.'.---- ~ . ... - ----......, "ModeL Roster for promotion for cadre streng·fi}unto 13 posts Cadre Initial Stren~th Recrui- --... 1. VR DR VR VR VR VR 2. ') oJ. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. tment _--- SC UR 1st VR VR VR VR VR SC VR VR VR VR VR VR . 2nd VR VR FR UR SC VR FR FR VR VR VR 3rd 4th 5th _ 6th ,t11 ? Bt :,h 9tl'J_ 10th VR UR VR SC UP VR VI? UP. 'rD l; j. f.JR VR SC VR FR OR UR VI? UR ST ST lIR tR lIR VR UR VB FR FR VR FR VR ST ST VR SC VR SC UR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR UR VR VR UR VR tIR UR UR UR U!? ST ~" c;-r ST 13. NOTE;- 1. For cadres of 2 to 13 posts the roster is to be read from entn- 1 under column l' Cadre Streng'th t'1",_ the last post and then horizontall~r till the last entry in the horizontal 1'01'i.e. like "L" 2. All the posts of the cadre are to be earmarked for the cate~ories shown under column initial appointment. While initial .fillin~ up will be by the earmarked cate~ory, the replacement a~ainst any of the post in the cadre shall be by rotation as shown horizontally a~ainst the last post of the cadre. 10. 12. 3. 12th ST ST SI[' ST st The relevant rotation by ~)e indicated reserved cate~ory could be skipped over if it leads to more than 50% representation of reserved cate~ory. 1;jth ------- VR. VR VR VR VR VR 11. 11th Sf