,Chronicic e Hoijs 7IlTh

) iuversity
Volume IX, Issue 2
7IlTh e
The Official
Oregon State University
Student Magazine
Spring 2004
College. Honors OSU the or
University State Oregon of policies or views the reflect
officially not may but staff, Chronicle the on writers
individual the of views reflect Articles students. OSU
and UHC by published is magazine Chronicle The
Hill Eric
McDonough Ashley
Davidson John
Breck Erin
Suter Jonathan
Advisor Faculty
Artist Staff
Chronicle The
Progress in Currently Theses
Through Living Better
Abyss The
Bossuyt Van Dbuglas
Silvester Courtney
Ringle Judy
Phillips Abby
Lew Edward
Horn Naaman
Clark Blake
Burright Jeff
Ce/ebrity at Look C/ose A
Name? a in What's
B.S. vs. B.A.
Editor ut .
Woodsman the Am
Woodworth Casey
Moser Jenny
Offerings C/ass
on Focuses Group Discussion UHC
System the earning
Chronicle The
Style Honors
God, Reimagining
Community? Campus
the to Mean it Does What
Image: Honors the Exploring
ollege C
Chronicle The
Jenny Moser
As any college brochure will tell you,
include some context about who the statue was.
your college years are a wonderful opportunity to
make new friends, try something new and learn
a lot. You will learn fascinating things, which
I concurred, so I was soon out in the sunshine again.
This time, my target was the plaque behind my unwitting subject. He is Martin Kukucin (1860-1928),
you can then share with friends to enrich their a Slovak author, physician and humanitarian who
lives. This is all very well and good, but it is only
one side of the coin. Any large university is essentially a Petri dish of young adulthood (pardon
my scientist's analogy). Not quite teenagers, not
quite self-supporting adults, we're caught between
two cultures. Therefore, as any reminiscing col-
lege graduate will tell you, the college years
immigrated to South America. Ivan Mestrovic (18831962) sculpted him in bronze. The statue arrived at
OSU in 1974, a gift of Professor Julius Rudinsky.
There you have it. I had fun, I learned
something, and now I've shared that knowledge
with you. That old OSU brochure in my closet
would be proud.
offer countless opportunities for offbeat humor.
One day last term, I was burnt out on studying and decided to take a break. I noticed a strand
of leftover Mardi Gras beads lying on my desk, and
I got an idea. Soon, I was out in the sunshine beside
the library, eyeing the statue who spends eternity
looking down with a thoughtful expression. I stood
on tiptoe and dropped the beads around his neck.
He looked down at them (approvingly, I thought)
as I aimed the camera to capture his portrait.
When I suggested my photo as the cover page
for this issue of The Chronicle, Jeff thought we should
Casey Woodworth
like To-Do lists. I am, unfortunately, one
of those people who gain immense satisfaction from
From left: Jenny Mose,; Casey Woodwort/i,
Eric Hill's jacket, and Jeff Burright
listing stuff and then crossing it all outor, more
often then not, staring at the list in stupefied horror
while I procrastinate. Actually, my real passion lies
in calendars. You'd think I'd buy a day planner if I
were smart, but I never seem to get around to it. So
usually there is not a calendar readily available, and I
My life calendar is more complicated, involving
events like "get into grad school" and "find a job." Every-
one has these big, far-off goals that always seem to sneak up
on us just when we've almost forgotten about them. Smaller
constantly find myself wanting (no, needing) to know items that should be on all of our lifelong to-do lists might
the dates of events months in the future. So, with my seem simple, but we often lose track of the little stuff. All
trusty rhyme ("Thirty days hath September. . .") and of you out there should do these things, and often: Vote,
a piece of paper, I map out my future. I must be a whatever your party. Pick up your trash, and recycle your
visual person. It gives me immense comfort to see pop cans. Call your parents, your grandparents, and your
my life laid out in such simple terms. In the next cross-country friends at least once a week. Find a job you
three months, my calendars (yes, plural) are stuffed love, no matter the pay. If you have children, be there while
full with my hectic lifemeetings, rehearsals, events, they're growing up. Try to change the world every day.
Perhaps this wisdom is a bit schmaltzy, but every bit
crises. This is all supplemented by the to-do lists: stuff
like "write thesis" that I never actually schedule. of it is true.
Spring 2004 Edition
Chronicle The
(Non-Honors) Moore --Jonathon
me. with fine perfect/v
is which student, another just are they like acts College Honors the in know I everyone But scorn. of bit little
a with them treat and that like not bably pro would I it andflaunt try to were they If comment. passing casual
a it do they once and it, in are they that mention even 't don College Honors the in know I people Most
(Honors) Mieger --Jennie
problem. a been 't hasn really it Overall, them. like student
a just still I'm UHC, the in I'm though even that understand to them forconvincing of bit little a take ever;
how- did, It UHC. the in was I that out found they when differently me treat 't didn friends my of Most
(Honors) Vaughn --Katie
group. elite this within under-represented so are nontraditionals and minorities
when doing are we what ourselves ask to need students honors of group a as we importantly, more However;
College. Honors the of member a being my to due seriously more me take instructors some had have I
(Honors) Boush --Swn
't. shouldn I when sometimes, lecture
becausej It pretentious. intellectually as off come do I that think I myself only/or speaking But, me. than
smarter plain just are or UHC the in either are friends my of most and conversation, in much up conies that
something not it Admittedly, UHC. the in I'm because dfferently me treats anyone that think 't don I
(Non-Honors) Roberts --Stevon
was). she though (even College Honors the in was she that saying fromdifferent quite is it, about think you
which, classes, Honors taking was she said student positive--the more much was encounter second My
impression. bad a made this say, to Needless students. College non-Honors than better
was she think did real/v she that impression the me gave She this. know people other letting about
pretty was and College Honors the in was who student a met I year freshmanmy in remember I it. mentioned
and College Honors the in were who students two met only personally I've College. Honors whole the to
applied necessarily not and basis individual an on addressed be niust that question a is this think I
opinions: treated are they feel students honors
their give non-Honors, and Honors if is question appropriate more the
both students, Five convey? we do Maybe poet? Russian favorite our
attitude of kind What pretentious? from lines recite or existentialism
as off come fact in we do Or, B.A. on views our say, over, quarrel and
or B.S. their of front in H little a get squabble we Do tempting.) lizingly
they because simply stereotype tual tanta- too just was it alliteration, the
intellec- an into placed or differently for (Sorry lips? our between perched
Abby by
precariously holders cigarette with
monocles wearing around prance ly
priggish- all we Do "type"? College
Honors an there is But grounds.
back- distinct with students in draw
to work that opportunities varying
and curriculum diverse its in pride
takes College Honors The
Community? Campus
the to Mean it Does What
Image: Honors the Exploring
Introducing OSU President
by Casey Woodworth
Edward Ray
When Edward Ray assumed the presidency of Oregon
State University last July, he was immediately impressed by the
dedication and commitment of the people, even while OSU and
the state itself were in flux. He appreciated the direct, actionoriented culture of OSU, and now, nearly a year later, he seems
to fit right in. Ray encourages a university-wide dialogue that
will translate the success strategies of the UHC into the entire
According to Ray, the Board of Education is very
supportive ofthe Honors College and understands the importance
of its growth. In the document entitled "A Strategic Plan for
the 21st Century," the UHC is
mandated with growing five
percent per year to 2007. Last
Photo from OSU website
year's growth was 17 percent,
while the numbers for this year are not yet known. Hopefully, the UHC will
only continue to grow and develop, with the full support of the Board of
Education and OSU. "I think people outside the university recognize," he
said, "even from a strategic perspective, there's a tremendous value in having
an Honors College, where we really have an opportunity to compete head to
head with any university in America." With an average incoming GPA of
3.96 and SAT score of 1344, the UHC certainly has that opportunity.
OSU currently has an 81 percent first-year retention rate and a 60.4
percent six-year graduation rate. This isn't good enough, however, and Ray
Katie Vaughn, with
daughter Shirley
believes that the school can use the UHC as a strategic example in order to get
those rates up: UHC has an 89 percent six-year graduation rate. Part of the
UHC's success is undoubtedly due to the motivation of its students. Ray also
believes that there is a second factor at work: the very structure of the honors
program and its students' access to individualized attention and experiences.
"We need to look at the Honors College experience and ask ourselves what
attributes of that experience could we scale to the broader student population,"
said Ray. "What kinds of particular things do we do in the Honors College that
are going to help all students connect and succeed through to graduation."
Programs like the UHC are important to the state too, especially in the
current economy. Graduates are likely to settle near where they went to college,
so Oregon will only benefit from keeping its best and brightest in-state. Ray
believes that the most important contribution OSU can make is its graduates:
"It's a very critical piece, our being able to provide the kind of graduates that
this state and nation very badly needs coming forward." OSU graduates that
Ray has met have proven how beneficial they can be to the state of Oregon and
the world.
Ray encourages all graduates to give back to the OSU community as
well. "It's not about giving back in terms of dollars or alumni association
relations only, but I'd hope people would leave here feeling privileged that they
had the experiences that they did, and that they gotta give back." For those still
Jennie Mieger
in school, he hopes that all students will get involved in conversation about
important educational issues like affordability.
Spring 2004 Edition
Chronicle The
229. StAg in office UHC the into on come simply or dex.htm>,
edu/dept/honors/students/thesis/<http://oregonstate. visit formation, in more For
your of details the coordinate and research, proper conduct
ideas, brainstorm you help to waiting staff on is advisor thesis A
Fund. Excellence
the via research thesis for support financial modest offers UHC The
plays. to compositions music videos, to reports from formats,
presentation several from Choose topic. any virtually address
can and major your in reside to have not does thesis UHC The
defense. thesis outstanding an make to library the
Center Presentations Media the utilize also can Students UHC
students. graduate as same the months,
for Library Valley the from books borrow can Students UHC
Know. You Did
299H. PHL from product integrated the read Then,
7] page [on Creed. Nicene original the read First, Results:
them. integrated and spots, rough the out smoothed these, compiled I homework) (my Then imagery.
and language feminine used that Creed the of versions several produced students the groups, small In
God. for imagery and language feminine using Creed Nicene the Rewrite Task:
God? for imagery and language feminine used we if like look literature spriritual would What Question:
masculine. totally, virtually overwhelmingly, is traditions, religious Western the in least at Sacred, God/the about Language
and spirit"); is ("He' gender no has Sacred God/the
that: agreed class the Well,
guy? a God
Is sacred: the for imagery and language gendered of
impact the about asked stage, center demanding or
background the in hovering either always question,
One tradition. religious a of observations on-site in
and theoretically both issues, other and these with
grappled Language,of Impact the and Sacred The
299H, PHL
in students 14 The
language? religious into translate
experience religious does How experience? spiritual
religious/ and language religious/spiritual between
difference the is What general? in Sacred the
about or God, about talk you do heck the 1-low
Style Honors
God, Reimagining
Ringle Judy Professor UHC by
The Niceñe Creed TT
Original Creed
We believe in one God,
the Father the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father
Godfrom God, Light from Light,
true Godfrom true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father
Through him all things were made.
For us andfor our salvation
he came down from heaven:
1: by the power of the Holy Spirit
he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,
and was made man.
For our sake he was crucfled under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the
dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
PHL 299H Creed
We believe in Goddess and in God
The bearer of all things
Creator of heaven and earth
Present in all things, seen and unseen,
felt and unfelt, known and unknown
We believe in our lover Jesus Christ
The wise son of our Mother and Loving Father
The Mother and Father are within all,
Within creation everywhere, in all of us, their children
For us humans and for all creation,
She came to be with us.
By the power of the Holy Spirit,
Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and became as we.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
Dying with compassionate suffering, and was buried.
On the third day he rose again as it was foretold.
He ascended into heaven, where he shines in glory
He will come again to call us, together with the Mother
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the birther of life,
Who is with the Mother and Father
With our Mother and the earth, we love and study he
She speaks to us through the streams and trees.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of l?fe,
We know that through our love for her and our study
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
Our lives become fulle, full of her wisdom
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and gloriHer wisdom and love will enrich and encompass us
He has spoken through the Prophets.
And we will become one with her at death.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness ofsins.
We lookfor the resurrection of the dead,
' and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Spring 2004 Edition
College Honors The way. novel of nature the in root its have may this
a in this do to students allow will that suggested manager) office UHC
which program a begun has UHC (interim Brimley Dwight courses.
The experience. university ricular Honors fewest the far by sports
extracur- their and education their college whose engineers, among
in engagement personal students' of
importance the stressed present staff
and faculty Honors the of All tion.
registra- of lack to due cancelled are
but schedule the onto it make even
classes UHC some interest; student
no is there if happen won't class A
College. Honors the in see to want
they that professors or classes gest
sug- students that requests UHC the
year, Every students. the of hands the
in lies really process selection class
the that fact the is College Honors
the of advantage Another
them. exercise we which through
discipline specific the than important
more are inquiry of spirit the and
excellence academic where munity
com- a into colleges all from students
draws UHC the however, OSU, At
Arts. Liberal of College their of sion
exten- an as largely functions College
Honors Clark the Oregon, of versity
Uni- the At College. Honors OSU the
especially classes, UHC the through
requirements major our fulfilling of
difficulty the about students among
frustration some is There
Colloquia. two-credit of number the
increasing in lie may solution the that
suggested Science) Political in fessor
pro- (UHC Henderson Sarah mum.
mini- Honors-credit the or majors
our either for requirements fulfilling
toward far very go don't Colloquia
one-credit that out pointed Burright
schedule. busy a to diversion unique
a add to opportunity excellent an
provide do Colloquia Honors level
400- and 300- the that agreed us of
All coursework. his for elementary
too were such as and 200-level or
100- were classes Arts Liberal UI-IC
the of many that found he UHC, the
into transfer a as that, noted Horn
Naaman Music. to Economics from
ranging subjects, Arts Liberal of sity
diver- the from stem may This tion.
new ing
select- for
process the
discuss to
Chronicle The
misconcep- this of because UHC the
considerjoining not do students Arts
Liberal many that contributed Hauck
Jayme sparse. are UHC the in Arts
Liberal that perception common a of
because odd this found group the in
Many classes. Arts Liberal by taken
is spot second-place The
class. science UHC a with ence
experi- Honors their broadening
from non-science-majors deter may
factors these of Both sequences.
three-term in taught are many that
added Wilson Mandi and uisites,
prereq- have classes those of many
that observed Burright Jeff Science.
of College the from hail do classes
Honors of majority the credit,
by Credit disciplines. various the
among distributed are they as ings
offer- course Honors the examining
by deliberation our began We
evening. enlightening very a having
up ended we and classes, Honors
about statistics some over went we
however, discussion, our of part As
situation. this discuss to met we and
UHC, the in classes Arts Liberal of
lack the about complaints heard had
majors, Arts Liberal are whom of
many friends, their and Chronicle
the of editors The 16th. March
Tuesday, on occurred discussion a
such Just body. student the serve
best can UHC the how and lege
Col- Honors University the drive
that processes the about discussion
lively of evening an get You tics?
statis- few a and instructors, UHC
three members, staff UHC two ent,
pres- and past students UHC six add
you when get you do What
the in
staff and
Moser Jenny by Compiled
Phillips Abby by
Offerings Class on Focuses
Group Discussion UHC
System the Learning
Distribution of UHC Students* by College 2003-2004
Agri. Sciences
Liberal Arts
Health & Human Sciences
would like to see its students interacting with professors beyond
the classroom. Toward that end,
Honors students may now invite
a professor to a meal in an OSU
Explor. Studies Prog
go. As Brimley says, "It's a wonder
we get any!" While the UHC does
compensate departments monetarily
for the loss of their professors' time,
money alone cannot replace a Ph.D.
* as of Feb. 2004
We of The Chronicle encourage you to take responsibility for enriching your own education. Suggest
an Honors class. Suggest a professor
for the UHC. Take the professor out
dining hall, and the UHC will Several Liberal Arts departments to lunch! You might be nervous at
pay for your professor's meal! If lack plentiful graduate teaching the prospect of going out on a limb,
you're interested, talk to Dwight
in the Honors College office.
assistants who might have covered
the lost classes. Sarah Henderson
explained that "leaving" to teach a
Another vital step in the
development of UHC courses is UHC class will force an extra burden
the procurement of professors. of work onto the department's other
Every December, the UHC sends
professors. Despite the difficulties,
the past, inviting them to return.
dents in the smaller Honors setting.
but try it anyway. After all, we Honors students are supposed to enjoy a
out invitations to those profes- Henderson said, professors do enjoy Participants in the discussion group
sors who have taught for us in the opportunity to engage with stu- were:
If you have a favorite non-Honors
professor, you are encouraged to
speak to him or her about teaching an Honors class. Bill Bogley
(UHC professor of Mathematics)
At the end of our discussion,
we left with a greater understanding
of the processes that go on behind
the scenes of the Honors College.
made another observation. Each We got some insights into the Honprofessor must get permission from ors Experience from a professor's
his or her department chair to come
point of view, and we dispelled
and teach a UHC class. Since an
Honors class serving twenty students will siphon the professor's
some myths about Honors class distribution. We also learned about the
procedure which creates an Honors
class. As Abby Phillips said, "[stu-
time away from a mainstream
class that might have served 200, dents] can get together [to suggest
department heads are sometimes the classes they want] instead of
reluctant to let their professors complaining and blaming the UHC."
Jeff Burright, English
Jayme Hauck, Fine Art
Naaman Horn, Communications
Jenny Moser, Microbiology
Abby Phillips, English
Mandi Wilson, Liberal Studies
LeeAnn Baker, UHC Advisor
Bill Bogley, UHC professor in
Dwight Brimley, interim UHC Office Manager
Eric Hill, UHC Writing Instructor
Sarah Henderson, UHC professor in
Political Science
Spring 2004 Edition
go- I am Where me? eat to waiting bushes, those in
hiding be could What unknown. the of fear perience
cx- would He differently. quite world forested this
see would glass and steel of canyons the left never
has that lawyer city big high-powered a hand, other
the On stewed. and slewed be to ready forth, spring
might animals whence from earth the in holes and
gathered, be might meal a where from bushes berry
huckle- fire, a for wood gather to which from trees
means photograph this woodsman, the For individual.
an on effect the quite produce environments sensory
exciting and New meadow. every in and snag, every
up bush, every behind trunk, tree every around fear
and beauty, amazement, find will wilderness, the of
Bossuyt Van Douglas by
Chronicle The
constructs rude the into thrust dweller, city A vision.
all envelops and surrounds that beauty the not mind,
his on is Survival forest. the of beauty the see not
does woodsman a moment, the of heat the In
tones. earth in dress to chooses always forest the
fail, without almost how, amazing Its there. and
here red of hints some even grays... browns, tans,
Greens, combination. color stellar simply a upon
decided and together gotten had fauna woodland
the of all occasion, prior some On darkness. in
remained floor forest the of some might, sun the
as Try southwest. the from slant a at trees the
through way its worked Light breath. its in tumn
au- of bite slight so ever an held air The
imprisoned. us of each
businessman. the am I
woodsman. the am I
ing to sleep? I don't see any feather bed! He would
his release from the iron and glass prison of the big
witness beauty from the scene. A forest, even in city and reintroduction into the vast expanses of the
photography, exudes calming and restorative forces. wild, he will come face to face with the beauty and
The gentle dappling of light across the trunks of the tranquility that was for so long taken for granted.
pines, wafting gently down onto the leaves, caressing Our woodsman's eyes will be filled with a new love
the delicate blade of grass, and finally laying down to for his surroundings. Butterflies will abound in his
gastrointestinal tract, breeding a euphorest upon the forest floor both illuminates
na not soon to be matched by anything
the photo and the mind. Were this picture
else in this world. The initial allure of
bathed in blood red light or inverted like
a negative, the scene would change from detail comes into the city that the woodsman experienced
one of peace and harmony to a bizarre focus, and true long since faded, replaced by anticipaand blunt image where nothing makes beauty is realized. tion and longing for a return to the forest.
sense, and the businessman would leave The light no lon- Now back in the forest, every little detail
feeling somehow cheated. This forest is ger illuminates his comes into focus, and true beauty is realof the happy variety - glowing and radi- path, it illuminates ized. The light no longer illuminates his
his mind.
path, it illuminates his mind. Seeing the
ant with energy from the sun.
color palette of nature brings new meanWith familiarity comes indifference.
After a time, even the businessman would lose sight of ing to the world. Gentle speckles of light and color
the beauty he initially saw. The forest would blend into dance throughout the woodsman's being, revitalizing
II one amalgamation of greens and browns. Dappled light and reinvigorating him with a new zeal and lust for
would only serve to illuminate his path rather than provide life.
Unfortunately, once again, familiarity will
intellectual and spiritual stimulation. No longer would he
be concerned with how lovely the trees looked dressed in breed complacency and a closing of the mind. Only
moss and lichen, yet showing some bark and even a peak by being physically separated from something that
or two of bare trunk wood. Instead he would have his
head down and his eyes closed to the world around him.
Deprivation breeds longing and desire. If by
some bizarre fluke, the woodsman were to suddenly
land in the middle of Times Square, in the heart of
the canyons of steel, and stay for a number of years,
he would eventually become homesick and reminisce
continually about his beloved woods. Suddenly, the
woods transform from just a source of fuel, shelter,
and protein, to the spiritual focal point of this man's
life. He will stop at nothing to return to the protection and loving embrace of the trees. Finally, upon
the woodsman or businessman has known throughout his entire life, may he learn to truly love it and
experience the image to its true potential. Through
photography, this love can be sustained over time.
Little glimpses into a man's native environment, brutally ripped away from him, provide the perfect catalyst for the transformation from familiar to sublime.
Colors and lighting aside, it is the emotion an image
provides that makes it worth viewing. This image
creates a swelling in my chest and a tightness in my
throat for times past.
I am the woodsman.
The above piece was written for the Fall 2003 honors colloquium HC 299: Writing
about Images. This course explored various types of images (photos, paintings, logos,
coats-of-arms, graffiti, signs versus symbols, etc.), some of the roles these images play in
our lives, theories of inage analysis (e.g., semiotics), and the varied cultural interpretations of visual communication (such as hand gestures and symbols). Students were asked
to choose an image or images, write analyses about them, and present the findings to the
- Eric Hill, UHC Instructor
Photograph by Doug/as Van Bossuyt
Spring 2004 Edition
satisfied. be always will earth,
this on humans other to understanding and hope spread to
wish who communities, their serving while passion find
who those and study, to chooses person a what matter no
rewarded is excellence but cooks, fly even or therapists as
teachers, or lawyers as society to service in lives our live
may We poets. the and statesmen, the philosophers, the
historians, the by inspired isitself race human the but ence,
sci- by fueled be may world The misunderstood. wholly or
alone is one no that and common, in heart a have we that
all us remind to is them study who those of and inanities
hu- the of value the and purpose, the realm, The
search. their in lives our spend to content are we and hope,
and peace us brings wisdom their but unquantifiable, are
revelations quiet These living. of effort the worth or ful
beauti- life found ever have people that way every learn
to wish we short, In day. every together tighter us knit
that meaning of webs complex the eyes new with see to
begin we and create, all we thing one the is consequence
that life: of truth simplest the learn We alive. joyfully and
utterly still are we that proof relief, our to find, and grief
of depths the plumb We virtue. and greatness recognize
also we but imaginings, cruelest and moments darkest our
explore We why. know really never will they reasoning
best their despite and anymore, else someone love don't
just and up wake people sometimes is, find we truth
strangest The meaning. and beauty them brings it and
love, still is it but solitude, in leaves autumn the or penny,
lucky that dogs, their love ever only will Some vacancy.
the in nest will intimacy and comfort of warmth the luck,
with and chills, passion of sweat the changes: love how
learn also We feeling. this around civilizations and ties,
communi- families, built have they how and loved, ever
have people that ways the all study we Therefore, man.
hu- be to how understand better to other each with and
hearts our with them connect and know we things these
to meaning bring must We context. need We hollow. us
leave will alone facts but convenient, more and faster,
healthier, lives our make and fullest its to world the exploit
can universe, the in facts the all know can We
lightbulb. the of delights existential the in not and condition
human the for sympathy individual our of wells the in echo
us between relationships the rationality, to appeal to try
you how matter No along. get to how learn couldn't theyif
world the destroy effectively could people two when age
Chronicle The
an to birth gave excellence our and history, throughout
weapons better and bigger built have We starves? one no
and contributes everyone that ensure will that system a
imagine cannot we if crops denser and greater grow to ity
abil- our is good What stead. their in created problems new
by replaced been have world natural the of fears our all yet
world; harder and smaller a be would we innovation for
penchant and curiosity great this without and impossible,
or timeless, natural, appeared always had that questions
those address to began people when dawned today have
we things wonderful the of many that true It's
useless? so really art is question: the begs already it but
offered, majors the of slice a merely is interests of ray
ar- wide This imagination. and teamwork of wonder the
to testaments as label B.A. nebulous the under together
stand bedfellows, strange often politics, and music Even
sale. the of art the on foremost and first hinges business
because midst our in lies also Economics of school The
kind. intimate most the of artistry practiced feelings and
thoughts our behind meaning the of search in mind the of
creases the into dug first who pioneers the but science, a
purely Psychology consider may Many beginnings. its
since humankind of motivations and creations the ing
understand- in lies art the where societies, of design the
examine all Studies Ethnic and History, Anthropology, gy,
Sociolo- of Students heap. the on spot a share also majors
other many but pile, discard Arts Liberal the atop jewels
crown the as perch may English and Philosophy
wisdom. to key the world"holds the in thought and
known is that best the know "to it, described once Arnold
Matthew as historyand shaped have they how see and
mind and heart the of chambers inner the study to Rather,
world. physical the of manipulation our of outside exist ties
humani- the that implying was Wilde Mr. believe I masonry.
brick or biology, engineering,of fields pragmatic more the
in friends esteemed my of some or instance, for parents,
my useless: equally be to art of study the see would who
those for blow a struck he useless," quite is art "All that,
world the to declared he when but sure, I'm well meant
man The fault. Wilde's Oscar all it's imagine I
student. arts liberal a am I friends, Yes degree?" that with
do to going you are "What question: burning same the
asked am I college, in focus my as chosen I've what new
someone tell I time Every much. so Not itself? major
The people. interests really major of choice My
Burright Jeff by
by Jenny Moser
There comes a time in every child's life when
shelter a few Liberal Arts majors who are fleeing from
the B.A.'s requirement of foreign language proficiency.
he or she discovers the magical word "Why?" For
weeks afterward, almost every sentence includes As diverse as they can be, all our fields of study are interthis amazing syllable. Only rarely is it invoked with
such a query as "Why did Thomas Jefferson feel the
separation of church and state was necessary to the
founding of a free nation?" No, it is more usual that
a child's first "Why?" involves such topics as "Why
does it rain?", "Why is the sky blue?" or "Why do
we get sick?" The earliest questions most children ask
deal with scientific matters. We college students who
study for a Bachelor's of Science degree have simply
never lost our excitement about those first questions.
The question of Bachelor of Science or Bach-
dependent. While we scientists develop the advances, it
is up to those in other fields to make them relevant. The
technology that creates a television set would be fairly
hollow without TV shows and movies to fill it, and those
come only from talented writers, actors, and directors.
More seriously, some philosophers are responsible for
oversight of scientific research. While scientific progress
is a wonderful thing, there are some genies that must not
be let out of their bottles. We scientists depend on our
ethicist colleagues to alert us when we begin to set foot on
morally treacherous paths. In this and many other ways,
elor of Arts can prove even more fundamental than the the sciences rely upon the liberal arts. Conversely, many
choosing-a-major dilemma. After all, many departments of our scientific innovations have the capacity to promote
or enhance the liberal arts. We admire the
here on campus (Chemistry or Psychology,
We jump into
artist who created the oil painting, but the
for example) offer both a B.S. and a B.A.
experilight bulbs that illuminate it, the gallery
What, then, leads a student to choose one
over the other? The OSU course catalog ence and learn by where it rests, and even the truck that brought
describes the B.S. degree with such terms as
"scientific ways of knowing," "quantitative
approach to understanding," and "focused
curricula." What does that mean? We of the
B.S. degree are more likely to find ourselves
taking tests than writing essays. Most of us
are scientists or engineers. We sit in lecture
getting our hands it there all owe their existence to engineers.
dirty. This prag-
matic curiosity
leads us to develop innovations
that improve life in
practical ways.
halls, absorbing the information we'll need
to make sense - and safety - out of this week's lab. Then
we head upstairs, snap on a pair of acrylic goggles, and
start making stuff happen! In journalistic terms, we're
much more concerned with "I-low?" and "Why?" and
"What?" than "Who?" and "Where?" and "When?" We
jump into hands-on experience and learn by getting our
hands dirty. This pragmatic curiosity leads us to develop
innovations that improve life in practical ways. Even our
mishaps sometimes prove useful; Post-It Notes, rubber,
and penicillin are all the result of scientists' mistakes.
While we do concern ourselves mainly with
practicality, man does not live by the sciences alone. We
of the B.S. do appreciate the fields generally sequestered
among the Liberal Arts; many of us have minors or secondary majors in a more artsy field. Our numbers even
Some day soon, OSU and the UHC will
spit each of us out, the ink still wet on our
H.B.S. degrees. From there, we will proceed
in many different directions. Some face engineers' licensing exams. Others of us have
MCATs in our sights, hoping for acceptance
to medical school. Each of these two prospects will lead to a specifically defined career path. For
some B.S. recipients, though, the field of possible careers
is wide open. Many will be plunging into graduate school
to seek Master's degrees or doctorates. Some of us will
be going straight into the workforce. Either of those
scenarios offers myriad possibilities. Some of us want
to go into a scientific field, whether as lab technicians
or research Ph.D.s. Others will become writers, social
workers, teachers, or any one of a thousand other things.
What is the common bond that links all of us together?
We are all comfortable with analytical, scientific thought.
All of us share the experience of at least one grueling
three-term sequence in some scientific field. At the heart
of it all, we have never stopped searching for the answer
to that magical question, "Why?"
Spring 2004 Edition
Chronicle The
16... Page on Confinued
phrase, the with begin that possibilities the all ine
imag- to moment a Take dreams. our on limits place
often ourselves we and perspective our in limited
are we beings human As out? all it figure ever
anyone does how it, about think you When do? to
want we what know really us of many How
question of abyss an into looking we're like feel
us of many optimal, than less realities political and
economic current With time. first the for future tain
uncer- an facing are seniors graduating many but
soul-searching, some required have might choose
to major what and go to where of question The
no-brainer. a likely most was college attend to decision
the students, honors many For answers. right no with
choices big choices: making about article an is This
school. grad always there's and Oh, world. the
save to decided have you of few A graduated.) he after
did actually mine of friend a what is this laugh, (Don't
bottles. detergent for molds injection plastic better and
new designing job dream your landed already have
might engineers lucky you of Some that. with wrong
anything there's that Not home." back moving "I'm
ready: the at response bulletproof a have even might
You question. that asked been you've times many how
about Think college? after doing you are What
Clark Blake by
Abyss The
just not did "She did." she yeah, "Oh girlfriend." uh that art of piece fine the making and Bryant, Kobe about
"Nu- what?" did "He ." heard. you "Have
whining tall, obscenely being for Benjamins illion kaj a paid
gossip. the for valued are celebrities no, Oh hair... be to like I'd "Whaaasssssuppp!"And saying for clams lion
nice or dancing, dazzling decisions, business savvy bazil- a paid be to love I'd goes. it way the just It's bucks.
skills, dribbling awesome acting, incredible ing, big the you pay we famous, you're when And famous. are
sing- beautiful complexion, perfect ridiculously you that indicates status celebrity society, our In
figures, stunning eyes, gorgeous their with us amaze lucky. so be all should We glamour. celebrity follow than
too. are
do to better nothing have I that is means it what
their and though, it worth They're
Well, Christina? than better way is Britney that fact
performance Oscar-worthy Justin's
the than Other mean? all this what's So
match ever could I way no there's
bottle. a in tramp like More bottle? a in Genie
exchange. fair
a It's lives. their
and me, for intense too just is script
list. celebrity top-tO my on for look I what
award-winning The it. do couldn't I see we dough quite not is Aguilera "Ms." questionable. ously
know I Kelly. to Just/n From making
the get They
promiscu- the and dusty both in as dirty, She's
way. right the me rub doesn't just She Aguilera.
like feats, superhuman doing for
Christina liking to however, admit, never will I
digress. I But crazy. me drives She happy. me make to
born just or toxic she's say could You lady. young cent
inno- very very, a is she Plus, unbelievable. are skills
acting her and me, astonishes absolutely ability singing
it. admit I'll Hey,
money of amounts exorbitant up suck They days.
nowa- celebrities of importance the That's
me. to happen doesn't stuffjust this But TV. on
eating for dollars five make to love would I Heck,
Tiger. named being forjust cash hard cold, in trillion a
earning mind wouldn't I Or, Kazaam. movie the was
Her Spears. Britney like
Celebrity at Look Close A
Lew Edward by
Name? a in What's
it. They give us intellectual
go there." "[insert snap here]
Oh no he didn't." You know
entertainment to fantasize
and day dream about. Ce-
you've said one of those
phrases once in your life,
lebrity obsession fills a hole
and that's because we love
in our souls that otherwise
or hate celebrities on account
of their personal lives. They
would be filled by books
get the dough - we see their
cool to pretend you know
someone famous. In fact,
or something. Plus, it's
lives. It's a fair exchange.
Eminem and I are buds.
For instance, take
J. Lo. Married. Single.
Married. Single. Single.
Everyone wants to be
rich and famous, and celeb-
rities are our role-models.
ê he is
Edward contemplates how
Single. Married. Married.
Remember "I want to be
Married. Single. Widlike Mike"? There you go.
owed. Bennifer. That was
really the friends we never
water-cooler talk, and we were sucked in by it.
Now take Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. "JT is so stupid for breaking up with Britney
Spears. Come on, it's Britney. She would never cheat.
JT must be on crack or something. Thatjerk. How dare
he break her heart!" Maybe it's just me, but can no
one else see that? Again, good fillers in conversation
and no matter how hard we resist, we can't avoid it.
When it comes down to it, celebrities allow us
a second life and a chance to live vicariously through
had. We always talk like we know them. Not only do celebrities bring great "behind-their-back" conversations,
they boost our self-esteem. We know someone famous!
But until somebody wants to pay to see a short
Asian with a cracking singing voice, two left feet, dull
brown eyes, a not-so-stunning physique, but with nice
hair, I've got nothing. Until that day (which is coming soon, I know it!), I'm sticking with my girlfriend,
Britney Spears. You go girl.
An Advising Nightmare
by John Davidson
IT IS...
Spring 2004 Edition
Chronicle The
and seventy-eight you're or college from graduating
everybody! luck Good just you're whether life, of all in that means This zero.
found. being to preferable be just might it fact in lost, get you sure pretty I'm .well, get. you infinity, by vide
usurp never di- and had you've experience and knowledge the all
be to O.K. It's
up add you if that know to math enough had I've
should answers for search Your it. that's And
now. questions the Live everything. live to is, point
infinity? of world a in
the And them. live to able be not would you because living were we if What do? you would What dream?
you given be cannot which answers, the seek not Do to ourselves allowed just we and burdens economic
tongue. foreign very a in written are that books like and political our by shackled weren't we if What
and rooms locked like themselves questions the love to infinite? were really school after life for choices the
are responses above The
be to sir, dear can, I as much as you, beg to want I
office." for running "I'm
and beginning, all before so young, so are You
laugh...) don't (Again, kets."
own my starting "I'm
Poet: Young a to Letters
Rilke Maria Rainer poet the what of think marks, tion
Team." Curling National Canadian
ques- of abyss terrifying that into look you As
the for manager equipment the be to going "I'm
discovered. be to waiting still is Everything ing. English." Middle ..in poetry. write to going "I'm
.noth- done. really you've world, the traveled you've this." for down sit should you think I Dad, "Mom,
page from continued Abyss: The
18... Page on Continued
doing so in and tion,
transporta- public
rode places, new
went people, new
of tons with talked
skills, new gained
foods, new tried I
months, six those
Park. National Yellowstone
at mountain
ad- next My
job. stressful) mention
to (not new entirely an
learned and nowhere
of middle the in place
strange a in lived I
Yellowstone. Lake
on restaurant a in ing
work- position a take
to decided had I ness,
totally Ireland: say,
in, spoken English
the like is Québec
in spoken French
the that understand
must You years. and
years for it studying
despite language, the understand couldn't I time this
but home, from far was I Again, university. speaking
French- a at French studied I where Canada, Québec,
to continent the of side other the to me took venture
wilder- protected of
plot first nation's our
visiting After Park.
National Yellowstone
to ride bus Greyhound
22-hour a with summer
my off started I
it. of rest the for block building a hopefully and
life my of months six last the to capstone a is
This reasons. self-serving largely for this writing
am I that outset the from admit must I
Silvester Courtney by
Adventure Through Living Better
by Naaman Horn
March 21April /9
True love is only an
awkward, nervous, sw'èaty
question away. Go ahead,
take the chance and ask that
special someone out.
April 20May 20
August 23September 22
What problem can't be solved
with ice cream? Grab a pint and a
spoon. Life can only get better from
September 23Ocotober 22
Throw caution to the wind.
It is a beautiful rainy
day out there. Go outside
and enjoy it. Don't worry,
your underwear, sing at the top of
your lungs, and forget about your
you won't melt.
place in the rat race. It will still
May 21June 21
W,nk at the next ten peo-
ple you see. Responses may
vary, but your entertainment
value will not waver.
June 22July 22
You are talented, witty,
and well spoken. But, sadly
you have not been discovered.
Write for The Chronicle and
watch yoyr popularity rise.
Run around your apartment in
be waiting for you tomorrow.
January 20Febrtiary 18
Stressed over all the work
you have to do this term? Doing
your homework might seem like
the best option, but it's not. There
will always. be a test, paper, or
project hanging over your head.
Do something fun before you get
so overwhelmed that you have no
choice but to do homework.
February 19March 20
You are sleep deprived, tired,
October 23November 21
Take a break from school and
read something mindless, something
you enjoy, something you don't have
delusional, and burnt out. Buck
up, drink another cup of coffee
and finish what you started. You
can rest when the term ends.
to take notes on. Dr. Seuss or the
Sunday Comics should do the trick.
November 22December 21
Brown-nosing can only get
you so far. Eventually you will
have to buckle down and do some
homework. I know, it sounds a little
July 23August 22
Routine weighs heavy on
your shoulders. Mix things up
a little. Move tht TV to the
other side of the living room.
You will feel rejuvenated and
ready to take on another day.
extreme, but it is crazy enough it
just might work.
December 22January 19
You work hard for
the money. Buy something nice for yourself.
How about a nice quality
education? Sorry, I would
suggest something a little
shinier, but that is really all
you can afford right now.
Spring 2004 Edition
Chronicle The
City. Quebec
Citadel the outside pose friends her and Courtney
person. better a become
yourself, about learn bus, the ride stranger, a
to talk film, art an see centers, cultural campus
the of one visit service, religious new a to go
bed, your under hiding book feminism radical
that read lecture, chem in place different a in
sit restaurant, new that try out, go So
little." a you scares it if especially it, for go fun,
or interesting sounds Something through. low
fol- to yourself expect and it' about think 'I'll
or later' up sign 'I'll say, can't You excuses. up
think to time myself giving not of matter a just
"It's her, for that says University, State Boise at
student history art an Kiebert, Jenaleigh
broader. bit a being as itself) success (and
success to path the of think is do to need we
What sin. this of guilty often am myself I mastered. before Just adventure. of sense Bueller's is movie that
generally we've process a is fun, not though school, love still all we reason the think I Off. Day Bueller's
for comfortable, what's in caught get We money? Ferris film hit 1980's the is wisdom of source other
of lot a make to order in job, good a get to order in An- nothing." or adventure daring a either is "Life
honors, with graduate to order in GPA, good a get to of effect the to something said Keller Helen
order in class, this in grade good a get to do to have goal? our that isn't And grow. and learn to us
forces adventure of nature mere The glorious! so
I do What thinking. linear of habit a in up caught get
us of many So Life? miss we do often How
them makes what that's but messy, are Adventures
it." miss could you while, a in once around look and right. half only was Wilder that propose I
stop don't you [If] fast. pretty moves "Life knowledge: adventure." of lots having out were you wishing
priceless of grain a us to imparts Bueller roll, credits the home at quietly sit you when is you with wrong
something's that sign the And home.' at quietly
sitting were I wish I mess; awful an into myself
Quebec. broake),
got I've now 'Oh, yourself, to say you it, of
Slier- (Old Sherbrooke Vieux in friends and Courtney
middle the in you're when that is adventure an
of test "The opinion: his offered (1897-1975)
Wilder Thornton considered." rightly venience
incon- an only is adventure "An wrote, 1936)
(1874- Chesterton G.K. excitement." and risk
involving "undertaking an, as it defined have
scholars that find I dictionary, trusty my ing
Consult- adventure. defining by start I
same. the do to you of all challenge and counsel
I ordinary. the for settle again never would we
that and on time that from adventure for search
would we that other each promised we pact:
a made I and friends my Québec, in time my
of end the At forced. when learn can you what
amazing It's myself. about more much learned
page from continued Adventure:
Theses Currently in Progress
Evaluation of the Reproduction of the Barnacle, Balanus gland:ila
Erin Breck
The marine intertidal is home to a small embryos for their size than barnacles in the southern
glandula). These animals are an excellent organism to study, because they illustrate a popular life
history among marine invertebrates. This specific
species is comprised of hermaphroditic individuals who sexually reproduce and then release their
larvae into the water column (Strathrnann 1985).
Research by Heather Leslie, a PhD candidate in the
Oregon State University Department of Zoology,
has suggested those barnacle populations at Cape
Perpetua, an area on the coast with consistently high
primary productivity, brood at higher frequencies
than those at Cape Foulweather an area to the north.
This leads to the question: Are barnacles in the Cape
Foulweather region of the coast producing fewer
populations? In order to answer this question, I will
quantify the number of embryos produced per adult
and use this data to compare the two populations.
Despite the millions of barnacles on the coast,
researchers are still unaware of how many embryos
one adult barnacle can produce. The results of my
project will thus contribute a considerable amount of
knowledge to our understanding of barnacle reproduction on the Oregon Coast. Because the life cycle of
barnacles is similar to many other intertidal species,
this research will also add a significant understanding of other populations' reproduction and how they
persist in space and time on the shore. This enhanced
understanding of reproduction could aid in the conservation and management of all onshore populations.
What I Do For Fun
Jonathan D. Suter
Since late October, 1 have had the pleasure of
working with Professor John Selker on projects in the
field of hydrological engineering, a branch of bioengineering. Our work so far has centered around the
design of a unique and fascinating instrument, the construction of which is surprisingly complicated given the
simplicity of its function. The "tension infiltrometer,"
out with the finishing touches. This has mostly entailed
as it is called, uses concepts of fluid dynamics and basic
enzyme kinetics, acid-base titrations, and the like.
physics to measure the permeability or capillarity of
different soil types. What this means is that different
soils absorb water at vastly different rates, and the infiltrometer simply measures the strength of this effect.
Truth be told, my own part in this apparatus'
development has been relatively minor since Professor
I fear going into too great of detail and invoking boredom here in describing the progression of this
work, but suffice it to say that our imperative objective
has been making the base of the instrument's cylinder
(the part which interfaces with the ground and drains
water through a stainless steel screen) airtight. Fortunately, this is a task that we were able to complete
without too much trouble and the real fun is just be-
Selker has been working with it on and off for the last ten
years. When I entered the picture, I was shown a meterlong plastic cylinder with tubes connecting it to a small
spending an hour or two every week in the Gilmore
Hall machine shop watching pieces of plastic piping
take shape on a lathe with digital readouts precise to
something like one ten-thousandth of an inch. I have to
admit, this has been a highly satisfying process considering all of my lab experience prior to this has involved
ginning as we begin field testing the instrument and
suitcase-sized computer and given the task of helping integrating it into actual research.
Spring 2004 Edition
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not a one.
Put your name on something that other people wili
read and think about. As a bonus, the experience
you earn will help you get where you want to go.
Be bold. Speak up. Join The Chronicle.
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