BR seminar - Space Workshop - November 2006 Creation of electronic notices with SpaceCap software for submissions under Appendices 30, 30A and 30B Presented by Véronique Glaude BR/SSD/Space Notification and Plan division Presentation Broadcasting Space Service (BSS) Plan and associated feederlink –(Ap30/30A Art.4/5) General submission schema and data organization in the SpaceCap software Exercice Creation of the AP30/4.1.3 (Part A) electronic submission of the satellite network R13DN-LINK Annex1: Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) Plan – (Ap30B Art. 6/8) Annex2: Space Operating Function (SOF) service – (Ap30/30A Art.2A) November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 2 Ap30/30A – General submission schema Notices under Articles 4 and 5 of Ap30/30A submit Appendix 4 (Ap4) data items SPS database Ref situation and data published by BR SPS (Space Plans Systems) database SpaceCap software Electronic notice created by SpaceCap Contains basic characteristics and reference situation of the assignments (Ap30/30A Plans, Lists and Article 4 networks, notified assignments under Article 5 and SOF Article 2A) Similar structure as in SNS (SRS_ALL) database, with some differences in usage of the tables and fields RR Appendix 4 Sent by the submitting Administration to BR to be processed View TSUM with SpacePub software Starting SpaceCap (version 5) software open an SPS (Space Plans Systems) database select the “Plan” button (on the top right toolbar) Note: “Open Plan for Inquiry only” option enables read only access November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 3 Ap30/30A - Data organization in the SpaceCap software (1) Common data to all frequencies of a network (satellite name, orbital position…) Attachments to submission Notice (type (Paper, GXT, File), file name, description) Strapping (Region 2) Note: normally filled in through other data entry forms Attachments Coordination Strapping information for Region 2 Agreements reached Note: captured in the “Coordination” data entry form Satellite beam characteristics Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 (satellite antenna gain, boresight…) Groups of frequencies (common characteristics such as polarization type and service area…) November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 4 Ap30/30A - Data organization in the SpaceCap software (2) Group 2 Group 1 Emission characteristics of a specific group (frequencies, power and modulation characteristics) Group 3 Emission / Frequencies Modulation characteristics Srv Area / Typical Antenna Service area, test points and typical earth station antenna characteristics of a specific group Specific earth station antenna characteristics of a certain group in the case of feeder-link only (if any) November 2006 Assoc Specific Earth Ant. Assoc Specific Earth Ant. (feeder-link only) (feeder-link only) BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 5 EXERCICE Creation of the AP30/4.1.3 (Part A) electronic submission of the satellite network R13DN-LINK Before starting: BR space softwares installation required: SpaceCap, SpacePub, IDWMlight, GIMS Printing a “paper copy” of the notice: SpCap_AP30_exercice.rtf Starting: SpaceCap The exercise consists of: 1. Capturing in SpaceCap the data of the “paper copy” 2. Creating with SpacePub the TSUM of the notice with the data captured 3. The TSUM created should be identical to the “paper copy” Solution: SpCap_AP30_solution.mdb “Step by step” data capture with tips on next slides… November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 6 Set Template to PLAN Set PLAN ID Select New Notice Depending of the notice type, “beam identification” or “notice ID” of previously published notices at least one “Group” of one “Beam” must be captured previously. For full-time operation = 0 to 24 List from the APL reference library November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 9 If blank, no MSPACE internal grouping applicable Select Common data November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 10 Common data Close to capture other data… November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 11 Automatic calculation As defined in Appendix 1 November 2006 Click to capture modulation characteristic data… Automatic calculation of channel number from frequency or Frequency from channel number BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 12 Modulation Characteristics List of references proposed November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 13 Up to 20 test points within the service area November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 14 List of attachments to the submission November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 15 List of agreements obtained from other adminsitrations November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 16 Creating a TSUM with SpacePub Electronic notice ready to be submitted to BR Ap4 data capture observation concerning specific items to Articles 4 and 5 of Ap30/30A (1) SpaceCap Data Entry Form Notice Annex 2 to Ap4 Data Item No. Description A.1.b Beam identification Observation Required only in the following submissions: - § 4.1.27 of Article 4 of Ap30/30A - § 4.2.6 of Article 4 of Ap30/30A in the case of modification to existing assignments in the Region 2 Plan - § 4.2.24 of Article 4 of Ap30/30A for the suppression of existing assignments in the Region 2 Plan - § 5.1.2 of Article 5 of Ap30 and § 5.1.6 of Article 5 of Ap30A in the case of notification of Plan assignments - § 4 of the Annex to Resolution 42 Notice A.11 Regular hours of operation (UTC) Before capturing this data item, at least one “Group” of one “Beam” must be captured. For full-time operation, 0 to 24 should be indicated Notice A.13c A.13d Notice ID of the corresponding network previously processed under Article 4/5 of Ap30/30A Article 4: - modification to a network in the Regions 1 and 3 List or to a network already successfully entered into the Region 2 Plan - cancellation of a Plan, List or Article 4 network - submission of the final characteristics of a network under § 4.1.12 or § 4.2.16 of Article 4 of Ap30/30A Article 5: - notification of a network in the Regions 1 and 3 Plan or List or a network already entered into the Region 2 Plan - cancellation of previously notified assignments November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 18 Ap4 data capture observation concerning specific items to Articles 4 and 5 of Ap30/30A (2) SpaceCap Data Entry Form Emissions/ Frequencies of Group Annex 2 to AP4 Data Item No. Description Observation C.2.a.2 1/ If the user enters first the channel number, the corresponding center frequency in the Plan will be set by SpaceCap and then can be modified by the user. Channel number 2/ If the user enters first the frequency (freq), the corresponding channel (cha) is calculated using the following formula: Cha = Integer((Freq + Cha_Spacing / 2 – Plan_Freq) / Cha_Spacing) + 1 Where: Freq: center frequency of the assignment (C.2.a.1); Chan_Spacing: 19.18 MHz for Regions 1 and 3; 14.58 MHz for Region 2; Plan_Freq: center frequency of channel 1 of the Plans as follows: Regions 1 and 3: Downlink: 11727.48 MHz Feeder-link (14GHz): 14525.30 MHz Feeder-link (17GHz): 17327.48MHz Region 2: Downlink: 12224.00 MHz Feeder-link: 17324.00 MHz Emissions/ Frequencies of Group C.8.b.1 C.8.b.2 C.8.h Total power and power density values For digital emissions, if the power density field is empty, a default value (assuming uniform distribution of the power over the necessary bandwidth) is calculated once the total power is entered using the following formula: pwr-10log(B) Where: pwr: total power B: necessary bandwidth November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 19 Ap4 data capture observation concerning specific items to Articles 4 and 5 of Ap30/30A (3) SpaceCap Data Entry Form Annex 2 to Ap4 Data Item No. Description Observation Modulation characteristics A.12 Range of automatic gain control See also observation on item C.9.b Modulation characteristics C.9.b Modulation characteristics To open this form, click on the corresponding designation of emission on the “Emissions/Frequencies” form. To copy the modulation characteristics of a specific designation of emission into all corresponding emissions, activate option on the “Modulation characteristics” form: “Apply these characteristics to all emissions in all groups of this notice with the same designation of emission” Group C.15.a MSPACE group identification code Application of internal grouping: Article 4 assignments are usually grouped with the co-channel and co-orbital position assignments of the responsible administration in the Plan, or List, or other previously submitted Article 4 assignments of the same administration. Note: Not applicable when the coverage areas are largely separated! This issue should be clarified in the telefax or e-mail corresponding to the submission. For describing the internal grouping of the assignments of the network, a MSPACE software group code (MSPACEgrp) should be assigned to this item for each group of assignments on the “Group” form of SpaceCap software (SCAPgrp). If this field is blank, it is understood that no MSPACE internal grouping is applicable to the assignments of the corresponding SCAPgrp. Note: Multiple MSPACE grouping for a specific assignment is not possible. For instance, if assignment A should be grouped with assignments B and C, these two assignments have also to be grouped since they shall have the same MSPACEgrp of assignment A. November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 20 Ap4 data capture observation concerning specific items to Articles 4 and 5 of Ap30/30A (4) SpaceCap Data Entry Form Strapping No. D.1.a Annex 2 to Ap4 Data Item Description Observation Connection between uplink and downlink frequency assignments in each transponder for each intended combination of receiving and transmitting beams Only for submissions in Region 2 where OEPM (overall downlink and feeder-link Equivalent Protection Margin calculation) applicable. After capturing all assignments of all downlink and feeder-link beams, the “Strap wizard” on the “Strapping” form should be used to connect downlink and feederlink assignments. Notes: 1/ Before each click on “Strap” button, only one connection on the following slide shall be selected! 2/ Before exiting that form, click “Validation” button to verify that all assignments for all downlink and feeder-link channels have strapped! For recording the intermediate changes into the database, click “Finish” button. Then click “Validate” button. At the end, the “Strapping” tab or the notice itself shall be closed in order to save changes and update the internal table beam_tr in the working database. November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 21 Ap4 data capture observation concerning strapping method to Articles 4 and 5 of Ap30/30A Strapping method Description Example Condition Downlink Beam channels Feeder-link Beam channels Beam level strapping Connecting one downlink beam to a feeder-link beam For each downlink group of frequencies, a feeder-link group with frequencies having the same downlink channel number shall exist and vice-versa. Beam: Bmdl Grp1: 1, 3, 5, 7 Grp2: 2, 4, 6, 8 Beam: Bmfl Grp3: 1, 3, 5, 7 Grp4: 2, 4, 6, 8 Group level strapping Connecting one downlink group of frequencies to a feeder-link group of frequencies The channel numbers of the downlink group shall be equal to those of the feeder-link group. Beam: Bmdl Grp1: 1, 3, 5, 7 Beam: Bmfl Grp3: 1, 3, 5, 7 Assignment level strapping Connecting one downlink frequency to a feeder-link frequency Any downlink channel can be connected to any feeder-link channels. Beam: Bmdl Grp1: 3 Beam: Bmfl Grp4: 6 November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 22 Annex 1 Fixed Space Service (FSS) Plan Creation of electronic submissions Appendix 4 information submitted under Articles 6 and 8 of Appendix 30B (Ap30B) November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 23 FSS Plan – Art.6 and 8 of Ap30B Data organization in the SpaceCap software (1) Common data to all frequencies of a network Notice (satellite name, orbital position, Predetermined Arc…) Strapping Attachments Coordination Diagrams data (type (Paper, GXT, File), file name, description) Note: normally filled in through other data entry forms Agreements reached Note: captured in the “Coordination” data entry form Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Antenna beam characteristics (satellite antenna gain, boresight…) Groups of frequencies (common characteristics, service area…) November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 24 FSS Plan – Art.6 and 8 of Ap30B Data organization in the SpaceCap software (2) Group 2 Group 1 Group 3 Emission characteristics of a specific group (frequency bands available for 4500-4800MHz,6725-7025MHz, 10.70-10.95GHz, 11.20-11.45GHz, 12.75-13.25GHz, Emission / Frequencies noise temperature (C/I protection ratio), power…) Service area, test points and typical earth station antenna characteristics of a specific group November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions Srv Area / Typical Antenna BR / SSD / SNP 25 Annex 2 Space Operating Function (SOF) Service Creation of electronic submissions Appendix 4 information submitted under Articles 2A Appendices 30 and 30A (Ap30/30A) November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 26 SOF – Art.2A of Ap30/30A Data organization in the SpaceCap software (1) Common data to all frequencies of a network (satellite name, orbital position…) Notice Diagrams data Station (type (Paper, GXT, File), file name, description) Strapping (optional) Noise Gamma Attachments Note: normally filled in through other data entry forms Antenna beam characteristics (satellite antenna gain, boresight…) Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Groups of frequencies (common characteristics such as polarization type and service area…) November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 27 SOF – Art.2A of Ap30/30A Data organization in the SpaceCap software (2) Group 1 Emission characteristics of a specific group (frequency guard bands available) Group 2 Group 3 Emission Frequencies Agreements reached Note: captured in the “Coordination” data entry form Coordination Special Section Associated earth station antenna characteristics of a specific group November 2006 Assoc Earth Station BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 28 Web links for further information Creation of electronic Ap30/30A notices with SpaceCap software: SPS databases: November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 29 Your questions are welcome! November 2006 BR seminar - Creation of electronic Plan submissions BR / SSD / SNP 30