Introduction to the BR Software 1 BR Space Applications V6 to V7 • BR Software and Version 7 Database What’s in it for you • What can BR Software help you do? Coming Soon • The future of BR Software Applications 2 V6-V7 cohabitation ITU BR Soft ITU BR Soft V6 V7 One exception! GIBC you must uninstall V7 to run V6 3 BR Soft and the SNS V7 Database • BR Soft V6 and BR Soft V7 on your PC BR Soft V6 SNS V6 BR Soft V7 GIMS Space Refdb SNS V7 4 BR Soft and the SNS V7 Database SNS V6 to V7 Conversion Tool AP30B V6 SPS_ALL V6 SNS V6 AP30B V7 SRSConvert6to7 IFIC V6 SPS_ALL V7 IFIC V7 Capture V6 SNS V6 SNS V7 Capture V7 5 Purpose of BR Software BR Software is Create Input to BR Validate Filings Designed to help you prepare your Electronic Filings Query BR Data Run Tech Exam Create Graphic diagrams 6 SAM V7 - BR Space Applications Manager 7 BR Software to create BR data SpaceCap Create AP4 data to SNS V7 formatted database Capture V7 mdb Gims Capture AP4 graphical data to GIMs mdb Gims mdb SpaceVal SpaceCom Validate AP4 data and checks for presence of required AP4 graphical data Capture V7 mdb Capture requests for coordination under No. 9.11 to 9.14, 9.21 and RS33 2.1 Gims mdb 8 BR Software to Query BR Data SpaceQry SNS Online SpacePub Query satellite and Earth stations in the space Services from -Srs_all.mdb - IFIC.mdb -Sps_all.mdb -AP30B.mdb Query satellite and Earth stations in the space Services from -SNS Master on Ingres Print satellite and Earth stations in the space Services from -Srs_all.mdb - IFIC.mdb -Sps_all.mdb -AP30B.mdb Gims Query for graphical data in the Gims database 9 BR Software to run Technical Exams GIBC – Graphical Interface for Batch Calculations PFD AP7 AP8 AP30B 10 BR Software to run Technical Exams • SPS – the space plans software (formerly “MSpaceG”) – Determination of the coordination requirements for the Plans for space networks in Appendices 30, 30A of the Radio Regulations 11 Future BR Software Applications WRC 12 Instructs the BR to implement a secure paperless electronic approach Administrations to submit APIs subject to Coordination under Section II of Article 9 to the BR Electronic correspondence between administrations and the BR Electronic correspondence between administrations 12 Future BR Software Applications Security – secure identification of Notifying Administration Reliability - Reliable Submissions of filings and correspondence SpaceWisc a Web interface for Secure communication User friendly - easy to use web interface for submission of API data Alert! – Notifying Administrations will be alerted when document is exchanged Traceability – all activities will be logged 13 Future BR Software Applications Radio Communications Advisory Group advises the BR to Implement a common application framework Have a centralized database for Space data Develop a Business continuity plan to secure the Master Register and BR Processing 14 Contact Information Implemented by BR/IAP Department Space Applications Software Division Contact information: – General: E-mail to 15 BR Software • Distributed on – IFIC DVD – Download from the BR web site You must have administrative privileges for your pc when Installing BR Soft! 16