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The Advising Express
Volume 4, Issue 1, September 18, 2014
Brought to you by:
In this Issue...
• First-Year Student Academic Advisor In-Service
• Quick Referral Guide
• Helicopter Parents
• What is MAP-Works?
• First Year Students and Their Transition
• Upcoming Events
• Welcome to the NEW Advising
Express. We hope you enjoy the updated
format and the information.
• We encourage any feedback regarding
content and design. Please email
david.marchesani@uni.edu with suggestions.
• Look for the link symbols
indicate text hyperlinks that will lead you
outside the publication.
Joi First-Year Student Academic
Advisor In-Service
Friday, September 26 from 2:00-3:30 pm
Location: Center for Multicultural Education (109A)
All faculty and staff who teach, provide academic advising, or interact with
first-year students at UNI are invited to attend this event.
UNI Fall 2014 new freshman from high school profile
Common and UNI-specific first-year student academic and transition issues
Fall 2014 MAP-Works data information
Promoting and advising the Liberal Arts Core
Resources and referrals for student academic success
Attend this first-time event to enhance your interactions with first-year students, increase your knowledge for
making referrals, and further expand your academic advisor toolkit!
Quick Reference Guide
Area of Concern...
Refer to...
Helicopter Parents
Financial Aid & Scholarships Office of Student Financial Aid
Emotional: home sickness, family issues
UNI Counseling Center
The Huffington Post recently published an article titled, “How helicopter parents are ruining college students”. The article reflects on a
recent study in Education + Training on the fine line between parental involvement and over-parenting. The study surveyed more than
450 undergraduates.
105 Gilchrist Hall
103 Student Health Center
Academic Difficulty
Academic Learning Center
ITTC 007 319-273-6023
Office of Academic Advising
102 Gilchrist 319-273-3406
Housing/Roommate Concerns
Department of Residence
010 Redeker Center
Learning Disabilities
Disability Services
The study showed college students with “helicopter parents” had
difficulty in believing in their own abilities to accomplish goals and
lacked soft skills in responsibility and conscienctiousness, according
to the authors, Jill C. Bradley-Geist and Julie B. Olson-Buchanan.
So, how do advisors work together and communicate effectively with
helicopter parents to help students be successful?
Here are some tips for working with parents:
Offer as much information within the FERPA guidelines to provide
a sense of security for parents. For a quick review on FERPA, view
the online Advisor Handbook.
Remind parents the role of the advisor
Explain how college is a unique opportunity for parents and the
institution to partner together in helping students.
103 Student Health Center
Career Information & Job
Career Services or the Job Board
Opportunities102 Gilchrist Hall
Menezes, M. D. (2005). Advisors and parents: Together building stronger advising
relationships. Retrieved from the NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising
Resources Web site.
Comic credit: Daniel Yowell via
and advising goals.
Do not interpret family dynamics. Emphasize the student’s responsibility for progress and encourage student-parent communication about grades and progress.
- How helicopter parents are ruining
college students
- Helicopter parents: an examination of
the correlates of over-parenting of college
What is MAP-Works?
Between September 15 and October 6, 2014, new freshmen at UNI are strongly urged to increase their chances of social
and academic success by taking the 15-minute MAP-Works® (Making Achievement Possible) survey. Immediately after
taking the survey each student receives an individualized report that includes valuable feedback, recommendations and
information related to succeeding in college.
Faculty, staff, and peer educators with professional connections to each student also obtain access to the reports. These
“Direct-Connects” use the information to connect with their students, offering encouragement, information and referrals
related to freshman success.
MAP-Works® is a collaborative project of the university’s Divisions of Student Affairs and Division of Academic Affairs,
under the direction of the First Year Council. More information about the MAP-Works® program is available at www.mapworks.com and by contacting Campus Coordinator Kristin Woods at kristin.woods@uni.edu.
Also, learn more at next week’s First-Year Student Academic Advisor In-Service.
First-Year Students and Their Transition
Freshman students come to campus with many unanswered questions and unknowns
of what the first year is going to be like. Am I going to like my roommate? Will I be able
to handle my course load? Will I even like this place? As an advisor, you are often the
personal connection to the university from the student’s perspective.
We want students to be self-sufficient but how do we do activate this? We can start by
asking good questions and being a resource.
Ideas of Questions to Ask Students
1. What is going well so far at UNI? What isn’t?
Be knowledgeable of where to direct students on campus for assistance.
2. What are you passionate about?
3. What are your goals? Why do you want to achieve this goal and what steps will you
need to take to accomplish it?
4. What skills do you want to develop?
5. What could you do this month to get started?
Being open to asking these questions with students can help with adjustment, and also
get students on the path to being self-reliant during their time at UNI.
Upcoming Events for Students
Thinking about Graduate School (TAGS)
9/23-9/25 Career Cruising Workshops
Career Fair (McLeod Center)
Upcoming Events for Advisors
First-Year Student Academic Advisor In-service
New and Returning Advisor In-service
Office of Academic Advising
102 Gilchrist
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0389
Phone: 319-273-3406
Fax: 319-273-7515
Email: advising-services@uni.edu
Advisor Contacts by College
Stay up-to-date on everything advsing by
visiting the Advisor Handbook at:
Contact Us