1 CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS SUSENAS NATIONAL SOCIO ECONOMIC SURVE SUSENAS 79 – II LISTING II: FERTILITY, WORK FORCE AND FOODS CONSUMPTION LIST CONFIDENTIAL IDENTIFICATION 1. Province 2. Regency/Municipality 3. District 4. Village 5. Enumerating Area Number 6. Sample Code Number 7. Building Serial Number 8. Household Serial Number 9. Number of Household members 10. Number of Household member aged 10 years old and above 5 7 9 11 14 16 URBAN -1 RURAL -2 CONDUCTED MONTH: II. ENUMERATING CHARACTERISTICS 1. Name of Enumerator : 2. Date of Enumeration : 3. Signature of Enumerator : 4. Name of Supervisor : 5. Date of Supervising : 6. Date of Checking : 7. Signature if Supervisor : III. NOTE 2 3 Ser ial nu mb er Name of h.h memb er Relation to household head’s: Head of hh 1 Wife -2 Children –3 Son/daughter in-law -4 Grand children -5 Parents -6 Parents in-law -7 Relative -8 Other -9 Housemaid 0 Sex: Male -1 Femal e -2 Year and month of birth (in Christia n calenda r) Age (in year ) (1) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) III. FERTILITY AND HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS LISTING FOR AGED 10 YEARS OLD AND ABOVE Dwelling If she of mother: lived in If column (9), not For ever married woman Education Status of Living in this coded 1, school and completed: marriage: this househ If this not Aged at last grade ever/ being Not School -1 Single -1 Is this household old fill present first first attended: Not completed Married -2 in serial married marriage, married Primary School Widowed -3 School Grade 1 number (in year) -2 Divorced -4 is the last what Code 3 to Living of the marriage marriage Primary School 8 like outside of mother which is do you -3 column this first have? Junior High (9) household married? School -4 -2 Yes -1 Vocational Junior Passed No -2 High School -5 away Senior High 3 School -6 Don’t know Vocational Senior -4 High –7 Acad/univ. -9 (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) 4 5 Serial Number (same as column 1) (16) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Name of woman who ever married (taken from column 2) Number of children born alive Childr en who are living here (17) (18) (19) III. FERTILITY AND HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS LISTING (CONTINUED) PARTICULARLY FOR EVER MARRIED WOMAN For married status woman Childr Deceas If column en ed (18) the Have you If ‘Yes’, type of Do you If “yes” what who children content is ever heard contraceptives currently contraceptive do are not not 0, about birth have been use you used? living month and spacing known: contracept Pill -1 here year of the Yes -1 Pill -1 ive? IUD -2 last baby No -2 IUD -2 Condom -3 born (in Condom -3 Yes -1 Coitus Christian Coitus No -2 interruptus -4 calendar) interruptus -4 Tubectomy -5 Tubectomy -5 Calendar system Calendar system -6 -6 Not making love Not making love -7 -7 Vasectomy -8 Vasectomy -8 Herbs, massages Herbs, -9 massages -9 (20) (21 (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) Place of obtained contraceptive of advice about birth spacing: FP Clinic -1 Hospital -2 FP Field Worker -3 Pharmacy -4 Private doctor -5 FP Field Assistant -6 Other -7 How long the time spent to that place from your house?: < 1 hour -1 1-2 hours -2 2-3 hours -3 3 and more -4 hours (27) (28) 6 7 V. SOURCE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME What is the household income? (Put sign √ to small boxes) Source of income (1) 1. Agriculture Worker s Businessma n (2) (3) ↓ continue Workers and Businessma n (4) ↓ Code 1 to 8: Worker –1 Businessman -2 Workers and Businessman -3 (5) 18 Type of business (1) 1. Seasonal Plants ………… … ………… … VI. AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS HAVE BEEN DONE DURING 6 MONTHS AGO Production Harvest Number of Production Productions area trees value cost *) Total Unit (0,000 ha) RP (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Income (Rp) (6) – (7) Card column (8) (9) Hundred to VI 2. Industry 3. trade 4. Transportation 5. Services 19 20 21 6. Other business 7. Government 8. Revenue income (Pension, gifts, etc) 23 9. From the source of income of column (1) above, main source of income is: ……………………………………………….. 10. As a businessman on column (1) above, main source of income is : ……………………………………………….. 22 24 25 26 27 2. Yearly Plants ………… … hundred ………… … 3. Husbandry Egg Milk Livestoc Hundred k Total 4. Fishery Hundred 5. Hunting/ Forestry Hundred 6. Land area: FILL IN HA, 3 DIGIT AFTER COMA a. Private : ………………………………Ha (0,000 ha) b. Private but deliver to other party such as to rent, sharecropping, etc : ……………………………… Ha (0,000 ha) c. Obtained from other party, sharecropping, etc : ……………………………… Ha (0,000 ha) d. Land area possessed : ……………………………… Ha (0,000 ha) *) Production cost means all costs paid since beginning until production, such as seed, fertilizer, renting animal, worker’s wage, etc. Purchasing large equipment or capital goods such as, mattock etc is not includes production cost. 8 9 VII. LISTING OF WORK FORCE OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBER AGED 10 YEARS OLD AND ABOVE Name of household member 1 Household member serial number 18 VII. A. ACTIVITY DURING PREVIOUS WEEK • Can you tell us, the activity have been done during previous week, start from yesterday…….., day before yesterday…….., 3 days ago etc. • If you work, how long (hours) a day? • Put sign check (√) on the small boxes as appropriated Working Have Looking School Housekeeper Others Activity (at least 1 permanent for work (Pension, hour a day) work, but handicap, etc.) Day temporary not working (1) Yesterday, ………… Day before yesterday, ……….. 3 days ago, ………….. 4 days ago, ………….. 5 days ago, ………….. 6 days ago, ………….. 7 days ago, ………….. Total Card Column (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) VII. B. Particularly for ‘School, Housekeeper/ other’ 1. Have ever looking for work during 3 months ago? 1. Yes 2. No 2. Reason why not looking for work: (7) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. …….hours …….hours …….hours Housekeeper School Health Pension, too old, handicap Don’t want to work …….hours …….hours …….hours 3. If a suitable work for you, will you take the work? …….hours 1. Yes 2. No ………hours VII C VII D VII B (Only asked if column 2,3,and 4 Blank) 10 11 VII. C. WORKING/HAVE A JOB 1. Where is your work, describe your field working in the company/office of your work ……………………………………… field working: …………………… 2. Type/position of your work: …………………………. 3. Work status: 1. Worker 3. Businessman with workers 2. Businessman without workers 4. Family worker without paid 4. How many hours you have been done of your work during previous week? ………………. Hours 5. Your previous week worked is the same work with the last 3 months work? 1. Yes 2. No 6. How much you’re net income of your last month work? (exclude the harvest in block VI column 8) In money Rp ………………… In kind Rp ………………… Total Rp. ……………….. 7. Besides of your permanent work, do you have another work? 1. Yes 2. No→ go to Q. 10 8. How many hours you do all the work during previous week? ……………………………hours 9. How much your net income of all other work during the last month? In money Rp ………………… In kind Rp ………………… Total Rp. ……………….. 10. Are you willing and have time to take another work? CARD COLUMN VII. D. LOOKING FOR WORK CARD COLUMN 1. How long that you’ve been looking for work? …………….. month 2. Are you looking the work for full time or part time? 1. Full time 2. Part time 3. Source of income to fulfil your daily needs: 1. Working 2. Working sometimes hundreds hundreds 3. From family/friend 4. Other 4. Have you ever worked before? 1. Yes 2. No VII. E. OTHER REVENUE DURING PREVIOUS MONTH 1. Renting land, house, interest Rp. ……………………… 2. Other, in kind formed (gifts, own production) Rp. ……………………… Total Rp. ……………………… Hundreds VII. F. OTHER INCOME AND EXPENSES DURING PREVIOUS MONTH Income Expenses Income Total Expenditure Total (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Pension ………….. 1. Sending money ………. 2. Money transferred ………….. 2. Saving . 3. Took a saving ………….. 3. Other (paying loan, ………. hundreds 4. Other (to lend, ‘arisan’, ………….. ‘arisan’ contribution, . etc) pension, etc) ………. . Total ………… Total ………. … . 12 13 Seria l number (1) 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050 0060 0070 0080 0090 0100 0110 0120 0130 0140 0150 0160 VIII. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE/CONSUMPTION LISTING VIII. A. NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE DURING PREVIOUS MONTH: Rp. ……………….. III. B. USED OF FOODS, DRINKS, TOBACCO AND KEROSENE DURING PREVIOUS WEEK AND FINISHED ON : …………………… Detail Local Stan Local Price Quan- Quan- Value Serial Detail Local Stan Local Price Unit dard unit per tity in tity in in Rp. numUnit dard unit per Unit converlocal local stanber Unit converlocal ted to unit unit dard ted to unit standard Rp. unit standard Rp. unit unit (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 0170 Taro, etc Kg a. Cereals and its products 0180 Sago (not made of sweet Kg Rice of free Kg potato, for example market/distribution Ambon sago, etc) Own production rice Kg Sticky rice Kg 0190 Other (…………..) Kg Rice products Kg 0200 Sub-total b. Kg c. Fish and its products Kg Wet corn with a skin Kg Dry corn with a skin Kg 0210 Fresh sea water fish Dry-shelled corn Kg 0220 Fresh water fish Kg Corn flour Kg Wheat flour Kg Other (…………………….) Kg 0230 Salted fish and dried Kg fish Sub-total a b. Tuber and its products 0340 Fish in a can Kg Cassava Dried cassava chip Flour of cassava (such as tapioca) Sweet potato Potato Kg Kg Kg 0250 Shrimps, crabs, squid, etc Kg Kg Kg 0260 0270 Other (…………..) Sub-total c. Kg Quantity in local unit Quantity in standa rd unit Value in Rp. (7) (8) (9) 14 15 Seria l number Detail (1) (2) d. Meat 0281 1. meat beef 0282 2. other 0291 1. meat buffalo 0292 2. other 0301 1. meat Lamb 0302 0311 2. other 1. meat VIII. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE/CONSUMPTION LISTING VIII. A. NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE DURING PREVIOUS MONTH: Rp. ……………….. III. B. USED OF FOODS, DRINKS, TOBACCO AND KEROSENE DURING PREVIOUS WEEK AND FINISHED ON : …………………… Local Stan Local Price Quan Quan Value Serial Detail Local Stan Local Price Unit dard unit per tity in tity in in Rp. numUnit dard unit per Unit conver local local stan ber Unit conver local ted to unit unit dard ted to unit standar Rp. unit standard Rp. d unit unit (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) f. Vegetables Kg 0430 Spinach Kg 0440 Swamp cabbage Kg 0450 Cabbage Kg 0460 “Petsai” (mustard) 0470 String beans 0480 Peas 0490 Legume 0500 Tomato 0510 Radish 0520 Carrot 0530 Cucumber 0540 Cassava leaves Quan tity in local unit Quan tity in stan dard unit Value in Rp. (7) (8) (9) Ham 0312 0320 0330 0340 0350 0360 0140 0371 0372 2. other Preserved meat Other meat Chicken meat Kg Kg Unit Other poultry meat Sub-total d. e. Egg, milk and dairy products 1. Chicken Egg 2. Other Unit 0381 1. pure milk Pieces 0550 Egg plant Liter Kg 0560 0570 0580 0590 0600 Bean sprout Gourd Shallot Garlic Red chili Kg 0610 Small chili Kg Kg 0620 Other (…………….) 0630 Sub-total f. Pieces Liter Milk liquid 0382 0390 0401 0402 0410 0420 2. factory milk Sweeten condensed milk (‘indomilk’ ‘cap bendera’) 1. milk for baby Powder milk 2. regular milk Dairy products (cheese, etc) Sub-total e. 16 17 Serial number (1) 0640 0650 0660 0670 0680 0690 0700 0710 0720 0730 0740 0750 0760 0770 0780 VIII. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE/CONSUMPTION LISTING VIII. A. NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE DURING PREVIOUS MONTH: Rp. ……………….. III. B. USED OF FOODS, DRINKS, TOBACCO AND KEROSENE DURING PREVIOUS WEEK AND FINISHED ON : …………………… Detail Local Stand Local Price Quan Quan Value Serial Detail Local Stan Local Price Unit ard unit per tity in tity in in Rp. numUnit dard unit per Unit conver local local stan ber Unit conver local ted to unit unit dard ted to unit standard Rp. unit standard Rp. unit unit (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) g. Pulses 0790 “Rambutan” (with a stem) Peanut Kg Mung bean Kg 0800 Lanzon Kidney bean Kg 0810 Durian Soybean Kg 0820 Snake fruit Lima bean Kg 0830 Pinapple with stem Tofu 0840 Banana Fermented soybean cake Kg 0850 Papaya Fermented soybean sauce Kg 0860 Rose-apple Ounce “Oncom” Fermented 0870 Guava peanut expeller cake Other (……………) Kg 0880 Sapodilla Sub-total g. 0890 Star fruit h. Fruits 0900 “Kedondong” Orange Mango Apple Avocado Kg Kg Kg KG 0910 0920 0930 Quan tity in local unit Quan tity in stan dard unit Value in Rp. (7) (8) (9) Watermelon Other (……………..) Sub-total h. 18 19 Serial number (1) 0940 0950 0960 0970 0980 0990 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080 1090 1100 1110 VIII. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE/CONSUMPTION LISTING VIII. A. NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE DURING PREVIOUS MONTH: Rp. ……………….. III. B. USED OF FOODS, DRINKS, TOBACCO AND KEROSENE DURING PREVIOUS WEEK AND FINISHED ON : …………………… Detail Local Stan Local Price Quan Quan Value Serial Detail Local Stan Local Unit dard unit per tity in tity in in Rp. numUnit dard unit Unit conver local local stan ber Unit conver ted to unit unit dard ted to standard Rp. unit standard unit unit (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) i. Other consumption j. Prepared food Bottle Ounce Salt 1120 Syrup 700cc Ounce 1130 Soda pop, coca cola, Bottle Pepper Ounce Fanta, etc 350cc Fish paste/shrimp paste Bottle Soy sauce 1140 Bread, biscuit, etc 350cc 1150 Prepared food and drink which eaten at home Coconut Unit Cooking oil Liter 1160 Prepared food and drink Ounce which eaten outside Butter home Ounce Fat oil Ounce Sugar brown 1170 Sub-total j. Ounce Granulated sugar k. Alcohol beverages Ounce Bottle Tea 1180 Bier 700cc Ounce Coffee Ounce Powder chocolate 1190 Other (……………..) Bottle 700cc Ounce Crisp (crisp chip, shrimp 1200 Sub-total k. crackers, etc) l. Tobacco, betel Noodle, wheat & rice noodle Ounce Monosodium glutamate (“sasa”, “miwon”, etc) Other (…………….) Sub-total i. Ounce Ounce 1210 1220 Menthol Cigarettes Clove cigarettes 1230 Cigar 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 Tobacco Betel leaves/areca nut Other (……………….) Sub-total l. Kerosene Price per local unit Rp. Quan tity in local unit Quan tity in stan dard unit Value in Rp. (6) (7) (8) (9) Pack 20 bars Pack 10 bars Pack 10 bars Ounce liter 20 21 Serial number (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Type of expenses (2) Cereals and its products Tuber and its products Fish and other fish products Meat Egg, milk and dairy products Vegetables Pulses and its products 8. Fruits VIII. C. SUMMARY OF HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES During a week Serial Type of expenses Rp. number (3) (1) (2) (Block VIII B a) 9. Other consumption (Block VIII B i) (Block VIII B b) 10. Prepared food (Block VIII B j) (Block VIII B c) 11. Alcohol beverages (Block VIII B k) (Block VIII B d) 12. Betel tobacco (Block VIII B l) (Block VIII B e) 13. Total (1 to 12) (Block VIII B f) 14. Total expenses for food (1 to 12) x 30/7 (Block VIII B g) 15. Kerosene (Block VIII B detail 1280) (Block VIII B h) 16. Total monthly expenses (Block VIII A) During a week Rp. (3) 22