WHE'.REl\S, the Congress of UnitL:d Ste"1tcs enacted Federal Vlater Pollution Control h:.:t of

WHE'.REl\S, the Congress of the UnitL:d Ste"1tcs enacted the Federal Vlater
Pollution Control h:.:t of 1972 on O:::tobcr 18, 1972; and,
WHEREAS, Section 208 of tillS Federal enactment directs that the klministrator
of the Federal Environrrental Protection Agency establish guidelines for identifying
areas which, as a result of urban-industrial concentrations or other factors,
have substantial water quality control proble:ns; and,
WHEREAS, Section 208, and regulations establislk.~ by the Administrator
p.lrsuant th2reto, i..mpJse directly upon the Governors of the States
resp:msibili ty for making decisions requirErl to implerent the areawide
planning and managenent functions set forth in Section 208; and,
WHEREAS, I am determined that these planning and lronagerrent functions,
implemented in Texas pursuant to Section 208 and regulations of the Environmental
Protection Agency, use to the fullest ext.ent the capabilities of existing state
agencies, river authorities, and local wlits of government; and,
WHEREAS, at my request the Texas Water Quality Board, Texas l\dvisory
Camussion on Intergovernmental Affairs, other state and local organizations,
and individuals have I'lBde an extensive analysis of tiJe effects of implementing
Section 208 on the water quality control problems existing in Texas, and of
the courses of action the State and the Governor should most appropriately take
acting in response to these Federal rrandates; nOl/,
THEREFORE, I am by this Order establishing the following procedures for
implementing areawide planning in the State of Texas in canpliance with the
provisions of Section 208 of the FErleral Water Pollution Control Act of 1972:
To establish a process for implementing Section 208, P.L. 92-500,
in the State of Texas that will enable the
State to:
carry out areawide waste treatment management planning
use to the fullest extent consistent with their legal
authorities the planning capabilities of state agencies,
river authorities and. other existing governmental b:::xiies;
min:imi.ze any possible duplication of effort or jurisdictional
conflict that might arise in meeting the water quality
objectives set forth in the Federal Water Pollution Control
Act Amendments of 1972 (P.L. 92-500).
section 208 of P.L. 92-500, and the regulations pursuant thereto
issued by the Federal Environrrental Protection A::jency (EPA) establish
the responsibility of the Governor in irnplerrenting the areawide waste
management planning provisions of P.L. 92-500.
rurthcr, under laws of the State of Texas, the Governor is the
chief planning officer of the State with general and sp3cific
responsibility for providing coordination among planning activities
comucted at all levels of State and local gove.:r.-nment.
'l'he follO\ving definitions will apply in carrying out tl1e procedures
contained herein:
Division of Planning Coordination (DPC:) - a Division \vitllin
the Office of the GoveJ..-nor tl1at was created by the legislature
in 1967.
State Reviewing Agency - the Texas Water Quality Board ('I'W,2B)
shall be, and is herewith designated as the State Reviewing
Agency for St.">Ction 208 planning.
Designated planning are..a - those areas \vithin the State where
substantial water quality control problEmS resulting fran
urban-industrial concentrations or other factors have been
identified, and which have been or shall be designated by tlle
Governor pursuant to Section 208.
Areamde Planning Advisory Committee - a comnittee named by
the Director of me Division of Plannijj'1 Coordination, with
representatives of the Texas Water
Board, Division
of Planning Coordination, appropriate local arrl regional
entities, and of the public.
(5 )
Representative organization - an organization with planning
capability to develop effective areavlide waste' treatment
management plans. Organizations so defined will include local
elected officials or their designees as required by Section 208
and shall also include representation from river authorities
or other entity with water planning and/or management
responsibility in the designated area.
Determination of Eligible Areas
The 'Iw:2B, with the advice am concurrence of DPC, shall
develop criteria for deteriirlni.ng eligible 208 planning
Based on the above criteria the 'lliQB shall present
ooth oral and written recarrnendations to the Governor,
through DPC, naming potentially eligible areas.
The DPC shall then notify EPA and affected local
governments of the Governor I s decision to consider
designation in potentially eligible areas.
The 'ffiQB shall then notify affected local and regional
govern:rrental bodies of public hearings to be held in
each are.cl.. The T,\QB and DPC shall co-sponsor at
least one (1) public hearing in each potentially eligible
208 area.
State 208 Planning Conference
If the DPC and 'lliQB agree that a State 208 Planning
conference is warranted they shall jointly sponsor
such a conference.
Designation of Plcmning Area (s)
The Th~I3, with the advice and conc'urrencc of DPC,
shall develop criteria and procc'dures for determining
designation of plannlllg areas.
Based up::m the al::x:>ve criteria and inforrrntion obtainErl
during public hearincJs, the T;VQB shall provide the
Goven1or, through ope, formal recarmendations on
area designations.
The GovCl.'"TlOr shall then notify EPA and local officials
of his designation decision (s).
Designation of Planning Agency (ies)
The TWQB, with the advice and concurrence of DPC,
shall develop criteria for evaluating the eligibility
of areawide planning agencies.
Based upon the al::x:>ve criteria and infonration obtainErl
during public hearings, the 'Iw:)B shall provide the
Governor, through DPC, recorrmendations on areawide
planning agency designations.
The Governor shall then notify EPA and local officials
of his designation decisions.
Application Process
The 'IWQB, with the advice and concurrence of DPC,
shall develop guidelines for the preparation of
grant applications.
The 'IWQB shall review each application; grant, or
refuse to grant, state certification of approval
in accordance with applicable Federal regulations
and State requirerrents; and forvmrd the application
through DPC to EPA.
The DPC shall coordinate A-95 review of the application
prior to the 'lliQB I S certi:tication decision.
Planning Process
The Tr\QB shall monitor on a continuous basis the
work of each designated area\'lide planning organization.
The procedures to be followed to provide for
this coordination will be contained in the
Guidelines prepared by 'TI\QB and DPC as set forth
in 5.A. above.
The DPC and 'ffiQB shall serve as members of each
areawide planning advisory canmittee.
Plan Review and Sul::mission
The 'lliQB shall review each are..awide waste treai::Irent
management plan upon its canpletion, and sul:mit to
the Governor through DPe its recarrm;mdations concen1ing
The Governor shall either certify or refuse to
certify each plan. Notification of this action
shall be forwardc'd to EPA and the design.:ltoo
areawide planning organization.
\'i!aste Treatment Management i\genc;y Designation
The 'I'I\\2B with the advice and con...~cnce of DPC,
shall provide the Governor its recannendations
for designation of waste treat:rrent lTh:'1fk'1gerrent
agency (ies) within each plarming area.
The Governor, after consultation with appropriate
areawide planning organizations, local officials,
and. Th"QB, shall designate a waste treabrent
mcmagarent agency(ies) within each designated. area.
State Guidelines
The rrY.'QB shall develop criteria and. procedures, in
the fonn of state guidelines, which shall include
but not be limited to the following program areas.
Determination of potentially eligible area
Designation of planning areas
Designation of areawide planning organizations
Grant. application procedures and criteria
Grant reporting procedures
Plan approval and. suhnission
Designation of waste treabTent management
Annual uJ.::date of plan
State guidelines will be -written so as to be consistent
with the intent of Public Law No. 92-500, and published
Federal Regulations and Guidelines established pursuant
to section 208.
The DPC shall review the guidelines prior to their
adoption by the Th'QB.
State Guidelines shall be binding on designated areawide
planning organizations. The 'IYi'OB shall be responsible
for m:mitoring planning organization canpliance, and
for reporting any lack of canpliance through DPe to the