1 SUSENAS VSEN91-S1 REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1991 NATIONAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC SURVEY DEMOGRAPHY, SOCIO-CULTURE, TRAVEL AND WELFARE CHARACTERISTICS Confidential I. LOCATION IDENTIFICATION 1 1. Province 2. District/Municipality *) 3. Sub-District 4. Village/ Village Unit*) 5. Area Urban 1 Rural 2 6. Enumeration area number 7. Segment group number 8. Susenas sample code number 9. Sample household serial number 10. Strata Krim 1 Non-krim 2 11.Number of household members II. SOURCE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME Source of income Labor/employee 2 4 6 9 11 12 15 17 18 20 23 Busines s 01. Agriculture, husbandry, forestry, hunting and fishery 02. Mining and quarrying 03. Processing industry 04. Electricity, water and gas 05. Construction 06. Large trade/ retail, restaurant, and hotel 07. Transportation, storage, and communication 08. Finance, insurance, real estate and property, and services company 09. Community, social, and individual services 10. Other 11. Income recipient (pension, transfers, gift, etc) 12. From the sources above, the main source is: III. ENUMERATION PARTICULARS 01. Name and NIP of enumerator: 04. Name and NIP of supervisor: 02. Date of enumeration: 05. Date of supervision: 03. Signature: 06. Signature: *) cross out inapplicable category 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2 3 Serial number (1) IV. A. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS LISTING Name of household Relation to the head Traveled in the member of household past 3 months Yes 1 No 2 (2) (3) (4) 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 “To travel” means to have made a trip (nonroutine travel) to: A. A tourism destination, disregarding distance and purpose B. Other than tourism destination, overnighting or lasting between 25 hours and 6 months Column (4) coded 2 main reason did not travel (code) (5) 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 CODE FOR COLUMN (5) (Main reason did not travel) No desire 1 No money 2 No time/busy 3 Lack of information 4 Health 5 Other 6 IV. B. MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE CATEGORY Less than 30,000 01 150,000 - 199,999 07 30,000 - 39,999 02 200,000 - 299,999 08 40,000 - 49,999 03 300,000 - 399,999 09 50,000 - 74,999 04 400,000 - 499,999 10 75,000 - 99,999 05 500,000 - 749,999 11 100,000 - 149,999 06 750,000 and above 12 23 25 4 5 V. HOUSEHOLD WELFARE LISTING A. Your appraisal about your household’s welfare development during the past three years: 01. Household income 02. Household food consumption 03. Housing conditions 04. Housing facilities 05. Household members’ clothing 06. Household members’ health 07. Easiness to get health service from paramedics/medical workers 08. Easiness to get Family Planning services (for those who have participated in FP) 09. Easiness to get pharmaceutical medication 10. Easiness to enroll children in primary school (for those enrolling their child in primary school) 11. Easiness to enroll children to Junior high school (for those enrolling their child in Junior high school) 12. Easiness to enroll children to Senior high school (for those enrolling their child in Senior high primary school) 13. Easiness to get transportation facilities 14. Religious life 15. Enjoying religious celebrations ('Idul Fitri', Christmas, New Year, "Nyepi", "waisak") 16. Security from criminal acts 17. Easiness to listen the radio 18. Easiness to watch TV 19. Easiness to get newspaper, , magazine, etc 20. Easiness to get a formal job (for those looking for a job) 21. The ease to do sport activity B 22. Your opinion on your household’s welfare development as a whole during the past three years Much Better Better As Good As Bad Worse Much Worse Processing code 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 6 7 VI. COMMUNITY WELFARE LISTING A. Your appraisal on your surrounding community’s welfare development during the pats three years: 01. Community income 02. Community health 03. Health service from medical worker/paramedic 04. Easiness to get pharmaceutical medication 05. Easiness to enroll child to primary school 06. Easiness to enroll child to Junior high school 07. Easiness to enroll child to the senior high school 08. Educating/guiding children no longer in school 09. Easiness to get transportation facility/ public transportation 10. Feeling safe from criminal act 11. Easiness to get Family Planning service 12. Easiness to get formal job 13. Places of worship 14. “Gotong royong” community life B 15. Your opinion on the development of your surrounding community’s welfare as a whole, during the past three years Much Better Better As Good As Bad Worse Much Worse Processing code 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 8 9 VII. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS CHARACTERISTICS Name: Serial number: 1. Relation to the head of household Head of household 1 Parent/in-law Husband/wife 2 Other relative Children 3 Servant Son/daughter in-law 4 Other Grandchildren 5 2. Gender: Male 1 Female 3. Age: .................... year 4. Marital status: Single 1 Married 2 5. Highest education completed No/not yet in school 0 Not completed 1 Primary school Primary school 2 Junior high school 3 Vocational jr school 4 25 27 6 7 8 9 28 2 29 31 Widowed Divorced 3 4 32 Senior high school Vocational senior high school Diploma I/II Academy/Dipl.III Univ./Dilp. IV 5 6 7 8 9 8. Type of highest education ever or being attended Primary school 1 Vocational senior Junior high school 2 high school Vocational jr school 3 Diploma I/II Senior high school 4 Academy/Dipl.III Univ./Dilp. IV 40 14. Most interesting program: News 1 Science Entertainment/ 2 Religious Art Program Sport 3 Other 15. Did you watch TV during the previous week? Yes 1 No 2 ! go to Q. 17 41 16. The most interesting program: News 1 Entertainment/ 2 Art Sport 3 4 5 6 42 43 Science Religious Program Other 18. Type of movie most interested you? War/history 1 Comedy Detective 2 Fantasy "Silat" 3 Horror Drama/ 4 Cartoon Romance Other 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 35 5 6 7 8 9. Highest grade/class ever or being attended 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (completed) 10.Can speak Indonesian? Yes 1 No 2 36 11. Daily language used at home: Indonesian 1 Foreign Regional language 2 38 3 12. Can you read and write? Latin 1 Other alphabets 2 3 37 39 Can not 13. Did you follow/listen to radio programs during the previous week? Yes 1 No 2 ! go to Q. 15 4 5 6 17. Did you watch a movie during previous week? Yes 1 No 2 ! go to Q. 19 ONLY FOR AGED 5 YEARS AND OLDER 6. School status: No schooling 1 !go to Q. 10 Attending school 2 !go to Q 8 No longer in school 3 7. Reason no longer attending school: Satisfied with current education No cost Unintelligent/not capable No school available/too far Not accepted by the school Other SOSIO-CULTURE CHARACTERISTICS (ONLY FOR AGED 10 YEARS AND OLDER) 44 45 5 6 7 8 9 19. Did you read newspapers/magazine during previous week? Yes 1 No 2 ! go to Q. 21 46 20. The most interesting article: News 1 Science 2 Editorial 3 47 Sport Art Story Other 4 5 6 7 21. Did do any sport during previous week: Yes 1 No 2 ! go to Q. 23 22. The most sport often do: Athletic 1 Martial art 6 Football 2 Table tennis 7 Badminton 3 Swimming 8 Volleyball 4 Other 9 Gymnastics/Aerobics 5 23. Watched/participated in a cultural activity during the past 3 months Yes 1 No 2 ! go to Q. 25 24. Type of culture activity usually watch/participate: Dances 1 Puppet 4 Music 2 Other 5 Drama/play 3 25. A member of social organization Yes 1 No 2 ! go to Q. 27 26. Type of Social Organization: Youth/"Karang Taruna" 1 Religious 8 Sport/art 2 Woman's club/PKK 16 Death 4 other 32 27. Reason not a member of a social organization No Social organization available 1 Useless 3 Reluctant/lazy 2 Do not understand 4 Other 5 10 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 11 VIII. TRAVEL CHARACTERISTICS (ASKED TO HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS WHO HAVE CODE 1 ON COLUMN 4 BLOCK IV) Name: Serial number:....... 25 5. Based on experiences during the trip, give your judgement regarding tourist facilities: 27 1. Age: Less than 10 years 1 10 years and 2 Quality Price older 28 Details to be judged 2. Worked/had a job during previous week Cheap 1 Good 1 Yes 1 No 2 (to Q. 4) Normal 2 Average 2 Expensive 3 Bad 3 3a. Primary activity status: 29 Trip to 26 Self employed 1 Employer with 3 a. Hotel 27 Self employed 2 permanent assisted by family member/ temporary workers workers Worker/ 4 employee Family workers 5 b. Main field of activity/ business: Agriculture 1 Trade Mining and 2 Transportation Quarrying and communiIndustry 3 cation Electricity, 4 Finance Water, and gas Service Construction 5 Other 6 7 30 8 9 0 b. Restaurant/stall (food or beverage) 28 c. Transport to tourist object 29 d. Souvenir 30 e. Attraction/ entertainment 31 32 f. Package tour 33 g. Tourist information 34 4. Number of trips done in the pasts 3 months ............. times Travel to: a. Accommodation b. Food/beverage c. Transportation d. Souvenir e. Attraction/entertainment f. Package tour g. Health and beauty h. Tour guide i. Other j. Total k. Number of person financed 31 h. Road condition to the tourist object 6. Trip expenses (in rupiah) 26 26 27 27 34 34 41 41 48 48 55 55 62 62 69 69 76 76 83 83 90 90 97. HH member 99. Non-HH member 97. HH member 26 27 34 41 48 55 62 69 76 83 90 99. Non-HH member 97. HH member 99. Non-HH member 12 13 VIII. TRIP CHARACTERISTICS (CONTINUED) 7. When did you travel? Trip to 13.a. Travel time Holiday/vacation 1 (nights) 26 Week end 2 b. Length of stay 27 Other day 3 c. (nights) 28 14. Places visited: 8. With whom did you travel? a. (i) Object (code) Alone 1 (ii) Province (code) With husband/wife 2 With another household member/ 3 b. (i) Object (code) Relative (ii) province (code) With school mates 4 With other friends 5 With group 6 c. (i) Object (code) (ii) province (code) 29 15. Main attraction of destination 9. Visiting frequency: visited: First visit 1 (code) Re-visit 2 30 16. Before visiting, did you ever get 10 Trip arrangement: information about the tourist Own/self 1 object? Together with the family 2 Together with another person 3 Yes 1 No 2 Travel agent 4 Other 5 31 17. If the answer of question 16 11 Reason/objective of the trip "Yes", what was the source of Holiday/ 1 Visiting friend/ 6 information? Recreation relative Work 2 Education 3 TV/radio 1 Travel 4 Health 4 Magazine/ 2 agent Pilgrimage 5 Newspaper Tourism 5 Friend/ 3 information 32 12 Main transportation used: Relative/ center Air transport 1 Public vehicle 5 Acquaintance Brochure 6 Sea transport 2 Private car/ 6 Other 7 River/lake 3 official Transport Other 7 Train 4 CODE LIST CODES FOR QUESTION 15 BLOCK VIII (object of attraction visited) CODES FOR QUESTION 14 BLOCK VIII (Object visited) Weather (cool air) Scenery Art and culture Attraction/entertainment Technology Flora/Fauna Cheap cost Peace/comfort Other Beach Lake Dam Cave Tourist park National park Ocean park Historical site Museum DI Aceh North Sumatra West Sumatra Riau Jambi South Sumatra 11 12 13 14 15 16 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Bengkulu Lampung DKI Jakarta West Java Central Java Yogyakarta 17 18 31 32 33 34 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 CODES FOR QUESTION 14 BLOCK VIII (Visited province) East Java 35 Central Kalimantan Bali 51 South Kalimantan Nusa Tenggara Barat 52 East Kalimantan Nusa Tenggara Timur 53 North Sulawesi East Timor 54 Central Sulawesi West Kalimantan 61 South Sulawesi Trip to 26 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 44 45 Cultural park Traditional ceremony Art attraction Recreational park Zoo Camp site Other Not tourism object 62 63 64 71 72 73 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 South-east Sulawesi Maluku Irian Jaya International 74 81 82 98 14