American Mineralogist, Volume 76, pages 1761-1764, 1991 LETTER Coordination changesand the vibrational spectrumof SiO, glass at high pressure Llns SrrxRUDEr* Ana OsnacANr**M.S.T. Buxowrxsxr Department of Geology and Geophysics,University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley,California 94720, U.S.A. We investigated the persistenceof tetrahedral coordination in SiO, glass under high pressuresby comparing experimental infrared spectrawith the calculatedspectraof Monte Carlo simulations of SiO, glass. The calculations are self-consistent:we used the same potential model, which prevents bonded Si-O coordinations higher than four, to generate the simulated structuresand to calculate the eigenfrequenciesand eigenvectors.The simulated, tetrahedrally coordinated structures agreewell with available structure and equation-of-state data and, at higher pressures,are expectedto differ from the real glassonly if the latter undergoescoordination changes.The calculated vibrational density of states and infrared spectrum atzero pressureagreewell with the data. The calculationsreproduce most of the important featuresof the observedhigh-pressureinfrared spectrum,including the features thought to be indicative of the onset of octahedrally coordinated Si at high pressures.We therefore suggestthat the infrared spectrado not yield a unique structural interpretation and leave open the possibility that SiO, glass preservesits tetrahedral coordination to at least 40 GPa. the glasslessdenseat high pressure,despite the competing effectsof thermal expansion (Stixrude and Bukowinski, I 99 I ). Further, although SiO, crystalsreadily convert to octahedral coordination near l0 GPa if the temperature is greaterthan severalhundred kelvins, at room temperature four-coordinated quartz and coesite survive compressionto roughly three times the equilibrium transition pressure to octahedral stishovite (Hemley et al., 1988). Thus, the structure of SiO, glass compressedat room temperature may be very different from the liquid at the same pressure. Vibrational spectroscopyprovides the only in situ highpressure constraints on glass structure (Hemley et al., 1986; Williams and Jeanloz, 1988; Wolf et al., 1990). Becausethe atomic structure and the form of the vibrational eigenmodesin glassesare complex, quantitative interpretation of these data demands comparison with precise theoretical calculations, based on realistic structural models. At zero pressure,this approach is well established, beginning with the pioneeringwork of Bell and Dean (see Bell, 1976), who used a continuous random network and a force constant model to predict zero pressure spectra.It is difficult to extend such work to higher pressures because of the lack of independent structural information from, for instance,X-ray diflraction. Murray and Ching (1989) treated pressureas a perturbation by * Present address:Geophysical Laboratory, 525 I Broad Branch assuming that the bonding topology of their continuous Road NW, Washington,DC 20015-1305,U.S.A. ** Presentaddress:SpaceComputer Corporation, 2800 Olym- random network was independent of volume. They used pic Boulevard, Suite 104, SantaMonica, California 90404-4119, a force constant model to predict the responseof bond lengths and the Raman spectrum to compression. The U.S.A. INrnooucrroN Igneousprocessesin the Earth's interior are ultimately controlled by the physical properties and the atomic structure of silicate liquids. To the extent that glassesare faithful analoguesof their molten counterparts, investigation of their high-pressurestructure can provide important constraints on magma genesis and transport. Characterizingthe gradual changein coordination ofSi-O from four to six as a result of increasedpressurein amorphous silicates is of central importance since this structural changewill substantially increasemagma densities, perhaps beyond those of coexisting solids, thereby preventing the magma's ascent. Analogies with SiO, crystalsand NMR experimentson a variety of quenched,high-pressuresilicate liquids (Xue et al., l99l) indicate that SiO, liquid may become octahedrally coordinated by approximately 20 GPa. However, kinetic hindrances are likely to play a significant role in the compression of SiO, glassand may delay the four- to sixfold coordination changeto much higher pressures. Monte Carlo simulations show that kinetic hindrances cause SiO, glass at room temperature to compress less efficiently than SiO, liquid at 2000 K, making 0003404x/9l/09 l0-l 76I $02.00 t 76 l 1762 STIXRUDE ET AL.: SiO, GLASS AT HIGH PRESSURE THEORY vl o o tions (Stixrude and Bukowinski, l99l). These structures are quenched to the local energy minimum at zero temperature to eliminate residual forces on the atoms. Vibrational frequenciesand modes at the Brillouin zone center are determined by solving the eigenvalueproblem: Wa : Ils, where a and tr are the eigenvectorsand eigenvalues, respectively,and the elementsof W are given by ^ l a ' u\ EXPERIMENT o o o .tv ota J'.r 500 t00o F R E Q U E N C Y( c m - r ) W , . . i u :( m , m ) - '' [ r _ ^ _ | .' i,i: { 1 ,. . . , N } ; \o^rdo^rp/o a,B: {1,2,3} (l) where U is the total energy, m, is lhe mass of atom i, the x- are its Cartesian coordinates, the subscript 0 indicates equilibrium, and N is the total number of atoms in the unit cell of the simulated structure (N : 192). The IR intensity of eigenmode{ is given by (o* >(4or:ff)' Fig. 1. Comparison (Galeener ofcalculated andexperimental (2) et al., 1983)vibrationaldensityof statesat zeropressure. The dashedline is the estimatedtwo-phononcontribution(Galeener et al.,1983). whereA^: mi-t/zctioandrr. is the a Cartesiancomponent of the dipole moment, calculated by assuming effective charges, Q,, equal to formal ionic charges(Bell, 1976). resulting structures are probably inaccurate above ap- Vibrational mode assignments,rocking, bending, stretchproximately 8 GPa, where network rearrangementbegins ing, and cation contributions to an eigenmode,are based to contribute substantiallyto compression(Hemley et al., on the Bell and Dean decomposition method (Bell, 1976). 1986; Stixrude and Bukowinski, l99l). Although comRnsur-rs puter simulations can overcome these limitations by simultaneously predicting high-pressure structure and Figure I shows the calculated and experimental vibraspectra,their accuracydependscritically on the assumed tional density of states.The three main peaks of the exform of the interatomic forces. The simple ionic models perimentally determined profile are reproduced, as well used so far have not reachedthe level ofagreement typ- as the smaller peak near 600 cm-' and the broad lowical of the Bell and Dean approach (Garofalini, 1982; frequency shoulder on the 400 cm-' peak. The experiRustad eI al., l99l and referencestherein). mental high-frequency peak may be divided by LO-TO To investigate the persistenceoftetrahedral coordina- splitting, although the neutron diffraction data do not tion in SiO, glassunder compression,we compare results demonstrate this conclusively. Becausethe model conof Monte Carlo simulations with measured,high-pressure tains no long-range coulomb forces, this effect is absent vibrational spectra.Simulated structuresand vibrational in the calculations. Our calculations match the data sigspectra are based on an empirical covalent model of nificantly better than ionic molecular dynamics simulabonding in four-coordinate SiOr, which prevents bonded tions (Garofalini, 1982;Rustadet al., l99l) or the results Si-O coordinations greaterthan four. Within this context, of Bell and Dean (Bell, 1976).Murray and Ching (1989) the model has proved successfulin matching a wide va- achieve comparable agreement by optimizing potential riety of data and is the first to reproduce the structure parametersto minimize disagreementwith experiment. and equations of state of tetrahedral crystalline, liquid, Calculated and experimental IR spectraare compared and vitreous SiOr, including irreversible compaction of in Figure 2. At zero pressurethe locations and relative the latter above l0 GPa (Stixrude and Bukowinski, 1989, heights of the four main peaks agreewell with the meal99l). We therefore expect the simulations and spectral sured spectrum. Although discrepanciesmust be caused calculationsto mimic closely the real glassand to deviate in part by the simple point-chargemodel usedto calculate substantially only ifthe latter developsa significant pop- intensities,certain differencesare attributable to deficienulation ofSi-O coordinations that exceedfour. cies in the simulated structuresand the potential model. Analysis of compression mechanisms in SiO, crystals MnrHooor,ocy suggeststhat the Si-O stretching force constant predicted These are the first self-consistentcalculations of the by our interatomic force model is too large (Stixrude and vibrational density ofstates and infrared spectraofSiO, Bukowinski, 1988), probably accounting for the overesglass:we use the samemodel to generatesimulated struc- timated frequency of the peak at 1080 cm '. An undertures and to solve the vibrational eigenvalue problem. estimated intertetrahedral Si-O-Si angle in the simulated Glass structures are taken from the final configurations structures(Stixrude and Bukowinski, l99l) probably exof equilibrated room-temperature Monte Carlo simula- plains the overestimated frequency of the experimental STIXRUDE ET AL.: SiO, GLASS AT HIGH PRESSURE 1763 ts a -u = F z o IE .lO0 600 tOO l00O lllo0l.o0 600 too t@or2oQraoo I FREQUENCY(cm-') Fig. 2. Comparisonof calculatedand experimental(WilIiams and Jeanloz,1988)infraredabsorbance. The calculated spectraare labeledby the appropriatepressurein GPa. From top to bottom,the experimental spectraweretakenat 2.2, 17.2, 27.5,and,38.9GPa.By comparingwith our calculatedspectra, we assignthe four measuredpeaks,in order of increasingfrequency,to rocking(R), bending(B), cation(C), and stretching (S)motions(seeFig. 3). The bendingandcationpeaksconverge at high pressures in both calculatedand experimentalspectra. The straightlinesareguidesto the eye. of predictednorFig. 3. Bell and Deantypedecomposition mal modesof SiO,glass,showingthe totalcontributionof rockpeak at 600 cm-'. This band is due mostly to bending ing,bending,stretching, andcationmotions(3) at eacheigenfremotion of bridging oxygens, which involves increasing quency. amounts of Si-O bond length variation as the Si-O-Si angle closes.Although the model was constrained independently of structural or vibrational data on glass,our pressures(Fig. 3). At low pressuresthe four IR peaks calculations match the IR data somewhatbetter than the coincide with maxima in rocking, bending, cation, and results of Bell and Dean (Bell, 1976) and at least as well stretching motion in order of increasingfrequency. This as those of Murray and Ching (1989), who used an op- pattern agreeswell with the resultsof Bell and Dean (Bell, timized potential function. 1976). No new types of atomic motion are needed to At higher pressures,though the agreementis not fully explain the high-pressurespectrum. Rocking and stretchquantitative, the calculations reproduce most of the im- ing still account for the relatively isolated lowest and portant pressure-inducedtrends in the experimental IR highest frequency peaks, respectively, whereas maxima spectra(Fig. 2). In calculations and experiments,the po- in bending and cation motions merge with increasing sitions ofthe lowest and highest frequency bands change pressure,accountingfor the single,greatly amplified midlittle with pressure,whereas at midfrequencies the two frequency peak. peakspresentat low pressuremergeto form a singlehighThe effect of pressureon the basic bitetrahedral unit pressurepeak. The increasein midfrequency intensity and readily explains the frequency shifts of the various modes. the insensitivity of low-frequency intensity to pressure Bending is most strongly affectedsince closing the Si-Oare also reproducedby the calculations.The calculations' Si angle increasesthe participation of Si-O bond length inability to reproduce the observeddecreasein intensity variation in this motion. A competition between Si-O of the high-frequencypeak may be due to underestimated bond compression, which raises stretching frequencies, distortion of the SiOo tetrahedra at high pressure as a and Si-O-Si angle bending, which lowers them through result of an overly strong Si-O bond (Stixrude and Bu- decreasedparticipation of Si-O bond length variation, kowinski, 1988). The necessarydistortion need not be probably accountsfor the small effect ofpressure on the large enough to compromise tetrahedral coordination: high-frequencypeak. Rocking and cation motions are less elimination of the O-Si-O force constant yields almost directly affected by angle bending or bond compression vanishing intensities of this peak at pressuresabove 30 and change little with pressure. Basedon a comparison with our results,we have idenGPa while retaining well-defined fourfold Si-O coordination with an O-Si-O angular variance of 22" from the tified rocking, bending, cation, and stretching peaks in ideal tetrahedral value (Oshagan, 1990). Significantly the high-pressureexperimental spectra(Fig. 2). The preslarger distortions are needed to produce pseudo-octahe- sure shifts of the experimental modes share important featureswith the calculatedones.The strongestmeasured dral coordinations. Analysis of the eigenvectorsshows that four types of pressureshift, that of the bending mode, agreesvery well atomic motion readily account for the IR peaks at all with the calculatedvalue, as doesthe pressureshift ofthe 1764 STIXRUDE ET AL.: SiO, GLASS AT HIGH PRESSURE cation mode. Measured rocking and stretching modes, like the calculatedones,are relatively insensitive to pressure. AcxNowr,rocMENTs We thank J. Rustad and an anonymous referee for their conscientious reviews and C. Lithgow-Bertelloni for helpful comments on the manuscript. Supportedby NSF grant EAR-88 16819. DrscussroN The calculated vibrational spectrum of a tetrahedrally coordinated glassaccountsfor most ofthe featuresofthe observed IR spectrum. In particular, the dramatic pressure-induced increase in midfrequency absorption, previously attributed by analogywith crystalsto the appearance of SiOu octahedra (Williams and Jeanloz, 1988), is readily explained by the combination and intensification of tetrahedral bending and cation modes. A four-coordinated high-pressurestructure also readily accountsfor the tetrahedral rocking mode (500 cm '). Its nearly constant shape and intensity in both experimental and calculated spectraare difrcult to reconcilewith the pressureinduced disappearanceof SiOo tetrahedra proposed by Williams and Jeanloz.We suggestthat comparatively minor structural changes,tetrahedral distortions somewhat greater than those predicted by our model, may account for the observed pressure-induceddecreasein intensity of the tetrahedral stretching mode. The sursival of fourfold coordination in SiO, glass to at least 40 GPa is also consistent with Raman spectroscopy of SiO, and GeO, glasses.Raman spectra of SiO, glassshow significant broadeningand weakeningofbands at high pressurebut no evidence of new bands up to 40 GPa (Hemley et al., 1986).In contrast,GeO, glass,for which there is independent evidenceofa four- to sixfold coordination changefrom 8 to l3 GPa (Itie et al., 1989), develops a new low-frequency Raman band over the same pressureinterval, which has been attributed to GeOuoctahedralmodes(Durben and Wolf, l99l). I-argerpopulations of nonbridging O atoms or the presenceof AI in more complex silicatesmay alleviate kinetic hindrances somewhat and allow glassesto undergo coordination changesat lower pressuresmore typical of the liquid (sodium tetrasilicate may be an example, Wolf et al., 1990). 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