Final project report submitted to Iowa Nutrient Research Center February 13, 2016 Distribution, transport, and biogeochemical transformations of agriculturally derived nitrogen and phosphorus in Cedar River watershed Mohammad Iqbal, Professor of Geology and Environmental Science, Department of Earth Science, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614 (; 319-273-2998) INTRODUCTION This is the final project report (year 1 and 2 combined). The primary objective of this study was to calculate nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loading from farmlands within the Cedar River watershed during the period 2013 - 2015. Additionally, temporal and spatial distributions of nutrients were studied. The project was conducted in two phases. During phase 1, the highly agricultural part of the watershed from Charles City to LaPorte City was studied by sampling 18 sites (sites 1-18). During phase 2, additional 10 sites were sampled from Brandon to the last point in Cedar River at Columbus Junction, Iowa (sites 19-28). Data from both Phase 1 (Figures 1 - 48) and Phase 2 (Figures 49 - 62) are presented in this report with separate descriptions of important observations. This is to be noted that Phase 1 activities comprise most part of the project since the intensely agricultural sub-watersheds are in this area. Data online: We have uploaded all data from Phase 1 and Phase 2 to our hydrology website for public viewing and comments. There are google interactive maps that show the watershed areas and sites 1 through 24. Please go to and click water quality data under Cedar River Monitoring Plan (see Local Hydrologic data Collection to the right side of the page). Click each site number to see the details of that site. Click past data to review all data for the site. There is also a limited graphing capability added (click Graphical data). At this time the temporal variation in each parameter can be seen. We expect to add more graphical capability over time. The long term goal of the online posting is to allow the public to see the interrelationships of water quality parameters and understand the overall hydrologic characteristics of the watershed. 1 The uploaded data should be considered as unofficial since we are still experimenting with the website functionality. We are accepting public comments on posted data. PROJECT ACTIVITIES Phase 1 study (2013-14) During Phase 1, total 18 sites have been sampled once a week from April 5 through October 31 of 2014. All lab analyses have been completed in the hydrology lab of the Department of Earth Science, University of Northern Iowa. Time sensitive parameters were analyzed at the field sites with portable sensors. A set of 48 graphs (Fig 1 – 48) have been attached to this report that represent our data from phase 1. Based on the obtained data, we developed sub-watershed maps around each sampling site. We also gathered published land use information for the watershed to research into nutrient mass balance for the area. When necessary, data were compiled to produce spatial distribution maps by using GIS mapping tools. The sampling team went out to the area for sampling as soon as the fields were exposed from snow cover. All 18 sites were sampled once a week for stream water and sediments from the beginning of April to the end of October, 2014. These 18 sites are located all the way from Charles City to LaPorte City, Iowa covering the main channel Cedar, Little Cedar River, Shell Rock River, West Fork Cedar River, Black Hawk Creek, and Wolf Creek. A base map is attached to this report (Fig. 1). From each site, thirty (30) sets of samples were collected and analyzed for total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, total phosphorus (TP), and dissolved nitrogen. Each set of sampling involved over 250 miles of driving in the study area. To ensure efficient sampling, the 18 sites were divided into two groups (Group A and Group B). Group A included sites 1 through 9 comprising the areas from Cedar Falls further north to Charles City and Group B included sites 10 through 18 from Cedar Falls further south to LaPorte City. Two student assistants were given the responsibilities to do the sampling on the same day where they followed identical field methods. Each time the same sensing probes were used per site to make sure the data were consistent. These two students are Sushil Tuladhar, a graduate student in Geography, and Kevin Rupp, an undergraduate student in Earth Science. Sushil Tuladhar has largely coordinated this project by 2 way of field work, lab analysis, and data compilation. Two other undergraduate students, Madison Pike and Ashly Lembke were involved in gathering land use data from the area. All students received appropriate training on sampling protocol and lab analytical procedure. Key Observation: (1) Baseline: Toward the beginning of the project (October to December, 2013), several sites in the watershed were sampled for baseline data on N, TP, chloride, sulfate, TDS and TSS. The baseline data for phosphorus in bottom sediments ranged from 122.6 to 543.5 µgP/gm of dry wt. The highest value was observed in Beaver Creek. All other sites had comparable TP values. TP in baseline water samples ranged from 14 to 185 µg/L. Dissolved NO3-N in all sites were below 4.2 mg/L. In general, all baseline parameters showed stable values as expected in off season samples. (2) Seasonal trends: Figures 2 – 21 are attached to this report to portray the observed data on multiple parameters from April through the end of October, 2014. The graphs show temporal and spatial trends in TSS, TP and N. As expected, the actual loads of TSS, TP and N during the growing season are considerably higher than the baseline. The average distribution of TSS within the watershed is shown in figures 2 through 6. Most sites show initial high loads of TSS in April and early May and then it appears to peak again in late June and July. The first rush of TSS can be attributed to the snow melt episodes causing soil loss from the agricultural fields that are not adequately covered by crops. This is more prominent in the intensely farmed northern part of the watershed (Fig. 2). According to the water clarity criteria in the Midwestern streams, 20 mg/L is considered clear and levels higher than 80 mg/L is considered cloudy. In reference to these levels, the upper reaches of the Cedar River watershed have exceedingly high TSS during the early season (average 116.5 mg/L). The average drops to 59 mg/L further south of Cedar Falls/Waterloo where the percentage of agricultural lands is much lower. Also, the southern part of the study area is characterized by lower drainage density. The second TSS peaks are attributed to the rain events during the midsummer to mobilize field soils. High surface runoff is expected to be the primary cause of soil loss from the fields. Flash flooding associated with intense rain events can bring large pulses of eroded soils to the watershed. The area had 5.02 inches of rain that fell from June 16th through 3 the 19th. The data collected on June 21st showed a rise in average TSS concentration from 30 mg/L to 71 mg/L (sites 1 – 9) toward the northern part of the study area (Fig. 2). From sites 10 18 further south the average jumped from 23 mg/L to 122 mg/L (Fig. 3). The average TSS loads during the mid-season appear to be much higher in the downstream areas (187 mg/L, Fig 3). This is probably because the farm fields in the north by then are more stabilized with crops to prevent soil erosion. Figures 7 – 14 show temporal and spatial trends in total phosphorus (TP) during the early, middle and late seasons. Loads of TP directly correlate with the transport of TSS in the watershed during the entire sampling period. Phosphorus is heavily adsorbed to soil particles and is transported to the streams with eroded soils. This reiterates the importance of soil conservation practices to achieve the ultimate goals of nutrient reduction. The 4-day intense rains (discussed above) prior to the 6/21 sampling resulted in 134% and 142% increases in the TP loads over the northern (sites 1 – 9) and the southern (sites 10 – 18) parts of the area, respectively (Fig. 7, 8). After the month of July, even though the concentrations of TSS did not show any significant variations the TP values consistently went up through the early part of September. It could be due to one of several reasons. It could be the incoming soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) from groundwater through base flow. Many streams in the U.S. reportedly have high SRP concentrations in groundwater during the fall when soils are relatively warm and dry. The high SRP could be caused by mineralization and accumulation of phosphorous through the summer. Also, applied manure in areas where water table is shallow could result in higher SRP in groundwater, which eventually discharges into the streams. This issue needs to be further investigated by additional sampling of groundwater and conducting source inventories. Alternatively, the increase of TP might be due to the slow release of phosphorus from the stream bed sediments to the water column. In the fall, high loads of plant leaves as well as residual organic debris to the streams can cause the water to turn low in oxygen through the organic decay process. In anoxic condition, some minerals that adsorb phosphorus can dissolve, thereby releasing excess P to the water column. All 18 sites showed average TP concentrations exceeding the 100 µg/L maximum contaminant level (MCL) as recommended by the USEPA for surface water (Fig. 11). The 3-week plot in Fig. 12 shows a dramatic influx of TP to the streams in response to the 5 inch rain that fell from June 16th through the 19th. The loads of TP in tons/day are shown in Figures 13 and 14. The TP loads measured at 11 sites where discharge 4 data are available from USGS stream-gaging stations range from 0.005 tons/day at Site 15 (Black Hawk Creek at Hudson) on October 10, 2014 to 34 tons/day at Site 12 (Cedar River @ Cedar Falls) on June 21, 2014. The average TP loads of these 11 sites is 1.06 tons/day. With this rate, the estimated total load of phosphorus in the watershed from the beginning of April through the end of October (7 months) is 223 tons. Spatial distribution of TP concentrations and loads over these 11 sites are shown in Fig. 24 and 25. Detailed TP load calculations are shown in Fig. 35. Spatial and temporal distributions of NO3-N are shown in Fig. 15 through 23. Because nitrogen is highly soluble in water, influx of nitrogen at all sites are more episodic than phosphorus (Fig 15 and 16). Strong pulses of nitrogen are primarily associated with rain events causing higher levels of dissolved nitrogen in the streams. This includes immediate surface runoff and baseflow. It is also important to understand that a well-integrated system of drainage tiles below the farm fields offers a favorable condition for nitrogen pulses to the streams. In general, nitrogen loads are high from early to mid-summer due to the rapid conversion of fertilizer nitrogen into nitrate before the crops enter the period of maximum uptake. The levels of nitrogen start to rise again toward the later part of fall. This is primarily derived from the residual organic nitrogen converting into nitrate through the process of nitrification (Fig 17 and 18). The high nitrogen levels in the fall are also due to the fact that nitrogen uptake by crops is considerably reduced by mid to late August. Nitrogen loads in the watershed range from 0.25 tons/day at site 15 (Black Hawk Creek in Hudson) on October 10, 2014 to 1061 tons/day at site 13 (Cedar River at Waterloo) on June 21, 2014 (Fig 20 and 21). The highest load was observed immediately after the 5 inch rain from June 16 – 19 as discussed in the previous section. This is an intriguing example how a large fraction of the available nitrogen can be lost from the agricultural fields as a result of intense rain events, especially in mid-season when the nutrient would be otherwise used up in crop yield. The average nitrogen load of the 11 sites where discharge data are available is 45 tons/day. With this rate, the total load of nitrogen in the watershed from the beginning of April through the end of October is 9450 tons. The relative distribution of nitrogen in the watershed during early, middle and late seasons are shown in figure 22. The mid-season concentrations are considerably higher than the other two seasons. Given that the fields are already in their maximum uptake mode, these high loads in the midseason reiterate the urgent need for best management practices in the area. In terms of 5 concentration levels, sites 3, 4, and 5 along the Shell Rock River show the lowest amounts of nitrogen moving through the streams. Fig. 23 shows the spatial distributions of NO3-N loads (in red circles) at the 11 sites where discharge data are available from the USGS stream gaging stations. From sampling site 1 through 13, the total nitrogen loads along the main course of the river gradually increase downstream. Detailed N load calculations are shown in Fig. 34. (3) Phosphorus loading and rainfall: Phosphorus shows three definite periods of influx into the river that coincides with the early, middle and late seasons. These three phases of high P loads directly correlate with the seasonal rain events in the area. In the attached graphs (Fig. 26 – 29), P transport from some of the heavily farmed areas is compared with the rainfall observed at the nearest weather stations. When the P concentrations are compared with the concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS) in the river, direct correlations are observed. P is heavily adsorbed to soil particles and is transported to the streams with eroded soils. During early and mid-season, TSS is the primary vehicle for P to move from the agricultural fields to the watershed. However, a close observation reveals that the primary mechanism of P transport changes during the late season. After the month of July, even though the concentrations of TSS continue to drop with minor pulses, the TP values consistently go up through the beginning of September (Fig. 30). It is attributed to the incoming soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) from groundwater through base flow. During the fall when soils are relatively warm and dry, streams receive high levels of SRP. Also, applied manure in areas where water table is shallow could result in higher SRP in groundwater. Fig. 31 – 33 show spatial distribution of P, N and TSS in the study area. The data are average concentrations per site over the entire period of phase 1 study. (4) Nutrient loading per sub-watershed: Figure 38 shows the 13 sub-watersheds delineated within the study area based on hydrologic characteristics. Fig. 39 – 42 show nutrient loss from 7 subwatersheds that form the primary system of tributaries and directly contribute N and P to the main course of the Cedar River. The contributing sub-watersheds are Little Cedar River, Cedar River above Charles City, Shell Rock River, West Fork Cedar River, Beaver Creek, Black Hawk Creek and Wolf Creek. The calculated average stream output of NO3-N is 22 lbs/acre (Fig. 39), ranging from 16 to 30 lbs/ac. The total loss of NO3-N from these 7 contributing sub-watersheds has been calculated as 33,500 tons/yr (i.e., from early April to late Oct). This load is 16.7% of the state’s total stream output of N reported by Libra, Wolter and Langel in their 2004 nutrient 6 budget report (Fig. 40). The calculated average loss of P is 0.41 lbs/acre (Fig. 41), ranging from 0.28 to 0.48 lbs/ac. The total loss of P from the area has been calculated as 646 tons for the year (Fig. 42). This load is 6% of the state’s total stream output of P reported by Libra, Wolter and Langel (2004). For detailed calculations of loss per acreage, total stream output and loss comparison among NO3-N, TP and TSS, refer to Fig. 34 – 37. Temporal and spatial distributions of phosphorus in stream sediments are shown in Fig. 43 – 46. Both upstream (sites 1-9) and downstream (sites 10-18) locations show high loading of P in bottom sediments during April and early May which then drops in June and July. After the month of July, the upstream sites show relatively low and constant movement of sediment P whereas the downstream sites show a gradual increase in loads until the beginning of October. Considering all 18 sites in phase 1, movement of TSS in the stream is moderately correlated with TP, but not with phosphorus in bottom sediments (Fig. 47). Phase 2 study (2014-15) Phase 2 of the project was conducted from early April to late October, 2015. We selected ten (10) new sites (S19 through S28) in Brandon, Vinton, Urbana, Palo, Marion, Cedar Rapids, Cedar Bluffs, West Branch, Conesville, and Columbus Junction, Iowa. Sites 23 (Indian Creek, Marion) and 26 (Hoover Creek, West Branch) are on two tributaries of Cedar River. The rest of the sites are on the main channel. We have sampled sites 19 - 24 once every 2 weeks and sites 25-28 every 3 weeks from April 4 through October 30. Stream bed sediments have also been collected from these sites every 3rd week. Data have been gathered for nitrogen, total suspended sediments (TSS), temperature, pH, total dissolved solids, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus (both water and stream sediments). The data from these 10 new sites were done to finish the project and get a more complete picture of nutrient loading in the Cedar River watershed. However, the farmed acreage in phase 2 study area is much smaller than the areas covered in phase 1. Most of our data analysis and investigations in this project were focused on the work performed during phase 1. The data discussed in this section primarily deal with observation made over sites 19 – 24. The sites further south of Cedar Rapids (sites 25 – 28) are far away and beyond the scope of this project. For these 4 sites, we have provided some basic data in a table at the end of the report. 7 Figure 48 shows the sampling locations during the second phase of the project. Each site was visited for their accessibility, making sure that they were close to a bridge for sampling convenience. Water and sediment sample analyses were done in the hydrology lab at UNI. Discharge data are taken from the published USGS records. Each site has been defined based on the surrounding land use characteristics, topography, and soil types. Mass calculations of TSS, TP and NO3-N were done for sites 20, 22, 23 and 24. Key observation: (1) TSS loading: Fig. 49 - 50 show the temporal and spatial variations in the total suspended solids (TSS) observed in the stream. In general, from Brandon all the way downstream to Cedar Rapids the sites show spatially uniform concentrations of TSS. This is unlike what we found during phase 1 study where sites showed considerable spatial variations at a given time of sampling. The sub-watersheds studied during phase 1 are characterized by most intensive agricultural activities in the watershed. Relatively high rate of soil erosion as well as variable conservation practices along the waterways is attributed to this difference in the average TSS distribution between phase 1 and 2. Temporally, the TSS value shows the highest average during mid-June (192 mg/L, Fig. 49). Figure 51 shows the detailed calculations of TSS as per daily loads and loss per acreage. (2) TP loading: Temporal distribution of total phosphorus (TP) shows sharp rise in concentration at different times (Fig. 52). Some of these peaks correspond with rainfall events while others do not. The relative increase in TP during the late season is attributed to the incoming soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) from groundwater through baseflow. SRP in U.S. streams are known to form through mineralization of dry, P-loaded soils and applied manures. Frequently, SRP forms in shallow aquifers, which eventually discharges into the streams. The details of SRP mechanism have been discussed in the previous sections of this report (i.e., phase 1). The early season peaks in TP that are not linked to rainfall events could be the result of the application patterns. It is not clear how much of the TP from bottom sediments would be a factor in such a well oxygenated stream system. Detailed calculations of TP loads at selected sites are shown in Fig. 54. 8 (3) NO3-N loading: Figures 55 and 56 show the distribution of nitrate-nitrogen at six sites from Brandon to Cedar Rapids. In addition to the nitrogen pulse during April application, increased concentrations were observed during late May, early June and early July. Even though the plant uptake is expected to be high during these time periods, especially during May and early June, the high levels of dissolved N seem to be associated with rain events. Nitrogen is highly soluble, so rainfall can trigger rapid loss of N from the agricultural fields. In addition to the applied fertilizers during the early season, parts of the organic nitrogen from the previous year are subject to nitrification as the soil gets higher moisture content. The late June (6/28) sampling shows much lower concentrations of N, which is attributed to the high plant uptake along with low rainfall amounts. Site 23 (Indian Creek at Marion) shows the highest fluctuations in nitrogen concentrations, ranging from 2.12 mg/L on June 28 to 23.58 mg/L on June 13 (Fig. 55, 56). Figure 57 shows the details of NO3-N calculations at sites 20, 22, 23 and 24. The average N loads vary from 3.3 tons/day at site 23 (Indian Creek at Marion) to 152.8 tons/day at site 24 (Cedar River at Cedar Rapids). When compared to their sub-watershed areas, the N loads from April through October range from 13.58 lbs/acre at site 20 (Cedar River at Vinton) to 32.01 lbs/acre at site 23 (Indian Creek at Marion). Load comparison per acreage for N, TP and TSS is shown in Fig. 58. Additionally, TP-TSS relationships are presented in Fig. 59-61. Data show TSS as the primary vehicle for the loss of TP from agricultural fields. Fig. 62 shows data recorded at sites 25, 26, 27 and 28 during early, middle and late seasons of 2015. Reference: R.D. Libra, C.F. Wolter and R.J. Langel, 2004. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets for Iowa and Iowa watersheds. Iowa Geological Survey, Technical Information Series 47, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, 43 p. 9 Figure 1: Phase 1 sampling locations (sites 1 – 18) 10 Temporal distributions of TSS (Group A sites) 1000 140 120 100 100 80 71.00 57.25 45.98 10 60 47.32 35.23 37.15 33.18 43.06 24.02 26.82 36.57 29.45 29.92 24.01 25.85 20.24 22.80 27.06 18.85 40 24.54 23.18 10.90 10.28 19.38 7.30 1 20 13.42 6.24 2.76 5.47 0 CedarRiver@ Charles City LittleCedarRiver near Ionia ShellRockRiver@ Marble Rock ShellRockRiver@ Marble Rock ShellRockRiver@ Shell Rock WestForkCedarRiver near Kesley WestForkCedarRiver@ Finchford CedarRiver@ Waverly CedarRiver@ Janesville Average Figure 2: Temporal distributions of total suspended solids (TSS) at sites 1 through 9 (Group A) 11 Average Concentration (mg/L) Log Concentration (mg/L) 116.51 Temporal distributions of TSS (Group B sites) 1000 200 186.56 Log Concentration (mg/L) 160 140 100 121.85 120 100 80 71.99 59.45 10 51.08 60 36.60 28.79 31.39 51.00 37.29 25.62 23.06 26.72 22.93 22.21 22.88 20.88 29.19 22.44 18.37 20.99 1 40 29.87 26.72 13.78 7.81 10.30 5.98 12.82 6.37 8.64 20 0 BeaverCreek@ New Hartford BeaverCreek@ Cedar Falls CedarRiver@ Cedar Falls CedarRiver@ Waterloo BlackHawkCreek@ Waterloo BlackHawkCreek@ Hudson CedarRiver@ Gilbertville WolfCreek near Dysart CedarRiver near La Porte City Average Figure 3: Temporal distributions of TSS at sites 10 through 18 (Group B) 12 Average Concentration (mg/L) 180 Spatial distributions of TSS (Group A sites) Log Concentration (mg/L) 1000 100 10 1 Cedar River@Charles City 4/5 7/26 4/19 8/2 Little Cedar River near Ionia 4/25 8/9 5/3 8/17 Shell Rock River@Marble Rock 5/10 8/23 Shell Rock River Shell Rock@Shell West Fork Cedar West Fork Cedar near Clarksville Rock River near Kesley River@Finchford 5/17 8/29 5/26 9/5 6/1 9/12 Figure 4: Spatial distributions of TSS at sites 1 through 9 (Group A) 13 6/8 9/19 6/15 9/26 6/21 10/3 6/28 10/10 Cedar River@Waverly 7/5 10/15 Cedar River@Janesville 7/12 10/25 7/19 10/31 Spatial distributions of TSS at sites 10 through 24 (Group B sites) Log Concentration (mg/L) 1000 100 10 1 Beaver Creek@New Beaver Cedar River@Cedar Cedar Hartford Creek@Cedar Falls Falls River@Waterloo 4/5 7/26 4/19 8/2 4/25 8/9 5/3 8/17 5/10 8/23 5/17 8/29 Black Hawk Creek@Waterloo 5/26 9/5 6/1 9/12 Figure 5: Spatial distributions of TSS at sites 10 through 18 (Group B) 14 6/8 9/19 Black Hawk Creek@Hudson 6/15 9/26 Cedar River@Gilbertville 6/21 10/3 6/28 10/10 Wolf Creek near Cedar River near La Dysart Porte City 7/5 10/15 7/12 10/25 7/19 10/31 15 Main River Figure 6: Average TSS concentrations at all sites during phase 1 (April – October, 2014) Tributaries Wolf Creek near Dysart Black Hawk Creek@Hudson Black Hawk Creek@Waterloo Beaver Creek@Cedar Falls Beaver Creek@New Hartford West Fork Cedar River@Finchford West Fork Cedar River near Kesley Shell Rock@Shell Rock Shell Rock River near Clarksville Shell Rock River@Marble Rock Little Cedar River near Ionia Cedar River near La Porte City Cedar River@Gilbertville Cedar River@Waterloo Cedar River@Cedar Falls Cedar River@Janesville Cedar River@Waverly Cedar River@Charles City Concentrations (mg/L) Average TSS Concentrations 120 90 60 30 0 Temporal distributions of Total Phosphorus at sites 1 through 9 (Group A sites) 500 160% 134% 450 140% 120% Concentrations (µg/L) 400 100% 350 80% 300 68% 55% 60% 47% 250 34% 40% 20% 200 21% 11% 0% 0% 150 -2% -2% 100 2% -15% -6% -19% -19% -21% 50 -40% -18% -2% 3% 2% -27% -36% 20% -20% -39% -11% 0% -20% -40% -39% -47% 0 -60% Cedar River@Charles City Little Cedar River near Ionia Shell Rock River@Marble Rock Shell Rock River near Clarksville Shell Rock@Shell Rock West Fork Cedar River near Kesley West Fork Cedar River@Finchford Cedar River@Waverly Cedar River@Janesville %change Figure 7: Temporal variations in total phosphorus (TP) at sites 1 through 9 (Group A) 16 Temporal distributions of Total Phosphorus at sites 10 through 18 (Group B sites) 500 200% 450 142% Concentrations (µg/L) 400 150% 350 300 100% 250 200 50% 28% 15% 150 7% 1% 0% 100 48% 32% 32% -13% -16% 0% -3% -7% 9% 3% 8% 4% 9% -13% -12% 50 -26% 0 -15% -34% -12% -18% -28% -40% -37% 0% -22% -50% Beaver Creek@New Hartford Beaver Creek@Cedar Falls Cedar River@Cedar Falls Cedar River@Waterloo Black Hawk Creek@Waterloo Black Hawk Creek@Hudson Cedar River@Gilbertville Wolf Creek near Dysart Cedar River near La Porte City %change Figure 8: Temporal variations in total phosphorus (TP) at sites 10 through 18 (Group B) 17 Spatial distributions of total phosphorus at sites 1 through 9 (group A sites) 500 4/5 5/17 6/21 7/26 8/29 10/3 Recommended Level 450 Concentratoins (µg/L) 400 350 4/19 5/26 6/28 8/2 9/5 10/10 4/25 6/1 7/5 8/9 9/12 10/15 5/3 6/8 7/12 8/17 9/19 10/25 5/10 6/15 7/19 8/23 9/26 10/31 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Cedar River@Charles City Little Cedar River near Ionia Shell Rock River@Marble Rock Shell Rock River Shell Rock@Shell West Fork Cedar West Fork Cedar near Clarksville Rock River near Kesley River@Finchford Figure 9: Spatial variations in total phosphorus (TP) at sites 1 through 9 (Group A) 18 Cedar River@Waverly Cedar River@Janesville Spatial distributions of total phosphorus at sites 10 through 18 (Group B sites) 450 4/5 5/17 6/21 7/26 8/29 10/3 Recommended Level 400 Concentratoins (µg/L) 350 4/19 5/26 6/28 8/2 9/5 10/10 4/25 6/1 7/5 8/9 9/12 10/15 5/3 6/8 7/12 8/17 9/19 10/25 5/10 6/15 7/19 8/23 9/26 10/31 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Beaver Creek@New Hartford Beaver Cedar River@Cedar Cedar Creek@Cedar Falls Falls River@Waterloo Black Hawk Creek@Waterloo Black Hawk Creek@Hudson Figure 10: Spatial variations in total phosphorus (TP) at sites 10 through 18 (Group B) 19 Cedar Wolf Creek near Cedar River near La River@Gilbertville Dysart Porte City Main River 20 Tributaries Figure 11: Average total phosphorus concentrations at all sites during phase 1 (April – October, 2014) WolfCreek near Dysart BlackHawkCreek@Hudson BlackHawkCreek@Waterloo BeaverCreek@Cedar Falls BeaverCreek@New Hartford WestForkCedarRiver@Finchford WestForkCedarRiver near Kesley ShellRockRiver@Shell Rock ShellRock River near Clarksville ShellRockRiver@Marble Rock LittleCedarRiver near Ionia CedarRiver near La Porte City CedarRiver@Gilbertville CedarRiver@Waterloo CedarRiver@Cedar Falls CedarRiver@Janesville Cedar River@Waverly CedarRiver@Charles City Concentrations (µg/L) Average Total Phosphorus Concentrations 250 200 150 100 50 0 Phosphorus Concentrations [Jun15-28, 2014] 0 50 100 Concentrations (µgP/L) 200 250 150 300 Cedar River@Charles City Little Cedar River near Ionia Shell Rock River@Marble Rock Shell Rock River near Clarksville Shell Rock@Shell Rock West Fork Cedar River near Kesley West Fork Cedar River@Finchford Cedar River@Waverly Cedar River@Janesville Beaver Creek@New Hartford Beaver Creek@Cedar Falls Cedar River@Cedar Falls Cedar River@Waterloo Black Hawk Creek@Waterloo Black Hawk Creek@Hudson Cedar River@Gilbertville Wolf Creek near Dysart Cedar River near La Porte City 6/15 6/21 6/28 USEPA Recommended Level Figure 12: Three-week comparison of total phosphorus during Phase 1 study. 21 350 400 450 Total phosphorus (TP) Loads at selected sites from Group A 100 4/5 4/19 4/25 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/26 6/1 6/8 6/15 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2 8/9 8/17 8/23 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/15 10/25 10/31 Loads (tons/day) 10 1 0.1 0.01 Cedar River @ Charles Cedar River @ Waverly Cedar River @ Janesville Little Cedar River near Shell Rock River at Shell West Fork Cedar River @ City Ionia Rock Finchford Figure 13: Total Phosphorus loads (in tons/day) at selected sites from Group A 22 Total phosphorus Loads at selected sites from Group B 100 4/5 4/19 4/25 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/26 6/1 6/8 6/15 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2 8/9 8/17 8/23 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/15 10/25 10/31 Loads (tons/day) 10 1 0.1 0.01 Cedar River @ Cedar Falls Cedar River @ Waterloo Beaver Creek @ New Hartford Black Hawk Creek @ Hudson Figure 14: Total phosphorus loads (in tons/day) at selected sites from Group B 23 Wolf Creek near Dysart Temporal distributions of NO3-N [Group A sites] 25 120% 107% 100% 96% 80% 64% 54% 60% 15 40% 26% 37% 14% 10 13% -10% 0% -34% -30% -31% 12% 20% 0% -2% -10% -20% -28% -6% -10% -2% -22% -10% 5 11% 9% 6% 21% -28% 0 -20% -12% -22% -40% -60% Cedar River@Charles City Shell Rock River near Clarksville West Fork Cedar River@Finchford %Change Little Cedar River near Ionia Shell Rock@Shell Rock Cedar River@Waverly Figure 15: Temporal distributions of NO3-N concentrations at sites 1 through 9 (Group A) 24 Shell Rock River@Marble Rock West Fork Cedar River near Kesley Cedar River@Janesville % Change Concentrations (mg/L) 20 Temporal distributions of NO3-N [Group B sites] 25 120% 103% 93% 100% 92% 20 60% 15 40% 40% 31% 27% 23% 10 21% 20% 14% -6% -10% 5 25% 0% -17% -19% -8% -32% -25% -23% -20% -24% 0 Beaver Creek@New Hartford Black Hawk Creek@Waterloo Cedar River near La Porte City Beaver Creek@Cedar Falls Black Hawk Creek@Hudson %Change -3% -16% -27% -6% -19% Cedar River@Cedar Falls Cedar River@Gilbertville Figure 16: Temporal distributions of NO3-N concentrations at sites 10 through 18 (Group B) 25 -7% -9% 11% 0% -14% -20% -40% Cedar River@Waterloo Wolf Creek near Dysart % Change Concentrations (mg/L) 80% Spatial distributions of NO3-N (Group A sites) 25 Concentrations (mg/L) 20 15 10 5 0 Cedar Little Cedar River Shell Rock Shell Rock River River@Charles near Ionia River@Marble near Clarksville City Rock Shell Rock@Shell Rock West Fork Cedar West Fork Cedar Cedar Cedar River near Kesley River@Finchford River@Waverly River@Janesville 4/5 4/19 4/25 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/26 6/1 6/8 6/15 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2 8/9 8/17 8/23 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/15 10/25 10/31 Figure 17: Spatial variations in NO3-N concentrations at sites 1 through 9 (Group A) 26 Spatial distributions of NO3-N (Group B sites) 25 Concentrations (mg/L) 20 15 10 5 0 Beaver Creek@New Hartford Beaver Cedar Cedar Creek@Cedar Falls River@Cedar Falls River@Waterloo Black Hawk Creek@Waterloo Black Hawk Cedar Wolf Creek near Creek@Hudson River@Gilbertville Dysart 4/5 4/19 4/25 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/26 6/1 6/8 6/15 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2 8/9 8/17 8/23 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/15 10/25 10/31 Figure 18: Spatial variations in NO3-N concentrations at sites 10 through 18 (Group B) 27 Cedar River near La Porte City Main River 28 Tributaries Figure 19: Average NO3-N concentrations at all sites during Phase 1 (April – October, 2014) Wolf Creek near Dysart Black Hawk Creek@Hudson Black Hawk Creek@Waterloo Beaver Creek@Cedar Falls Beaver Creek@New Hartford West Fork Cedar River@Finchford West Fork Cedar River near Kesley Shell Rock@Shell Rock Shell Rock River near Clarksville Shell Rock River@Marble Rock Little Cedar River near Ionia Cedar River near La Porte City Cedar River@Gilbertville Cedar River@Waterloo Cedar River@Cedar Falls Cedar River@Janesville Cedar River@Waverly Cedar River@Charles City Concentrations (mg/L) Average NO3-N Concentrations 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 NO3-N Loads at sites 1 through 9 (Group A sites) 1000 Loads (tons/day) 100 10 1 0.1 Cedar River @ Charles City Cedar River @ Waverly Cedar River @ Janesville Little Cedar River near Ionia Shell Rock River @ Shell Rock 4/5 4/19 4/25 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/26 6/1 6/8 6/15 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2 8/9 8/17 8/23 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/15 10/25 10/31 Figure 20: NO3-N loads (in tons/day) at sites 1 through 9 (Group A) 29 West Fork Cedar River @ Finchford NO3-N Loads at sites 10 through 18 (Group B sites) 10000 Loads (tons/day) 1000 100 10 1 0.1 Cedar River @ Cedar Falls Cedar River @ Waterloo Beaver Creek @ New Hartford Black Hawk Creek @ Hudson Wolf Creek near Dysart 4/5 4/19 4/25 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/26 6/1 6/8 6/15 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2 8/9 8/17 8/23 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/15 10/25 10/31 Figure 21: NO3-N loads (in tons/day) at sites 10 through 18 (Group B) 30 Figure 22: Seasonal distributions of NO3-N (Phase 1) 31 Figure 23: Average NO3-N load distributions at 11 sites where discharge data are available (see report) 32 Figure 24: Seasonal distributions of total phosphorus (TP) 33 Figure 25: Average TP load distributions at 11 sites where discharge data are available (see report) 34 Precipitation Vs Total Phosphorus Concentration 500 25 450 400 20 300 15 250 200 10 Precipitation (mm) Concentration (µg/L) 350 150 100 5 50 CedarRiver @ CharlesCity LittleCedarRiver near Ionia ShellRockRiver @ MarbleRock 10/31 10/25 10/15 10/3 10/10 9/26 9/19 9/12 9/5 8/29 8/23 8/9 8/17 8/2 7/26 7/19 7/5 7/12 6/28 6/21 6/15 6/8 6/1 5/26 5/17 5/10 5/3 4/25 4/5 0 4/19 0 Precipitation Figure 26: Temporal variations in TP as compared to rainfall [Weather Station: Charles City (Floyd)] 35 Precipitation Vs Total Phosphorus Concentration 400 18 350 16 Concentration (µg/L) 12 250 10 200 8 150 6 100 Precipitation (mm) 14 300 4 2 0 0 4/5 4/19 4/25 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/26 6/1 6/8 6/15 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2 8/9 8/17 8/23 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/15 10/25 10/31 50 ShellRockRiver @ Clarksville CedarRiver @ Waverly ShellRockRiver @ ShellRock Precipitation WestForkCedarRiver near Kesley Figure 27: Temporal variations in TP as compared to rainfall [Weather Station: Alison (Butler)] 36 Precipitation Vs Total Phosphorus Concentration [Main Channel] 400 18 350 16 Concentration (µg/L) Precipitation (mm) 14 300 12 250 10 200 8 150 6 100 4 CedarRiver @ Janesville CedarRiver @ Gilbertville CedarRiver @ CedarFalls CedarRiver @ LaPorteCity 10/31 10/25 10/15 10/3 10/10 9/26 9/19 9/12 9/5 8/29 8/23 8/9 8/17 8/2 7/26 7/19 7/12 7/5 6/28 6/21 6/8 6/15 6/1 5/26 5/17 5/3 5/10 0 4/25 0 4/5 2 4/19 50 CedarRiver @ Waterloo Precipitation Figure 28: Temporal variations in TP as compared to rainfall [Weather Station: Waterloo Municipal Airport (Black Hawk)] 37 18 400 16 350 14 300 12 250 10 200 8 150 6 100 4 50 2 0 0 Precipitation (mm) 450 4/5 4/19 4/25 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/26 6/1 6/8 6/15 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2 8/9 8/17 8/23 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/15 10/25 10/31 Concentration (µg/L) Precipitation Vs Total Phosphorus Concentration [Tributaries] WestForkCedarRiver @ Finchford BeaverCreek @ NewHartford BeaverCreek @ CedarFalls BlackHawkCreek @ Waterloo BlackHawkCreek @ Hudson Precipitation Figure 29: Temporal variations in TP as compared to rainfall [Weather Station: Waterloo Municipal Airport (Black Hawk)] 38 4/5 4/19 4/25 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/26 6/1 6/8 6/15 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2 8/9 8/17 8/23 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/15 10/25 10/31 Average TP Concentration (µg/L) 350 140 300 120 250 100 200 80 150 60 100 40 50 20 0 0 Sampling dates Figure 30: Relationships between total suspended solids and total phosphorus (Sites 1 – 18) 39 Average TSS Concentration (mg/L) Relationship between TSS and TP Figure 31: Average T concentrations at sites 1 – 18 (Phase 1) 40 Figure 32: Average NO3 - N concentrations at sites 1 – 18 (Phase 1) 41 Figure 33: Average TSS concentrations at sites 1 – 18 (Phase 1) 42 Monthly Average NO3-N Loads (tons/day) Site_ID Name of sites April May June July August September October Average Load (tons/day) Total Load (for 7 months) Subwatershed_Area (acre) Total Loads [tons/acre] (for 7 months) Total Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) S1 Cedar River @ Charles City 29.42 77.94 103.54 21.97 3.73 8.36 9.43 36.343 7631.986 686563.5123 1.E-02 22.23 S2 Little Cedar River 12.64 23.11 29.33 8.42 0.55 2.55 3.78 11.485 2411.752 189413.6103 1.E-02 25.47 S5 Shell Rock River 20.07 90.30 114.19 45.45 4.37 10.03 8.42 41.833 8784.963 1091331.079 8.E-03 16.10 S8 Cedar River @ Waverly 32.23 132.96 167.51 52.09 5.25 11.70 11.52 59.037 12397.731 996235.3056 1.E-02 24.89 S7 West Fork Cedar River Cedar River @ Janesville 18.36 81.04 72.59 75.08 6.31 10.18 8.88 38.919 8172.921 542370.3165 2.E-02 30.14 38.65 142.87 171.19 59.72 5.58 11.92 13.34 63.325 13298.158 1067863.985 1.E-02 24.91 4.28 18.26 34.88 25.78 1.57 1.40 3.80 12.852 2698.919 251845.5994 1.E-02 21.43 20.43 93.29 98.32 64.34 18.73 35.76 36.18 52.437 11011.704 3007499.163 4.E-03 7.32 3.78 7.74 35.03 17.36 1.18 0.47 1.23 9.544 2004.138 209267.6794 1.E-02 19.15 77.44 334.64 376.52 222.71 28.56 26.51 29.82 156.602 32886.370 3260286.826 1.E-02 20.17 2.88 6.64 19.40 21.54 2.21 2.27 3.69 8.377 1759.240 190907.6582 9.E-03 18.43 S9 S10 S12 S15 Beaver Creek Cedar River @ Cedar Falls S13 Black Hawk Creek Cedar River @ Waterloo S17 Wolf Creek Figure 34: NO3 – N load calculations at 11 selected sites (shown from upstream to downstream locations) 43 Monthly Average Phosphorus Loads (tons/day) Site_ID Subwatersheds April May June July August September October Average Load (tons/day) Total Load (for 7 months) Subwatershed_Area (acre) Total Loads [tons/acre] (for 7 months) Total Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) S1 Cedar River @ Charles City 0.875 0.665 2.057 0.251 0.122 0.188 0.138 0.614 128.861 686563.5123 2.E-04 0.375 S2 Little Cedar River 0.522 0.183 0.480 0.076 0.018 0.066 0.040 0.198 41.527 189413.6103 2.E-04 0.438 S5 Shell Rock River 0.917 1.066 3.150 1.102 0.199 0.451 0.142 1.004 210.803 1091331.079 2.E-04 0.386 S8 Cedar River @ Waverly 1.322 1.392 3.780 0.635 0.168 0.369 0.154 1.117 234.643 996235.3056 2.E-04 0.471 S7 West Fork Cedar River Cedar River @ Janesville 0.444 0.734 1.820 0.966 0.098 0.183 0.077 0.617 129.618 542370.3165 2.E-04 0.478 1.685 1.607 3.561 0.711 0.170 0.402 0.188 1.189 249.722 1067863.985 2.E-04 0.468 Beaver Creek Cedar River @ Cedar Falls 0.084 0.160 1.246 0.304 0.032 0.032 0.055 0.273 57.393 251845.5994 2.E-04 0.456 2.753 4.292 9.233 3.431 0.486 1.204 0.472 3.124 656.135 3007499.163 2.E-04 0.436 0.075 0.068 1.267 0.173 0.026 0.018 0.027 0.236 49.653 209267.6794 2.E-04 0.475 S13 Black Hawk Creek Cedar River @ Waterloo 3.210 4.143 7.978 3.683 0.571 1.448 0.614 3.092 649.393 3260286.826 2.E-04 0.398 S17 Wolf Creek 0.062 0.065 0.382 0.230 0.039 0.049 0.060 0.127 26.619 190907.6582 1.E-04 0.279 S9 S10 S12 S15 Figure 35: TP load calculations at 11 selected sites (shown from upstream to downstream locations) 44 Monthly Average TSS Loads (tons/day) Site_ID Name of sites Average Load (tons/day) Total Load (for 7 months) Subwatershed_Area (acre) Total Loads [tons/acre] (for 7 months) Total Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) April May June July August September October 38.05 16.36 42.21 16.20 21.20 7.80 3.42 20.748 4357.113 686563.5123 6.E-03 12.69 S1 Cedar River @ Charles City S2 Little Cedar River 156.07 48.90 52.56 26.43 17.80 24.75 10.12 48.091 10099.158 189413.6103 5.E-02 106.64 S5 Shell Rock River 47.64 28.69 37.21 25.98 22.70 14.47 5.02 25.957 5451.064 1091331.079 5.E-03 9.99 S8 Cedar River @ Waverly 42.51 36.15 56.19 32.85 19.43 14.93 6.68 29.819 6261.981 996235.3056 6.E-03 12.57 S7 West Fork Cedar River 64.02 39.69 44.01 44.43 25.83 30.09 14.92 37.570 7889.651 542370.3165 1.E-02 29.09 S9 Cedar River @ Janesville 35.97 41.52 55.73 33.17 31.38 17.08 3.58 31.205 6552.973 1067863.985 6.E-03 12.27 S10 Beaver Creek 28.12 54.20 60.06 45.34 21.81 15.69 14.33 34.221 7186.390 251845.5994 3.E-02 57.07 S12 Cedar River @ Cedar Falls 39.21 32.44 65.03 33.83 24.56 11.45 5.94 30.349 6373.332 3007499.163 2.E-03 4.24 S15 Black Hawk Creek 24.18 19.14 86.31 44.64 12.17 8.20 10.63 29.324 6158.088 209267.6794 3.E-02 58.85 S13 Cedar River @ Waterloo 31.66 28.43 38.17 29.18 22.16 15.05 7.72 24.623 5170.738 3260286.826 2.E-03 3.17 S17 Wolf Creek 29.49 43.61 239.40 83.60 14.46 24.20 34.20 66.995 14069.037 190907.6582 7.E-02 147.39 Figure 36: TSS load calculations at 11 selected sites (shown from upstream to downstream locations) 45 Site_ID Name of sites Total NO3-N Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) Total TP Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) Total TSS Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) S1 Cedar River @ Charles City 22.23 0.375 12.69 S2 Little Cedar River 25.47 0.438 106.64 S5 Shell Rock River 16.10 0.386 9.99 S8 Cedar River @ Waverly 24.89 0.471 12.57 S7 West Fork Cedar River 30.14 0.478 29.09 S9 Cedar River @ Janesville 24.91 0.468 12.27 S10 Beaver Creek 21.43 0.456 57.07 S12 Cedar River @ Cedar Falls 7.32 0.436 4.24 S15 Black Hawk Creek 19.15 0.475 58.85 S13 Cedar River @ Waterloo 20.17 0.398 3.17 S17 Wolf Creek 18.43 0.279 147.39 Figure 37: NO3 – N, TP and TSS load comparison in 11 selected sites (shown from upstream to downstream loactions) 46 Figure 38: Phase 1 study area with delineated sub-watersheds 47 Figure 39: NO3 – N loads per acre and percent row crops shown for each sub-watershed (Phase 1) 48 Figure 40: Total NO3 – N loads for the year and percent row crops shown for each sub-watershed (Phase 1) 49 Figure 41: TP loads per acre and percent row crops shown for each sub-watershed (Phase 1) 50 Figure 42: Total TP loads for the year and percent row crops shown for each sub-watershed (Phase 1) 51 Temporal Distributions of Total Phosphorus in Sediments 800 120% 100% 700 100% 80% Concentrations (µgP/gdw) 600 60% 500 40% 35% 400 17% 20% 0% 0% -14% 300 -6% -26% 200 -45% 100 -20% -40% -48% -60% -60% 0 -80% 4/5 4/19 5/10 Cedar River@Charles City Shell Rock River near Clarksville West Fork Cedar River@Finchford %change 6/1 7/19 8/9 8/29 9/19 Little Cedar River near Ionia Shell Rock@Shell Rock Cedar River@Waverly 10/10 10/31 Shell Rock River@Marble Rock West Fork Cedar River near Kesley Cedar River@Janesville Figure 43: Temporal distributions of TP in stream sediments at 9 selected sites from Group A 52 Temporal Distributions of Total Phosphorus in Sediments 800 80% 64% 700 60% 48% 600 40% Concentrations (µgP/gdw) 36% 500 20% 0% 400 0% 0% 300 -17% -20% -15% 200 -37% -40% -55% 100 -58% 0 -60% -80% 4/5 4/19 5/10 Beaver Creek@New Hartford Black Hawk Creek@Waterloo Wolf Creek near Dysart 6/1 7/19 8/9 8/29 9/19 Beaver Creek@Cedar Falls Black Hawk Creek@Hudson Cedar River near La Porte City 10/10 10/31 Cedar River@Cedar Falls Cedar River@Gilbertville %change Figure 44: Temporal distributions of TP in stream sediments at 8 selected sites from Group B 53 Spatial distributions of Total Phosphorus in sediments 800 4/5 4/19 5/10 6/1 7/19 8/9 8/29 9/19 10/10 10/31 Concentratoins (µgP/gdw) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Cedar Little Cedar River Shell Rock Shell Rock River Shell Rock@Shell West Fork Cedar West Fork Cedar Cedar Cedar River@Charles near Ionia River@Marble near Clarksville Rock River near Kesley River@Finchford River@Waverly River@Janesville City Rock Figure 45: Spatial distributions of TP in stream sediments at 9 selected sites from Group A 54 Spatial distributions of Total Phosphorus in sediments 800 4/5 4/19 5/10 6/1 7/19 8/9 8/29 9/19 10/10 10/31 Concentratoins (µgP/gdw) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Beaver Creek@New Hartford Beaver Cedar Black Hawk Creek@Cedar Falls River@Cedar Falls Creek@Waterloo Black Hawk Cedar Wolf Creek near Creek@Hudson River@Gilbertville Dysart Figure 46: Spatial distributions of TP in stream sediments at 8 selected sites from Group B 55 Cedar River near La Porte City Relationship of TPwater and TPsediment with TSS 500 800 TPwater TPsediments 700 400 600 R² = 0.1189 TPwater 400 200 300 200 100 100 R² = 0.0004 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 TSS Figure 47: Relationships of dissolved P and adsorbed P with TSS 56 500 600 TPsediments 500 300 Figure 48: Map showing 10 sites from Phase 2 of the study (sites 19 – 28) 57 Temporal Distributions of TSS 1000 250 Log Concentration (mg/L) 192.17 150 110.01 10 100 1 41.68 54.45 46.03 50.78 42.77 39.49 45.55 41.98 50 50.67 26.85 27.48 13.94 16.04 17.12 0 4-Apr 0 18-Apr 2-May 15-May 30-May 13-Jun 28-Jun 11-Jul 26-Jul 8-Aug 21-Aug 4-Sep Cedar River near Brandon Cedar River @ Vinton Cedar River near Urbana Indian Creek @ Marion Cedar River @ Cedar Rapids Average Figure 49: Temporal distributions of TSS (Phase 2) 58 18-Sep 8-Oct 23-Oct 30-Oct Cedar River @ Palo Average Concentration (mg/L) 200 100 TSS Distributions at Selected Sites of the Study Area 1000 Log Concentration (mg/L) 4-Apr 18-Apr 2-May 15-May 30-May 13-Jun 28-Jun 11-Jul 26-Jul 8-Aug 21-Aug 4-Sep 18-Sep 8-Oct 23-Oct 30-Oct 100 10 1 Cedar River near Brandon Cedar River @ Vinton Cedar River near Urbana Cedar River @ Palo Figure 50: Spatial distributions of TSS (Phase 2) 59 Indian Creek @ Marion Cedar River @ Cedar Rapids Monthly Average TSS Loads (tons/day) ID April May June July Aug Sep Oct Average Load (tons/day) Name of sites Total Load (for 7 months) Subwatershed_Area (acre) Total Loads [tons/acre] (for 7 months) Total Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) S20 Cedar River at Vinton 769.55 580.49 3498.83 585.58 375.20 724.25 110.67 949.224 199336.973 3823736.241 5.E-02 104.26 S22 Cedar River at Palo 760.85 3804.01 3222.36 758.09 716.78 758.09 156.11 1453.755 305288.535 4019579.024 8.E-02 151.90 S23 Indian Creek at Marion 0.13 0.46 162.50 1.57 0.55 11.67 0.42 25.330 5319.304 43572.91438 1.E-01 244.16 S24 Cedar River at Cedar Rapids 361.48 534.07 9758.98 401.85 236.39 530.18 193.00 1716.565 360478.630 4126629.079 9.E-02 174.71 Figure 51: Load calculations of TSS at sites 20, 22, 23 and 24 60 Temporal Distributions of Total Phosphorus 450 150% 129% 400 89% Concentrations (µg/L) 350 100% 58% 300 53% 50% 250 200 0% 37% 31% 1% 0% -1% 150 -45% -21% 100 -19% -55% -31% -46% -40% -50% 50 0 -100% 4-Apr 18-Apr 2-May 15-May 30-May 13-Jun 28-Jun 11-Jul 26-Jul 8-Aug 21-Aug 4-Sep Cedar River near Brandon Cedar River @ Vinton Cedar River near Urbana Indian Creek @ Marion Cedar River @ Cedar Rapids %change Figure 52: Temporal distributions of total phosphorus at selected sites (Phase 2) 61 18-Sep 8-Oct 23-Oct 30-Oct Cedar River @ Palo Total Phosphorus Distributions at Six Sites of the Study Area 450 400 4-Apr 13-Jun 21-Aug 30-Oct 18-Apr 28-Jun 4-Sep Recommended Level 2-May 11-Jul 18-Sep 15-May 26-Jul 8-Oct 30-May 8-Aug 23-Oct Concentratoins (µg/L) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Cedar River near Brandon Cedar River @ Vinton Cedar River near Urbana Cedar River @ Palo Figure 53: Spatial distributions of total phosphorus at selected sites (Phase 2) 62 Indian Creek @ Marion Cedar River @ Cedar Rapids Monthly Average Phosphorus Loads (tons/day) ID April May June July Aug Sep Oct Average Load (tons/day) Name of sites Total Load (for 7 months) Subwatershed_Area (acre) Total Loads [tons/acre] (for 7months) Total Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) S20 Cedar River at Vinton 3.86 2.45 8.51 1.25 1.63 1.54 0.70 2.849 598.312 3823736.241 2.E-04 0.31 S22 Cedar River at Palo 2.61 2.89 14.34 1.72 2.33 2.67 0.71 3.897 818.321 4019579.024 2.E-04 0.41 S23 Indian Creek at Marion Cedar River at Cedar Rapids 0.00 0.01 0.36 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.062 13.001 43572.91438 3.E-04 0.60 2.67 2.42 13.73 1.26 1.93 2.80 0.70 3.644 765.264 4126629.079 2.E-04 0.37 S24 Figure 54: Load calculations of TP at sites 20, 22, 23 and 24 63 Temporal distributions of NO3-N concentrations 25 300% 250% 246% 200% 183% 15 150% 141% 74% 10 50% 0% 5 100% 77% -12% -3% 17% 7% -29% -23% -45% -44% 0% -39% -50% -79% 0 -100% 4-Apr 18-Apr 2-May 15-May 30-May 13-Jun 28-Jun 11-Jul Cedar River near Brandon Cedar River @ Palo %Change 26-Jul 8-Aug 21-Aug 4-Sep 18-Sep 8-Oct 23-Oct 30-Oct Cedar River @ Vinton Indian Creek @ Marion Cedar River near Urbana Cedar River @ Cedar Rapids Figure 55: Temporal distributions of NO3-N at selected sites (Phase 2) 64 Percent change (%) Concentrations (mg/L) 20 NO3-N concentrations at six sites of the study area 25 Concentrations (mg/L) 20 15 10 5 0 Cedar River near Brandon 4-Apr 26-Jul Cedar River @ Vinton 18-Apr Cedar River near Urbana 2-May 15-May 8-Aug 21-Aug 4-Sep Cedar River @ Palo 30-May Indian Creek @ Cedar River @ Cedar Marion Rapids 13-Jun 28-Jun 11-Jul 18-Sep 8-Oct Figure 56: Spatial distributions of NO3-N at selected sites (Phase 2) 65 23-Oct 30-Oct Monthly Average NO3-N Loads (tons/day) ID Name of sites April May June July Aug Sep Oct Average Load (tons/day) Total Load (for 7 months) Subwatershed_Area (acre) Total Loads [tons/acre] (for 7months) Total Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) S20 Cedar River at Vinton 142.47 194.68 234.23 137.83 38.28 81.84 36.25 123.655 25967.447 3823736.241 7.E-03 13.58 S22 Cedar River at Palo 127.42 216.01 313.88 126.08 42.80 101.16 40.39 138.247 29031.867 4019579.024 7.E-03 14.45 S23 Indian Creek at Marion Cedar River at Cedar Rapids 0.21 1.69 19.48 1.26 0.05 0.11 0.46 3.321 697.380 43572.91438 2.E-02 32.01 128.94 229.23 404.73 129.77 39.95 96.71 40.58 152.842 32096.881 4126629.079 8.E-03 15.56 S24 Figure 57: Load calculations of NO3-N at sites 20, 22, 23 and 24 66 ID Name of sites Sub-watershed Area (acre) Total NO3-N Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) Total TP Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) Total TSS Loads [pounds/acre] (Apr-Oct) S20 Cedar River at Vinton 3823736.241 13.58 0.31 104.26 S22 Cedar River at Palo 4019579.024 14.45 0.41 151.90 S23 Indian Creek at Marion 43572.91438 32.01 0.60 244.16 S24 Cedar River at Cedar Rapids 4126629.079 15.56 0.37 174.71 Figure 58: Loads comparison of NO3-N, TP and TSS at sites 20, 22, 23 and 24 (Phase 2) 67 Relationship between TSS and TP 450 y = 0.4784x + 149.78 R² = 0.1474 400 350 TSS (mg/L) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Total phosphorus (µg/L) Figure 59: Relationships between TSS and TP (Phase 2) 68 350 400 450 500 Relationship of TPwater and TPsediment with TSS 450 900 400 800 350 700 300 600 250 500 200 400 R² = 0.0015 150 TPsediments TPwater R² = 0.1474 300 100 200 50 TPwater TPsediments 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 100 0 450 TSS Figure 60: Relationships of dissolved TP and sediment-adsorbed TP with TSS (Phase 2) 69 Spatial distributions of total phosphorus in sediments 1000 2-May 13-Jun 11-Jul 21-Aug 18-Sep mg/kg (dry wt) 800 600 400 200 0 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 Sites Figure 61: Spatial distributions of phosphorus in stream sediments at sites 19 – 24 70 S24 Site_ID Site 25 Site 26 Site 27 Site 28 Date 4.4.15 4.4.15 4.4.15 4.4.15 pH 9.09 7.98 9.15 8.88 Temp 14.00 11.20 14.00 14.30 DO 11.50 14.86 15.29 11.08 Conductivity 618 585 611 597 TDS 420 411 420 405 Turbidity 17.00 2.70 12.80 26.70 TSS 50.89 0.50 60.30 71.05 Chloride 43.61 17.16 40.68 27.20 Sulfate 44.28 13.62 43.82 38.29 NO3-N 3.90 5.34 3.47 3.14 T. Phosphorus 290.0 120.0 230.0 180.0 Site 25 Site 26 Site 27 Site 28 8.8.15 8.8.15 8.8.15 8.8.15 8.86 8.29 8.88 8.81 25.60 21.80 26.50 26.40 9.26 8.52 9.96 8.11 591 631 558 528 407 437 385 381 32.80 14.60 46.20 41.20 51.20 18.90 62.00 95.20 27.95 20.37 25.22 24.04 34.91 26.07 32.25 31.50 6.08 5.33 5.83 6.02 260.0 180.0 190.0 200.0 Site 25 Site 26 Site 27 Site 28 10.30.15 10.30.15 10.30.15 10.30.15 9.28 7.92 9.35 9.33 10.60 13.30 11.30 10.70 11.70 8.43 11.92 10.98 594 636 524 520 408 441 362 354 25.80 4.85 46.00 54.20 47.78 4.00 73.50 121.37 35.62 16.99 31.54 33.85 36.79 17.67 36.21 35.45 5.89 6.21 4.20 3.42 120.0 160.0 60.0 60.0 Fig. 62: Data recorded at sites 25, 26, 27 and 28 during early, middle and late seasons of 2015 (Phase 2) 71