Government Defeat in Lords on Various Identity Cards Act Regulations 2009 Monday 13/07/2009

Government Defeat in Lords
on Various Identity Cards Act
Regulations 2009
Monday 13/07/2009
On 13/07/2009 the government had a defeat in the House of Lords on an
amendment to the Various Identity Cards Act Regulations 2009: To move to regret
the government's decision to proceed with Identity Cards regulations before the
case for them has been put to the British people at a general election (non-fatal
This was defeat number 17 in the parliamentary session.
Breakdown of Votes
Liberal Democrat
For Govt
Against Govt
Conservative Votes with the Government
Conservative Votes against the Government
Baroness Anelay of St Johns
Lord Astor of Hever
Lord Bates
Lord Bell
Baroness Byford
Earl Cathcart
Baroness Chalker of Wallasey
Lord Colwyn
Lord Crathorne
Lord Crickhowell
Lord Dixon-Smith
Earl Dundee
Baroness Eccles of Moulton
Lord Eden of Winton
Lord Elton
Lord Feldman
Baroness Fookes
Lord Forsyth of Drumlean
Lord Freud
Baroness Gardner of Parkes
Lord Glentoran
Viscount Goschen
Baroness Hanham
Lord Hayhoe
Lord Higgins
Lord Hodgson of Astley Abbotts
Lord Howard of Rising
Earl Howe
Lord Hunt of Wirral
Lord Hurd of Westwell
Lord James of Blackheath
Lord Jenkin of Roding
Lord Kimball
Lord King of Bridgwater
Baroness Knight of Collingtree
Lord Lamont of Lerwick
Lord Leach of Fairford
Earl Lindsay
Lord Luke
Lord Lyell of Markyate
Lord Marland
Lord Marlesford
Lord Mayhew of Twysden
Lord McColl of Dulwich
Baroness Morris of Bolton
Lord Naseby
Lord Newton of Braintree
Lord Northbrook
Lord Norton of Louth
Baroness O'Cathain
Baroness Oppenheim-Barnes
Lord Palumbo
Lord Plumb
Baroness Rawlings
Earl Attlee
Lord Brougham and Vaux
Lord Chadlington
Lord Cope of Berkeley
Lord De Mauley
Viscount Eccles
Lord Elliott of Morpeth
Earl Ferrers
Lord Fowler
Lord Geddes
Lord Hamilton of Epsom
Lord Henley
Baroness Hooper
Lord Howell of Guildford
Lord Inglewood
Lord Jopling
Lord Kirkham
Lord Lang of Monkton
Earl Liverpool
Lord Lyell
Lord Mawhinney
Duke of Montrose
Baroness Neville-Jones
Earl Northesk
Earl Onslow
Lord Patten
Lord Reay
No vote
Lord Roberts of Conwy
Lord Selkirk of Douglas
Lord Shaw of Northstead
Earl Shrewsbury
Lord Stewartby
Lord Taylor of Holbeach
Baroness Verma
Lord Waldegrave of North Hill
Lord Rotherwick
Lord Selsdon
Lord Sheikh
Lord Skelmersdale
Lord Strathclyde
Lord Taylor of Warwick
Lord Waddington
Baroness Warsi
Baroness Seccombe
Baroness Sharples
Baroness Shephard of Northwold
Lord St John of Fawsley
Lord Swinfen
Lord Trimble
Lord Wakeham
Baroness Wilcox
Labour Votes with the Government
Baroness Adams of Craigielea
Lord Alli
Baroness Andrews
Lord Bassam of Brighton
Lord Borrie
Lord Brett
Lord Carter of Coles
Lord Clinton-Davis
Lord Davies of Oldham
Lord Drayson
Lord Evans of Parkside
Lord Foster of Bishop Auckland
Baroness Golding
Lord Graham of Edmonton
Lord Harris of Haringey
Lord Haworth
Baroness Hollis of Heigham
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath
Lord Judd
Lord Lea of Crondall
Lord Mandelson
Lord McKenzie of Luton
Lord Morris of Manchester
Lord Pendry
Baroness Rendell of Babergh
Baroness Royall of Blaisdon
Lord Soley
Lord Temple-Morris
Lord Tunnicliffe
Baroness Warwick of Undercliffe
Baroness Whitaker
Lord Woolmer of Leeds
Lord Adonis
Baroness Amos
Lord Archer of Sandwell
Lord Berkeley
Lord Boyd of Duncansby
Lord Brookman
Viscount Chandos
Baroness Crawley
Lord Desai
Lord Dubs
Baroness Farrington of Ribbleton
Lord Foulkes of Cumnock
Lord Gordon of Strathblane
Lord Grantchester
Lord Hart of Chilton
Baroness Henig
Lord Howarth of Newport
Lord Janner of Braunstone
Lord King of West Bromwich
Lord Lipsey
Baroness Massey of Darwen
Lord Moonie
Lord Morris of Handsworth
Baroness Pitkeathley
Lord Richard
Viscount Simon
Lord Stone of Blackheath
Baroness Thornton
Lord Turnberg
Lord Wedderburn of Charlton
Lord Whitty
Lord Young of Norwood Green
Lord Ahmed
Lord Anderson of Swansea
Lord Bach
Lord Bilston
Lord Bradley
Lord Campbell-Savours
Lord Clark of Windermere
Lord Davies of Coity
Lord Donoughue
Lord Elder
Lord Faulkner of Worcester
Baroness Gale
Baroness Gould of Potternewton
Lord Grocott
Lord Haskel
Baroness Hilton of Eggardon
Baroness Howells of St Davids
Lord Jordan
Lord Layard
Lord Malloch-Brown
Lord Maxton
Baroness Morgan of Drefelin
Lord O'Neill of Clackmannan
Baroness Quin
Lord Rosser
Lord Snape
Baroness Taylor of Bolton
Lord Tomlinson
Baroness Wall of New Barnet
Lord West of Spithead
Baroness Wilkins
Labour Votes against the Government
Lord Morgan
Liberal Democrat Votes with the Government
Liberal Democrat Votes against the Government
Lord Addington
Lord Avebury
Baroness Bonham-Carter of Yarnbury Lord Burnett
Lord Dholakia
Viscount Falkland
Lord Fearn
Baroness Hamwee
Lord Kirkwood of Kirkhope
Lord Lee of Trafford
Baroness Linklater of Butterstone
Lord Livsey of Talgarth
Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer
Baroness Neuberger
Lord Razzall
Lord Rennard
Baroness Scott of Needham Market
Lord Shutt of Greetland
Baroness Thomas of Walliswood
Baroness Thomas of Winchester
Lord Tope
Lord Tyler
Lord Wallace of Tankerness
Baroness Walmsley
Baroness Barker
Lord Clement-Jones
Baroness Falkner of Margravine
Baroness Harris of Richmond
Lord Lester of Herne Hill
Baroness Maddock
Baroness Northover
Lord Roberts of Llandudno
Lord Thomas of Gresford
Baroness Tonge
Lord Wallace of Saltaire
Crossbench Votes with the Government
Baroness Butler-Sloss
Lord Elystan-Morgan
Crossbench Votes against the Government
Lord Bilimoria
Baroness D'Souza
Lord Greenway
Lord Haskins
Baroness Flather
Lord Hylton
Baroness Masham of Ilton
Lord Monson
Baroness Stern
Lord Mawson
Lord Pannick
Lord Walpole
Baroness Meacher
Lord Rowe-Beddoe
Bishop Votes with the Government
Bishop Votes against the Government
Bishop of Chester
Other Votes with the Government
Lord Watson of Invergowrie
Other Votes against the Government
Lord Pearson of Rannoch