Marshall School of Business
MKT 406: Practicum in Advertising and Promotion Design
Spring 2011
10:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Therese Wilbur
(213) 740-4790 (o)
E- Mail:
Accounting Building 306P
Office Hours: Wed. 1:00-1:45 pm, TH 12:00-1:00 pm, or by appointment via email
Class Meetings: T/TH 10:00 a.m. – 11:50 (HOH 422)
Camila Espana
EdVenture Partners
(w) 858-427-4972
MKT 405 or JOUR 340
1. Each student is required to register on site. In
addition, the Program Guide AND Client Info on the site are required reading.
Our program code is 1486.
2. Access to Blackboard AND Marshall SharePoint sites.
3. Compatibility with Microsoft 2007 (can download for free).
4. Nominal fee for campaign themed attire, normally less than $30.
Resume Builder—The course is a Marketing Internship within the context of a class. Therefore, it should be
added to your resume and highlighted to potential employers.
Experiential—The class becomes a marketing agency and we deliver an integrated campaign for real world
client. By the end of the course, you will fully understand how to create, execute and evaluate a marketing
Creativity—Our creativity will be tested by parameters from the consumer, client/partner, legal, and USC policies.
Our goal is to work within these parameters and succeed in meeting the client objectives.
Fun--We will form a marketing agency in the first weeks of class. Each department will be accountable and
empowered to achieve its goals. We should be applying previous learning from other courses. There is no new
course content other than working with our client and partner.
Future Opportunity—This course will provide you with the experience of working in a marketing agency and you
will know whether this appeals to you or not as a future career path.
The course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to:
Create and develop an IMC Plan from Client Objectives to Execution to Evaluation.
Effectively work within and understand the roles of an “agency” structure.
Comprehend the “Big Picture” of how a marketing campaign is completed.
Appreciate the role of the client and their partners (EdVenture Partners) in all aspects of the campaign
from approvals to presentations.
5. Creatively work within any parameters from the client, University, or consumer.
Course content will be added to Blackboard for your reference ( as the class
progresses. Note-accessing Blackboard is more reliable when you use Netscape as your browser. You can
download the browser free from Netscape’s site ( You must use your USC Unix account
name and password to access your Blackboard site. Please contact x03000 (Marshall Help Desk) if you do not
know your UNIX account name and password or if you have any trouble accessing material from this class.
In addition, the “campaign” will “live” in an on-line home in My Marshall. We will use a collaborative
software program from Microsoft called SharePoint so all members can access our website at any time to
continue campaign development and communication. This is why Microsoft 2007 compatibility is required.
All facets of completing the campaign and agency reports as well as milestones will be completed based on the
EdVenture Partners website and each student is required to register on the site and have access to it. The site is and the student access code is 1486.
The class will also have access to an on-line survey tool for research called Qualtrics. The domain name is Further information will be given in class.
This course is designed to help bring skills learned in previous marketing classes to life by
working with a “real” corporate client to design, execute and evaluate our own marketing
campaign to deliver on established objectives given to us by the client.
It is a Marketing Internship in the context of a class and is a resume builder. During the
semester we will form an advertising/promotion agency and work with the client to meet
and/or exceed their objectives.
Using a $3000 budget supplied by our client, CHEVROLET, you will conduct research to develop
an understanding of the objectives given to us by the firm (e.g., the industry, the company, the
consumer, the competition, and potential advertising/promotion strategies), brainstorm campaign
options, develop and produce the campaign ads and place them in media to promote the
campaign, find event donors, develop publicity, and conduct research to examine the success of
your campaign in meeting its objectives.
You will meet with contacts from both CHEVROLET and EdVenture Partners (EVP) in developing
your ideas, presenting your ideas, and summarizing the extent to which your campaign was
successful in meeting your objectives.
This class is made possible by a joint partnership between USC, CHEVROLET, and
EdVenture Partners (EVP). EVP is an organization that “develops innovative partnerships
between the business community and education systems that enhance the growth,
performance, and value of both”. Throughout the semester, we will be working with our key
contact person from EdVenture Partners, Ms. Camila Espana. Camila will be involved in
every aspect of our campaign and will provide a key link between USC and the Chevrolet.
Our Client is Chevrolet and the campaign will focus on promoting 3 models to our target market: Cruze, Camaro,
and Equinox. A Client Product Brief will be distributed and discussed in class that details the target market,
campaign goals and client information.
EdVenture Partners (EVP) is our partner throughout the semester and initiates programs with clients so we are
fortunate enough to have this opportunity for our class. EVP is a marketing education consultancy dedicated to
providing companies, government, trade associations and nation clients an innovative way to communicate with
and leverage smart, creative university students and top-notch educators in solving real problems that provide real
results and solutions. EVP is the only marketing education consultancy in the United States that brings together
educators, students, and clients for mutual collaboration and benefit. All EVP designed programs provide the
opportunity for students to apply academic theory to real-world situations and challenges, thereby leveraging
student minds in addressing client goals and objectives. EVP’s structure and operations are totally virtual.
EdVenture Partners has designed and managed programs at over 1,000 campuses and to over 100,000 students
across North America and internationally, bringing industry partners into the classroom while delivering
progressive, hands-on curriculum.
This will be presented and distributed in class. You will need to complete a Department Selection Sheet and
submit your resume before class #2.
Phase 1: Orientation & Agency Formation, Research Immersion
The first month of the semester will immerse in the consumer, client/partner, and campaign
objectives. A Client Product Orientation (CPO) meeting with occurs where both our key contact from
EdVenture Partners (Camila Espana) and our client contact will conduct an orientation. Camila
serves as the Program Facilitator. Any questions regarding specifics about client or the agency as it
relates to the project should be directed to her. I serve as the CEO and the content expert about
advertising and promotions. Any content questions may be directed to me. We will get together and
assess our needs for research.
Any good advertising and promotion campaign is based on a thorough understanding of the client, the
competitors, and consumers (the 3C’s). We will ALL conduct research to understand these 3 entities.
Each department will research a different aspect of the target market. Each department will develop a
research report and relate orally their most important findings to the class. The findings of these
reports will form the basis for understanding the objectives of the campaign we are to develop.
Phase II: Campaign Brainstorming & Creative Testing
During Phase II, we will use the research from phase one to brainstorm about the overall
campaign and BIG IDEA. All members of the class will be involved in this brainstorming effort and
there will be a BIG IDEA “Friendly” Competition among the Departments to determine which concepts
are tested.
Phase III: Campaign Strategy and Pitch to Client
Obtaining approval of a Creative Brief will be a critical milestone for this stage.
As the campaign ideas take shape and become fleshed out, each function and the agency as a whole
will develop a Creative Brief and Creative Brief Presentation that captures their ideas. Students will
also meet with the client/EVP to pitch their ideas and obtain approval. While the presentation is a
formal one, emphasis should be placed on content (not managing every idiosyncratic detail of the
presentation) and should allow the client the opportunity to provide feedback.
Phase IV: Campaign Development & Implementation
Having gained client approval, we will then follow through with our plans; develop ads and buy media
space, promote our plans, write press releases to encourage press coverage of the campaign, find
donors, execute all details associated with the campaign, track dollars spent, etc.
Phase V: Campaign Evaluation & Final Plan Book/Presentation to Client
After the event and through the end of the semester, the agency will conduct research to assess the
success of the campaign.
The agency will summarize the entire campaign into a Final Plans Book and make a final presentation
to the Client that details the campaign and its success to the client. Client Evaluations will follow.
As you can see, this class involves tremendous responsibility (managing money, clients, developing something
of real value to the client) and considerable work. Total agency and team effort is required at each and every
phase. However, the payoffs are great and take the form of:
Real world knowledge and experience
The opportunity to develop a portfolio and impress potential employers
Greater teamwork skills
Enhanced written and oral communication skills
Great fun
Most assignments are Department based, but your peers will evaluate your contribution after each key milestone.
These evaluations will determine the individual grade you receive for each agency milestone, pending team
members’ consistency and rationale, subject to my approval.
Agency Department Key Milestones (GROUP ASSIGNMENTS): (60%)
Pre-Campaign Research (10%)
Creative Brief and Marketing Strategy Presentation to Client (15%)
Campaign development and execution (20%)
Post-Campaign Evaluation and completion of EdVenture Partners On-Line Reports (5%)
Final Plan Book & Presentation (10%)
Accountability and the Peer Evaluation Process
A Peer Evaluation Process occurs for 3 key milestones in the campaign (Campaign Brief/MSM, Campaign
Development & Execution, and Post Campaign Evaluation/Final Plans Book & Presentation). The process is put
into place to insure all members are contributing fairly. The evaluation form is attached and is completed via
Blackboard into my drop box for confidentiality. To insure proper team communication is occurring on a regular
basis, Internal Team Peer Evals will be completed during class after Research/Campaign Brainstorming
milestones are completed to provide an initial warning to team members if they are not meeting team
expectations. This way, team members have a chance to change and are also not surprised when formal
evaluations impact their grade.
Group members will formally evaluate other members’ quantity and quality of contributions (not their own) after key
milestones. If group evaluations are consistently below 100% and team members have strong rationale, then the
average of the members’ feedback will be used to determine the conversion from team grade to individual grade
for that milestone and member, based on final approval by me. Team grades will be converted to individual
grades based on the following scale:
Team Evaluation
70% or less
Conversion from Team to Individual Grade
-25% & Meeting with Professor is Required
For example, if the team scores 90% for an agency milestone, but the peer evaluations for a team member
average to 92%, then the member’s grade would be converted to 85% (90%-5% penalty). Any changes to your
grade based on the peer evaluation process will be communicated to you via email.
To facilitate the timely completion and confidentiality of this process, the Peer Evaluation forms will be completed
via Blackboard and uploaded to a specific drop box for that milestone. Peer Evals are due based on the Weekly
Class Schedule document and are a CLASS REQUIREMENT. If you miss this class deadline, YOUR grade
for that phase of the group project will be penalized 1% per day until I receive a completed peer evaluation
form because you are delaying your entire team’s grades.
Because the campaign workload is difficult to evenly divide, you may be requested to assist other departments
with their deliverables. If so, please note these on your accomplishments form. Remember, we all succeed or fail
as one agency and this is part of the learning experience.
Account Coordinators’ Peer Evaluation Process
Since the AC’s do not function within a team, their peer evaluations will come from the Department Heads they
support after each key milestone. In other words, it will be an “upward” evaluation process. AC’s will be required
to complete the “My Accomplishments” form for each milestone.
Individual Performance: (40%)
Pre-Campaign Primary Research (5%)
Post-Campaign Primary Research (5%)
Campaign Idea Paper (10%)
Quiz on EdVenture Partners Program Guide and CHEVROLET Client Information (10%)
Class Participation (10%)
Class Participation = 10%
Because each class is an agency meeting, is it mandatory to attend class regularly to participate in the
campaign process and to support your Department. Participation will be measured FOR EACH AND
EVERY FORMAL CLASS during the semester and for campaign events.
There aren’t any excused absences, unless school sponsored events such as course field trips, NCAA
events, or scholarly competitions demand it. Although I understand the priority of being employed, job
interviews are not excused absences because they can be scheduled during your free time. BEFORE
you are absent, submit exceptions to me in writing from the relevant University authority. Exceptions are
only approved by me.
Here’s how you will be graded:
Participation Requirements/semester
Points awarded
2 or less
3 absences
4 absences
5-6 absences, reprimand #1
6+ absences, reprimand #2, and
therefore fail the class
NOT registering on the EVP site by the class deadline counts as a class absence.
Key Client and Campaign Event participation is required; if not fulfilled, this counts as 2 absences.
You are responsible for everything due or communicated in class on that day whether you attend or not.
Guidelines for ALL Assignments:
1. All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Assignments received after the due
date will be penalized 10% per day late, unless a prior exception was made by me. If you are absent on
the day an assignment is due, you can email it to me PRIOR to the start of class.
2. All assignments need to be professional looking—something you would be proud to show to an employer.
The title of the assignment, course name, and your name(s) should appear on a title page (not counted as
a page).
3. An unexcused, late assignment exceeding 3 days will not be accepted.
Grading and Student Deliverables:
The Department of Marketing follows the grading policy of the Marshall School of Business. For this
elective course, the grading standard is an average of 3.3 or a B+ average. Additionally, there are 3
other factors for final grades:
1. Your average weighted score as a percentage of the available points.
2. The overall average percentage score within the class.
3. Your ranking among students in the class.
Event Attendance:
Attendance and participation pre, during, post event is REQUIRED even if it conflicts with other classes;
ANY exceptions must be submitted and approved by Professor ONLY BEFORE Spring Break; Event
Attire Required.
Professor Wilbur will request an excused absence from your other professors, if needed, assuming you provide
her with requested information. It is your responsibility to assure your attendance record in any other conflicting
classes on the day of the event DOES NOT preclude you from fully participating in the event.
Promotions, Transfers, Reprimands, or Firings:
As is true of work within a real agency, agency members of the agency at any level can be promoted, transferred,
reprimanded, and in extreme cases fired. The following process will be in place to facilitate any of the actions.
Promotions are based on performance appraisals described earlier.
The Department Director can request a promotion to Assistant Director or other positions for an individual team
member any time after the 4th week of class until Spring Break based on outstanding contribution and leadership
with a Department. To do this, the Director should send a written request to the CEO and support the promotion
request with key rationale. The CEO will respond and promotions will be announced in class.
Members (but not Team leaders) of any team may request a transfer during the second month of class.
Requesting a transfer will have no effect on the evaluation of the person requesting a transfer. However, a Team
leader who has excessive requests for transfer may (but not necessarily will) be negatively evaluated, as this can
be a signal of low morale in his/her function. An employee requesting a transfer to another function must:
 Submit his/her request in writing to the CEO (professor), ACs or to the Team leader of the function s/he is
currently in and to the Team leader of function to which s/he wants to transfer.
 The request must articulate the specific reason(s) why s/he is requesting the transfer.
 All transfers will be considered and approved/disapproved jointly by the CEO (professor), the AC (s), and
both function Team leaders. However, a transfer does not need unanimous consent to be approved.
Any team member (including the Department and Agency leader) may receive reprimands by team members,
Dept. leaders, AC, or the CEO. The reprimand process is not only top down. A team member, for example, can
reprimand a Team leader. All reprimands must be documented and reported in writing to the CEO. The CEO will
determine whether the reprimand will be part of the function member’s permanent file. If the reprimand becomes
part of the team member’s permanent file it will be considered in the final evaluation of the team member’s
Any member of the agency who has 2 or more reprimands in his/her permanent file may be fired. Anyone who is
fired will receive a zero for the department portions of his or her grade (55% of total grade) and will fail the
class. This has never happened in the past as we have had very motivated and highly committed class members.
Academic Integrity:
Students are expected to adhere to the standards of academic integrity that govern students registered at USC.
The use of unauthorized material, plagiarism, failure to cite relevant work, communication with fellow students
during an examination, attempting to benefit from the work of another student, and similar behavior that defeats
the intent of an examination or other class work is unacceptable to the University. Where a clear violation has
occurred, the professor may disqualify the student’s work as unacceptable and assign a failing mark on the paper.
Pass/No Pass Option
Due to the high demand for Marketing courses, this option is NOT available at this time.
Retention Policy:
Returned paperwork, unclaimed by a student, will be discarded after 4 weeks and hence, will NOT be available
should a grade appeal be pursued by a student following receipt of his/her course grade.
Students with Disabilities:
Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability
services and Programs (DSP). Please be sure the letter is delivered to me by Jan. 30th. DSP is located in STU
301 and is open 8:30-5:00 pm, M-F. Their phone number is 213-740-0776.
Course Advisory:
Students need to be flexible and open to the learning process. Additional readings and/or assignments may be
added at the discretion of the professor. Furthermore, unforeseen circumstances may arise which mandate
changes in the content of the course.